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PRINTING -- ; Neatly Executed AT THE ARGÜS OFFICE. , I WE ARE PREPARED TO FILL ALL j ORDERS IN THE LINE OF P R I N T I N G : AT THE MOST - REASONABLE BATES. VT hare reeently purohased ft BTTGOLES I ROTARY CARD PRESS, , i and nare added th lntst etylc of Card Type, whioh enablea us to print INVITAÏION CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, V1S1TING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. in the neatest stylea, and as eheap a any other house in the State. We aro alo yrepared to print POSTERS, IIANDBILLS, BLANK8, BILL HEADS,) CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS &c, BOOK BINDERY itia churg of a FIRST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And ilanufnoturcd in bkst sttle at' New York Prices, Periodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Re-Bound. All Work warranted to give entire satisfaction. E. B. POND, Prop'r. Ofiice and Bindery, cor. Mnin A Hurón Sta. THE GR E AT CAUSE OF HUMAN MfiSERY! Just Publishedf in a Sealed Envelope, Friet Six Centê. A Ï.ECTURE BY Dm . UULVKKWELL, ON T71R CAUSE AND CUKB of Spermatorrhcea( .Vnumption, Mental and l'hysical Debility , Nervoui-ness, Kpilcpy, lm mi rei Nutritiim ot' tlü'JHoily, Oanltudd, Wcakncs of thel,imhg anti tho Hauk, btdUpotitloq and Incayacity tostudy aad Ijibor, Pullness of Apprehonsion, ixmn of 'eniury, Ateraton to Socioty , Love of Solltude, Timidity, Self DIbtrust, Dizziniiss, Headaclio, AlTections of the Étm, Pim plo-i 'n tho Kace, Iuvoluntary Kmissions, and Sexual In capaoit tho Con(.iqufnc of Youthful Indiscrctioc, ke. tot, Tliis admirr.ble Lecturo cloariy prores tliat the above enumera ted, ofien sell-alU iet i i'vils. may be removed without dan'ifirons sorglcal operations, and shuiiM be read byevory youth aod every man in the land. Sftnl under oal, (n a plain onvelopeto anv address, on the receiptof bix cents, ur two postagc Btanip8,by addreBsing, II R. CHAS. J. C. KI.IXE, 127 Rowery, New York, Tost Office Box ,4586 WILLIAM ACTON. GIT Y BILL POSTER. Orders left at the Argua Office t promptly attended to. NOTIOErjMÏF. AKNITAI nieeting of the Germán FarmerB' Fire 1 Tnsuranco Company wíll be held at tlie huuse of Jolm Kocb, Lodi, Dec.l, 1862, at lOo'clock, A. M. JOHN KOCH, 8ccy. I.o'l!, N0T,8th,18"2.


Old News
Michigan Argus