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COÜNTY BIBLB SOCIETY. DKPO -TTOtnr of R:tle and Testamenta at the So ciety pnces at W. C VoorlK-is'. T. D. TOOKER. PREMIUM PHOT06RAPHEK. Exchangc Block, Ann Arbor , Michigan. J G WATTS & IJK O. DEALER-; in C!ois, Wltones, J-welry and Silver Ware Ni). 22, New BI Jck, Ann Arbor. C BLI8S. DEALEll in Cl.ick. W.itclus, Jewoiry and SU%-er Ware N.i. Si, New Bo=k, Ann Arb r O. H. MILLËNT" rEI.ER in Drv Goode, Groceriem, Crockery, &c. &c. zLJ Main Street. Ann Aibor. BACH & PIERSON. DEALERS m Dry Goods, Groceriea fLmhvare, Boots k Shoes, &c, , fain st., Ann Arbor. O. COLLIER. MANUFACTURER and dealer in BooUand Shoes, one door north of the Post Oflice. N. B. COLE. DEALER in Boots fc Shoea, Rubbsm, ie. Frankiin Block, Maiii Street, Ann Arbor. RISDON & HENDERdON. TVEALERS in Hardware, Stores, house farnishing JL goods, Tin Ware, fa , JtB., New Block, Slimst. A. P MILLS. DEALER in staple Dry Geods, Groceriea, Boots & Shoesand Made Olothing, Huron Street. O. a SPAFFORD. MANUFACTCKiEK fi.ll kinds of Coooper Work , City Coopt-r op. Custom woïk done on short Biotice, Detroit Stiett, Ann .Ar'cor. A, J. SUTHERLAND, AGENT Eor the New York Life Iasurance Company, Oiïice ou Hurón ntreet. Also tiis un liaod ;i -tuck of the mist approve rtwitt röichn ■-. RSStf GEORGK FISCHER. MEAT MAJRKJLC-Huron direet- Ciejjertfl dealer in Fresh aaá SaU Sitia tá, Beef, Mutton, Porfcj Hams, SPoultry, Lard, Tallow, &cv, c. SUHÜFF & MiLLER. DEALERS 'n Mi.-cellaneous, Scb'iol and Blnnk Books. Stationery, Paper Hanginirb.&c.. llaiost, Frankün Llock HIRAM J. BEAKErf ATTORNEY and Counsellor ■tlw. nd Solicitor in Dl Chancery . OfEee ie City HiU liiock. over WabKtefs Book Store. WM. LEW ITT, M. B. pHYSICIAN aul fiurgoun. Office at his restdence, X north side of Huroa street. aud second west of Dirision Ktreet. M. GUITERJ1AN & CO. WHOLESALE and Rotan Dealers anl Manufacturera of Ready-Madb Clothiag. Importers of Cloths, ( aü iimeres, Doeskins, &c, No. 5, Phceoix lil.jck, Main st. WM. WAGNER. DEALER in fieady Wade Clothing, Cloths, Cassimeres, and Vestiags, Hatr, Caps, Tmuks, Carpe'. Bag-i, bc, ïhoenix Block, Main ítreet. SLAWSON & GEER. OROCEHS, Provisión an3 Commi.-ísion Sterchaots, and Dealers is Water Urne, Land PlaMer, aud Pïaater öf Paris, one duur east of Cook's Htel. f. B. FliEKMAN. BARBJER and FashiüHablö Hir Dresser, Maia street, Ann Arbor, Mica. Hair Fronts and Curia kept conatantty on haad. J. M 800TT, AUnROTVpK ind Photoypaph Artisi , in the rooms over Campion's CJothiug. store Puenix Blook Pot fect Mtlifactïoo given. W. WEEKS." SURVEVOR and O.vil Eügitieei-, continúes to give immedüitu attention to all orders. Ofliee at ins cesi dence at the corner of Cathorine and Thayer ata. 8891 (3. B. PÖRTËR. SORGEON DENTKT. OIBci' Ciraer of lain apd Huron treets, over H.ich & Pioraon'a Store. AH calis protnptly attended to Aprl85i J. R. WEBSTER & CO. DEALERS m Law and Medical liooks School B"okg, Blank Books, Miscellanenus Buoks, -pcu3. nk. and very variety of Stationery, Horno t. , City Hall Block. C. B. THOMPSON. BEALEft ia Dry Güods aml Groceries. Bnots and tíhoes. &c Producö bought and sold, ;it the old slaml uf Thompion & Milieu, Corner Mam and Washington sts MACK & SCHMID. DEALERS in Foreign anti Domestic Dry Good, Grocerie. Hits and Caps, Boots and tihoes, Crockery, Ikc., Corner of Main & Liberty Sts. ANDREW BELL. DEALF.R in Qroeeries, Províaions, 1-Invir, Produces, &c, &c, corner Main and Washington intree s, Ann Arbor. The highest murliet nicos ji.uii or country produce. 866 I. O. O. F. WASHTENAW Lodge. No 9, of the Independent Or. der of Odd Fellows meet at their Lodge Koom, very Friday kveuinK, at 7á o'clock. S. Soxdhkim, N. G. p. B. Rose, Secy KINGSLEY & MORGAN." ATTORNEV'S, Counsellors, Solièitor, and Notaries Public, have Booha ann Plats showing titles of all lsnds in the Countv, and attend to couvoyancini and eollecting demauds, and to payintf taxes and school interest in auy part of the state. Oflice east ol the park. D. DeFOREST. WHOLESALE and retail dealer in Luinber, Lath, Slnngles, Sash, Doors, Blind, Water Limo, Grand' River Piaster, Piaster Paris, and N.iils oi 'all sizes A f uil aud perfect assortmmit of the above, and all other kinds of building muterials constantly on hand at tlie lowest pojaible rates, on Detroit st ., a few rodsfromthe Railroad Depot. Also operatin extensively in toe Ptent Cfciant Jlooflng.


Old News
Michigan Argus