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tfilk pfeir raílSoáb. fgtS -HF L55.2fefEjB2 [..mili Passengfii trains now [ave l'etroit and the severa Stations ir. Uiih i'uunty .fis follows : GOIXG W K S ï . Leare. Mail. N. Y. Ex. -Tack. Ac. NightKx Oetroit. 7. 20a. si. 10 a.m.' ft 15 P. H 930 P. W. Ypsïlanti, fl.00 1L H.25 " 6.20 " 1 .-r0 ' Ann Arbor, 9 20 !( 11.45 t: 7 0" " U 10 t! Dexter, 9.S0 t: 12.10 p m 7 35 ( ir,3S ■ Cholsea. 10.10 " 19. 0 " 8.00 " 11.55 " Ar. Chicago, li).i0 " lu.05 A.-V The mail train go? only to Michigan City. GOING E A S T . Leave. Night Ex. Jack; Ac. N. Y. Er, Mail. Chicago, 6 45 P. M. 6.30 a. M Chelsea, G.r5A ar. 5. "Op at. I'exior,' fi 50 t( , 6.45 il Ann Vibnr, 5.05 A m. 7 25 " 3 -Í5 P. M. ft.'lö '" Ypil.inli, 5.'2ñ " 7-50 " 4,00 " f. .40 " Ar. Detroit, C.45 ' 920 " 5 K " 8,09 " The mail train starts froga Micliiertit' City. Trains iio not stop at .stations wht-ro figures are oiott tert in th-e taulf. The Great French Remedy! MADAM BOIVIN'S CELEÜRÁTED SILTER-COATED FEMALE PIIXS. The only csrtain and Safe Kemedy for all Ütèrine Öb StructioDS, Montlily Difflculties, Irrpgulariiies, and all t&e other djaewea ke which the Woman, Wifï anJ Muther is peculíarly líable. Th esa Pilis contaiü na döletoridtta ingrediente, fout are safe and certain in their actiin. They wfll Jfc found to exert the happiest effect in all cases of Prolapsus Uteií, in Lucorrhcaor the Whïtea ; they wül bc found the eastest ani most cevtaia Curethat can be tound. It ia o;i account of this certrittty thoy sliouLÏ not be taken by Pregnant F emales (daring the ftrst tkrec moiitliz, as miscarriae ii certain,) to be brouglit on, bat at oth r ■ periodo tbeir use is pevfectiy Hifo. N.B. -One Dollar eaelosecl to anyauftoriaed Agnt, will ensure package of ■ Pilis by return uf mail. c. 0ROSBY, c,yAor:} fgent, FfTt Kii:. C. V. , Baffalo, N. Y. Ca mix.- Beware of Ciuntei-feïts, the pennine have th signatura of C. CROSBY, on the outside wrappsr. F i ) r Bftie by all re.-;['icíib'.ü Dtügiíts. lyeov8S7 A CARD T0 THE LADïES. DR. GOLDiLX ïms FOK FBI ALES.' Iníallible in córrectlrtg, regiïlating and rernuving all ob strucíions, frotó whatever ciuim, and aïwayfl successful as a preventiva The corubmation of ingraienta in Dr. Dupenco's Golden Pilis for ETemales are priTctly harmUss. They have been aaed in tlie prívale practíoe of Dr. Puponoo over Eö ye&rs, and thousands of ladies' can tcstify to their great and never failing kucccss in almost evrry case in corrccticg irreularities, relieving painful and dlstresaiog racnstruation, particularly at the cbange of i'.-mti fivc to ten pi]U will cure that cöhimon yet arcadful comnlaintf the White? Koarly every female in tiie lÁnd Birffcra fri m tbis cociplaint. The above Pili lias permanontly cured thousands, and they unUcure.iou ït'you use them. They cn nofhftrm you; on tlie conirary. they remove a!l ohatructionfl, ro store nature to its proper charuu-1, 'and invigprate the wöole syfatém. Ladlea &bïie ho.alth rill not perhlit nu increaso of famfly, will flnd thó pills a succossfulpreventivo Ladies peculiarly sitnattd. or those nupposing themselve po, shouid not u?e Lheso l'ills during the tirst tliree inonthí--, as they are certain to po(luce miscarritie, "after which admonition" tlte proprietor assumea no n spouaibillty, altl.ough (lieir mudness will prevent an injury to holtn-v The ingrediehta composing the above Pilis ave inado known to every Agent, and tliey will teil yon they are safe nel will perform all claizaed (or them. Price $1 per box Sold in ANN AUBOH, by STEBBISSA: WII.SOX. Pruggistf, W. A. HUNT, Ih-uzUt. Ladies liring at a distfinco hy st-nding tijera $1,00 the Ann Arbor Postfiflice, can have the Pills sent (conii'lentially) by mail, to any part of the country frtii of pustage. X. T:. - Bncare of a base eounfe'feit of thce. Pilla. - V mi can buy tibe eounterítit aiticle a-t any prioe f rom 25 Vi TG ■ 'its a box (dear at tliat). Laqies youE liv-; and haltn aro of tos rnuoh vajue to bc trièid wil 'i , beins iinpnc-l nponwitba iTOrthles articfe. Therefor, ,'v')ii th'so í'ills fov less than ?1 % box. ai'oil them ft you wou ld poison, They nre bogas. None aregeuuine unicta tlie nauie oï i. i). IJÜWE ís on overy bos which has recBtïy been adiloil.on account of tlie Pilla b( ng couterfeitcd . Sold also, by KINNE fe 3MITII. Ypwtali, I BLIS3 &HEEBEJacii.sont ndby ono drnc ist in o-ei-y viüago a nel city the United Statos, nnd-by FARRAK!i(SHKLlY & CO..Geaeral Statö Agents, Detroit. g. D HOWE, !3oleFroprietor. 867yrs2 i Skw York. Ayer's Agne Cur..


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