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0. LIVk i1 & iÜ 1 L 1j & l BE 3T1LL ON'IMN'D t tUc-irold S.and, No. 2, Frankln Elock, wiili the most complete aáaort reent oí Books and Stationery, PElíF&MEUIES, FANCY GÜODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SIIADES, KOLLEES, ' CORDS, TASSELS, GIJP CORNTOÍiS, CUUTAINS. ! ÍIOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offüred in tilia Market ! añil they would suggt-st tothon; iu.imvsuít Llany'liingin SANTA CLA UJá' LIBE tliat lbey can secure a Duuble Christmas Present ! by purchasing frnin this uock, a Pflnh purclianer Let.' un ailtlitiomu present of -kwelry. Ac. , lïunging in valué frpin 50 cts. to $ó(. Thpytrust that thoiílnng'expeneuce in sct-rti ..- goótfs forthta'ihfiricef Bnrt trict;tteatio to tlie waolp olCu'tmnerii.may ontillo them t.) a litoral bare ,, Ve.. 5. 18C0 777tf LIFfc; INSUKAlVCB. The Connecticut Mutual Life Insuranc9 Company. Accnmulatcd Capital, - $3,500,000. WII.l.INSL'UK l.IVKS foi my ámimni not exceedin S . .. v. the whole u-rm ot' Life or tor a term ' reara, on the mort favorable torn. N". B The Cuiuintiiy Ís pureiy mutual mul the pnlic holdere get all theaurpliis orer tLoe$aetoori1 nf ínsur anee ll aooomodaie Ihe Insnred In be ettlement o' their iHTuiiuiiis (IN LIFK l'oi.K'lK-, i f dotiréd, by inklnjj ;i note fr one half the anumnt, bearlng'iutéñét at si.v per cent, pw annun . D'widemh are Declarad AnimaHy! in) ÊÏD04 til y UUW amoinit to PIPTV ht cont n Ihe prp r.iiun .■!!■)) auJ note, and are mereaslng tbey m:y be íipplie-. 'o c-iinrt-i llu-noli's. 'è ThÚB cates ol premiums arcas low m aoy otbcr reriponftiUe Company andthelarge actrunniliiicd fund if $ií ,0110,001) ti si'cutt'ly investid, an innv he sien by refel"..■i- lo the átatemoni made no$orAiag to b.w, nn file in Lhc office oft be Coupt}' Clar.K.Rt Ann .rlHr.o, jabíes üoODWIN, prest. GüT It. rimt.iP,Scrv . KorpaitigDlarsapplj to JA1ÏRS c. WATSON, 70Öl Agent st Ann Arbot, Hioh. Great Reduction inthe Price of SINGKK & COS Standard Machines . y'ell kñown to be the. Ucst ot itíanujacturing l'uipose". No. 1, Standard Simulo Machine, forinerly sold 8t $00, cedueéd to 70. No. 2. nf same kind of Machine, for inerly snld u $100, i'educud to 875. SINGEH'S LETTER A MACÍIIXE la tlie bwt Michiiu' In the world f;r Family Sewlng irnl I.Iglii Maiiafitctlirlng PurpoMft: ftett ílcmmer,) and beautifallj otnamented $80, Tli'ï Hos. 1 nrl 2 HaclHoea are of great c;pacity and appiicatíon fot m;tn ..fjicturins purpQkef , Uur No. 8 Machines are uupecially tulupted to í11 Iríiids ! if h'ghl uní ln-;ivy l.t"tln.'i" Vitik, ín Curriae 'frlnimíng. Í9o"t and-ölioe Making Harness MHkinft,eíct,etc. l'iifv un1 o f ex' ni síze, nd with n arm I f hik enough to cake under ii :t ti'l Btltcn largeiil jnzedHshen. íliere ' is scareely any part ►] i Trimmer1 tttitchfng tfast cannot be beller done witji tlu-m Ihan by tiand ; B'a,too lia a ving ol time nnl labor ík v.-y gemt, Thetableof tbese miK-li.iirs is '21 inebn Inng. aqd tliesbntüe wül bold ais timwtheuBual quantityX thraad. Tbelarge . mucliin1 works as fanta! small mies. Wé vonld aak for our i-citti' Uachlnes, ibe special attent ion t Vest Mnkem and l'cyss Iakera aml all tbose wiio vaat Machiné for iigHvia n ufntturing purpo$g. 'Thv'.v embo'ly tluí pridetpleii of the st;tinl:ml macbioes, making liktMii m tbeiqtelockfd titoh. nd are dootfned t be akoelébrated for Kamii.y-Skwixü cd Hjfht nianiii'ac' urinft purposea ;i our standard maeiiim's ut-íir mnnutacf uring purjiost tn general We haveawajon band, hkmmín óAC0K8.m.KTnT l.IXKX ANI ftlTTO.N TURBAD, KPOOIS, BB81 BUCBJRH OlLlO bottle, eC., t'tc. We niañufftúturpour uno Neodtfi,add won ld wam all usiní huí maéhineH not tu buv anv t lior.-i . We know tliat iheie an neelle.s siill o th'p vtost inferior ijttatiitf at bigttPr piice.s tíüiti weoliary for thc ui. The nwlie suM by ii" are manufacturad p;olally for onr ni IJnex. A badneeíilrmaij rendir fht 'testmachine nlutoxl nítU$; ihir cudtomerfl in.iy rost anured tliat al. "ur Hr;inch (Jllicesare f 'uiuisheH willi the " onuitip iini ;t-í " In ol -niiill jMiicliiL-i-., the ni -ne muy be sent in posture slump-, 'v bank notes, Correspondi'Dtw ni pitóme wríte tlieir ñames iiisti.'ctty. It ik all iDpArtailt th-it shoull, in triicn case, knnw tbe Píwi üfflce, CountT,an1 State. ,ljgj" A.l peVèoOB rocjniring nfomuition abuut Sewing MiicliiiH's tnei ' sizftj pricen, irorkíng capncitics, aii'l tbe lieat náeMiodíof i urcnaRing, eanobtaln it b endiagto iis, (ir ;my oí onr P'Miich otñces for a oupy "í 1. M. Singer & Co V Gazetto, Whicli a bcnutil'ul Pictorinl Paper edlírclj1 dOTotedto tbe subject- It w be$c7ítgTrtte. We be made the buya REDÜGXION IN ('RICES with tbe two-YoTd view uf beneftting ibe pubiioáodour solvfs. Tlie public hare ben swiniiU-'l b ipnrldua machines m:iie id tmibttion of our-. T e niela] in thon, I rom the ron' caating to llu1 .sinaílcsi p&icp,liioi poor qualjty. Tlu'ir niüKfcs have nut the raeaná to do titsir worK irell. Tlit'v un tii'ï nwity in secret plaws-, whi'ie ít troubl be impuawble to liave it their eomiiKind I'ip popermecbanlcal applianom. Itiftonly by dotng i artmi buftine.aiKl baTing extensivo man ■ i tact u ring eslabli-slimenta, thal rood machinen can be nade at njoderat[rices. The best deidgnad in icliines, lïAl'I.V UADE, are always hable (o x(it Ot of-oHter, mul aMHur tooost OOnndl trnuiili' inj;! (ponev to ki-ii them in re paire The quatltiea to be Ipnjced for in a Machmêure : c-r talnty n correct ttctionut all rates ot fi-eil, simplicity uf'consiructioo, great riurabflify.. and rapulity ol operatlnn, witb the lt Inbor MaolilneN t onmiilne thef es.s-iitnl quftlitffw, mufM be uadeuf tLebe#tne al&itu tini-li 1 to [ierf ction. Wt havu (be way and muans,oTi ;i ifrum1. .-di le, to do ttiis. ■ The purchawri "i naacJiinea. whoitedaily Bread it ma.y ooncern, wili tiiul thm thAse havievthe nbitveoaaltttói nol onlv Work -rtll al rapit a wdl ;is Imw -atos f spe''l,bnt la si luDger n iu liiif.-t D#iwb1evnrklng nrder. C)ur machines, nimio by us, wili 'rn i"iv money irith bnu labor iban any otbem whther in ImllAtfnn o oni's or not . Infact, tlicy (trechea Mer tljnu any other machines as a girt. I. M. -INGER CO., , 4fs Rroadway NwVórk. Mctroit Olíice, 5S Woodward AvennP. (Merrill Block.) Rlltf M. H. GOODRICH, Agent, Aun Arbor. BOOTS SHOËS MOü'KE & LOOMIS A re now rpcoivíng a large asortment of íícoíh auJ Shoes and Which thoy iropose to m'U 50 per cent below former pricer for cash. Men's goo,l Kip Boots, from $l,r.O to $3,d0 Men's good Tliick Boots, from 2 ()Q to 3,CÜ Men's good Cal f Boots, from 2,50 t o 3.75 Buy's Cnlf, Kip and Thick Boots, 88 to 1,75 Lndies' Gaitera, frora 44 to 1 25 Ladies' MoroccoBootees, from 75 to 1,35 And an endlu variety of tímal Shoesfrom i Fancy Balmorals to Infants' Greeping Shoes. i i Wc are nlsoftlntiafticturllig nll kinda of WARKANTED BOOTS & SHOES. Men Fine Freueh Cnlf Uoots Peigert niul Scwed. ■ 1 Soflivo lis a ciill liofore pdrohaalnjr e!gyhflra, as wparft buim.i not tn ho nndaraold. l"l!l-:i'Aii!l.(; DüN'K N SUuIlT XOTIlK.j ■ MHORE & LOOMIS . I Mnin St., Ann Arhor. Mich : 820lf - - - - P Ann Arbor City loe House for Sale ' Cheap. TTIK snbscribor oíTors for. salo Iiíh Ti:í Houko. ïi-ith Sta ble-J anl-he'l uttarlud, Iiíjí Dvvfllimí, n:i.l nboiit 2 Hcrps of luml i.'ijoinihfr, togatllOr wilh Doiyea, Vnf.ns, TímiIi', &c , ver} chnp. Buta :::nll DropovtlOD ríiuircd down and tlie balance can lemaio on time. S"0w0 C'lV.MEtlT R. THOMPSON.


Old News
Michigan Argus