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Internal Revenue

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■Stamp Dl-tiks - The Oommitibioner of Interna] Reventle has aiven tha foHowtng do isio'i tn qiiesiions thut have been Mibmilted to hiiD : Question Firsi - Suppose property worth 81,000 is mortffuged Fir $(300, und for a eonsideration of $400. the mortjfagor ennveys hw equrij re deumtion,, wbieti m foree would be ;i detd in fue sfinpfo, 'i he vuluo of the propertv is $1,000 - the a!ue of the interest oonveyed i.-i $400 - which oí these values is to be regurded i:i iixrng the stunip duties ? Scci iid- Ih an assignment of a murtgage put'jeet to 8tamp duty, and, ii' 6O, what stamp is rtqiii'ed ? Atiswer First - In tho c;ish referrod to by you, the rnorUfiigor should iflix a " coiiveyanco s'.aitip" cjf suffieient vulue to cover tho equitable utnounc conveyed thereir, - viz: $400. Answer Kirst - Nu stamp is required on an onlinary jissiirnment of mortgago. If the iniirüiiige eontaios a giiarantee of the umnunt due, or a guarantee ot colleetion therf, ai ' agrjpment stamp " (tivo eents) is required. TAX ON HANUFACTURED TOBACCO. The tax nn rrtanuufactured cut to. bacoo must be apon the wholo ainount of sales oí PUch tobáceo. AaniCSLTL'IlAL IMPLEMENTS. Wbenever a manufaoturer of agricultura! impíamente authorizes an agent or isfents to oeli sueh implemento at Wholesale, at phiees other than the plaee of manufacture, such agent or agento will not be required, as fujthority for BUeli sales, to take licenses is dealers or pt'ddlers. If, however, such agent or agents shiill sell such implementH at retail, liceiies 11 be required under section G4, artiole 5, or article 27. FyST Why is a fooi Iikaaneodle? Hp has an eyc, and no head.


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