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THE OLD CORNER D EENEWED! wlth ISTEW STOOK, e . NEW GOODS, &C. r w ' - ' ' FARMERS' i 1W CASH STORE (At the old stand of Thoinpson & Millen.) I am uow opening a carefully SELECTED STOCK OF 1 STAPLE DRY GOODS iV COXSiSTING OF 3, '' DKESS GOODS, PEINTS, EROWir & BLEACHED 3HEETINGS, ( t CASSLMERES, ü . . 4 FLANNELS,.&e. t and cverythlng tliat is keptin a i rJomestio ZEXo"o.e, also a filie assortment of BOOTS fc SHOES! i . AND ('.'■■" YANKEE LOTIONS. A full stock of TtEOCEEIES constantly on hand. FARMER'S PliODUCE ! Bouglit and Sold. Thankful to old fn'onds and eustomers foi past fa vors, I hope to merit a share of their patronage, by dealing justly witk all. C. B. THOMPSON, (formerly wich C. H. Millen & Go.Ann Arbor, Oct. 1, 1862. 872tf BOOTS HÖËS MOüHE & LOOMIS Are now receiving a large assortmeut of Boots and Shocs and ■ , 33, XJ JB B E S, S 1 Whicli they propose to sell 50 per cent below former prices for cash. 1 Men's good Kip Boots, from $1,50 to $3,00 J Men'3 good Thick Boots, from 2,00 to 3,00 j Men's good Calf Boots, from 2,50 to 3,75 Boy's Calf, Kip and Thick Boots, 88 to 1,75 1 Ladies' Gaitera, from 44 to 1,25 Ladies' Horooco Boot ees, frora 75 to 1,25 (_ And an endlcss varietj of Sjnal Shoes from X Fanoy Bnlinorals to Infants' Creeping j Shoes. s We are alsoSIatiufncturing all kinds of WAERANTED BOOTS & SHOES. Mens Fiue French Calf Boots Peggéd and Sewed. So f-ive us a cali before purohaslnr olspwherp, as wp are ' bouad ii'it to be undersoM. rREl'AIKING UONE UN SHORT .N'Oï MOORE & LOOMIS V Main St., Aon Arbor,, Mich, SÍOtf LOOMIS & TRIPPjT f Succtíá.sorsto Cbapin & Loorais,an(lChapin, Tripp fe Loomis TIIEabove finu of Lonmis k Tripp liaTJng pprcluwet the cnlii-e interest of tho former coni])fnies w2L continue the business at the old stands, vrijere tlu-v wil! )e ready, oa the shortest uotice, to iitl all orders in thE ino of - _, Castings and Machinery, n tle iiost workmanlike munner, and on as libera erms ft íiny uilier .slmp in the StíitexAinongthe vari u;''S.rticlestnanu facturad by as, we would euuniorate STÉAMEÑGINESÍ f all kinds; Mili Grnring and Vituren, ivroujrht and at; aiUlic various casting f at ir.;ikh: and ropairiug [Iorse Powers & Tlireshing Machines wi uch as are at present, or have formerly been in tufte in Jf-'1 liis part of the State, is weU as ;ül the rarioue kinds'of t]lt :astings and machine work called for by farmors aad _fl( iiechauics inthis section af the co'intry. rje' f all the vnrious paiU'Vn?, uji in aisesn ! pTices, wlll be gtc .ej'tconstantiy on haiicl, got te n;obt modern an.d iairoved siyles. Thankful for fermer patronage t.i the old ftnn, we 'ould solicit a cotilinuaticp from oti l'riends,and a trial "" y all vHshlag foraoytliing inoar line-of business. LOQM1S & TRUT. Ann Arbor, May lSlh, 1850. ü'J4l


Old News
Michigan Argus