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Wanted. A good giri to fio house work. Inquire t tbe ARGUS OFFICE A S'1B?lu'aL"eetI"S ftIie boMor, -I fc. h.W at' th, cSStlTK? sa7?n AfbOr on Ftídaj Jaouavj, l6lh. 1SC3 a 2„'c„ P "Sí" Y to Arbor, Jan. 7,h, 183. fj B PND' C1"klotice. , .TK'E IS HEREBY GITEN to eh, memb(.,3 „f "TI,,. By order of t'ho Board of Director Dt, Ano Arbor, Jan". W!' WONDEIÏFUL SUCCESéP ÍMEMMÍ0whero all otüer remedies hare utterly faited w7,r assored that t is no merc ASOI YNIÏ " „{KYT' ?I . 1 and au for tho5e j f a r T. vast ;„umb of L,niment5, EmbTOdtoM Extern," .M.oines. ,vl„Lb art ;i s.imnhm;. c,f the urface o„U . are mere y temporal in their eiTects and of doubtfoí vjrtue. The MaRAI.GU KING reacl.e,, the ,o„r "Í üutem' M ai"" tl d,Seas, from Frice-Une Dollar per Boítle. Prepare.! bv _Tj53 Bttfelo, N Y ., and rówyfe lístate of Joseph Kelsev. OTATE ÖF M10IIIOAX, CuBty of Wadüenaw,,,- At .1 sessU n of the Probate Court for the Countv of Wnshten.f'.v. holden at the Probate Offije. in the Citr of Aun Albor, on jr.,i„l:iy, H,e twéltth day of Jannniy. in ll.ïmr on., ti.ourd eight hundred .nd siïty-three Present, Thomas Ninde, Judge of l'robat. In the matter of the Kstate of Joseph Kelwjvdeoeaw-d' on readmg and flling the petition. Oulj. vcriftud .of' ■m N'.v. prnying admiuistration on said eit.te abk' erefn"'64 '" P' ck V wp olher m" Tüerenpon it is OrJcred, Tbat Mondar, tho nintil day of Fcün.ry noxt, at ton o'clock n the forenoon be assned toAU hearing of said petit.on, „„dth.t the hen s at law of said deased, and all other persen ntere.led m said estáte are nuired to appear at a BHsionof said iJonrt, t,1 be holden at the l'robaiw Office, intuí City of Am Arbor, in said Countv and sh '"s'. ,a"J there be, why the praver of th. petitioner should not beKranieê, AHdit isfurther Ordoreü, that said petitioner g-ir. notice to the persons interested in aid estáte t thependencyof said petition j and the hearing thc'reof by causing a copy of thia order 1o be pnbhshed in thV Michigan Argüí ra nmspaper printed and circulatinr insaidCountyof WnJAenaw, thrce successiyo weekï previons to s:ii,l day of hearing. (AtruecopyJ THOMAS NIXDE, Judge of Proba t e . BOOT SHOE N. B. COLS, (Sueoessor to Moore & Loom is ) has opcnod a store in FAANKLIN BUILDINGS, Mam street, Arm Xrbor, and lias on hand a Irg M soitmftnt of ■ BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS, manufactured frorn the best material ,iri-l -j-arrnnted t tiive satiftfHctiou, CODSlatirig ut MtN'S KIP, CALF AND TlliCK BOOTS, Díil'3f,E SOLED MEN"è BUI' FALO OFLIiSMOLSt of all de.scnptions. LAÜIES GAITEES, Morocco üoolees, BalmoraU, Feil Otcrshoc, ani Rubbers. Also, Boj 's Kip, Caif & Fliick Boots, togetbor with avariety of CHILDLiEN & YOUTH'S SHOES, I ani nlso Mniinfactmliig WARRANTÉD BOOTS & 8H0E8, Men's Fine Fveiich Calf Boots, Pegged and lewed. Give a c.ill boforo puFabastag elsewhere. I willsell ruy KOoda ciivap tor ca';li. HEPAIÜING NEATLY DONE AND Olí sáOBT NOTICE. x . e . cci r, Ann Arbnr, Jan. lïth, 18S. 667tl


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Michigan Argus