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Ufar Avttiimmfa rHE annual iiui of Forest Hiil Ouietery Companj of A'od Arbor, Torof offioera una tbc tran.sacíion of Rucfa "tl ■ ■! bufttDOSfl ns muy come befope f. uil! h.t li-'ld ;it tlie office of the Clcrk of snid ""ri'iany,on Tuedday ■ J;i'.iary 61I1, 1868, :it 2 clock, P.M. E. D, POND, Adb Arbor. Dec. L3, 1602. CArit. "SS o-O Eö,3 TO THE 2PTJBLIC? GV'. BABKKR, M D., Ie tho only nutlmrized ngcnt t 1 in W;i.-!itoiiiiiv cOunQr, TÍe Pictonal IMstory ot l'nv War for the [JntOD, by Mrs. Ann S. Stephen, iUte.l by J.J. Gvlder l.-q.. thejmost graphic, complete, an.ï reUable w;ik will hu ritton on th presont war 11 will l;e publfsh6d in twü tovhI octavo vols, ■í9fi papes to eacb Polume, sulni.iir.ially buund, and uritli ovr!500 UuitratioDS, üiclu dinff aleganl 1:1'. like portraita i i all il' MlHturj n4 Naval Httroef , lij : ' -: artlsts n tbc roiu.try, toftlifr witll Tl O(.nn:](-'i chvOAAloglfit] record oí every fvcut :n hc nnli r "i Lts üccuriGllco, BukiM oue of the mrst svipcrb pro'luctioiifi cf the age. tjuitiitle td a'ïuru tlif ei titiv uih'.c. nul ;t rftlQ&blo Bddition t cvery Libnirj in the' (Dai.ny. Sold by Bubscrfrtioo only - by the undersigncd - wlio is uw eannwaillg thia liOlllltV. 4Í88J G.W.BiRKEK. JSToticO. Post )nu k. Airs Aiuior, Dcc, 10. Persons mailing letters will pleMe give theirattention to the condltion of ihe stampa upon the same, as all letters bearing st:uip.s sc ddfeced as to rencicr it difficult to teil whethor they have before born used, will ba treatod the satne as unpaid letters. JNO. I. ÏIIOMl'SON, P. 11. Ann Arbnr & Lodi Piank Road Co IiHE AffNÜAL meeting of die StockhoHcrs of th Ann Arbnr nd l.'li l'limk Ro:iii Co-, for the electlon of Director for the omuolag jttr, nd f; ucli othor bannesa aa wr.v prtperlj come btiïor.1 the meet Ing v.ill li:-!nl ittheOffiooof tho Co., in Ann Arbor on Tncstliiy, tlie Ctli Dny of Jannnry1863 at i o'clock 1'. II. J)HN W. BONI Treasurer. Ann Arbnr, Pee. 3d IS63. ÏSTOS?II(32!. T hereai mj wife Barbara Hliim h left my b4 aii.I board, without any provocation nn mj part, I herebjr cautloo al! persons oot to trual het i'n my account, 1 shall py no diabla coniractcd by hor afler thin day. JOHN.' El.Uy. Ahn Arbor, Pee IS, 1S6'-3873 Estáte ol Charles Slingerland. STATI.or MICHIGAN, ConaW of :- U : . -.:i ii o( the (Vjurt Tur t lic County of WaAtenaw. holden at i'ae l'rubate Ollic, ík the City of Ann ArbT. on M.uwlay, tln fifleciith day of Deoerober, In tUo yeai one thóuaasd Djgbt bondred n- stxtjsmo. Pre.ieai.Tljoinas N'indo.Judge of Probate. In the matter of Uu' Kstate of Charle Slinger jnd late of said Col ■ On readinjr and állng the ]ctUion. duly Tenflod, ( Hary Ann Slingerland, praylng f"r the appointment of . trator on tho estáte "f ';"'l deeeaaed. Thereupon It la Ordered. Thit Friday, the ixtefpln ■lav of January next, at ton o'clock in the f-;ijn'"'". : ad fnrtbe hearing of ai(J pytjtion, indthat lp belraat lavof aaid Seo, mí all other Pcr""" 1 noald estáte are requited toappear t . ' siontff said Oourt, then to bo fboldeu Í „n.l Offlce.inthedtyóf Ann Arbor, In m "!"'l(Vr "!„' sha cause, if aoj fhere lini1 ahould not be granied . titioner tir . furlher Orderod, tbat id.detU i the' nolifr, to tbe porsona nleid 'n.ri] thproof by' pendency of :u.;. pntltion.and the J-,.,,, iu ,14 eanaing a copy "f "":. '„V'.inUnl and circulti.. MiMgm J"1""';2r in, mceewlTi trc.-kj ■ toaaldnarol njuQg NIN„f:, (A tr U coM-) Ju(lgc of probáis. TÖbpoco I Tobacco I I AM SKI.T.IXO PÜODFÜNE OUT CHEWING T0BACCO Atfrom Fiftu cents to SI per j SMOKING TOBACCO, Trom 1 r 6#iM lo 20 ■ .-'■ '■ &i$$ al rdail M. DEVANY. , ■ '.■■■


Old News
Michigan Argus