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f jmal fótico. AN adjmirncd annoal meeting of tlie stnckhoWer of Forost Hill Cemetery Componj of Ann A.bor will be beid at thé office uf Ulo Werk of said Company, on Fritlay. Janaaiï 16th, 1803, at 2 o'clock, P. M. At such meeting II will bé proposed t smtnd article 4 ol the Uy I.iw.i of salrt Company by sliüong out of sucli attidtf all of llie lirst sentence thereof alter the woraa " at suoli price as they miy deern oxpedient," and alsn to fart .er amend said article as my be eonaidared neceS3a'7. E.B rCND.Clerk. 'Ann Arbor, Jan. ïth, 1863. MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD. Passenger trains no Isaye Detroit and the severa Stations in thúsCuunty, as followg O O I M Q ff EST. Leare. Mail. NT. Y. Ex. .Tack.Ac. N'ightEx Detroit 7.20 A. si. 10 A.M. &,15p.u9.30 V. M. Yiisilanti, 900 " 11.25 " 6.U " l".0 ' Aim Arbor, 9.20 ' 11.45 ' 75 " 11 10 ' Deiter -SO " 12.10 p.m. T.86 " 11.8R ■' Chelsea, 10 10 ' 18.S0 " 8.00 " 11.65 " Ar.Cliicago, 10.:0 ' 1U.05A. m! The mail train goes only to Mic'nigan Ciiy. 0 O I N G E A S I . I.eavo. KiglitEx. Jack. A cu N. Y. Kr. Mail; Chicaito. 6.Í5 p.m. C.eo.í. m Chelsea. 6 .55 A ir. 5.'-'0 r. K. Ilexter,' P SO " 6U " Aitn Arlior, 6.05 a. m. 7 -J5 " 3 13 j'. tí. 6 15 '■ Ypailanti, 5.25 " 7-r,0 " 4,II5 " 6 0 " Ar. Detroit, 0.45 " 0.20 " 5 15 '.- 8. 09 " The mail train starts from Micliiaiiu City. Traitu do not stop at stations whi-re figures are omittedin the table. A CAR TO THE LAD1E3. DR. DUPOIsWS GOLDEN TILLS ]?OK FEMALES. Iulallible in correctlng, regulating and rernoving al! obstructiuns, trom whatev-or cause, ind ilwavs succes.sful an a preventivo. The corabination 'oí ingredients in Dr. Duponco's Golden Pilis fox Feínales aTe perfe?tly harmless. They have been used ín Oig prívate practïoe of pr. Duponco over SO years, and thousn-Hi]s _of ladies can testify to their great and ncvcr failing ucce.stí in almost every case in correcting irroularilies, íelicving píiinTul and dihtressing menstrnation, particularly at the change of tife. Trora Ove to ten pilla ill cure that commi)U yot dreadfulcomplaint,tl(3 Wbites Neafly evcry femalo in the land suffers fn m this complaínt. The above Pili has permanently cured (housands, and they willcuve jou if you use thein. They cannot harm you; on the contrary . thoy ronove all obstructions, re store nature to its proper channel, and invigarate the ".vhole pystem. Ladie.s whose health will not permit íin increaw of fatnily, will find tbese pilla a successíul preveative. Ladies peculiavly situated, or those Bupposing themselves po, should nrot u?e these Pilis duriog the first three months, a-s they are certain to produce inisearriagf , "after whicb admonition'' the proprietor asumes no responsibilít1, altLough fcheir milduess will prevent auinjury to health. The iwgredients comnosiníí the above Pilis are .nade known to every Agent, and they will teil you Ahey are safe and wül petform all claimed lor tliem. Price $1 per box Spld in ANN ARBOR, by 6TEBBIN3& WIIÜON, Bxuggists, W. A. atTNT, Drugglst. Lftdiea living at a flistanoe by wndiög thcm $1,00 tUrongh the Ann Arbor I'ostofiiee, c:cn have tlie PilU flpnt (confirtentially) by mail, to any pari of tlw country iree of postage. N. R. - Beware of n base couvterfeit of these Puls, - You can buy the connte-rïVit uticle ;it iiny pricefrom 2ï tu 76 cents a box (dear a,t tháí). Lapjes your lfvea 'a,w bealth are oí' too mucli value to bc trüled witli, besides bein Hiposed upan with awoi-tlile.s krticle. Tlioretjre any odö oflferingybu theé PiïlsfoT loss Uian $1 i box avoidtbrin as you would po i son. They 4relogus. Nono aregfenaine uniera the name of S. E), HOWE ! on overj bix wliich has cecently been afidixl, on account of the RUs behig couterfeked, Sol.l alao, by KiNXK k -MITÍT, Ypsilant!. LLIS3 &HKEP.EJacltson, and by one druggiaf ín everv village and city io tli United States, and by KARRÁND, SHEELEY & (JO. . Gen ural State Agente, Detroit. S. D HOWE, 8olProprieor, 867yrs2 i;v YoiiK. THE HEALTH ANDLIFE OFWOMAN Isenntiaually in pril i f slie ís mail enough to neglecl or maltroat those sexual int-gularities to which twotliirtls of lier tex are morí! or 1098 subject. DR. CÏÏEESÏRMAN'8 PILIS, prepare.! frora the same formula wliich the inventor. OORNEUÜS L. CHEESEM.1N, M. Dof New-fork, lias for twenty years used sticccssfuüyin anc.xlendcd privaipiirclicrf1 - imriietiiately relieve without pain, all iHsturbancos of the penmiical dirttthiirsp. whclher ansing from velaxation or suppi-osHion. 'Ripy acrt Hke a cliarm in removingthe piuns that aeccmpany öifftcult orimraoderate menstrua hou, and are tlie only safe and relïnble romñdyfor Fluhes, Sick HcaflacTiP, Paiu in the Loins. Back and Sides, Falpitation of the Hoart NervciiK Tremors, Ilysterics, Spaniy, B roken Klf'p nnrl otiier unp!o;isant nd dangeroiis eITects of aTl unnatural condifinn of tb e kc ■sual functions In the worst cases of Fluor Albus or Whitep, they iTVjct a ■ ;i cure To WIVES ancl MATROX, I;;. !'H!:tKMAX!SI'II.LS!ir(.MilTf;eflas the only safe muans of r'DCwingmtewupHÖ menstraatíon, bat. LADIES MUST BEAU 1 JIJM) Thcre is onecer dniov of tkefemahsifaicm in tokichtki Puts cannotie taken without ptöducvrtg a PECULIAR IIESULT. The ofindüiorir ferredlo i PfíEGNANCY- the result, MISCAIMIAOE. Suchia thé irrtshtibÚ) tenditncy of tke medicine tor extors the acrual funrtions to a normal condition, that even tkc reproditctive power of nature canñot resist ü. Explicit dirección sta'ivg whev, nvdwliev the.y sjiould ■not be used, with each Box,- Uiii Price Ouc Dollar each Box, tfmta'ming 50 PiUx. A ':iliüible l'a nplilet. to he had fwe tf the Agentñ, Pilis sf7i humad promptly, by enelosing 'pnce to any Atrent. bolú by Iruy;iis íímhtu1 y. ! il. B. ÏUTCHIN'GS, Pro]ir;otnr. '20 Crdarft., N'ew K)ri. For' Snip liy MAYXAKD STEBB1NS & WII.SON , and SEENTILLE k tUI.l.ER. ST TOBACCO- You can bny tlie best grades of FINTE CHEWINO TOBACCO al frnm f)0 een; to One Dollar. láMOKíNG from fourteen to twenty cents at, M. DÈAXY'8 TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE Sign - Red'Indinn. Soulh side Iluron street, a few doors ffom Cook's Hotel. II. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Díe. 11, 1862. 883tf Ayer's Ague Cure


Old News
Michigan Argus