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Still Onward

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- Notwithstunding the hard times uu J high priees, tbe sale o the Chemical Saleratus is still on the in crease. Poople will use it, and ever succest,fu! housewife tells her Qeighbor and wben lier neiglibor tries it slie tells anothiT, and tlius its fanie spreads uutt it is hard to teil where it will stop. &3T" Last reporta frnm Vicksl'urj suy Uiut Grunt had urrived belore thi town, th;it the uuiial had nine feet ui water in it, and that tho floot was n p:ias through it on fhe 30th. News j wurm werk both ut P.Tt Hudson am. Vicksburg muy be lookud lor soon. - It is uDderstood that the iieet ia to pass down the river and aid Bark and Farragu: u rednuing Port ilndson.and thitthen ■ joint a!t:ck will bc made on Vieksburg. CP'Our neighbor, Dr Porter, reaehei home on Wednesd.iy from liisvisit !o t Iit, Army of the Potomao. Ile is looking well, but has a severo cold, caught wbile sleeping on a plank with the " soger boys." The Dr. reports good health prevailing in the oompanies which went from our county Ile reniained three or four days beyoud bis time by urgei.t request uf the bys who were being paic or rather who were reeuiving tico months wages out of fice due, - and wished to seud home sorae green backs to their friends. He bfoágbt betweeu 1000 and $5000 principall ƒ from the soldiers who went from this vioinity in companies D aud II, 20th Michigan infantry. - Tiie Dr. says that all is quiet on the R ippahannock. tC Moriíis Pack, of this city, received a disputen from C.ipt. Guant, of Co. D. 20ih Mk-higan lofantry, datd the d inut., informing him that hi.s non CtARKSox wiis (eud, uiid that bi bodv ould be sü.it home. Nu [Hirüculars were givtn. Ho was nvell when Dr. PoiiTEii le!l tho c:uiip of tho 20,h on tho JOth uit. CST Di-. Holland, botter known s " Timothy Titcom!)," lectured in thö M. E. Church on Moinhiy e vod ing last, befforo the Students' L.ctnro A.s.soci;ition. Wu were nat present, bul have hoard tho (eture wartnly comnienclod. IÜh was Fushion. - We beliavo the Assouiation expeot a lectiire from íolgii noon. RBKNinq okdbr aqain. - The injunotion against the ALiyor, Recorder, Dfi City Treasure.r haVing been dissolvei) by Jiulgo Lawkknce 1 ist week, the City Government is agina in runninja; order. The reauh.r ÖiMincil meetin; htld on Morday eveninj; last, and ve nnderstand everything went off mnoothly. &'?L" The Journal, this city naroes John M, Wheeler, Esq., aa a snitablo candidute for Regent of the Universi v. If poütical nominationa are lo bo made and Rebb'iun ns eleoted we have no objeution to seeing J[r. Whbbler " counted in." E:íí" At tho of tho Commo'i Coui'cil held on Moiulay eveninp last Cuas. II. RiciímOíN was elected Alderman for tho Pifth Wanl, vice ür. C vvles deceaser!, A good selection. ld?" ïlie rebela l'epfirt having dispersed the blocknding fleet at Charleaton. We fear there ia something for them to hntg over, as vo eau seo no objec: in making so "big a boo : out Ol' tlOllliliir. L" Mcrcury has ranged I uring the week from 2 beluw zero to 20 above. Yesterday tuorning, at 7 o'clock, it was 18 above, and considerable snow feil during the forenoon, not enough however, to givo mach promise of sleigliing. S3Ê" Oi'ders have boon issued to draft 3,000 men from the deficiënt cioiintie's in the State. Wmhtenaw is not inoludod in tho list of esorapt counties. How is it ? i


Old News
Michigan Argus