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RlSDON&HEiNDERSOA 13 TT C X3: 33 Y 33 GRAIIM DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Mnnufaotured at Sprir.gfield, Ohio. THE VEKY LATEST IMPKOVEJIENT, and botter thn all others; adapted to sowing VVhoat, He, Oata. Barley and (i raus Seed . Ut. It has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will sow all kinds of GLrain and Orass Seed. Bd. Jfever bu?ic7ies the Orain, 4i. Never Ideales the Orain. öth. Sows Grass Seed broadcast hehindthe Drill. Gth. Has hiyh wieels and long Hoes. Ith. Has long and wide steel points. Slh. lt has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and single rank drills. lOth. Il has a èelf adjusting shut off tilide. It is neatly and substantially made. Thcre is hardly a Drill offsred in the market but can bonst of mum ur lesa "FJ1ÏST PREMIUMSP They ure nbout aa indiscriminatelj bestowed a? the thle of ' Profesor," whicb i womuiimes ipplie'l to the 'jiddler" ur il bootblack." Thay cuase tu convey the idea of tnerit. The Baekye Drill has been on Exhibition at quite a nuiub'T of Muteanil Cuunty Fairs, nad seeking favor at the baüds of aay Cowmitiee, kus raceived Ita full share of l'rt'iuiuma, TESTIMOiMALS : We give the foUowing namen of a few Farmers in thB vlcioity vtjo have bought and used theBuckeye JÜiill i Gurffrey KUller, Sclo. ■acob l'ülberaus ' Jacob Trein per, " Thoiaa White, Northñeld. John Brokaw, Cliiiiitiiin Kapp, ' Kdw.ird Hoytieu, WebaterJames ireadwell, AnuArbor, DumelO'ÏIara, "■ " Johu ü. Oouk, LotÜ. 0. A. Marihaii, " L. Ldmon s, Saline, (Jeorge Cropeey, dreenOak, Ut. Co. We are also Agento for the Ohio Heaper & Mcwer, acknowledged te be the very beat in use. We are just in itceipt of 100 Grain Oradles Which we will sell clieap. AIíío alarge assortment o G-rass Scythes. And the Inrgest am] best selected stock of BJE1STT STXJFF FOR CARRIAGES ercr Ijefnro offered In this market. We aiscj keep & large and full NAILS, GLASS, PUTTV, PAINT, and UNSEED OIL. A cúmplete assortiucut of STOVES, TINWAKE, AND EAVE TR0CGIISalway8 on liand and put up at the shoitest nuüce. KISDON & HEXDKRPON Ann Arbor, June 2%h 1SHZ. rciT ■■BiiBnaitiiiBSiKSaiarTisiiimiriitiiwmnniimraiiiiiriniiiBirTOiini O. I3UXSS Would take this metliod of informing his old friends and patroua and all others who may favor hiin with thob patronage, ttat lie liaa greatly en'.arged Iiiü Stock mul Assortment ! and baviüg adopted the CASH SYSTEM BOTII IN BUYING &SELLING prepared to wil Goods at TGt eaeO]ia oolifgCS' m 8lU':k 0OD'1StB' P LA AMERICAN' ANO 0THER v Watches! W .Jiè Tte Celebrated 2 SETH THOMAS èLOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setts GOLD CIIAINS, TABLE AND POCKET CÜÏLEUy ! Pazors,Shcari. =ciior and BruKhe ROUKRS PLATED WARE, lUo best In maikot. Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAPER an.l EXVELOÍES, Musical Instruments, Stnngs f BuiIs for Instruments, spiacTa. .L_. 23 sa , of Gnldt Siltcr, Slrel. and Plattd, wilh PEIMSCOPIC GLASS, a superior articie Tersons having diffimilt wntdies to flt with rt&ue't C"te "ccomi"latld' ab my cok Urge ui oomf' S. Particular attention tn the of all kinda of flno Watclieh, sudi as Mukiiig and öetting ncw Jcwcle, PihltHU $Uf, nn-l Cljl'ndrrs Ahr, CLOCKS, Sc TEWELRY C BLISS. Ann '4ibo;, N'ov. L5, 1868 H2HU fSwFAIRBANKS' Jpè StanSard L SCALES! rairbanlïs, Grcenleaf & o., 172 LakeStraet, Ciücago. SoM in Detroit hy PAUfS M) & SHE1BT. I Dll. UADWAÏ'S PILLS. NEWLY DISCOVERED PHINCiPLES IN PURGATIÜN itr radwV3 pula aubthe bkst i-ukgatití ri.i !:i tüo W'orll, uiü Uio o i'y Wf.:t:Hb!ü bubülUute [or a pmol or Mor nry re discoveren. ( i iiipoi tl of Vcgt'laljiü Kxiinfta cfCumi, P Jante Heibs, Kout; and Fluwcifl. 'lliy .'■ rgc- Cloaa e- - l'ui fy-Jk-ul- S Mr - Caira- : ! ■ then- Iiivnju.atu- and Kognlate tiio yste u. ir s er L:v f rïvi cüs o f IKFLAMÍIAT10N OF THE BOWELS. BILious CiioLic. ciLiora fevkh. eryB1PKLA8, CON'GESTIVE IEVEU, SilALL POX, MKASLESj SCARLET FEVKR, SIS S3 EIOIÏ27 FIZiIiB WïU pui-ge the diáca e trom the syatom lu SIX HOUHS. If soizel wlth Jiiii ir ef Lh i a "n-e-nano'i düïoaM, let ■ÍS or uulU -f Dr. Radwuy'd PILlfl bo UUen 1 1 onos. Th s singl dose w.H carry tito ptieut out cif UauRor. Tbeir cüii.iuei lu, iu dmailer JO36J, wüi wjrK a caro. COATE D WITH GUM, Thoy are p'easa t ti) take. Thcy opvrat o i)leasaiitly, nalunlly, and thoroughly Ecry i-)-o that U tikeu twpartc strength ti thu cnfe:'Icd i-ystem. Helug jierfcct purpalitm tboj do out ïoavo üio 6owí[jcsíiw,or ttM p tluut vfeeJe ONE OS TWO OF D?-. RALWAY'3 PILLS ÍTill securo a guod appo'ito aüd üeulthy disos:i'u. TO TÍIU3E WHO TAICE P1T.LS, R. RADWAY'd l'il.I wüi bo fuuiidaa improvomeatoo 1 1 purg itivo r caüiattic iiiij. In uso. ü e or twu p:lU t 1 bc foiin l suffleiout t p aep tho buweU reni ir ■ auil n caes where u bn.-koppratioiiii deáirüd,tíS toJËlGHT .vill in si'x hours Uiorovghty purge. ONE TO SIX 80XE3 WILL CURE COTIVENESS, DT3PEPSIA, CCTNSTIPATION, MiïASLES. CONGESTIÓN, NELANCHOLY, !IEART DISEAPES, HVSTERIOS, DISEASES OF KIDNEY AJIEN'OartUCEA, AND BLADDER, FAINTINO, DISEASES OF LIVEIt, DIZZINES3, DILIUUSNES3, Rübll OF BLOOD TO TYrnLS FEVER, TUE HEAÜ, SjIIP FEVER, OBSTKÜCT1O.!, 1IALIGNANT FEVER, RETENTIONOF ÜKINE 1.033 OF APPET1TE, DROrSY, 1NDIGEÍ3T10N, ACUTE EKYSIPELA3, INFLAMJIATION, HEAD.lCIIE, PAÍ.P1TATI0NS, BAD UKEATII, SCMÍLET FEVER, INFLA.MMAT10M OP U1LI0U3 FEVER, THE IXTESTINES, JAUNDICB, APOPLEXY, CONGESTIVE FEVEK, ENLARGEMENT OP SLEEPLEááNESS, THE SPEEN, GENERAL DEBIfclTY, SCURVY, DI.MN&B OF S1GHT, WII0OPIXO COUGH, fits, wanna, LOWNESS OF SPiraTS, BAD DÜEAM9, QüNSEY, TLEURISY, Aa iiUo all Complalnts of Woincn, such 3 Iïyt-ïia, 1-ciic.. r-;T_.i nr Wliiles, Wenïcenlig DchArgea, Clkloro lft lrrcgularltics, Siippre slon of ïlie BlellSfSi Ii:il.minntloit of (tfc Woinli ui Blsulder, DiiUcuU Mcusti'uatlon,Htii a I Othcr liisea-tt-M orC- uplalntfl producetl by x:)-vo dchiirgpn or suppre-sUm ol t!i Mpoms l-iiio. who ctesUe to avo;ii the snfTjri'iK aud Incou?(?:ujuco;i 'f these irre;ularltle.4t or nrgauic'-bítruciloiiá, sli-nid not umrt tf rü_ruiafo thsir fystemj by 1 o e o ■ tivn ui' RAD A Y'o I'II 1,-i.Oiicoor iw'c d w-jok, anl thm ba free from tbo iuiny and (rreat U iXiaveutQ&CM tu wWoU Lidi'-'i are geuera.ty aabjeoi. DOCTOri RADWAY IiiTltéi llio attoutioi of the ntel!!gei.t rcu;lör to the ac'a hur.j preo'tetl, showing the t-uperlority uf hii PiL 8. m purgativas, ovor all othur pllU ur purgativo uudicluca iu u@. THEIR GREA.T COMBIXATIONS. They aro Ap-írient, Tonic, I.ix .tive. A t.-raUvo, Süaa Uut, Counter Irnuut, SSudunflc. AS EVACUANTE, They aro mnrorertm aul tViruu.h than the Dratln IMU of Aloe , or C.oon an 1 Harlm il, or i laterimii ; and more southing and lioaüog ih-iu Suuua,or liüubarb," or Tamariudii, ür Uistur Uil. AS ALTKRATIVRS, They exerctec more po we. -f ui inSuncc oror tho livor au i itd secret ons tban ca4ouael, rnörciiry, tilde ['lil.heuca their impoj tance ia &fcfO3 ui l.iver Comiiaiuts and Spleen Üiffifiuiiied, Jmmiicu, Dypepei t, BUtoua Aitiuks, Hoadaclio.&c. In t!io trjutincut of kevarn, otii r UilÜHt, Yollow, Typlioi,i,a:ii otïior rluoi g Feven,tbuy aro Huperior to quimno Tüuir iiifluence Dïtetidd over thu etiti-o KystO'ti.cpfitrolü.ig, stcangtheoiug, and braciu : np tho relaxed aud warftinfe Due'giöti , and rejikiti k all tho Biicrctions to t!te natural ikorfdpaiiLBua ui tln-ir duüea, cleansiüg and pm ifyüig the bloo l purglujj froji tiia systcra all discajcd depjöiu aai lï&;mro huuuri. THE CAUSE OF PILES. A largo cieno of fio Drafttic PilU wlil, hy irntatinj? ib mui;uiiá intjni', pro luce -t vitieiit emld'un oí' ih-i cuütünts in tho u rwoü, but m s itoiug utüoc secrctioui uro sapoutlAü. I;i auci casei, tli : siouh ri 1 be found' lobo HiíUt-cttlored and w itery.nnJ nttended withcrfUQP irripiug puin-!, umi-ia, sicknu-s. üy t i lacreoaeU unniitaralacti liof tho b wels, tho f-eoretiiww .j tin kidney.s and pantyea aroürtiui.-Ue.Lfollou-e 1 by .ffu. tiun of tho kidueys, bl iddi'r, ureihra, (hIös, touesmu, proátrutióa, ctHüvouoás, aml kiiiigestiün. Why Radway's Pilla Cure Small Pox. Ia muil l'i. ii.rka Kv.'v-r, Kiy-ipi'"u-, ell(iw,Typhoil and oiher redudng f-'toers, pitkuatkm is hihty fcit.s-f-n ai. Ilat ti adniiuisWr u uso ■[ Dias'ic PU.a Üi trriluttött they wótiid pioducè tuil iho teUxation and dupleuou tfiat wtuld Riüow, vronld bo Bkily t provo fata! lt' phys.ciaii.s, ia these cases, woulri gvö 1ÏAU-. WaY's PILLS, Üiey w mltt aiwiyí cura lUolr (tienta. I ii Ümüq diseitsea a mild, snothing Iiealjdg aud gt'flt!y b;]:ini!:aiiií t.ixi'i-e i.; rcqurod, waiuü ú ttcurod by iim'AY'ö WLld, Why liuperfeci Pilla Gripe. 'fho cfi wc of g in) ig, Dftnsoa, pi(ktu-, U-uemus an t doü Iity, ÜiiiL iá i idn J ty ft duöO of dra-SUC Ü.s,is owing lo tUeir i upüifrrt opiii-auuü IC w Ui üv.!facces,th4 diseased humors, Itiftcireuluting In tho synQ n, wero ex pello l by modu ptlls, the: e inmld IJÖbl lmlu pam or gripmg. lt i ■ thi' ii'íáonuü of iho bliy aud (her huiQo&i wbioli ihe hnptrft'( t pllhi ïad i urge uut of t!io sy-tem tUit oociKiou-i lbo juin, Hy ex mum. : thu tfrwU evacvtaied iifior BtiVêre gripUïg tUuy will HjaDmid thiu aüd wutcry. THB aHUE PILL3 TO TAKB 'l'hc on y í-afo pül' u t tkfl a;v Dr. R.idwayN, bocauie thöyaio tb oliIv pl,s üat ncmo imraii u wuhoni dopluiiou, uud cxih 1 íiddaáüd h.uiiuró iVuiu l!iü tyatcia. CASE 03? DYÜPaPSIA CTJ.1ED. Fnr mauy y,aifl t Uaio bceii at!ixt.Li wilU our ; tlon-il cuu&pltnut, c illc l nysp.ipi i- m suffóriitgi havo b-en a cuuuiit wiccuémíou h.inn. h I ii ,vo speol tinKi-aii'ls of dollir-t yi"tü t 'O hd,Ki ■( roaltziiifj u i,n;i cnnf Ttand tr iiiquililiy. AU ma ucuii 'ii f.ule 1 üt roliovü uw, uutil I coiniüi'inx' I i itot 'ijj u ïlu jjdkjioü- atViou ynu :ivo in i on lbo i ia of April, 1853. AmJ n-nv, fier i BJüu your PlHs', I !■■(■( Hl c i.t-w mui. iiiA Ii i;ss yon, aud la.iy this leieer .l iru utbr itlHsi tg vicUin lu'titú aocúrátjJ. tnalady, to irv tliumj muaüUlNí fel V ;-' . . L j ' , rAytpPNTKRvu.i.K, . .f. , April TQth, 1845, Letter f rom. D;1. Salmón Skinner. Nkf i WK, J mumy, iBW. Dr. R'tdivny & Co. j I ti'ViJ. duritig ido Hit fimr yoars,wp.d yo'ir rempdiL--:, a d hva ráoo i Riètitled thm Ui utUiíNt1 r Bi in- OtMn.AlVT--, [slHClÜil i, IhKfU' iv, ,Vc. 1 uyii-iHlu tilt Rhh ly Ro :e[ an I Kiiíiilti ur lil-t um-qualütl i'ini Kw Blntiñfc! I'i:io urn mild :ii tij -ir yiJOitiaiu airf thorou-Uy ïlro tti'At doío flttMi! 1 ho larfro eno igb t pnrc, Ba.T fnuf ur live, üint i ttt.ii anocoñdive -'ut,,! h(. -.ujni-h 1 1 iio pi 1, uuti nwiucöd f one, Jtul t'twi ropento I evory day Pr a (vls ur ;cn diivn. A pi-rni .uoni, ui o Miieiy iulJutV. Vours, c, ijy Ur. adwiiy'a Pilis nru .soltt D; ng Box containb ö I'iii. Palcc 5 t ts. e. liux, For Smïü líy STEBrVIÍÍS& WILDON Money to LcihJ. CAN FUIiXTsïl VOXKY nD resoQabe terms omj I long timo on oud Farm soeuritj . E. W.HOÏtON. Ann Arbor, Julv 20. ISi'Q S-óif Ayer's Cathartlo PÍÜ


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