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ST THE OLD CORNER ) EENEYED! I with 3STETV STOCK, the e. NEW GOODS, &C. Ar DlFARMERS' IIWCMIISIIIE S(At the oíd stnnd of Thompson& y Milieu.) i to I am uow opening a carefully 's, SELECTED STOCÍÍ OF !b'- STAPLE DRY OOODS m ji -. eONSISTINQ OP as ]S, - DRESS GOODS, rs. PRINTS, BROWN & BLEACHED üHEETHiGS, UASSIMERES, irt ' "A FLANNELS, &c. UK i and everj thing that is kept in a nu X. S IDoaaaestio House, ,e. also a fiue assortment of ■e BOOTS SHOES! "■n ic 'it AND ie Te ,t YANKEE JVOT1ONS, ;; A full stook óf } CtEOOEEIES. 1 s constantly on hand. i ■ - - - - - _- - . FARM UU'S PIÍODUCE ! Bougïit and Sold. Thankful to old fnends and customers 1 foi past favors, I hopo to merit a flmre ] of their patronage, by dealing justly with all. C. B. THOMPSON, (formerly with C. H. Millt-n & Co. Arm Arbor, Oct. 1, 1862. 872if ' JLOOMÏslT TRIPP, 1 Succesors to Chapín & LoomisfíinflChapinrTripp A Loomic rI1HEabove firm of LooniÏR &-Tripp having purctuMM I the entire interest nf tfae former companies w!ii: continut the business at tlie li b tanda, where tliey will , be re,vlv, on the shnrtost nutice, to (iü all orJer.s m the line of Castiugs and Machinery, j in the most vorkm;mlikö manner, and on as libera terms iic any uther shop iijtlie State. Among the vari OUB articlennanufactuu'd by us, we wouiil enumérate 'f TEAM EÑtiíNES of all kimls; Mili üearing nnd Fixture, moughtHiid ::ist: all the val'iou castings for nuikilig and repairirig üorsa Puwers &Thresliing Machines such as are at present, or have formerly heen in use in this part of tlie State, as well as all tlie variou.s kinds ■! castingf inri machine vvork called for by farmer? and „ nieclmnirs intliis sectiou of tfie cöun ly. L of ali the various patttrns, up in sizesaml prices. will be ö kej.f ounstanlly on baad, got tlie most modern and improved stvles. V Thankfu! for formor patronage to the old flrms, we iTonld soücit a continuancifrom oH fricnds,an.l atrial by all wishiug foranything in our Hneof business. LOOMIS & THIP1-. , Ann Arbor, Mar 18th, 1859. 697tf 11 "Provide for Yo r Family." KNICKEBBOCKER c LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Weattm office, Kingsbury lilock, Randolph St., Cliicago. Assets Jan, let, 18G2, $276,223.44. F: Policiea are issued upon the lives of deb tors, and for Si all business ptirpoaes, either for life or fir a term of yèar, on hs Uv rabie terms as by any othi r Companr, Married ladies inajr i asure the lives ef their huRbands according to a law of the State, socuring tlie amoun; of the ínsürance to themselves or their chtldren, free from tbe claims of their husbands' creditnrs ; alt-o, marrhri ladies win nsure their own Uves for tía benefit of their p chil'lren or truatfees. ' F í I'olicies on lives are isaueil for any sum not exeeocune $10.0 0. h By the te'nnsof tlie charter, this Company is VV tod paylng mo.c Ihau 7 percent, nnnually ip dividends on its capita! to Rtockholderf ; inl it receives that sum in interest ffir the use of its capital, tlm bein divided among tlie Mutual Insurers ; henee it will ap" tti pear that it combines thfi advantages of a Mutual with ■' the aecurity of a Stock t'ompjiny. "y, Whcn the premium imounts to $40 or over a note m:y be given fr four tcuths of the ainjunt Rates as low as any oihergood eompany. p( Fr Now is the time of scure a compoteney for yoi famiiy should cteuth finí', y our homestead encumbered and business involved EKaSTüSLYMAN, President. fiKo. F. Sniffkn,8?cv B. F. Johnson, vce Prosidenfc, and Manager of Western Branch ofiice, Chicago E. B. POND, Agent. WM. LEWITT.M. D., Medical Examiner - - P 1862. 1862. NLW FALL GOODS ! , Shn row opening, a spienlid slock of Xew Goods for the and l'all Trade at We O. H. MILLBN'S Ü Ann Arbor September 16, 1802 STOtf 4n Ayer's Sarsaparilla. &


Old News
Michigan Argus