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Sarsaparilla FOB. PÜRIFYING THE BLOOD. And for the upoedy euro of tbo followlng complaïntej ëtrofula nn tl Scrofuious AflTcr tis,Kuctl as TmiioiH, Ulccrfc, Sores, Ki'iiptlons, Pimples, Pus tules, Blotches, itoils, lïhim :, and uil Sitii Oigcases. Ofiy.ASD, Iiul., Gtb Jn&fe 1859. J. C. Axf.r & Co. Genti : I fee] it ny dofy to aoknowledo what jróuè Barsaporllla bu doitt l'or me. Hftving Enlierited a Scroftüoua liifectlon, 1 have sufTered from it in varloufl ways for years. Somethnea it binst out in Ulcers on my hands and anus; HOmeüinefl it tuviKil inwaid mul di-iti'fcftsi-il me ut tbj stomaob. Tivo yeaiö ugo it broke nut on m.y heftd aml covend my scalp aud eurs witb ('no soro, whlcli was palufol and loatbsome bnyond Aescrtptlon, 1 tried many medicines nnd several phvsicians, but without mucli relief from auy thltig. In met, thö disorder grew worse. At length I was rejoieed toread in the (íu.-pi-J Mt-ci,-' r that you had prepara) au (Sarsaparllltt), for I knew from yojir reputotion tluit any tbiug you made nriisi good. ï Bont to Cioctnnall Mulg t it, aud iwed It till it cured me. 1 tooit H, as you advlse, in email doses of a teaspoonfnJ over a month, and usetl nlmost tbrèe botfles. New and healtby skin Boon l-euii to tuim undor the tcab, vhi:h aftera j while fi-ll off. My skin is now dCAr, and I kdow by niy ffftUngs Unit tbe dlscftso b&fl Kone from my svstera, You au utii bellove tbat 1 fel what 1 u Mtylng wben I teil rou, tbat I hold you to bo ono of the upodtlcs of tbo age, uii reiuttiu ever gratefully. ÏOUTB, ALFJII5D B. TALLET. H, Anlhony'g Flrc, Hose or Krysipelas, Tctter and Snit lUiuuii, Stal tl lead. Ringworm, Sore Oyes, Dropsy. Dr. Kohert Bi. Preble writes from Salem, N. Y., 12tb ept., 1859, ttaat bo bas en red nn Invítente case of )ropsy, wbich tbreatiüiod to ti-rniinate fatnlly, by tbo ersevorin uae of our SarsapariUa, tuid also a dungerous falignatit Knsipelas by largo doses of tbe sanio; Baya ie euros thts cominon Eruptims by it constantly. Bronclioceic, Goltre or Swelled Neck. Zebnlon Bloan of Prospect, Texas, writéfl : MTbree botleB of your Sarsapnrilla cured ino from a Coüre - a hideous flwelliug on tbe iiöck, wbkh 1 bad BttQered fiom ver two years." JLeurorrlioca oí "Vhií es. Ovarían Tumor, Utcrlnc Ulccrntioit, Fcmale Dlscnses. Dr. J. B. S. Channing, of Now York City, writes ; "I moBt cheerfully comply wilh tbe requeatof yonr agent in fiyjnii I bavo tbund your Sarpapnrilla a most excellent Herative in tbe uiimorons cnmplaints for vlii''Ii wo mploy sucli a remedy, but enecjally in Tmale Distases f tbo &Kfuloii! dlauieslB. 1 havo cnred many inveterte cases of Loticorrhoea, by it, and somo wherO tbe comlaint was cansed by ulcerationot tlio uterus. Tbo olcftFtion itsc-lf was 30011 cureil. Kotlilng wftbin my kuowldge cquaU it for tbeso femaie de rat i geni en ts." lidwaid S. Warrow, of Newbury, Ala., writeg, "A dnn;erons ovarían tumor on onc of tbe females in my famil y, wbicb bad defled all tbo remedies we conld employ, bas t length been complt'Lcly curcd by your Extract of Saraparitla. Our physicinn tlioulit notbing but extirpaion could aiford relief, but bo advteed tbe trial of yonr i ïaraaparilla as tbo last reeoit befure cutEiiig, and it iroved effectual. After takingyour remedy eight weeks io symptom of tbe diseníe rcraains." SypUUls and IJercnrlat Olscase. New Orlekns, 25tb Adgott, 1fiñO. Dr. J. C. Ayer: Sir, I cbecrfuHy comply wlth lbo renest of your agent, nnd report to yon eome of tbo c-flecta have reollied wtta your SanapanUft I havo curod with it. Ia my practícOj most of tbo eomilttints for wbich it is recominended. and have fourul its Oèotfl ttuly wouclcrfnl in tbo euro of Veiurfal nvï jltTWial Discase. One of my paüentfl had Sypbllitlc ulcera n liïü throat, which vtero coiiNuming bis pa lato and tho op of hls moutb. Your SarsapariHa, stcadily takon, urod liiui In five weeks. Another Wftfl attacküd by bccuduiy in btS noMj nnd the ülceraUon liad aten away a conBlderable i art üf it, so tliat 1 bcliove tho lisordor would soon reach bis braiu and kill hlm. But it elded to my administratinn of your Suraaparilla; tbo ilcers healeil, ftod be is well ngain, not of course without ome disfiguratiün to bis face. A woman vlio had been reated for tho samo disorder by mercury v&a suflfering rom this poisoo in her bones. They had become bo senitive to tbe ueatlier tbat on a dump dy nbo sulfered exruciatin ])ain in hor joint and bonea. She, too, was ured eniiiply hy your SársapáVflla in a few weeks. I tnow from iia formuiM, wháeh your agent gavo me, that his Prep&ration from yJrtr Uboratorj munt ba yreat emedy ; jconsequcntly, these truly remarkablo lüüults witb, it have not surpnaod me. Fraternally yoUTB, G. V. LARTMKÏt, 31. D. Rlicmnatism, Gout, Iilvor Complaint. Isdependence, Preston Co., Va.. Gth July, 1S59. Dr. J. C. Ayer: Sir, I have been afllicted with a pninfnl ebronlc llheumutism for a long time, w bicli batllcd tho skill of physiciaiis, and stnek to mo in epite of all tbo remedies 1 could nnd, UDtU I tvied your Saraaparilla. One bottle cnred me iu two weeka, aud restorud my general health ro mm-h tbat I atn fax bt-tter tlian belnre I waa attacked. I thiuk it a uonderful medicine. J. FR.BAW. Jules Y. Getclioll, of St. Lonis, wrltea: "I havo been aftlictcd for years with au ajjedioit of Vit Liver, whit-h deatroyed my healtb. ï trieJ evory thing, and every thing falled to relieve me ; and I havu been a broken-down man lor some years from no other cause than dcrav(jLine.nt of the Liver. My beloved pastor, the lïov. Mr. Bspy, advised me to try your Sarsaparilla, bucauso be said he JÏuew you, and any thing yon madu was WOrth trying. Hy tbe bleBSing of Cïotl it ha cured me, and bus 80 pnrined my blood as to make a new man of me. I ft-el young ngain. Tho best that eau be said of you ia not half goud enough." Scliimis,Cniirer Tumors, Knlnrcmentt X" ift-i-Jt 1 ion, Curies umi Kiioliulion of the Jiojies. A great variety of cases have been reporten to us wliere cures of these complaints have resulted from, the use of this remedy, )jut our spaco herc will not admit them. Some of theni uiay be fonnd in our American AlniMinc, which the ageuts helow nauied aro pleased to furuittU gratis to all who cali for tbem. Dy spe iis in, Ilcart Olscasc, Fits, ICpilcp sy, Mclaneliioly, Neuralgia Many remarkabte cures of tliese aííectioim have been mado by the ulterativo power of this medicine. It stimulates tlio vital t'unclions into vigorous action, and thus overcomes dijordrs wbich wouhi bo supposed heyond its reach. Sucli a remedy bas long been reiinired by tho necessitieB of the people, and we are coofident tbat tbia will do for tbem all tbat medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, POR THE IUPID CURE OF CoiicjliH, Col ds, Influenza, Ilonrseneis, Croup, 1!ioi Uit is. Incipieiit Con sumntioii, and for the lti-llvf of Consumptivc Patients in advanccd Stages of the Dlscase Thls Í3 a remedy so universally known to üiirpaes any other for the euro of throat and Hing complaints, tbat ft is uselesB here to publisb the evidence of its virtud. lts unrïvalled excellence for eoughs and colds, and its tnily wonder ful cures of pulmonary disease, have made it known thronghout tho civilizad nations of the earth. Few aro tbo communities, or even families, among tbem wbo havo not somo personal experience of ita eflects - some livinp trophy in thcir midst of its victory over the subtle and dangeioufi disorders of the tbroatand lungB. Ab all know tbe dreadful fatality of theso diwrderK, and ae tbey know, too, tbo effects of tïils remedy, we need not do moro than to assure them tbat it bas now all the virtuee that it did have wben mailing Uw cures which have won so strongly upon the confidencc of mankind. Propared by Dr. J. C. AYER o CO., Lowell, Mass. Aud i i su.iv .iv Maynard, Stebbms & Wilson, FARRAND, SHELKY k CO., Detroit 809yl J II. BÜREILL, Travelling Agent. 1862. NEW 1862. WINTER COODS! o MACK & SCHMID are now receiving a Large & Attractive Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, LADIES'DUESS GOUDS, FURS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, &c. in great variety of the most desirablo styles and qualities. A good assorlrnont of MBBONS, TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, . HOSIERY, &c. Also a choice stock of goods for Mens7 Wear, Ladies' and Cliildren's Shoes. HATS A.TXTT3 CAFS3 HPresslx Grooerios. CROCKKRT, &c, dbo., which will all bo sold at the Lowest Cash. 3?rices. MACK & SCIIMID. Ann Arbor, Nov. 7, 18G2. 878tf Fruit and Ornamental T Tl EE 8, .T IL-OT PEICES. 1 mHI". si B3CEIBEB3 re now preparsá 1 rocoive or: 1 denfrall kv. of Fruit ana - Slu-uix r: ,■ Pionera. ftd V s of verjr description una TOriety. roi Ihe Fall of 186S nn6 Spring of 1863.- i Wc ;i WEe tQck now grovi'mg, and ntcnd tn mnkplnrgc impnttaflón frnin time (otimeM the wants of the country ilMmml. VTeinjte tb people to mke . themneWes aoquainted wlthonr facllltlesror dolngboainous beforo poralwsing ebwwljwe. Wq armntaU rtrlatlu to bn trnu in name, and to be twotoiv """ Uealth; npi-clmcns. AllcimmnnletIonB-wlllbeprnipthp ri-iiinnl.-.l to. Our ofttoei In Rogef' Agrtóoiwusai Store, si.. Ann ilrboT.Mioh . DrBOTS, CABR & 00. nn Arlinr, .luno '.'4.1Sfi2. 8;'8tf I , . Ayer's Agüe Cure.


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