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A CAÏiD TO THS LADIES. " ( DR. l)üPOÑCÜS GOLDEN mLSFOH FEMALES. Iulalllbie in c rrctlng, rtgulatíDg and removing all oo Itioos, fruía ivbatevvi ondte ai$ ttlwujfi ■.-.ful as u iH-evoi.iV'1 The coTg;i-(i4íon o' lutedienta in Dr. Dupouco's ■ Goldo; Piliy for fomnk'.s are perfecter bartule sa. They have heen used Ín tln prltate piaetice of Dr. Duponco over 30 ycars, nnd ílinusnn Js of hulics can testify To i in almost cvery case iu corred ing imï.'iilarities, relie vía g p&inful and _ distrestctng menstrtiíiti.;i, ptrtlflfilarlj ni tij chango of life. Y rom íiv to ten pills irttl care thnt comuion yet -ircadful coiupiftlut, th Whítes Nearly every feínale in the land suffers fn tn this coinplaint. Tiic above Pili has permanQntly cured thonsands, ano they will cure vou íf yuu use them. They cannot barm . you; on íhe conirary. I bey rciuuve all bbstruoom, re store nature to its propar cluuit'l, and t&rtgeVate tho vrhbU ajaU m. Ladies v-iiose health wül not normtt an aereare of f;iniily. wil! finl these pills f tUO' ■ Lailies peculiarly situat"!. or those a! posing Ihsmeelvea po, ihoifld not u.o these Pilis durtng the first three mocUie, ns they are certain to a] dace miscarf iagt , "aflor wliich admonition" the vi prietur assuaaea no respo&albility, alíl ottgh thcir ness will prevenían injury to h,"-'tt:. Vhe iugredipnts jj compnsing the above Pilla are nade known to every O Agent, nnrt they will tell you they are safe and v.'ill e form all claimed lor kheni. Price $1 per box oíd in v ANN ARBOR, by BTEBBlNi WILSON Pruggists, W. 'A. HL'Xf, DraggUt. t Ladies Kvihg at a distañee by sendinjg theni $1,00 a through the Ann Arbur Po.stoffice, can have the Pilis t sent (conftíU-ntially) by mail, to íny part of tlie - try free of po?tage. . x, N. Tí. - fleteare. of a base countffeit of these. Pilis. - o. You can buy the oounterftit aiticle at anj price from 25 to 76 cení at tliat). your Uves and heaUn are cf tíio inuch valué o he trifli-d with, besides tj beiljg imposed iigon vlib a worthlèss art ele. Thereforo, .. anv ooe offering you those Piflsfor less than L1 a box, avoid !li tm as yon would polson. They are boguñ. None aregcnuiíie uníeps the name of S, 1). HOW'E is on evcry box which lias vfconf'v bi'cn adiieil.nj) áppouttt of the a Pilis b(;in coaterfeited. ( ateo, by KlNNE ft ?MrrH, Ypsilantl. . BLTÍá & HKEBEJacksan, and by one drupf? ist in every village and city in the Uuited States, andby KARBAND.SHEELEY & CO..Goneral State geuts, Lefroit. S. D HOWE, SoleProprietor, 867yrs2 Jiw York. 1 'MPORTANTtöFEMALES THE HEALTH AND LIFE OF W0MAW Tscontintially inporil -if she : ■ v.;:il enough to negkct C or mnltreat tlioso sexual IrfGgulatities to wliiph d thii-iis of her 89X are njope or less sub; o1 . I DR. CHKI'í;.m.X 1'lLl.s, prepare I from the same formula which the inventor. Í'ÜRELLTS L. CHSESEM N. M. I.,(if ..,. Turk, bas for twenty years used ( auccessfully ip an extended prívate practico - imraediately relieve without pain, ail diüturbaoöm of the periodical discharpe, ansfng Trom relaxation or suppression. Tboy act like b cli.'trin in removixtg tho pama tbal ,v diilicult orinal rae srruatinn, and are tii'1 only ■;;'■. :,nd n ■ ,. for I'i .; -li-s. Sick . Ilea'lacho. PatiiK in the Lolris, Back and SMes, Paipitntloo of the Hpiirt Nerveus Tremors, h .-if;rïcs, Ppnsms, -'- f-p and otner unpj . int and dangaroae eííeots "Í of an unnatural connifioiï' of the sexual functíons In ti tho worst c'a.-esof Fluor Alhus or Whites, they 'iffect a speedy cure. T'o WIVES anti ISTATROISTS. P DS.CHEEEMAX'SPILLSárenfreved a. the only safe w means of renewingintfltrapted menstruation, bui. '' TEDIES MUST BR AR l MID - Tkere. is onerovdinoi' of tkêfemah wystem n which tkt PUU ennnot 6 taken w'rhoiil prnducing a PECULIAR RESÜLT. Tfacondüionrcfarredto i PIÏEQFANCY- the resnlt, MISCAÜMAGE. Such ii the irresistible tendency of the mediciné torestors the. 3erua) fm-ctions to a tiormal oondttfon, that even the reproductivo powr of nature canTmt resist it. directions staving wken; and taken 'tksy sould 1 notbe used, with -ich T!ox,- the Frice Oue Dollar eac& $ox,idntaiHiug!iQ Pillo. A v.iUikb'.e Pa u'phU't. to be bad froe of the Agents. o Pilis $eni hf U promptly, by enclosin.? pnce to any Agent. Suld by Druggiste geni B R. B. HCTCH1X6S, Proprietor. B lid Cedar-St., New York. li For Sflehy MAYNARD STÊfiBINp & WÍLSQN , and f GRENÍILLE & IULLLR. d o Howard Association, ; riIILADELPHIA. [ For the relief of the Sick and D8lress?e,d, afflirlcduitlt j Vinúe.iiX and C'irünic Visease!, and espccially for íhe Cure of Diseases of the Sexual CJ'.itíí, MEDICAL AIIV'ÍCK giren gtJUis, by the Acüng SurKeon. VA1A"AI!I.K orc Siiprm;] othpr Dimanes óf the Sexual Organii, andón Uk NEW RÈMEDIE8 empluyed lo thc Disiiensary, sent ín sealpi íettrí envelopes. free ofcharRe. Two or tlirct st'iTiip. tai postanageeptaUe. Aóífew, Dr. J. SKIIXIN HOUÖHT(IN', Hovárd AsKCistinp, Np 2 S. Nintb St.,"i'lnladelpliia.l'f., SBOjl B@ 8ee a woman, in another column, picking Sambuci Grupos for Ppeer's Wine. It i ís an admirable ai'ticle, used in hospitals and by first-class fiimiües in Parjs, London, and New York, in preference to old port wine. It is wortli a triíil, as it giyoa great satisfaction. PAR FOB $ ALeT Tho undersigued will scll, on ten ye:ira lime f liesh-ed 80 Acres of Land In Weljster, Ailjuiiiiüg ii tbe f rm o( L. BoydoB. Tiie farm s well lence'l. in a lino state of en tt vation. has a fr;imcd house, a yüuns :md tliriíty orcharri, ;iik! is cunvenient to marke-t Terms given 011 applicatiób. D HEKNIJta. Ana Arljor, Sept. IStli, 1862. 870m3 THE ROOTS AND THE LE AVES 1 WILL be tur the Healh.g of the -ntiuns. Bible. Prof. 3E%._ J. XjTCaiiTS, THE (JKEAT AN'i) CËLEBRATED PHVSIÜI VN of the THR0T,LDiVtiS, HKAHT, IJVtS AM) THE BLÜOD, 1 Known all over the country as the CElLÏRATKD IITI3IA.ISI HBEB POOTOR 1 üï S2 duparior stivet, Ulevejand, Óhiu 7i visit the foilowing places, viz AI'1'ÓI.VIMKSTS FOK 1SC2, 1863 and W64. Prof R. J. Ljoqh can be coiisiilted at the l"]lowDg places evei y fponbll, viz: ' Detroit, Kussel llous'1. each ïnontii, IStli and 19 th. Anu Aibi.r. Mjuit'-r liou-.-. vacii Junnih. 3Q.h. tlackson, u.bbard House, tach mchth, '1. j Adrián, Bracket Üouac, eaeli imtiili !2á and33d. Toledo, Ühio, Coliind lXuuse, eacu munth 2Uh 2óth Iüd26lh, ' . Hilladale, Mich. , Hillsdalo Umus-, each mntb.27th Coldwatsr, Mich.. Boutnara Michi;au Houe, ea"h monüi, 28lh. tiUlurt. KiUluirt Houüp, each motith, H9tli. Bottlh U.-n.",. tod., 8t. ïo. Hertel, e.ich'raonth, 30. Lapnrt, Lnd"., Tee Pardeo llou.-c, each montta 3l'st. Wooster, Olii", r, ;,!,,! ,ii Exchango, each munth, ïth aod öth. MaiiHÍifcld, üliiü, Wiler Ilouse, each nionth, 9tU and lOth. "Mt. Veriion, Kenyon Ilouïe, each uionlh. lltli and l'2tli. Kewark, Ohio, fioltds House, each ut slh 13th aad Hlh. PoiaesTjlle, Qbio, Cowles Houfte, each monih, 2d I LAK, l'::. !M Bil KK31Í W ■; OFFICE, 282 SüPËKIOK tiTKEET, Saai of the pttblie aquar, oppoaite the Postoffiee. Office ihiys moatb, lst üd. 'tli, olh, üth, lóch. - Offloe huara from 9 Á.' M. to M. nul from 2 T. M. to 4 1'. M. OnSunday Trom 9 to 10 A. M.,aud 1 to 2 l'. M. J8Maxims strictlj EMlhered to- I ffive éuch batm is have do strifp, Wi i li nal ure or the las of üfe, Witl: blood i'.iy liauU I jievcr stain, Nor poisoB píen toeasc their píüq. Seüfphytl ian indegi, vaho Cure--. The li;'.ian Her. Hoc tor. R, J. LYONU; curee ihn fol tewing oompiainta Ir the most obstinate sxagesóf their exisUnct, viz: l'i--' ..M-sor thcThroat, Lun&B, Heartj Liver, Stomach, Drojwy intheCueat, Hhumatism, X-.-urulgip,, Fita, j or FftlUng Sipkries1!, and all otlu-r oerrous derangemeats. Ai- all dftMscu of thé blood, sqch a Scrol'ula, Erysipela.s, Cancers, Fever dores, Leprogy, ind alt other compHcated clirouic oomplainta All forma of tomata dillicultiea atiended to with the happieitt resul t.s. , It is hoped that no ooe wíl] despair of a eire until they have civen the lodiaxi Herb i'octor's Uedicinei a i'airainl faitinnï trial, alittring the Doctor'; travaK iu Europe, Went Indi, Bouth Amerioa. and the a United Stüiea, bnï'been che instrument in üod'a hand, lo retitore to he&ltfa aad chojisada who wert given up inl propounced incurable by ,h most emincntold hchool phy.iicians; naj, mort-, thouun.lwha were OU the vi-rge of the Lrr;i". Dqff IWiog mobumïnts to the méU n Hei b'.s lïoctoiV &ti and ] successful treatmnt.aiid aré daUjr exclaiming: "B'.ssed be iht-day whrti fl'r1 ñe báw and partook of the Indtan Her o Doctor'a medicine. :' ■vati.-, cenol cures will be gladly aad chef rfully gpven w hpn' r,r retjaired. hoctor pledgös hra word and honoj, tljat he will L in nn wi-plircctly nr imlirfctiy, induce or rausc any r invalid to tafce hi medicine ivithout thestrungest r abilUyrvi" acure. -eöT" Mode of exaa!natíoQ, yhich te entirt-W different from the faculty. J I.ynn profeases to djscwQ dimaoea by the eye. H-therefore inkt noqueMion, nor r [uire patieo) ttoexplain syintoms. Cali one B and ;iU, iu,l have -v:nptnns and' location of yyur iseage explaïned free oT criarle. tThe poorshall b llberftíly coneidi ir-PostoUlce Hdí, box 2053. R. J, LYOXS, M P. Cleveland, Oliio, Nov. 25, 1862. ly&80. HIDES, Hl DÉS. The higfaest mark et prioe paid for ail j kinds of PELTS Sc PUR8! ■ I shall vih't, ililleront localiiies in this county the coming winter, and v ïay tbe i HI6HB8T MARKET PRICE IN CASII For all kinds of Uideri and Fura. I chalí be ín tbiB cily evtjry Baturday. AN8EL GRKKX. Aan mr Xov 5:., 1562, imSS"


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