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The Agricultural College

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We are glad to sea that the question ol continuiivj; tho Agricultura] Collega at LunMng is being Ihorooghly discnssed, and is attrncttng the serióos bttention of the Legislatura. We have leng regurded thü insthution afl the fifth vvheel to a wagon, an entirWy unnecessaiy additiun to the educational nstitutiooa of the State, and are not surprised that many ofits earliest and most zealous friends have come to the conclusión that any valuahle labor t perforina can be both better aud oheaper perfornied elsewhere. ■ It is a fai:t that the Agricultural College hu.s boen the foot ball oí politieiuns, and that its etudents have come not especially from tlie nous of farmers, nor froni tlmae proposing to bo farmers, Ila eourse of istudy has run parallel to that of other institutions of the State, and its agricultura! instruetion luis consisted prÍDcipalIy in drilling students in obopping, logging, plowing, and corresponding agricultura] labors, Tliis is all good in itf place, but it is certai'ily impracticable for (ha State to run a manual labor school, and that is all tbere is of it, for any farmer would soonei' instruct hls son at home in practical agriculturo ihan commil liitn to tlie ;are of any instructora in that speciulity who haya yot hekl Professorships in the Agriculuiral College. - Chemistry, Geology, Mineralogy, Matallurgy, Botany, &rc , can be better and oheaper tnnght at the TTnivereity than whero a lusser n amber uf ftudents congregate, and the duplica'.ion of instructiors, appnratua, buildings etc, etc , 8aved, so that So,000 per yoar wil) g: farther at tlw University than $10,000 at Lansing. A large farm is also improperly connected ith an Agí cultural School. A limited amotint of ground is noeded, not to be usi'd in initiaiing studentn into tho mysteries of plowing, sowin-, mowing, hoeing, or any other depaitment of agricultura! labor, but for experimental purposes, the testing of 6eeds, manures, soils, rotation in ttróps, a botánica! garden. &c, &c;., and that is ail that is qovv lacking at the University, save a Professor of The iretioal J and Practical Agiieulture and culture, to havo t the Universitv a full Agricultural College, a school tbut will in 3very lespeet - a military Professor being already eontemplated by the liegent - comply witb thp recent act of Congrega grunting luflds for the estublistimertt oí Agricultura] Collogoa We hope tliat the Legislatura may viiw the matter in th-is liglit, and thht the costly ospöFimtsut ut Lariing will be abandnned. CfT" The annual report of the Adjutant General, a document of 100 patres, is biífore us From this vo learn that exclusive of tho threo montlia men - lie oíd Michigan First - aud the recrnÍM for the oíd regitnenfs since the first of Julv last, Michigan has fur.iished 37, !32 volunteern, or had at the date of the report, which we see does not iuclude the 27th and liSth Infautry, or the 7th, 8th, uud 9th Cavalry rogimcnts yet witfain the State. We sec, also, that no credit ia given the State for the company whieh went froiii Van Buren to New York and joinod Sickle's Excelsior Brigade, nor for three or four compañías whieh went to Chicago. Washteuaw County is ercdited witli 1,581 men and is esceeded alone by Wayue, Kent, and Lenawee. Besides these Washtenaw furnished three full eompunies for the " Old First." The Washtenaw Boys are credited to the following reginients and corapanies: 103 in Ist Infantry; 20 in 2d ; 108 iu 4th; 10 in 5th ; GO in Cth ; 22 in 8th; 27 in 9lh; 5 in lOth; 12 in lltfa ; 2 in 12th ; 3 in 1 3 ■ li ; 99 in 1-lth; 2 in löth; 9 in löth ; 77 ra 17th ; 391 in SOth ; 1 in 22d; 1 in 23.1 ; 25 in 24th ; 1 in 25th; l8in2Gth; 40 in Engincers aud Mechanica; 71 in Ist Cavalry; 1 in 2d; 39iuod; 79in4th; 81 in 5th; 25 in Gth ; 5 in 2d Battery (Rom1) ; 13 in 3d (DeesV; 5 in 5th (Dennis') ; 3 in 8th (Deüolyer's); 1 in 9th (Danicl's) ; 5 in Di-shler's Sharp shooters; 1 in Stuart's; 11 in Willett's; 1 in Mather's; and 13 in S tan ton Guardd. The County is unrepresented only in four inf.intry regimeuts, tho 3d, 7th, 18th, and 2 Ist, and in eight of the detachcd bat.terie8 and companies. A good showing. L3 Callicott, elected as a Democrat, was elected Speaker of the New York House on Monday, the Republicana all voling for him He accepted the positijn, saying that he was a Democrat yet, and nhould act asa Denioerat, and then voted for all the Republican candidatos for ofiSces of the House. Profession and practico. O3T Tha resi.n:i!ion of Col. Dufpield, uf tho Nïnth Michigan Infantry, is ruported, in consequence of vnurnlw reueived ut Murfreeeboro The Ninth luses a good offiucr in Co'. Duffield. &3T' Contrary to general expectation Gen. Poriek luis been convioted on the charges brought ugninst him by Gen. P. he, and diami8ed Irom the ervice. Il an dfficer can be o nvieted on uuh ev'dance uf wus pruduced during the trial, there is m troublo in convicting nn offioer or citizen of any offenoe wliich may bo trmnped np ïgiiinrit him


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Michigan Argus