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"hey Gals."

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I havo lived sulitary long enough. 1 want somebody to talk at, quarrel witb - then kias and mako up agaiu. Thcrefore, I am open'to proposals from voung ladies and widows of more than average respeotability, tolerably tame in disposition, and hair of any other color tlian red. - ■ As nearly as I can judge myself, I am not over eiglity, nor under twenty five years of age In hight I am either flve feet eighl or eight feet iive- -I forget which. Wi'ight, 153, 315, or 531, one of the three, recollect each figure perfectly well, but as to tlit-ir true ' ai rango ment nm somewbat puzzled. Have a wliole suit of hair, dyed by Nature, and pretty free from dandruff. Eyes, but teruut-brindle, tinged with peagreen - Nose built aocordtng to the Ionic order of architecture, with a toueli ol the Com posite; and mouth betweea the catfish and aa alligator'? made expressly for oratory arvd the recaption of large oys ters. Ears, paltnated, long and elephantshaped. My wliiskfirs are a combination of dog hair, moss, :ind briar bush - well behaved and fearfully luxnriant. Atn sound in body, and on the uigger question ; wear boots No. 9 when, coréis are troublesomn, and can write poetrj by the mile, with doublé rbyiue at both edges - to resd baokward, forward, crosswise, diagonally. Can play the jewsharp. basï'drum, aud whistlu Yauki'e Doüdle in Spauish. Am very correat in my moráis and first rate at tenpins. Have a regard for the Sabbath, and never drink, only when invited. Am a domes tic animal, and pcrfectly docilo when towels are olean and sliirt bijltons on. - If I possfss a predominating virtue, it is that of forgiviug every enemy whom I deem it hiiz:irdous tu dandle. I say my prayers every night musketoes permitting ; and as to whether I snoro in my sleep Ü2L 1 want some one to teil uie. Money no objeet .. as I never was troubled with auy, aud uever expeet to be.


Old News
Michigan Argus