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A Cabinet Explosion

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The present week has been big with rumor of Cabiuet changos. Saturday niglil last eaniB news that Skwaud had resigned. Sunday the uows was confirmed, with an intiraation that hi rt'signation was in conserjuence of en onslaught made upon bim by the Republican members of the Sonate in caucus asseiubled. The sanie dajs, news also announced the iutcnded resignation of Bates, Blair, and othcis. Moudav morniiig it was sa;d Cuasi: liad resigoed. Monday that tbs President had declined to accept the reaignatious, that Skward had resumed liis labors, and that ClIÁSE held tho matter under advisement. Tueáday told us that Chase had goue on duty, and Tuesday evcning that both Sewako and Cuase remaiu in office condüionaUy. Tho faet is tho radicáis find Sbwabd in their way, and are endeavoring to force hini, and perhaps Blair and Baïks, out of the Cabiuet. The DéWSpapêï reports savoi' of all sorts oí Puiipniracics, and a colusión between the President aud Congress is threatencd uiíless he yields to the dida lionol the radiculs, and partially reemistructs his Cabinet. Wo wait patiëntly the end of this storm, thinking to ourself that the President cannot m;ike the Cabinet much worse by " partial re-construction." JS3T" Edwakd McG-raw, who graduated in the Literary departtnent of the University in 1859 and in the Law dapertment n 1860, has boon appoinf ed United Stiltes District Attorney for the State of Oregoji. L35" !' All qniet on the Rappahannock," but an abundance of sqyalls in the Southwest. Our foroes in ïenneesee, Miseissippi, &u., are being cut oft' by deteedments, and bon tho general engagement comes appeariinces indícate thut the rebels' will havo mnssed too many men to mke victory easy. JL3T"A Merry Christmas" to all our readers, and may those over whoe household no daik sharlow hangs, extend freely of their sympathies, and substance, if need be, to their suffeiing neighbors and friends. fL? We expect to find on our lable today, a large, fine, fat turkey, one ot tho best bred and conditioned fovvls of the 6eason, fit to place befare an editor (or a king). It carao with the oarnpliments of Wilson, of Stbbwns & Wil son, and the aecompanying injunction will be beeded. JC2T" As tho lirit of killed and wnun ded in the late battles at Frederioks. burg are mado up wc reoognizo more names of brave soldiers frnm lliia city and vicinity. Adjutsot Clurk of tho 4th Infantry, Pred Wildtof CoD, samo regiment aro reported killed. W. Sigel of Co, C, lst Infantry was vvoundod ; also Sergeant Pratt, Co, I, 5th Infantry. There may lio othor namesin the liat not recognized by us. t" We hope thal every dbe of our friends, especially our demouratiu onep, and more especittlly the biifineRS men of our city, will read our leader and ruad ing will act upon its sugjrestions. - Don'tslight it because of its length. - We don't often inflict long leaders upon our readers, aud promise not to do it aguin soon. - - III - II öa?" The proceeda of the suppcr given on Wednesday evon'iDg of last week by the Ladieg of the M. E Church woro $157, and have been appropriatecl to tl:o enlargemoQt of the Sabbath School Library of that Church. $140 had been raised by eubsoriptioo, and tho school can now boastof a magnilieent library. - III !■■ III K Much indignation is just novv being vented Congrossman Ely, of Buil Run and Riehmond prison notoriety. Ho is obarged vsitb selhng coinmissions. WII, s'poiin hu has, didn't the Springfield RrpvMican a fow days i-irice teil of a Brigadier General's comrnisaion being offured at half price, or 2,000, and is not patronage baing daiïy sold by those in atilhorify, frora cabinet officers down ? "That'a wbat's the matter," and Iíi.y woold be out of fashion if he dldn't -11 his iramense iniluence.


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