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What Can We Do!

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.Not one man, nor one thousand men, nor one hundred thousand alone, but the United population of the North, is asking this question to-day. What can we do ? ïhe question is not what ean we do with the rebellion, it is not what oan we do with the Union, it is tiot what can we do with the war, it is what oan we do with the men at Washington, who are our constitutional leaders, to induce them to use the means we have placed in tlieir hands for the purpose to which we cledicated them ? II o w. can we reaeh the dull ears of those that will not hear ? How ean we pierce the hearts that are cold in their selfishness, or iinpervious in their roeky stupidity ? It is no political frenzy that possesses men 's souls and moves this sea of indignation now swelling in the kind. It is patriotisin - "d.eep, earnest, devoted patriotism - and it proves lts loyal charaeter by the faet that it has not within the past two days broken out io a revolution, led by those who were the closest friends of the adinDÍstration only a few days ago. If the President would, for twentyfour hours, como out of the foul atmosphere of Washington into the free American air, he would breathe a new spirit, inhale new life, hoar old truths ia a new voice, and he would heed the instruction. What can we do? One proposes a public meeting, the most solemn and the most terrible ever held on the American continent. J5ut what effect would it produce ? Washington men would sneer at its thunder, and say, " You can al ways get up a democratie mob in New York." If it were origiuated by gentlemen who are understood as belonging to the administration party its effect would b'e greater, but even' then the radical voice which contrnls the President and controls his Oabiuet would couvineo hira that it was a partisan affair, and its chief effect on the Cabinet -would be to elicit some good jokes and illustrative anecdotes. It is not the " twenty millions" in buckram, a ghostly company of imagined men, the conjuration of a delirious brain, who addresj the President now. It is the tweuty njillions of American fathera, mothers, brotbers and sisters, the hosts of whoin he is the leader, and whose dearest hopes hauV on his disposal, that now cali on him. pome of them - how many who ean teil rWhave been praying on bent knees, for öye days and fivo nights, for the boys that are on the battle-field. Some of them - the fearful number far csoeeds his wildeat iniaginings - have. througti those days and sleepless nights been weepi'ug in agony for the de id who died - ah, how vuiuly ! - on that bloody plain to which his counsels gent our bravest and best for certain ülaughter. liight hundred tlioueand aoldiers havo more than cight millions of relativos aud friends who hold him, aud only hiu], resporisible for every iifo thrówn away on fruitless battle fields, fought on the ders of those men wlio control bis councils and determine liis policy. It will be said that we are not im'partial interpre tors of this public voico. We reply tliat during tuis war no journal in America har, more stcadfastly and faithfully suataioed Abraham Lincoln, the constitutionul President of the United States, than wc. lleartüy commqndtbg all that he has done well, we have dealt in no harah criticism when wo diífercd from hiui, and we have sternly set our faces against the disorganizing plans and suggestiona of his own party adherents wheu they proposed to supersede him, or thièatened him with their displeasure. We have spoken calmly and soberly at all times, and we speak the words of soberness novv. Let the President read the words of the Evening Post, elsewhere copied, and believe them if he will not believe us There are times when calmness itself is tcmpestuous. There are moments before the. thuuder bursts wheu the elemeuts are silent, and then the very aspect of the clouds is the forewaruing of the tornado. If Mr. Lineólo allows himself to be so shut out from the sounds of the great storm now gathered and ready to brek, that he-hears nothing, sees uothing, fears nothiug, he will be roused by the crash of the.thunder. All our conservativo counsels will fail to stay it. We speak a truth that every man who reads this knows today - Never in the history of our country were the depths so stirred, never were the people . so unammous in the demand, " What shall we do ? " Can we give him more treasure than we have given? His printing presses caunot turn out the eolored promises to pay as fast as we aro ready to take thom and cali them money. Can we send him more of our sonsi The fields of Virginia will grow grain a huodred years from their blood, already given to him aud the cause he representa. When iu his message, the othor d:iy, he liad no word of thanks for this glorious sacrifice of' ours, nor any line of praise for the gallant dead, or 1 he bravo living men who were in arms around the capital, stil! we trusted him, and they trusted liiui, that tho vast responsibility to us and them which rested on him would not be misused to their and our destruction. Their blood calis on us and on him from the field of their vaip slaughtcr. Who scat them over that dark river, and over the blackest of rivers, out of our embraces forevermore, only to renew tie worn-out plains of the Kappahauuock ? Who will send those of them that are loft to-morrow into soma murderous valley, some gulf of death ? When tho disaster at Ball's Bluff saerificed the men who crossed the Poto Hiac, the people demanded to know who was respousible, and the governmeut made a show of quieting the demand by sacrifioing General Stone, who was as innocent as the child unborn. But no sueh sacrifiee will now appeaso the pèople's demand. They know now that the rainistratiou at Washington is responsi ble, and they will not be satisned uctil that administration is absolutely ohanged - obanged in men, ohanged in views, changed in spirit, cliimgcd in polioy. If tbere were any plain constitutional raethod of compelling tho resigoation of President and Vioe-Presideot, aud placing a new uian in the seat of Abraham Lincoln, the people would demand that They are a couatitution-loving people today, as they havo boen throughuut the war, and they reoognize the neo:ssity, the duty, of standing firraly by the President as long as he reiiïaina President. - But if Abraham Lincoln and Ilannibal Hamlin should resign, and Congress order a new elec'tiou at once, there eau be no doubt that the peoplü of tho United States would accept the event as the consummatiou of their inost ardeut desires and the means of saving the nation. - They do not expect that. But they do desire - not democrats, not conservative men, but the people of all parties, republicana more loudly than any one clse - they do desire that the President should at once and wholly chauge his entire admiuietration. A half-way patehing-up of the Cabinet will but lead to a reucwal of the old wrongs. There are menibcts of tho Cabinet who might well be in a new Cabinet, but the construction should be nev,-. Every man should resign, and a new ministry bo called by the President, who should bo wholly fiee frorn the trammels of party politics and party association, who will conduct publio affairs on publio principies, and who will advise the President as American patriots and not as selfish politicians. We speak witli greatplainness of speech. This is the hour for such speakïbg. It was not for a war that this adminiitratión vras elcoted. It was in power, and the war came ou, as the opponents of the suceessful party liad predicted. The elected President was responsibla for the conduct of the war. He has oonducted it under the whip of the most radical moinbera of the party whicli eleíted him. lic has tried their policy and plans, and failcd misorably, awfully. Tho fatal resul ts are visible bei'ore us, even if we have not already rcaehed tliem. It is therefore no half-way chango of men and policy, no partial repentance, that will now s;ive us. It is only complete and total ohange that will calm tbj) people aud lead to future safety, jjg5" He vvho bas an inordinate adrniratioa tot aotiquity, must have maro taete for wrioklös thiin for dimpies. j&ST A"" exchango tel Is us oí an Milor that went soldiering and was OTSen captain. Oae day at parade, instead of giving the orders, "front face, three paecs iorward," ho excluimed, "Cash, two .dollars a ycar, in advaneo."