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itfÍ BOOK STORE l iRK.OWuri.[.(;, iiliiicï FKOM POBLISHER8 T AXJ) ManufacturttB, ft "New nd Complete took of LAVV & MEDICAL 1ÍOOKS, School Books, Miscellancous Books, Blank Books, dan Wall and Window Fajier, Dráwmg and lífathematicarTnstrnmeiits, -Music, Juvenilu Libiuiici., Eurelopes, Iuks and Cards. ' GOLD And all ether Jiinds of Pens and Pencils Window Cornice, Shade.s and Fixture, POCKET CÜÏLEEY! Audeverything pertainïng to the trade, and more to whichthey would tavite the atlention of the country. Inconfluctinfc our businori.s, wc shall dn all that can be done, so that no rcasooable man, woman or child shall íind iny fault. We posfless í'.-tcilities whicli will enalle iu' to Bapply our .stomers at the Lowest Possiblo Figuras.. We propositó selIfiwKEADY PAY, atasmallaJvance. V expet-t t profit on our goods, bilt Cash Sales wiíl Ádmit of Lov FIGÜSES. The "TImhrkBoOkStork'ís mannoil by ageoti 'crew,' ml tliey will ahvays be found on the "quarter deck," ready and willing to atlendto all witli pleii.sure, who will. favor ttiem with a culi. Kemember the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co, Ann Arbor, May, 1860. 14& Great Keduction in the Price of SINGEB & CO. 'S Standard Machines ■ Well known to be the Best for Manufacturing t'urposcs. No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, formerly sold at $90, reduced to $70. No. 2, of same kind of Machine, for rnurly sold at $100, reduced to $75. SINGER'S LETTEK A MACHINE Is the best Machine in the world for Famüy Sewïng and t.ijjht Manufacturittg Purposes : (with líemmer,) and beautifully ornamented $50. The Nos. i and 2 Machines m of ffrea-tcapacitvand apppcatnm fur manufactnriug purpcwe.. Uur No. 3 Machines are e.specially adapted to all kinds of light and heavy Leather -Vork, in Carriage Tuimming, Boot and Shoe Making, Harness Making, etc, etc. They areof extra si.e, and with an arm long enough to cake ander it and stitch t)ie largest "sise dashes, 'f here is scarcely any part ofa Triinmer.-s' stitching tbat caonot be better doue with tliem than by hand ; so, too, the Baring of time and labor is vety great. Thetableof theaè mach. nes is 2-i inchea loug. and tlie shuttle wil] nold sis timesthe usual quantitylof thiead. Th.elar"e iiüH-liine works as Castas sniall ones. We would ask for our iLelter A Machines, the special atteiition of Vest Makers and Veem Makersand all thot.e who want Mst chines fox Lig htvtawi f aetwrivg purposes. They embody the prldciplea of the standard machines, muking likethem. theiutcrlocked sitch , and are destined to be as celebrated Fajíjly Sewïng acd ligia inanufactaríng purposes as our standard machines are for manufacturing purposes in general. We have alwayson hand, hjoi.misg gai'es.pilk twist LINUX AND CrfrrOJÍTHREJJ), OM Sl'ouLíJ, ÍSKST .MACHINE OlL in bottles, etc, etc. We manufacture our own Xecdlesjaad wnuld warnall persoBfl usïng our machinen nottobuy anyothers. We mow that there are needleis sold of thé most inferior quality at higher pricea than we chara for 4be best. The needies sold by us are manufacturen aspeetallj for our ma; hiñes. A bad needie may vender tht best machine alviost useltss. Our customers may rest atsured that, al our l'ranch OfticGsare l'urnislied u-jththe lt gen uine act ijle " In t-aso of email purchaseSj the monej may be .sent Lu rostagfi stampa, or bank notes. Correfipondntfl willplease wi-ite theír ñames distincty. lt is all inpurtant that we ahouM, ineacneftse, inow the Pbfft Office, County, au. i StpJe. Jï" All perso-ns requiring information about Sewïng {achines th#ir size, prices, working capacitièe, aud t lío bfist methods of purchasing, can obiain it by üendiiig t us, or any of on r ilraneh Offices lor a copy of I. M. Siager & Co.'s Gazette Which s a bcautiful Plotoria] Pa-per entlrely devoted to ;he .subject - li will beszntgralit. We have made the above HEDUCTION IN PRICEí vith the two-f.)ld view of benefit iirg -the public and ourelvea. The public have been swiMled bv spurious mallines ma.H' in ïmitation of ours. The metal u tlioin. rom the iron casting to the smallest peice, isof poor qu,dity. Their makers have not the means to dotheir vom weil. They arehidaway in secret places, wltereit voul.l bc impossible to ha t theii oonknaad the rp. it meebanical appliances. It is only by doing a great )usincss,aiid bavingextenBiTe mariuVucuiLing estabüahmentrt, (luit rood machines cao bc made at moderatrices, The bert designad macbioes, HADLY LIAIIE, are Iwajs liabie to get out of order, and aresure 10 cost onsiderable trouble and money to keepthem ín repaire ïhe ctualities to be looked for m,a Machine are : oerainly of correct acticm at all rates 01 speed , simplicity f cou&tructiou, great duxabiiity, andrapidity of iipèation, with the least Ulior. MachineB to combine tliese mentaal qualities, must bc nmdeuf the best metal &nd finished to perfectiou. We have thoway and mcans,on ■1 grand scale, to do this. The purchasersof machines, whosedaily bread itmay coucern, will find that those havingthe aboTequalitiefl not only wurk wt'U at rapid as well as Blow rates of speerl,fbut tastlonger in Mie ÜDesi ps.MMe wov ing order. Our machines, as marie by as, wilj B&rn more money with less labor than any others whether in imitation of oLirsornot. Infact, theyarocheaper than anv othcr machinesas a gift. I. V. 1NGER & CO., 458 Broadway New York. ■ Detroit Offiee, 58 Woodward Avenue, (Merrill Block.) Slltï M. H. GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. NEW FALL GOODS! BAGH t; PIERSON Have just openod a Clioico Stock of WOOZ, COTTON& S1LK for Ladies' and Gentlemens Wear, also a stock of Best Family Groceries, which wtll be sold CIÏEAP FOR CASH. rj-olil, rocoivocl at 16 per cent. prem. Silvur, ' " 14 " " " Canada, " " 14 " " " Oíd demand Treasury notes, at 10 per cunt. prem. BACH & riERSON. . Ann Arbor, Sept, 22, 1LC2.


Old News
Michigan Argus