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$f fmú pote, Tlie Douglas MtmoriiU. Tlie diploma of nurabership of tho Douglas Monument Association, beautifu Hy engraved on teel, about nine by twelve inches in dlmeneioiu is now ready for distribuían to the subsenbersto the monument fund. To all persons farwarding to tlie Asaociation One Dollar 01more willbe sent one of these Diplumas, properly executed. To contritutors in the suni of TWO Dollars or more will b furnished gratituously, besides the Diploma, a beautiful impnrial size STEEL ENGRAVING OF JCDGE DOUGLAS, Ql by 17 inches, pLiblished by Marsh, Rowe & Co. Contributors in the sum ef one dollar will become life ïnembsro of the Douglas Monument Association ; in tho t,u'M of tveaty dollars, honorary life int" ml ers ; and ín the suin of one hundred dollars; honorary life members of the Board of Trustees. Local reccivers and solicitóos for contributions are beingauthorized in the loyn] States. Pamphlets aud circulars containing the Organization, Conhtiiution, ByLaw, and theAppcal of the As.sociation, will be sent to all wbo v'ili forward theif adilress. Communications should be directcd lo the :'Seiretary D. M. Ass'n, Chicago, 111." All editora who will ïnsert this card in their daily, wcfkly or tri-weekly issues three raonths, witb an occaaional notice to aijvance the object in view, v;ll have for warded to thfm iramediately Diplomas as Honorary Life Members cf this Association, also a copy of the above Portrtit, upon the receipt by the society of a copy of their paper containing this annouucement. W ALTER B. SCATES, President. Leonaeb W. Vot.k. Pecrftary. 856m3 ItT Public Speakers, Vocalists, and all other8 to whom it is a necessity to have a full, clear and melodioua voice, will fínd HOOFLANDS BALSAMIC CORDIAL indispensable. Read the adyertiserneut in tinother column, AGOOD TREE IS KNOWN SY its envrf. So 8 a gooi! Physiciau by his Successful Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, TUF. GKEAT ANIl CELEBRATED PHY8ICIAN OF THE TH11OAT, LUXGS AXI) CHEST, Known all over the couijtr; as tlic Olebratort INDIAN IIERB DOCTOR! Frora South America, will be at hts nioms, RUsSKLL HOUSE, DETROIT, Onthel8th and 19th hut., on the sama ríalo of and every Kubsequent mnrith cluring 18' and 1863, A XE IT PAMPHI.ET ,üf the ii:il extenslve rravels of Dr, Lyons '.:ui tc procurad hy all wliodesireone, free of fih&rft. Dr. L will visit Ann Arbor, Jacksou.antl Adrián,1 Mteh. , as füllows : Ana Arbfir, Monitor House. 20th. Ja;kson. Hibbard House, 21st AdrUn, ürackett H u-e, 2Jd and 23J.. Modk of l'JC4ï.'iN.tTioy. - The Doctor diseerns diseasoa bytUeeffff. Ho, tberefore, asK8 no qupstions nor re q 'ir.s liitients to explain eyniptomfi. Alllicted, come an'l have yonr symptom-i and the locatiou of jour ditiease cxplaincd free of charge. Ayer's Sarsaparilla.


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