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SpJüp & MIL LEU A RESTII.I. OXIIANDat Uii'iroM Stnti.I, No. 2, Franklin Block, with tliemost complete aosortinent of Books and Stationcry, PERFUMEKIES, FANCY GÜODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, HADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNTCES, CURTAINS. IIOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in this Marfcet ! anti they would suggest totbose In puvuUcf;uijíhin_'in SANTA CL A US' LINE tïiat they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purr.ha8inL frmn thisslnck, as enoh purchaner getf au additfonal present ot" Jcwclry, itc. , Ranging invalue trom 50 ets. to $50. DS Tlicytrust that tbeïriong oxperipnco in sfloctinj; ■this market(and .strict atu-nímn tu the w;uii of Cu.-tomersj muy entitle tbfin to a liberal share u Patronage, Anu Arbor,Dec. 5. 1860 777tf L!FE IJYSUliANCK. The Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company. Accumulated Capital, - $3,500,000. WILLINSURE LÏVES (br any amonnt oot excei SlO.ftOü'.;: the ffholo vm ol'Life orfur a term of years, on íheraost favorable toims. N, B. The Company ia purcly mutual anl tbc policy hoWers (?et all thf surpluft ovv tho exact cost of Insurance It accomodates the insnred in tii1 stt]imont of their premi unís ON LIFE POJUOIES, il destred, by taklog a note tor o&e half the amOunt; bearing interWE at six percent, per aunuin. Dividends are Dedared Annually! and elnce théy now ajnonnt to PD#V peï cent en the premiuin. Qasfa an.l nut1, and are íncreasÍDg they maj be applied to cancf'l Uu notes. fLjf The raUís t priuiums arcaslow as any other reBponslble Compuiy and Iftrge accumulatea fund of $3,500,000 is sccuroly Uuteeted, fis niay Itt' Beeo bj refi i ence to the statement male aceonlinp tu law, on file in theoüiceofthe County Ann Arbor.HSft JAMES GÜODWIN', Prest. GuyR.,Secy. ForpaxticnlatBpplyto JAMB9 f'. WATSON, 763yl Agent at Ann Arbor, Mich. Great Reduction in the Price of SINGER & CO.'S Standard Machines . Well known to be the Best for Manufacturing Purposes. No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, fornierly sold at S90, reduced to 70. No. 2, of same kind of Machino, for merly sold at 100, reduced to $75. STNGER'S LETTER A MACHINE Is the best Machine in the world for Family Se w ing and Líghi Manufacturing Purposes : (tcith Hemmer,) and WiLutifullv ornamented $50. The N'os. 1 and 2 Machines aro of great capacity and anpncation For manufacturin? parpóme. OurNo. ' Machines are especiaUy udaptcd toall kinds of light and henvy Lmfhei SFork, in Carnaje Triinniing, Boot and Shoe Makt tig, Harneas Míkn:j.frtc.,etc. They areof extra sizc, and with an arm long enongh to cake under it aiul Btttcb the largeitt Isize dashfia. There is scurcely any part of a Trimmers' siitehing that cannot be belt er done witb. them than by band ; so, too, thé savini of time and labor is very great. Thctablcof theee machine is 24 inches Long, and the shattle will h]il sis timesths usual quantityV' tliread. Thclarge mncliine wörks ha fn.-ítas small ones. We would ask for our Ijcttcr A Machines, tho specialattention of Vest Makers and Drsa Uakersand all those who want Machines f b light man ufacturing pur. poses. They embody tbc prülcii'left of the standard machines, makfng líkothem. theiaterloeked sitch, a ml (U'Htim:il to bi.' as celebra ted fr Faitilï Skwi.vq ard light manufacturing purpoKes afiour standard maihii:i;s are for inanufucLuriii.t; purpeses in geuoritl. We have aiwayson hand, hkmmini; oArcBRftiLK twist UNEN ANK COrrOS TURKAD, OM SI'OOLÖ, IIEST MACHINK 011. Ín boUlen,etc., et. We DMOttfacture our own Xecdles, and would warn all peruous tising our machines not to buy any othors . We know that there are needies sold of thé most inferior quality at higïier prices than we charge for the best. The necdles oíd byna are Tnanufactared special'y for onr UM htoea. A bad needie ma y rendir the beul machine almost utelese. Uur customers m.ay rest aísnred thatnl. our lí ranch OflicL's are furnished with the genuine acticle." In case of small pnrehaseSj the money Tntiy bü sent in potage stamp.-, or bank notes. Correspondentfl will picase write thelr names distinctly. lt is all iiiportiint that we slunild, ineachease, know Post Office Ccmiity. and State. JÖÉ5 AH persons reqníiing information about SeWtíg Machines, thyir hízü, piicos, irorklag CapaotUes, a&d the best methods of pmchasinfi, canobuin it by .sundiug to us, or any of our Brauch Offloes tor a copy nf I. M. Singer & CoAs Gazette, Which is a beaüttfal Tictorial I'aper efitiroly devotedto the subjoct- It will besejit gratie. ttS" We havo made the abuve REDÜCTIOK TN PRTCES with the two-fold view of heneliting the public and ourselves, The public have been swindled by sparloufl maobtnu made in iinitation of ours. nx-tul in them, fililí the tros casting to tho smallestpeice.isot poor quiUty. Their makers have not the means to do their work They aro hid away in secret places, where it would be impossible to have at their coinmand the proper mechanical ajipliances. It is only by doing a groat business, and havin'extensive manufacturinji efltabliflh menta, that (rood machine can be made at moderat prices. The best de.signed machines, BADI.Y MAPK, are always liable to get out of order, and aresure lo cost considerablo trouble and money to keep them In repalre The qualitiea to be looked for ín a Machine are : certainty of correct action at all rato.H of npeecl, flfmplicity of c'Mistructidn, great durabiliiy, andrapidJty of operation, with the líant labor. Muchines to combine these MMOtia) qualitics, Jmust be made of the bet metal and finished to perfeotlon. We havo the way and ineans,on ;i "i :iinl (f cale, to do this. Thppurchasoi-H nf machines, whosedaily bread itmay concern, will find that tb om1 havÏBgthe abovequalities not only work well % rapid us weH as 6ÏOW speed ,pmt last longor ín thn Snefft possfble work ing order, Our machines, as made by us, will earn mone; with leus labor than any othora whethrr in inutation of oursor not. Infact, tliey arecheaner than anyother machines as a gift. I. M. JÍNOBR & CO., 40S Broadway New York. #3" Detroit Office, 58 Woodward Avenue, (Merrill Block.) Blltf M. IL GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. BOOTS SHOES MOüEE & LOOMIS Aro now rcceiving a largo asportment of Boots and Shoe ;i i.l !R. TJ IB B E IB, S 1 Which thoy f ropOüo to scll 50 per en below former prices for cash. ilen's good Kip Boots, frora $1,50 to $3,00 Men's good Thick Boots, frora 2,00 to 3,00 Men's good Calf Boots, frora 2,50 to 3,75 Boy's Calf, Kip and Thick Boots, 88 to 1,75 Ladies' Gaitera, from 44 to 1,25 Ladies' MoroocoBootces, from 75 to 1,25 Anil an ondless varipfy of Smal Shoes from Fancy Balmorals to Infanta' Creeping Shoo.s, We are alsolftïanufacturlng all kinds of WAERANTED BOOTS & SHOES Mens Fine Frenen Calf Boots Pegged and Sewed. So glve na ft cftll beforo purcliasinj; clsowhorp, ds m M bound imt to be nndereold. 4r1K1'AI1I(' WSt ON SHORT NOTICE. MOORE & LOOMIS Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. 820tf &nu Arbor City Ice House for Sale Clieap. THE BubscrlbT offers for salo liis IceHouseí with ?ta tlts wadSbed ttbbod, liis PvelUng Huuw, itn about 20 nevos of huid aiijoining, togetlter with Ho) e VVagom, Tool, &o. , yacf .ln-qi. Huta amatk proportïon requurad 'lown anl the ba! aoce oan icitiaia on time. 870wO CLEMENT R. TIIOMrSQN.


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