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To Towo, Treasursrs We are ready to. fill all orders for Tax Receipts. just pj-inted on good paper. - Send in your orders. Argus Ojfioe, Nov. 25, 186% Postoffice Not;oe. Mail living Ann Arbor for'the Eat und West.closiO. ac follows : Goinp West, at 9 A.M. Going Eaat, at - ... 5.40 p. m. K. B- Ftr the aecommodatiou of busincu men a-mail will be made np for the New York Expri'BsTrnin, Enst, closingai 3.20 P. M. OiBee open Sunday. from 9L to 10 A. M. JOHN I. THOMPSON, P.M. Hl DES, Hl DES. ' The highest market prioe. paid for all kind of r' PELTS Sc PUB8J I shal) vist different localities in thia county the com ing winte'-. and wil j.ay the BISHB8T MARKET PRICE IK CASH For all kind of Hides aod. Furs. I nhill be ia thu city every Saturüay. ANSEI-. GREEN. Aun Arbor Nov 2" 1862. lro88O O. ZjI8 Would take tliis metbod of nformiiif his ld friendi and patrODfl nnd all othprs whn nay fuvor hitn witb their patronage, that he has greatly en'.arged bin Stock and Assortment ! and baving adopted the CASH SYSTEM BOTH IN BDTING &8RLlHfó la prepare.! tp. sell Gooils at Hoasoiia' ble PrioeS, llis stock cooslstsTïi part ol the FollovlDK g, AMERICAN AND OTHER PJÉk. Watches! ééHl J The ceiebr:itei "fiirït SETHTHOMAS ULOÜK8! Fine Jewelry Settai GOLD CIÍAINS, TABLE ANE POCKET CUTLEltY ! FaiotSj Slicarft, Scissors an'l Brihes, BOQÉRS PLATÜD WAJtE, th bent n mkij, öold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAI'ER and EN'VEI-OPES, Musical Instruments, Strings f Books for Instruments, SPECT aCIjBS, of Qold, SUver, Steel, ar.d Plaicd, vith PERISCOPIO GLASS, a sup.erip artille Persona Itaving flifficult watches to fit with g]asa eau be a.Lco;iod.iited) ns iy s(ock b lare'an complete. P. S. Particular attention to ilio H:r A It I XX Gr of all kinds of fine Watches, such as Making and Setting new Jewelsj jPtniOR, Siflffê, and Cylinderê, Aiso peatly rfp.iircil :;.nd Yurrantcd, at hi old stand et &ide í f -Muii Street. C, BLISS. Ann rbo:, Not. 15, lSa 826tt rIHÈ KOOT.S AXD THE LE.WE3. WILL bc for th Healii.g of thu atiou8. BMc. Prof. n. s: xYoixrs, TUK GIUÍAT AN'I) OELEBRATBD l'HYSK'l N of the THBOATjLONGS. IIKART, LlVlUt AN1) THE BLOOD, Kriijwn all over the country as the CEL&nRATET,. INDIAN HEKB DOOTORi Ol' '$ Supeiior Street, (Jlevelfinü, Otiio. Will visit the following placen, víí API'OINTMENTSFOR I8tí, 1863aad 164. Prof R. J. LyoDn can be consultad at the fnllowing plftOCI evcy nintitli. viz: Detroit, Kusst'l Bouko, each month, 18th and 19th. Ann .Arbur, Mouitor House, each immih, 2,0 ih. Jacson, hibbard House, vaph monthj -1. Ailrian, BracKet House, each moïih -1 ftndJ3di. loledo, Qhiu, Cülhns Iiüuse,each'month, 2Uh, 35th, and 28th . HHIadale, Mbh. , HilUdale ponse, each month, 27th. Coldwïiter, Mich.. tioutheru Michigan House, each mor,! h , SjStli. f:ikliart. Kiktmrt House, each inonth,29th. South lïend, lod , St. Jo. Hotel, each month, 30. LapnrlO, tad., Tce Garden House, ewch month 31st. Woester, Ohio, CranJell Kxchansre, each month. 7th and 8i h. Maiihiitld. Qhfo, Wiler House, each raonth, 9th una lüih. Mt. Vernon, Kenyon Uouse, eacb nionth, th ind ïath. Nc-iviirk, Ohio. Ilulton House, each month, 13th and Hth, PaisesTille, Ohii, Cowles House, ench uiontb, 2d. rLKVILANI), OHIO. REfUltENCK AND OFFICE, 282 SUPEtf JÜR STREET, Bast of tlie public square, opposite the I'ostoínee. Office daj.s each month, lt, 3d. 4ïU, 5th, ütht 15th.- Office hours from 9 A. . to V ftf . and From 2 P. M. to 4 i'. M. On Sunday f rom 9 to 10 A. M-, and 1 to 3 1. M. JKP Mi itimmlilullji adhered to- I nive sut-h balín as hare no strife, Wuh nat u or the la "'s of !ife, With blood iny hands I never stain, Nor potson mea toease thcir pain. lic ü a jthyskian indeed, vaho Cures. ■ The Inilian Hcr Doctor, B. J. LYONS, cures tb.e fq!lowini; compiaints in the most obstinate siogesof tlieir c,ist' D06, I iz: Dlseasen of the Thr'at, Lungs, Heart, I.iver, Stomach , l'r !()$_) in the Chcst, Kheuinatisj, Neuralgia, f'ití, or FjiIlingSickne5s,anl all qthur nervous 'lerangenifntft. A)so ají l i set üp "i o f the b.lood, such as Scrofula, Erysipelas, Cflnser.s, fever dores, Leprosy, and all other complicated chruuic complatnts. All forms of female difticulties atiended to with the hppit rt'SUltS. It i-; lioped that no one wïll despair of a cllfe, until thejr hftTQ civea th4 IndUn Herb i)íctor'8 Medicines a fair and faitbful trial. $3-UiiriDg the Doctor't traTela in Europa, West Indïes, South America, and the United Staies, he Las been the Insirumeat i God's hand. t o restore to health and vigor ilutusans who uvie nivc up and pron:iuncot incurable oy ihe mo'it eminent uld school pwyit-i.His; nay, .more, thousands who we re on tlivi voiv ot t'lt" grATe. are now living to the Indisii Herb'a Doctor' skiir'aní siicessful trpijtment , rmd are daily exctitiming: "yieR gèo beihêday wncn örst we fiaw and partook of tB IndianHerb Uocior's medicine." ."ftftsr'tctory roferenecsdf c.iref will bo gldj aod cheerftfUJ Klví'1M1henevftr refjuired. lic Poolor pledges his word and honor, that he will Tj no wise, directly or indircctly, induce or cause an Invalld to takc his medicine without the strongest proyabílity oi a diñó. &g Mode of oxamination, which is entirftly different from the facultj. fir. Lyon profosees to discern di' neascK by the cje. He thertiore asks noquestionn, nor dooahe requln patiënte (o ex p tai o Rymptoms. Cali duf i and all, nul have thesymptmns and location of your I diseftse. uplained f ree of charge. irïï-Tne p'ftor phall bc liberally considered. '1l,-v!aa!.Ohio.Mo'-. .'■■.- inPJ I


Old News
Michigan Argus