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DO YOU MANT WIIISKERS' DO y OU Wát TA MOISTACHE i If so, parchase one bottbiof fi,E. Ciiariipion' EXCELSIOF iríVIGORATOR [ The world reuowned toii tbe orly nrtíclc of the kl&4 evèroïered the pcoüle oí the Ünited r Tiw i.i1 article is the only one mitd ij thü Frfeuci); 11. J.cs.'ic: and Pari it ia in unirers&I u. the excelsior WHISKER IXVIUORATOR! 18 a Beautiful, Keoflomlcnl, Sootblng, yet St'muiRtig. Compound, acting as if by migíc upou th root, eau " iiiK beautitul growOi oi' LttXuriftot hean! . W np liel. to tbe Seal?, it will cure Baldness, nnd if apflied according to direcíioiiK, it wil! caui-e t'i spring up ih baJd apota a fine grwth oí soft fkïüh haip. The Ceitibratífd EXCELSIOR IN VIGOR .TOR I3 an indispensable Article in evtry Gentleman's Toilot aad after one week'a use tbey wouW not, íorany comid-, eration, be u'ith-mt it. The above ftricle will, in front ] rvjr to lvght Weeks, bring oal a tliicti set of Whiski I or -VOCSTAOHK. TK'-i sLibacribor3 nre the only Agenta fpi the ftbof M ticle In t!e UniH'd State!. Tbey wou'i alao announcq to tho publio that xhtj areag-sntsfot Napoleoa's Hedr oilet! The only ai tic 'e '"■"■ oEferfd to the Ftsnoh people that would Ct'KL sm.'IGHT ÖASt ! the r.bove toilet beinp mani ufactured for tlie ''le bn_-v5t 'j Louis X, q!e.on I ivLich article a no IndispO'wM in llis T"!et rj m. The subscribe Kelin consent that this Toilet must necessnrily tikt the place of llotlier ever offired t thepublic",they take pleasur"n resi-ing their conidence in the article, gaining tfim prïïtica! uxe. THE NAPOLEON II AIR TOILET Wiïl Ccrj. Straight Haïti in .aoft, Silken, Flowine uj1, .hat wjll veaata in sliape for one day or on week ff #- sired, or tny locgwr pertod, if the directiona fire atrictif followefl y rt-hich are very simple and oasj . Tlii-i Hair Toilst does not iu any mannenntrfere with the Natural Suf In s a nf the fair. It neither scorch Kordyes it j ; but ' givoa he luir a soft, thrifty appearKDQC. It aiso preveata the bair fr-m falling oü and turninggray. THEHAPOLEON HAIR TOILET Has beon beforethe pubí'c but a ah. rtiime, and bas alreariy been tested '' by nVer oric'Miousand persons I and tht"v testify thaï the Vnp'Jeoa Hair Toilet is the great ostBeutitier ver('iTred to vhe Arñericun people. To prevent thia Toilet 'rom bein 'cóiirilfrfeited or imitated by unpr'ncipled persons, we do nOl uffsrít for sale at any I'ruggits 'n the Unltfl tntes. inTeforc any Lady or tientlrman who desirea Boft, Iu$jinfts1 Hair andCurls.anrl Lon, Whiskers or Mou?.tac,",?, can procure the Inriaorator or Toilet, eithef mif.fot one Spllap oncloaed in a letter, W'tli thtir addres. A(ldreaa, G.F. SPEXY&CO., Box lfc3,ColHnsviUe, Hartford Co. , Conn _Anl it, willbe carpfully sent bvrfturn mail DU. IIOUFLAND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL, For the Rpeedy cure of Coughs, Colds, Influenza, ("wup, Hoarsenêti, Bronchitis Pneumonía, Dise$s$s oflht Boy;f,h, arixing from Cold, Incipient Cotsumpt'on.atid for the relief and {if at all posxibie) cure of I'atients i;i admnctd stages of ths latter aisease. rpHEBalsamic Cordi;il is entirely a Vegetable prodafl,. 1 tion, combining t!ie heaiing nopertiea oi the Balsam, with the fnvTgorating qualitfes of a Cordial, producinga combniiit un so well adaptt-d to the purpoaes intended, that there ar;1 but few case of disease which" wiU'fl'ot, at an early periud, succumb to its healingandf life givifig properties. Foruges,has the treatment of pulmonary diaeoaci occuped the greater jiortion of ihe attention of th acientific of the medical woild, but none acqutred mor eminence in hi-s t rea traent Bof these diseasy, tlian tb celiïbratcl Prussian. lr. llooflapd, the orignatni of tb Ba!saoiic Cordial. Hialifevüs devoted to the productioh of remedies that wou ld stand unrivalled. How well fio has succeeded, the American people are ahle to judge; apü we poUively assert, thaf no preparatioDa that hare ever been placed b?f'ore thém, have conferred the Rame aqi+nt of bene"its on sutiering humanity, or have elicited so many commendalions lyorn allclafises of society, as theremedies of Dr, Hoofland, prepared by Dr. C. MJadtson íCCo., of Philiiclelpia'. . The Cordial designed for a olaqá of diseases more genoraJ and moielatal tbjin auy other io vrhich the people of this country ne subject-thoso spiinging frora a "slight co'd." That eminent authorily. Dr. Mull.Eays, '! will notsay that Cokia are to óur inhaYituDts what the Plague and Ytllow Fivcr are tQ thono ol othor countries; but I can nver confidently that thej uaher in disease of greriter Jcoroplicity acd mortality than theselatter." Entifely Vegetable, No AlcoJioUc freparation, DR. HJOFLAND'S CKIEÜRATED GERMÁN BITTERS Prepared by DR. M. JACKSON & CO., PhiUdelphia, Pa. Will effectually cure LJVEK C0HPLAINT. DYSPEPSTAt J Aö ]{I1)ICC} Chionic or Neivous DebÜHy, Diseasesof the Kidneys, and all diseasea ariaing trom a disordsreá Liver vt títonmeh. Such as Con.-aipatinn. Inward Pilea, Fulness or Blood to tliií Hear, Ac'dity of the Stümacli, Xausea, Ueartburn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or weight D the StomöcU.fcour ríructutiour , Zinking qr lutterlngat the Pit of the Htumacb, swimming of the Heud, lprried and Difficult Biathing Flu '-tering at the Heart, Choking or SuÖocftting senbatl'siu whén in a lying joature, Dimi ness of Vision. Dots of web,s beforethe sight, Ft ver and DuU Pain in the lleud, l'cticiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of tbekin and lEjea, Pain in the tíile, Baclí, Cbcat, Lirnb.-, fcc. Sudden Flusbcsof Heat, Burningia the tiesb, CVn'ai't imaginicgs of evil, and great Depri'ssiocs of Spirits, m:d drill pnsitively prevect TELLOW fEVKR, mi.LHïU FKVLR, ko. The Proprieiur in calling the at'ention of the public to this preparaHon, doei bo with a cf tiic.utmoBt confidencein iti v!i'uep in adaotation to the diseasea lor wtaich it is recorjraendef] Itisnonew and untried article, but on-ï that bas stood the test of a twelve years' trial before the Ameri ican pi'ople,und its reputation and saie are unrivalle by any sijnilar preparatioas extant. Tbe testim,dny in its iavorgiven by the most prominent and well-known Physicians and individu: lh in all patpof the country ia immense, t.nd a car ful perufalyt the Alroanac, publishedannually by tbe Proprietons, and lo be had gratit of any of their Agenis. cannot out Hatisfy the moit nkepticc'. thRtth:s remedy la vUy deserving the gjrea i celabrily it hasobtaiued Henil the JEvUïenr- ■ Trom J. Newton Brmcn V. A . Editor of the Eriqdoptdi uf RiiligiouR KTWWÏdge. ; Although notdisposed to fa ver or recommnd Pateot Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingre, dients und cliict.I yet knuw oi do sufficient reason why ' airan in a y not tttify to the benefit he believes himaolf to have received trom any -simple preparaticn. iu the h.ipe that h may thus cuntnbute to the benefit of ' others. Idothisthe more readily in regard to c[IToofland' Germán Bitters," prepared by Dr C M. Jackson, ol thii,. city, because I was prejudiced ngainst them for years tinder the impresMon thit they were chiefly an alcooW ie mixture. 1 am indobted to myfriend Robert Shoe.-. ranker, Ksq..for theremoval of this prpjudice by proper, tests, and for encourafreniuntto try them, whwi sufféir ing f rom great i;i;3 louc cnntin"_ed debilify. Th gjti o , three hottletí of those Bitters, at the bstian.iag tt iha present vea r, was folio wel by evident relief, aad restoration tüa dtgree í bodily and menttvl vigor which I Ijad uot feit forsixrannths before, and had nlniost despiiirod of rejr.ilniog. I therefnrethank God and my frier.d fo directingmeto the use of them. X N'EWTOJf BïiOWXRead what the eminent GIsa Mjaaufaetiirsr., J.ftUX H. WHITALI., says of th& BAtSAMIC CORDÍiÍs Dr. C M. Jackso.v- Respected Frjnd: Haring for a lonp 'ime beenacqainted wih the Tirtues of thy Balsamic Cordial in Coa hs. CcJdü,, Inflamtatioja of the Lungs, tVc, I thus frcely bar tost'mony to its efficacy. For scveralyear.s I hav mvêr been without it in my family It ulsogivea pliAaure o that I have used it withentire suoc?s in the treatment of 3owel Complaint. Thy friead tralv. JGHX M. WniTALL, Fifth Mo. !T, 1553, Raj:e Street, above 4th, Phila. Thcïe medicines fue for-sale by all respectable Drujtj?ists nnd dcaieis in nied'cines in the United States, British Provinces, and "f cents per bottle - Be tureandgéi tne gsmine, with the signa ture oí C. M. JMIKSOM ca) th wrappeT ot each bottle; all others+irc cnwiterfeit El nAipal(ínce and Manufactory, 418 Ar(!h Street, Phiiadslphia, Pa. 820yl - 60000 MAaLoE srEFLIMALE AgeüU LLOYD'S ÍÍEW STEEL PLaTE COÜNTY COLORED MAP OF THE UMTKD STATÏS, CAÑADAS, A.VD NEW DRÜNSWIOK. t From recent survtys, complcte.1 Aue. 10, ; coat $:0,000 lo enginve itam) nijar'l timSuperior to any $!0 m ipevermaileby Colton or Mitrhell, andseü.i nttK-low firtc of flfty cenu; S70.OCO ñames are engravej on tLis aiap. Itis notuoly a Couaty Map, but it U &1O a 6OÜHIÏ AND RAiyiOAD HAP of the United States anA Canudas conUíinei! in EVEBY RAILKOAD STA1ION e and digtanees between. 11 Gaurantee any wnman or man S! to Í5 fir day, and 11 will take back all that cunnot Uo sold and rffund tho raouey. Sjnd for $1 wortll to try. ': Piinted Iustructionshow to oanvasB wpil, furniibfj( all our agen'f". 0 Wholesale Agenta for ouv Mi p o wr Ftate, California, Giniiila, Knglar.d. Fninoe ani Cuba, A fortune m y be mado -ih a few Uuudied dollar ' capital. No ComfttÜMn. 1 J. T. U.QÏ1J, No. 16' Brodway, Xuïi Vorl(, The WarDepartm'-nt mea our Map of Virginia, Matyy land, anrt l'ennylvaBa. est 8100,000, on niiich i ,' mrkedABtietin&-ek.Stoarpiurt,Williami!rortrMTj'1 i Khor.riville,'s Ford, and all othevs onthcPotom:io, anievery place in Maiyland. Virg'nia, and FinDsylvania, or money rt'fundpd. LLOYD'S " TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP OF RENTUCpVi U OHIO, LNPIAHA, and ILLINOIS. , istheonly authority for On. Hüf.ll .i-d tlie War fjepartment. Mnney refundid to any one ünding au eripr Tin it. Prioe 50 cents. Froni theTrltoM Aug. S. 'I "I.I.OYn'S MAP OF VIK'ÜNIA, .MARYI.AJID AXTI Pi' NN'YJ.VANiA - Ihi-i M;uisvfTv larpe ; it cost in ie but 85 cent, aad U istlcbczt whirh can be jmrchaiei," I.LQYD'S(BEATMAPOl TflK MISSISPIPPI JJiypB- From Actual Survpys by Capta. Bart and Wm. Dowen, MIaaiafppiiver Pilots of St. Louis Mo., toyit overj man's plantntiou and ovnor"s farm frnra Ft. 1 nuia to tue tíulf of .Meiicol o50 miles- evory an-i bar, Island, tnun, landing, and all placeR 'io linies bad; (midi tbe river, colorid incoualrí.aadtiícK Price. il in hrets. il, pocket form, and"S2,S0 on linnen, 'vitb tolkr. Pept. 20. Navt r)Ej.tBTMf?T, IVafbixotox "e& 17, 1LJÏ. J T. I.l&vd- Slrt Send m tou' Map of the HMIBippi hiver.with piles pfr humlrod copies. Reiir-A'lmirl f.'haj-le H. Onvis, cumnnnóinK 'be M(íc-'ippl svnidron is authoriïfd io jmrcliRe as many aa artjrequired for the usi' of tiint sqnadrnn . 872w3 GIDEoV WFXLÏS, Secr jtary of thf -aT. T)n=OTS wliowltiTf huyn rir.rtr, of thebes oiiVrn 1 willbo6bnwi-.liowthoyc.iDi.nvea ha'l'.R n rl C. tb nurcbifelf t.ey adiírís Pus", ctr JoT,' r3 "■-■■ TrF O. 8"lV


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