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The Legislature

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Monday, J:il). lOth. Sknate - Committee tío State Affttirs reported adven to nnjending tix law so that Supervisor tnay ineltide tho severa! tnxcp in a single column. Comniittee ofí Public los ruttion reported in favor oí' certaiu Buieüdiiionts ií prínmry tvhuol law. Several bilis wcro mtrodueod íiikJ nene passed. House - Military Committee reportf tl i substituto lor a resoiutioii culling upon the Gierka of tho soveral counües for f'ull lits of volunteers. Coiniiiiitee on Elecliona reported in favor ui Henry Miller contesting th seiit ol IIi'ii. J. N. Donuldxon, fmm district im:r.ber one of üaklaiid eouoty. Severa) billa oro paosed, nmong thern ime for the payment of offiuerw ind rouiuberis oí tbe Legiflluture. Tuksday, Jan 20th. Senatk - A cunoiirreni reSêlution was adojited ualling upon llio Ad ju üenerul lor a supplemental re port. Mr. Warner, f Wayne, introduced u Beries of preaiubles and reaoluttooa on iho state of thu Union. A bilí was pawsed amending ection 1433 "1 compiled laws. We helkve t provides fur the eler.tion of Superintendente of Poor for une, two, and tfaree yeare, md then for ono annually to liold b ia office three yfearg Wednesdat, Jan. 21st Senatk - Noties, resolutions, and reporta in uttual number. A bilí was passed for tho payment of 'officeis and memhers, and several joint resolutionn ndoptod. House - The Oomminmioner of Stutc Land Office reported as to the disposition of eel tain lands. Severa] local billn were passed, and Henry Millur by _ voie ui 70 lo '20 ivas deel h red cntilled to the neat of John N. Donahl:-on, di Oaklund county, and en me foiwurd and look the oath and Seat. We noiica Feveral stannch, Demócrata voted for the resolutioü. Thursdav, Jan. 22d. Senatk - Reporta were roceived from tho iniiitiu and finalice comtnitteé, sundiv bilis notked and introduced, and bilis paxBt'd uinending the f-esinn Ihw of 1859 makintr the Judgo of Probate a salaried officef ; and also amendin" cuni) iltd laws relative to becurify lor costw in Jnstice's court. Hulsk - The principal portion of the neKsion aa spenl in oonsideriajf the refcolations on the state of the Union, and the t-ame were postj oned until tomorrow. Füiday, Jan. 23d. Sknatb - We note nol hing of special interest in the Journal of the day, the completud ai-li in beiug contined to the ( afwuge cf local bilis. HolSE- Cominiltee On Jndiciarv n.1ported on petition ui Stephen Greenman, of Ann Albor, pruying (or i taw authorizing Itim to scll ertaiu real estáte, that the Legivlature had no power to grapt the petitiori Most of iho day was speot in insideialion ot the special order, the res olutioii.s on ibe slute iif tho Uniiin, which gubjecl was linaily posiponed, and made tho special order for Wednesday, Feb. 4th. Batubday, Jan. 24lh. Sexate - Commitlee on Siale Affuir reported a b.ll providing for tho erection of a fire-prooi building lor tho Treasury dep rl ment. Comniittee on Judiciary reported favorably upon a bilí providing fur payinti and funding tho bou n tv l'und ritiwed by iho ciiiziiis .1 De'.roit. Ilesolntions were introduced thinking ihe Michigan vol un teer, :i,id a number oí' bilis placed un tho order of thirl reading. Hoüsk- Reports oí M. S. & N. I RaHroad and the Bay de Noquet and Marquetto lluilroad Companies were received, sundry reporta made by committees, and anollier set of resolutions on the state of the Union introdueed. - Tho Union is safe if resolations havo auy vii tue.


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