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JIJ RACE WATERS, 1 AGENT 3 3 3 Iï r o a tl u ;i y , X e W Vork off Mu-lc anvl JIuxl( KooUtt A.M BJHtntR IN Pini-os, Melmluon.s, Alexandre Organs ! Organ Accordeons, Miirtin's celebrated and utiierGuitars, Violins, Tenor Viols, Violiocellus, Accordeon, Flu tinas, r Flutes, Fifes, Triangles, (Sari -metts, Tufiing Foi ks, Pipes anrffïammorft, VioÜn ÍJows, best Italian Strings, IJass ïnstlurnen$ 'S for Bands, Piano Stoole, ) and covers, a rul all kinds of Musical . Instruments. 53 Xx o o t IVJC xtl S i o, CT,1 iToin all the püblishers in the. V. 8., Bertinl'ti Jiuntin's, jj md Modern School, and all kinds of Inatmction Books ;'i)r tlit above instrumenta; Church Music Books; Music elegantly bound; Music paper, aul all kinds of Music Mercbaudise, oí A t t heLowest Pr.iees. j Neív Planos, At $175, $200, f626, $250, and up t $800. Secoiid Hand Pijanos frora $25 up to $180: New Melódèons, $45,' $t0, $75. $100, umi up to $'200; Fecond H;ui'l Melodeons irom $öi) to $80; 4lexandveOn$aná,,wUb BveMnps, $160, nfne stops, $18ñ and S22ö;4birjÈeen stops, $50; $278 (tod $300: fiftetmstopaT$320 and $y?5; A liberal discount to Clergymen, Cburchcs, Sabbatli Schools. Seminaries ts and Teachers. The Trade supplied at the 'usual trade discount Testimoniáis of tlie Hornee Waters Planos LHtI M IihIcoiis. John Hoivott, of Cartbage, New York, who Jias had one f the HoracfcWaters Pianos, wr i tes au Polio ws: !S "A fviend of mine wishes ine to ;i piano ur her. tíhe Ukea the one you sold me in Deëember, 1856. My piano is becomíñfr popular in thfa place, and ï think I I can introduce one or two more; they will be more popu -lar tlian any other rnnke. " , "We havo two of Waters' Pianos in use in ourPeminary, one of wliich bas-been severely tested J"or three year. and we can teelify to tlieir goed quality and durability."-Wood Hz Gregoryt Mottnt Carroll, Til. j. H, W;itera, Eq - DaR .Sik: Havlng used oneof your Piano Fortes for two years pat, I have fonud il a very j " superior Instrument. At.o.xzo, ' Principal Iirook?fn Htights Semtnary. "The Piano I received f'roni you continúes to give satisfaciion. 1 regard i t as one of the bejsi Instrumenta in the plajé." James L, Ciakkk, Charleston, Va. "The Melodt-on has safely arrivt-(l. I feel oblfged to you fory our liberal discount." . Rev. J. M. McC'oRMick, __ YarquesviilcS. C. ' "The piano was duly received. Itcame in excellent eonrlition, and ís' very mnch adraired by ta'y mimerouj fainily Accept my tJiünkii for your promptness." -,' RoitKHT Coopk, IVdrrevltam, lïrndjoed Co. Pa, "Your piano pleaaes us well. It i.s the best one in our 1] county.",- TiiOMaS A. Latiiam, Campbcllton , Ga. "We are very much obliged to you for ha ving sent i ,, shcIi a fine iu.strument for $250." - Brnk,Held íc Co ', Biijfaio Democrat. "The llorace Waters Pianos are known asamongthe Í very best We are enabled to speak of these - menls witta confidence, from personal knawledge of their . _ excellent tone and durable qiiality." - V. Y. Evangelist. . Í "We can epeak of the raerits of the llorace Waters pianos from personal knowledge, as baing tlie very fim-st , qu a 1 ty ■ ' ' - Ckrist an hrttfligen eer. "The Hornee Waters pianos1 are ouilt of the best and ( most thoroughly seasonel material. We hflTe DO doubt thatbuyera eau do as wcll,perliapa bel ter, at thisthan at : ■ any otherhouse in the ünion." - Advocate atd Journal. } waters1 pianos and raelodeons challenge comparison with the fines t made anywhere iu the country.'"- Home ', Journal "llorace Waters5 Piano Portea are of fulT, riek and even tone, and powerful - N. Y. Musical Review. ? "Our friends wiH'nnd at Mr. Waters' store the very n best assortment of Music and of I'ianos tobe found in „ f the United States, and we urge our sontnern and western s frfenda to gfive him a cali whenever they go to Xew Vork." - Qrahum's Magazine. ] Warehouse 333 Broadway N. Y. f; } SabbathSchool Bell, 1 ' C 100,000 isstied ia ten Montlis. & s 8 Tïie unprecedented sale of thisbook has induced the H publislier to add some 30 new tunes and hymns toita pres) ent BÏze, without extra charge, exerpt on tlie chpap ed oi 3 Among the many beautifu] tunes and hymns ulded di t may be fouodïi - "I OUgkt to love my mother;" "OI'H j bu :i good child, indeed I will." These and t-ight others C f from the Bell, were eung at the íunday School A 1 sary of the Bi. K. ChurcH at the Aradeniy L Music, with I great apitlause The Heil coitains neariy 200 tanes and ■ ai hyintij, and is one of Ihe bent coltections A'er is.sued. cs . Price 13c; $10 per hundred, postage 4c Elegantly bound, se [ embossed gilt, 2fte, $20 per loo It has been introduced . into many of the 1'ubÜcSc' Sis. [ The e is pnbH&hed in p.mall numbers entitled Anni. reraary and Sünday School Music Books, Nos. 1,2, 3, .t of 4, in order to accommodate the million; price Í2 & $3 per m hunrlved Ho. 5 will soonbe issued- cominencement of another boi.k. Aso, Revival Maslo Books, Xo. 1 k , price $1 k. %'2 per 100. postage 3c. More tha.i 300,000 g( copies of the, above book's h:vve been issued the past éighteeti months, and the demand israpidly "" I'ublished bv m HORACE WATERS, Agent,J 33 lïroadway, N. V. UVExa.íSíio, Publieed by Hcraco Waters No. 333 BroatUvay, New York. Vocal. "Kind Wordscan neverdie;" "The Angels told me so;" "Wilds of the Wrst;" "Tlioughts of God;" ' -Giv.1 me back my Moúntnin Hume;" "Day Dreams;" (í)andy Cock Robín:" 'Tin wiM thee slill ; 'lTVt names;" 'There's no darilng like mine;" "Seiah .1 me I-ee;1' "KvI er if thee:" "l'm leavincr the in Sormw:" "Bird of I Beauty:" "Home of our birth;'1 fiQrave f Bosabel,'' and I 'Wake, lady, wake, ' pfíce 2ïte each, 1 In-tki'mk.vt.m.-' T':ilace Garden, or incring Birrl Polka, 40c; ''S-wlngtnjc Schottischc;" (tMfrabel Pchoitiscli;" ''ï'lmn'as Haker'.-: Hcliottisclip;" "Piccolomini Polka, 35 cents each. Tlie above jueces have beautifu] . t Vignettee "Weboer Polka;1' "Arabian Wai cry Marcli," . the very last; "Vassovianna Doniells Mazurka ; "Heal; in? Polka;" "Crinoline Walt-.," and lLaneerV Qua drilie,"25c tach. "The Empire of Reich'R Quadrille;11 a J new dance, aod "The Ilibeinian Quaihilte," Sfltfeach, Mamy of these piecêfl are played by Haker's celebntted occtu'ht ra with great applrune.jQg Mailed free. A targa lot of Foveign Music at half prico. Pianos, lelodeons nntf Orgsus, The Ilorace Waters 'innos and Melodeons, for lepth, puriiy' of and durabiHty, are timurpassed. Prtoé . very low econd IL'tnd Pianos and Melodeons from %'2ft tn 10 $150. Music and M usier I FnntrucílonH of all kintls, attbe uf . lowest piiees. ïlOKACK W.ATKIÍS, Agent, hL. No. 333 Broadway,N. Y. Tkstimoxmts;- "Tlie ITorace Waters Piauos are known as nraong thevory best.' - Evangelist. "We can speok of tbelr iaeritB-frón personal knowledge." - Christian . "Nothingat the Faïr display ed greater excellftnce -" - Chnrch?)ia?i. Waters' Píanos and Meloúeoas challengecompari.son with the finest made anywhere in the country." - Home Journal. ■ 719tf schoff&mïFler A RESTILLONHANDattlieiroldStand, No. 2, Franklin Block, with themost complete assortment of T Li Books and Statiojaery, PERFÜMERïES, FANt!Y GÜODS, JE WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, T TASSELS, " GILT CORNICES, CURTAINS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. _ Ever ofl'ered in this Market ! j 1 and they would suggest tothose iu pursuitcfanythingin SANTA CL A US' LINE that they eau secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! ! by purchaaing from tliis slock, as each purchaser gete an additional present of Jewelry , &c. , Ranging invalue iroin 50 ets. to $50. pc 4ÍS" that their long exi)erience in selecting goods foi thiy market, and strict attention to the wants of Customers, raay entitle tbem to a liberalslmre o Patronage. Ann Arbor, Dfrfl, 5. 1860 777tf dono VTEÏ "VÜ-A-XOa? a ful Demand Treasury Notes S For which we pay M. GUITLRMAN & Co , Ann jitlior Octolier 3. 1882, &


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Michigan Argus