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o y.oc ja'T whis&ers DO Y OU WAiTA iïGUSTACUB If ao, purchace ono bo'.tlc of F. E. Ciiaaplcll'l XCELSIO? IÏÏVIGORATOR f ie world renuwDcd the orlj Ritlclc of the klol eroffered the [jíodIo of the United sítate. Ti bt.T ticle ï.-t the oniy ons usod by the FreueU ; tn Lomloa iu Paris t ia in uclvvrsal usé. THE EXCELSIOR WHISKEll INVIUORATORl f a Beautiful, Kconomlcal, toothlnf, jét Stimtffttisf ■ ', ar it by mag'c upen tae rüot,HU g a bwlatiful growth di Luxuriaut liearrt. If apliêd i the w:ü cuve Ba ld ees, and if applled 3 irding tu directioan, it wül cause to spiiiag uj ia blct wts a flne growtb. of hun ntHtifl haih The Celeteated EXCELSIOR INVIOORaTOR i 0.71 (ndtapeiignble Articlü in evtfy Gcntleroan's Toilet Dne week'.- they woulü not, forany coDiid ut Tbe abovu artlcle will,in frora Veeks, briug out e tblck ast of W&iixsm r youartHK. 'ihe lubvcribers the eniy Ajents fot lhe atore s4 to the UiaiU'd atati. Thcr Ti-oul'l alao announce to tho public tlat tte re agentsior Napoleon's Hair Toilot! ■licic ovt offer r] Nj theFiench people tb&t ould CC! PTRilGHT ítaiji the abore Toilet iieing mto' facturcd for lïie sole benefit o Louie Napoleon ! whldL rticlo fp now isdtsp uw ble in hlo Tcilet ro m. Tho Hubscribers leeiing confi lenttbat tliis Toilet idürI eeessarily tikt the place of JiUotlicia ever offt red : '"asure in expres.-áng their oouÊ ?nce in tho artielo, gtiining it from practical ue. THE NAPOLEON HAIR TOILET Tül Cri'L aTRiiGiiT Haiü ín ?oft, FIowídr CurUt bat wlil témalo in ahape fur ane day or "ne weel; If de Ired, or f.ny Iongr penod, if the tlircciions are atrictly slfftwed, whlch areverj' simpl'-an eaí-j . _;jr in anv maunennterfere with he Natural Solnas nf the Hair. It, Delthor acorches t; butgtvM ;ij Lalr a soft, thrifty appeafaoe. It uiso provents tbe hair fixm falliug ofl aad afniag gray , TilE NAPOLEON II AIR TOILET lus beon beforethe jmblc huta rttítne, and hu 8 al ! bj ovor onc iliousand persons 1 and fj tha the Napoleon Hair Toilet ís the grent at Beautil t ïd to tbe Amfrican people. ■ froni betog ccuntfrfeited or irti Etiterl by unprnciplyrl persons, we do not fïer;t for nale .t any liruggists io fhe li.He' Statm. lherefore any ,ady or (ieotïoBi Irefl BoftjLuxuriast Hair .nú Cui 1. anrl Long] Sol i or Muustache, ca ft jrocure tlie InviL(rrator or Toilet, either one,for on% -iosed in a letter, wiib. their ddrH8. Al . G. F. 8PENY tz CO., Box if3,Co'.tnsríne, Hartford Co., 0Andtt willbt aarefqtiy ient brrt-turn mail DR. IIOüFLAND'S BALSAlViIC CORDIAL, For tho speedy enre of Coghs, Colh, Influenza, Croup, ÏIoarseneBê Bronchitis Pneumonía, Distases oftkb Boto els. arixiny j'rom Cotd, Incipient Con swmpi}on,andfor the relief and i,if ut alt posaibh') cure ot iatient$ in adtantad stages of ths iatler aiaeasr.. m te Cordial ia edtirtl a Vcgetatla prclud . tion, combining the haaling propertieji oi tho Baï m, with the invigorating quiiliticB of a Cordial, procorabittttton so neli adapttd to ibe purona tfew ( of diteMH which :i oöt, at au wtrly penud, succumb to iU healiugaud e giving propi . For age.4, bui the mw.mcnt nf pulninnary disefiBes :up:ftd tliü greater por tion of iltc attaiion oí tb rld, but oone acquircd mor minenoein hrs treatment aof thesa dfseaaeB, tlian the lubrate i Pru&üiaD. Houfiaod, tl. e origaatoi ol tU atsamic Cordial. Hislifewaá devoted to tlie producon of remtnitea that won ld stand umivuüod. How eil l;o has i-ucceediíd, the American peoploare able to y aanert, Ün-t no prepar&tiona ■ ,vtr Ijecii ilnced bïfofé tlipm, have conferí K-X ie santo nmounl ui beneHts on suffVring humanlty, or Cumrhendationa ifom uil clasaai socitit'.". ;.-ï therer:".ediüs of lr. linoilünd, prepared bjr I Ja Iwün & I o., of Philsdelphia. ió fot a claaa of disetises mor ofe fatal tban any-other to whith th ■eople of tli 3 country ate subject- thow sptingiaj{ rom a itaHght coW.1' That emident antbority, Dr, elljfiajs: l4lwl)l not.aay that Colas nre to out inhabunts wiiat Plantte and Yillow Fmr are to thone other eountríts; but I can cnnfidently that they Bher in dUease of' gi-enterjeujoiplicity and mortality in íhe' lattw." Entirebj Vegetable. No Alcoholé Prepavation. DP.. H )OFLA ND'S CELEBfUTED GEHMAN BITTERS Prepered by DE. C Sí. JACKSON & Cü.t PhiUdelphia, Pa. cure LIVEK COMPLAINT, LYtíPEPSIA, aUNj'Ii E,Chronic or Neivous Debility, Diseaaesof the adneyá, und all difeaües u rising Irom a disordertd Jvei or Stinach. ...patinn, Inw.inl Pilea. Fulneas or Blood ol the Stomach, Kauaw, Heart. fct in t'io StomtatioTiíjSiDkmg or Pluttering at the iit , -wimming ol the Uead, Hurried and fifiBcult i1 ■ ■'"■L !l1 the Heart, Choking ,aa wlien in a lying ure, Dimesa ')f Visioa. ot web-i beforetbe sight, Fi.ver and tul! Puin inti.i - iency of Perapiratioo, YeioWnesft of tbekin and Eyes Pain in tlieile, Back, ■ lu !r. soi Beat, IJarning ia Constant maginmgi ol evil, and great De i positivïy prevent YLL ,OW FLVKA, BIJJLHÜ FEVfc.R,te ■ i caliing the afeniion of the publio 0 tbia pru aral with a teel ng tf the utmost onfidenceio tts.virce1 fl adaotation to the disene or vrhich iL is recocu: It'.anonew and untried article, but on - that hal . Lefttof i twelvu yenrs'trlal before the Auisrcan pt'opie, nn1 i te reputation and saté are uuri valled y p.ny similar prparatíoaa c-tint. The teatimony . orgiven by the most promineni and well-knowa dualvin al) paftvof tha country ia nunenbö, nd i car lul peruialoJ tlie Almunnc, pub ished aniHi'Aíly Ly tbe Proprietor, and ti be liad gratii of any cd cannot ont uiiaiy the most xkepticiil tnattlrn remedy i= rtatly deserví ng the great celebrity It baas obtaioe4 JRcatl tlie Kvlflen1 a Fcaton Fr -wn f'. O , Editar of the Ency.lopédi4 of ItrlTgions Kwowle'.'ge. ■ - Ho favcr ot reevtnrafeftd Patent thr-ough di-itrut of their ingrc dieni i =i m 'l efTt-ct-.I yet know oï do sufRcient rcason vhy a irán mny not tef.tily to tbe benefit he belieTM himsslf to have necived tron uny simple pre-pamtk n. in the a lip muy thua conlnbute to llie beaefit of othrrs. lüothïstbe more rfladily in rcar'l to i:Hoofland'a Germán Bitters," prepared bylïr C. M. Jacknon, of thia city, bpo.;uv' 1 w&f prejudicud against them for years, hé imprMfion that thej were chieflj an alcohol ie mixture. 1 nm ïndebted to my frieod líobert Shoemaker)Ksq..for tUereooval of ttus prjudic8 by proper testP.:nil fot snco irnpemntto try them, trhen Ruifer i jreAt aöd long conti n-ed debility. Tlie ub of attlea of these Bitters, ai the begiriDing of the ijr"sy.r yv :■, v;i folln-ve . !jv eridnat relief , and restoration toa dijeres i i bodily and mentf 1 vtgor wlnch Ihat I ' tr pis tepntbs befon . I i it denpairea íning. I therefor1 thanlj God nndmy friend for dift-ottng meto the uso of them. J. NEWTON DH0WNBead what the erainsnt Glass Manafncturer, jrHïi H WliirAI.I.,b:iyö of the BLSAMfC CORDIAL. Pr. C M. Jackson- Respectod Priemt; Having for a long 'ime !.ee:i acqiiimcd wit h 1!it vlrtuttfl of liiy Bal3:imíc Cordial in Cou li, Colds, iF th Lucgs, íc, I thus frely bear testunony to its efticacy. ■ . ■■ í I.. ye HBTer been without it in mr it alfiogivea me pleanure to state tht I have used it w!t'tientire sucedas o the treatment of ïiowel Compiaint. TIn frieuct truly, JOHN II. WHITAIX, Fif'.h Mo. !7, 1853, Kace Street, above 4th, rWW. These medicines are for sale by all respeotabte Drutr(ristfl nal dtfalers i med'ctDefi in tbe United Stntes, Bnt1 b Provincert, and We(ttIdiB,at 7ft cents pw bottle - 1 the gen'ine, with theaignatute ol O. M. Jackson on the wrapi r "' eb bottle; all oihers art eoiutterfeit Pr oclpalOf&ce aad Manafactory, 41" Arcb. Street, Phüad 8v0y1 f{( ff() MALEorFEMALE Agapta Vt[) RJi TO SELL Lloyd's VF.w ?Trn, vi..jk corNTY cci.or.F.n CAÑADAS, AND NEW BRUNbWK. Trrm recent fiurrey?, cnrapicte-i Avr. 30. o-st S-0.00 i tu fiij-ü.vc it'an'l mwyw burtri or tn rer madeby Coltonor MitehBella at tha iow nrlee of fifty cents; L.70,000 uau" . ■ Ifl map. Itis notonïy n Ooonty Map, but It nUo a ÜOCNIY AKORAILHOaD MAP cf the UaUed Stat ■ and Cañadas combined inone.givin Y RA1LR0AÜ STiïlON ana d sUnees botweec. Gtnrantee nny w man o: man SC f1 ?5 prr èkf and , will tal it cuiinot be la cd r&fund the m ; g rtb tn iry. raction-i huw to or.nvass well, fuTnit-lieft 1 all ov ■. r ctr V' i 'ft Krjr ■ ', Sranofi hiüI Gulw. ia ) !.'■ inatk1 ■'-ith a few hmidreU dolUrs capita I j. x : ;1 ' ) - Seiv VnrV, The'W "■'■' P rtfVirglflJá, Mary ■; ffbjch it nmCitJt.Sharivburg.WilHamsportFerr, 1 9 on thts IVU- V;rg Uifl, aili 1'nin. T LOYD'S ■ TOPOORAPHICAL MAP OP KKNTUCKT, DHiO, INDIANA, and ILLIXÜ13, . i -. ;-r il and tl.e va yoni Einding an fnvt Íiits. ! as:. 9. QF VJKMXIA, MARTLAHT) AV9 it coot 4 büiI H ia dfibtsyitihifh. ca" be putchnxtd ' rHE MIPIS?IPP] RïVEB- d vVrn. Powm, . ■ - -■ N , khuwi everjj ' ■ M. 1.0-UÍK t nuca - CAery Kind bar. Islanrt t,.-n ■■■:■). fiona lbo . ïoiimfi '.ii eiMiiiiiesaod Otates lVicr-,3 In sheet, g2, po.kft form, fturi $2,L0 on lmuer., with joller. ■ Ai-HTXrPN ctp. 57, Jffi?. ü . pj uv íap of the Mi1fNunHi-í.4 copies. Rear-Adm ♦ j.,1 ,-■ ■ i a inning the MfstiMlppt . jjurchase as many b itot qi-.;.. rB Wi ME?, Seerstaiy of the'y. ; ,,r bryaFianoof tbhisii1nMi I ! w d a I-an.laom eum'Vj : -■ ■ -- Ji - , C .■ "-


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