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SOCIETY. jtameijta at the So is'. & BR O. i, J-welry anl Silvcr :iu Arbnr. . JS. ■ f, 3vQlrj and Silver nu Ai-bjr. LBÑT tries, Grockery, &c. &c. ërsönT" fieriCfl Hardware, Boots nn Arbor. -in Bootffaád Shoes, one fice. .ÑDÉRáON. ovos, 'house furnishing , Nuvv Blucli, Main st. . ILÍ.S. Is, Groceriea, Boots & hm , ll.irou Lroet. SELAND, iife Insurance Company, iso has 011 hund a stock achines. 885tf MILLER. Öchool and Blank Bqoks. fc,i:c.. Maiüst., Franklin . BEAKES torntLyw. --ná Solicitor in [ƒ Hall Biock, over Wobstei's .WE L Ê VVÏTT, mTd. PHYSICIAN au.l Sjr.-o.m. Offlce at his resiilence, aorth sidu of Ilarun reet, .;ml seoond house west of División street. M00RE & L00MIS. MAJJÜFACTURKR and Dealer in Boots and Shoes, i Phrenix Rlock, Hain Btreet, one door nurth of VViwhinton street. M. GUITEIÍ31AN & CO. WHÓLEg ALE and Retail Doalera and Manafacturprs of Clothing, Importen of t'loths, Casginicr'is, Ijueskios, &c, Nj. ó, Pfioeoix lïlock, Main st. WAL WAGNErT" DEAI.KR in Ready Made Clotliing, Clotbs, Cassiraeres, and Vostinga, Hats, Caps, Truuks, Carpe'u Bttga, &c, I'hceuix Block, Main street. SLAWSON & GEER . fi ROCERS, Provisión &nd Oomralsaion tterebants, and VT Dealers ia Watfflr' Lime, Land Piaster, and P'astír of Pnris, one door cast of Coot'u Hotel, T. B. FREliMAN. BARDER and FasMonable Hair Dresser, Main street, Ann Arbor, Micli. lliir l'ronts and Curlskept r.onfitantly on hand. J. M. SOÖTï" MI1ROTYPE and PhQ(ogrpb Artisf, in the rooms l over Campiou's ClotUing store, Phcenix Iüock. Perfect satis facción giveur W. WEJE&S, SÜRVEYQR anl i'ivil Eigmeer, continúes to gire immediate iitteutioij t UI orders. OQice at Kis resi dence at the corner of Catherine and Thayer sts. 869; 1 C. B, FGKTEÏt. SUROEON DENTIST. OfficeSorner of Main and Hurón streets, over Bach & i'ienBon's Htore. All calis prompUy at tended to A[rl859 J. R. WEBSTER & CO, PEALERS in and Medical Boofcs gctióoi Books, Blank Hnoks. Misceltaneous Bi'uks, pens, ' in: evory vai-iety of Statiónerjt, Hnrun st. , City Hall Btock. oTbTthöYpson. TvRAI.EBin Dry ''ods arjd Gmoei-ies, Boots andshoes, SI lic. Produce bought aml sijlil, ;it thu "M Btand "f Thompson & Millón, Corner Min aodWisWogtan sts. MACK & SCÏIMID. DEALERS in Forign and Domestic Pry (Jood, Groceries.Hats and Capa, Boots and SlioosCrockery, ÍÍC-, Corner üï Main & Liberty hts. "aÑDIÍEW BELL. DEAI.FÍR 'm ftroceries, Vvövisions, Flour, Produces, &C, &c, corner Main and .Washington Streets, Ann Arbor. The highesl marlt-t priceg paid lor country jtroduce. . 86 I. Ö7X). E. TTTASHTKNAW I.ndgo, No. 9, of Uie Independent OrW der ot' O ld Fellows meet at their 1-odge Room, everv Priday Evening, at l)i o'clock. 8. Sosdhux, N. 6. . P. B. Kope, Secy KIÑGSLEY &MORGAN. ATTORNEYS, Counsollors, Solicitors, and Not.-incs Public, haye Book.s and Pl;its showin titles of all JaiHis o thp County, anlatt(nl to c mvtyaucing and pollecting emands, and to paying taxes and school interest in any part of the state. Olíice tíast ef the park. "dTdeFohest. WHOLESALE and retail dealer in l.innber. Lftth, Shinglcs. Hash , Doors, Blinds, Water Linie, Grand Jftivcr Piaster, l'lastuv Paris, and Níila ofallsizus A full aud perfect assortmunt of the above, and all ther kinds of building materia Is eunsUmtlv OD hand at the lowea po3siblü rates, on IU'troit st ., a few rotis Ironi the Railroad Depot. Also operating extenbively in tlie Patent Cement Roofing. FOK SALE ! TWO of the most dcsiraWc Iinilrtina; lots ii( the Cily of Ann Arb"r. containing each one acre and a qiiarter (if grounil. ituiter i.ii State r-'treel, ncar tlie Southwest corner of fue Uuiver-iry Square. t'or tenr. ■- fcc.iiiiiuirc at tho , .(.I!(1 á OH" KT). Hut. 14 1862. Mojiey to Lend. ICAN l-'tRXlíH MONEY on reasonable term.s and longtimtougoodFarmPcciuüy. M01!n,N A:in Arbor, .uly 89,158.