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Mihill's Heat Controlling Cylinder

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WV, thu UttdersigiiuiJ, have naad and aro u hr Huid [fuut, Coutroilel . In our opinión it givos froni oiie thirj tei I one half -f tho ftil, while the heat is more genorally dwtritMited. Tha co.u u sooo saved. Wn recornmönd 'Ha uso t) the public : A. DbFukest, G.F Spkürv, O. V. .Moore, L. ii BooHoa, A WlDKNMA.N'X, V. D. SmITII, A. BkNTLV, F. L. SlfcBUINS. I fully c incBf in tho above state ments und roald Uattiikeóöe hundred dollars for tlio tlireu now in use in inv touio, if I oixild nut find a similar ie, VL-ntion to supply tiie p}aw „f thein. II. BOWfid - We have put ono ot thu abovu in our otEou and by-and-hy slial] be uble to spuak fruin expui'ieru:e. tdP" TilOSLOW Wi, f,.r thirtv years Editor of the Albany Eoenins; Jrurnal hua sold liis iiitertwt to hls paitners. published his valediutory and retjred. Heasigns asa rea.-on that ho does nol agree with a largu portion „f hi.s party as to tho meSMWrm neeestiary to put down the rebellion and restore the Union, and rather tiian vrage a war witli old politica] friends and associates tie prefero to leave jouroalttm to e;bra, Mr. Weed thinks that a disposition to comprornitie on tha part of the Kepublican party, without sacrificing right, might have avoided the war, and that radical rneawirei will nevor hooorably lose it. ZC Our reporter obroaiolee a ciingraoeful row which occurred on Sun day and we leörn that another occurred on Monday evening n tho Vfth Ward, in which we learn that a young nian froai Northfield wad seriously injured. We do not know who especially to blame for theso ool'i.iions but it i. time the " irrepressible cotifliut" was repressed. They roilect ni credit upon any t'i the piirties engaged. - h is puggested to iis that il' the City Mar.-hal vvill stricllv enfurco the City ordinances, and espeuially thes une prohibiiing thw opening of saloons and sale of liquor on Suaday. - whisky nnd lager being tin; inciting canses - thece i'nws will cease. It is time lio exacta obedienue to the laws. Z3ST Dr. Hakris, of Delaware, Ohin, Assistant Seeretji-y of the Missiunary Society of the M. E. Cburoh, preaobed in the M E. Cluirch of this city on Sun day forenoon last. In the evcniiig the Missionary Anniversarjf was held, and the large audionoe was addressed by Dr. IIakhis, Rev. S. Rked, of Ypsilanti ; and Kevs. E. II. PiLOHEH and B Cookeü, of this city. The collootions and subserip tiona taken up iu the niorning and evening reacbed the very liberal sum of $375.


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Michigan Argus