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. .r . ,. TrxR.Z f DD YGU IIANT h. " :brAEhSt, nú ÏOU r,iA3M Siv -v " .".-.Z. Cl.s:-;.. JfE&fesiOP Iïï VIGOR ATOK ! " ïhe worM ranowncj lotk:.- the otl p.rtida of tha t'&l ejrerotfen T! tU„, sstfe.?il.tiai :" ■■■■ -:- ■ THE EXOEJLSIOft WHISKEü INVIGORATOfi ! Í to tne vul gure Bbkm,, 3„a „ ,ig -fc" qordngtoíür:ti.,n,it wÜFcause ta ptiog ul b"d IjnoUafiaegruwthof som ! ' w T-a ' The CcK-bn.UJ EXCELSIOR IJVVIGOXTOB Is attia'JispcusaMo Articlu in evtry Gentleman'? Tüüe and afur one vreeï's uu,, they wo,.M not, lor e r.v con.lííratten, bewiUioutit. U abore ulel wiu, ta rr ra orVoc"rA?HE ilJg'"''tlii':k sotoi '"" Thesuunberaretho.m'.yAgsnts foi the al-Te u. tlcle ín the Laitm .'Jtatee. Napoleon's Hair Toilet! Theoniyn!oh;orr oirrfd o IheFi.-h reoc'f t! l woulü cv!. sTIuyi da!], i tho fcburu Toilet botar ir.iu;.. ufactured für tho solo benefit o Louis Nnnoicon I itLich amele s now intopecrable in Iji ï.,iet ro m. Th subscriberxleellng confiJent tbat tlils Toilet ramt ncccssmilv t)!:t tl.e place of allothera ev r c,a,nd w the public, thy take pk-asure in Mpressing tbsir confl deiice in tho ai ticte, gaining t from -practical S THE NAPOLEON HAIR TOILET WiUCorl aTR.iioiiTlI...min?jft,SilKc-n,Floning CurU, .nat will remsin In lhap f. r mie 'lay ir ono weck ir de5i"-d "r i ■'"', f the direutions are stricUr fullmveci, wlncb. arevery sifnnle anj easj . Tllii H.ilr'follit (snot In .iny mai]ncr]rtr'-.fre wlti the Natural Sutas of ihz Hair. It neithtr acorche aordjesit; but üv(j ibe Imr s.jtt, thrifly appoarsnee. It nlso prerents the hair fr m failiug on aud furnir.gjray. ■ THE 'NAPOLEON HAIR TOILET Has boen bcfore'.Uo publcbutaih mime. and hm at. l-eafly boen tested b} Over onn tliousaud pirona 1 nr4 they testify thut the X.,pokon Huir ïoilut is the greatiWt Beautiliir cveroB' red to'the American pcople. ■ To prevent thl Toilet 1rom being couDterfetteilor lmitatedby unprincilcrl persons, We do not t,ffui t for al atany UruggUt in the (!olt Mntes. Ihcrefor any Lady or Gi-ntlrman i Soft, T.üorint Unit and Culis, and Lonjr. Soit Wluskers or Moiistí.he can procure the Rvigoratbr or T.ilet, eiilier oiiL-,ror on aalosed in a letter, witu their addrena Addresa, O. F. SPEMY it Crt., Bon l3,Collinsville, . ... „,, Hartford Co., ConS' Anc it wlllbe cr.refql'T se-at by return mail DR. HOüFLAND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL, For the spcedy cure of Coughs, CoUs, Influenza, Crtup, lloar.irntst, Bronchitis Pneumonía, Viseases oflht ■ els, arisingfrom Coltl, Incipienl Conumpt!Oii,and for the relief and n ai allpoisibie) cure af 1'atievU ' n adcanccd singes of tU.i latler aiswse.. rilHEBaUamicCordha ia entiroly a Vegí-taM proác. JL tion, combining tdy lieiiiing proptrtit.i ol the Balsum, with the invigoratingquiiütios of a Cordial, produsinga so U edaptid to ibe purposM intonded, thut there are but lew casos of diseane whicU Will not, at an carly pen id, succumb to Ha healinsand life givinr prt-i . Farages, liaa the treaiment of pulrionarv dieíí occu..-.l the greuter portinn of tío au.'htion ol the scnnt;lic of the medical nrotld, but ncine ncquired mor eminencein histreatnu-nt _of thcie disecso, tliau tho colebrate'l Prussinn. Dr. Hoofland, the orlgnatol oi the Balr'amic Cordial. Hislife was devoted to tlie production of .remedies that wbuld stand umivalled. How well he has xitoceeded, the American people ire able to rl v;c poaitively assert, that no ptcpaiation that luivj ev-r been placed bïfore them, have confcrrel the a;je ainouii. 0D.8ufiering humï'.nity, or have tlicitíd so rr.any commendations ffocj allcüflaea of society, as theteraediea of l)r. tíooflapd; preimred b Dr. C. M.hifksoh &Co.,'of Pliiladelphia. ' The Cordial (s dnslgned for a clasa of diseases mor gt'tieraJ ;u.d tSore fatal Iban auy other t o vüich th people of tuis country uie subject-those epiingiEg from a "slighl cod." Tliat eminent authorlty. Dr. Bsll,says: "J will notsay that .Colcis arf to our jnha-' itants what the Plague and Ytllow Ftter are to thoae of olher countries; butlcan aver confidentlv that thry usher in öiseae of gteater complicity ar. mortalitT than thesolatfer," Entirehj Vegetable. 2ra JJcoholio. JJrejjaration. DU. II iOFLAND'3 CEUtBBAfBD GERMÁN BITTEHS Propared by DIÍ. C. M. JACKSON & CO., rhiladelphi, Pa. Will offectually onre LIVEK COMPLAIKT, DYSPH JAUNplCEjChfonic or Neiroua DêbiUty, XJiaeaseauf the Kidneya, nnü al! diseases ansiog from a dis orden 1 Liver or .Stomiich. uch as Cftn-itipatinn, Inward V]}w. Fulnegs or Píoc4 tolbe Bstif, Aö'dity of the StouaAtli, Nausea, lie-ari buril, I1.-, i i nïj Fulm -.i or vreigfct n tbo Stomof the Stuirmch, SfWimraiDg uftbéHead, Hui-riec! nüi Uifficult Biathing Flu' tering at the Hta:t, Cliokius or Stimcatipg sebb&ti na wben ín a iyiag posture, -Kmiue53 oí Víbíoo, Dots of webs i ht, Ptor anJ DuU Panjiutjis . jiratian, Yeltowaessof theSkinfend Kye.s, Paiu in tne Silft, Iïic)c, Ches!. Linv)-, Sc. Sof Heat, Hurntagla the Flesh, Conefiiüt imáginings of evil, and great Uppreasioiip of Sprrita, and will poaitively prevent YEI . LOW FK V:.K. BÜXIUÜ FEVEft, kn rhv Proprieior in calHng the attentlon of tlio public to tbia preparation, doei bo witli a r.f tho utmott cocpdincein itav'rue! ao adapttttiuB to the diseMt for wEich U s roco.uinendf11 Utsúoneá ■■ - nntried artic!c,-i)ut on-ï tLat lia stod ■ ■ nys'trial bvfore tlif Amrican peopfeyanaits féputatioü and ban. are uurivaltotf by any similar preparatioKS t-xtant. The tentimofty inits iavorgiven by the moai prominent and welL-kuowu Physiciaus and individuáis in all partsof the country U iniinen&e, j.nd.a car ful poruralot ilie Alninnac, pulílishedannually by tbe Propríttorí,-and to be had grutln of iiiiy of their Agen is. cannot Dut itatfsfy the rao$t skjjticaj thatth:a rèmedj iá rallv Ueerving the great celeority it haobtained Kond the Erldpnrp fromJ. yticton Browv 1. P . Editor of tkc Enqjc.loptÁiá uf Religión s Kvcijïciige. Ithoiiífh notdisp'jsed to favor er recommr-nd Patent Meiicines i:i genentl, ihrough dwtrust of tlieir inr'üiTfts und f!itft.,I yet ttuiv t,r no suflicient roason why [ ttaiymay not tefstiiyto(.hebeQe(ithe believen bimsslf toMvé r Cüived from uny simple prppáraíicn. in thó hope Üiat hR may thus contribute to the ijen'iGt vf otheps 1 Jotiiisthe more readily ín rtsgard to "Ilocfland'á Germán Bitton," preparad C. M. Jackson, ot this city, bccause ï wan prejuiiced against tliem for vear. nnder the impresión that they were chufly an alcoholie mixture. 1 ara indeMod to inyfrtend Kobeit fc'hoemaker, Ksq.. for the remota] a' this projudice by proper tatfl,aad for enc'';itremi.'ii) to try tbem, when autTeriqg from geat and long c i ■;. .- , Tj ÜR, f thrfeehottïesuf these Beters, at tbe bèqtrin; of tbe uil y tr', wasTollowe'i by cvidont relief, and restoraticn tua lifsree 1 bodiy und mental ?igor wbJch I had not félt forslxinonths beforo.'and had almost dèspafrei of rtpHalng. I tkereforetbank God finrt my friend for dirtctiug meto tbe ue of them. J. XEWXO.V CÍÍ0WN. Read hat tho erainint Glass Manufactvirer, J0H1Í WiilTAU., says of the BM.SAMIC CüRDUI,. Dr. C M. Jackso.v- Resprcted Frieml: lïavïng for a long limo been acqaintod with the irtms of th" Bal. amioCordiaJ m Colds, Inflammation o; fiha Lungs,rc. I thus fríely bear test.mony to tn eijiiiacv Fvrs( ver;i lycan Í havu m-ver been without "ij in my family H alsogirea ma pleasure to state that I have uaed it with en tire guccess in the treatmc-nt' of Bowol Compinint. ■ Thy friébd trulv Futh ifo. :?, 1S53, Race Street, ftuove 4lh, Phila. These medicines are for sale by all re.spectable Drufrgists and dealra in med'oincs in !,;■ United Sta tea, Bn,V isb ]'ioincf-.anl Wi-Kt 7 centa pur bottle- Bf surennrtget thegcii-in, ivifïi ihesignature oí O M, Jackson on the wrapper ol ach bottle; all oiktrs of eounterfeit Prmclpa lOjQca und ilanufactoryt418 Arcb. Street, Phlladelphla, Pa. 820yl 600?00()MASEFLELMALEAgCIi" LLOVD'd NEW STEFL PLaTK CÜI'NTY COLQRW U U OF THE UNITED RTATEB, CANAUA3, AXD NEW BiiUXsWICK. From roscut snrrays, coraplcted Aug. 10. 1552 ; 0(t Ï20,00i loeo jt:ive il and unayear' ' ■" Superior tn any Il6 CtlorlaitokH, ancUellsatthflow T,nce of flftv cwti; S7d,0t9 iiui... are engravedün this ruap. ■ " ■'' ' Iti notunly a County Map, but it ta r.'.so a AND EAILRO.Al) MÁP ' of tbe United Status and Cañadas ccrilblned inone.Elrln EVERY STATION and d .etancer, oetween. Gnuranteeany ."oma' or man $3 to $5 per dav, ar-'l will take back all maps fhiu cunnot bc sold oud 'rofur:d the mouey. ■ Sena for SI w,,rt!i to tr. PrinU'd liistruciiona haïv to canvass well, furnlihed all our i'gtnis. .... w.ii'u-sa'e Agenta for our M' p in erery Stattt, ("alifinnijV, Cana'ïa, Ëntand, Franos and Cuba. A fortuno iií j ba iaile. '-itli a few huudred dolían capital. ATo 'CompetUum. . T. LLOYD.No. 161 Brodwn y, Xew York . T&e War Department UBefl onr Map of Virginia, 3lfarv land, and PenQuvlvanbt, eii f100,000, on whichfi marbod Antiefam Creek.Sbarpafaurg, Williumsportr'frry, Rbonrvillf, Nuland'aFor'i.and all others on tiiePotom;ic, nn.l cvci y ]lace in Maivfauid, Virg.nia, and Ptapnylvunia, or ruoiK-y reftndfta. LLOYD'S TOPOGHAPHICAT, MAP OF SENTÜCEY OHIO, INIlANA, an.l ILLINOIS, isthc onlj'-aiithority for 6en.BatH and tbc War Department M'oney refunded tü an' oneün'Uug an error in it. Frice 50 cents. From thoTriluue Aus; 2. "LI.OVD'S MAP OF VIR'UNIA, MARYI.AND AND PEfiXYl.VAXIA._Tliis Mnpisv.ry Ijrge ; cos t In but 96 cer.ts, nul it ia tl t bat tolcrh ca bc. purchaied," I.LOYIVSIiREAT.MAPOV TIJK MISSISSIPPI RIVER- From Actual Surv.-v. ', Carito. Barí nuil Win. Doweo, Ml85ÍssiM'! l:ivi-r 1'ilots'oT SI. Louis ün ,' showj evtrT man's pütttatioo aixl o.wner?e farm frnm Pt. I.nuis i% tne (iulfof vI,x',- 1 S50miloR- c-. erv sand bar, Wand, town, landinr, and all places 20 míes hmk ftotntiio rivor, colortd incouiüirsanJ t ttcs Price,$] insbreU. 13, purkot fnrm, and S2,0 on innen, vitb rollcra Ready Bept. 'JO. ■' NAVT nCT.tKTMl.NT, TVA."IlI.10TO.Vcopt. !", 1SIÍ3 J T. Lloto- für : Sen4 roe, vour Mj.p i,f ln )[js,1F. llp-pi lüver.-.vithi-nce per hnorlred npicB. Rar Arlrbiral Charle IJ. I linninp the .fissjpRirtpi evuadrnq is'authofimd ti jihivbasru many ai rcr. quirei ior tr.ctii" r.i Bquaêron. 872w8 GlOitJX ..' -ary of tlit. K„rr. Ï.tF.fOVS who wieh io hnr a Pi 110 rf tho best m a'.w i hownhow they can savea rmmi.-m pa spnrstiaeaUtheyáMreañ I1'm, careJcy CnJi ', ■ ■ ït', I 0. s )t


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