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II O RACE WATERS, AGEN T 3 3 3 II r o a 1 w a y , X e w Vork Publlxlicr oí Music a ixl Musí üooks AN] DBAISR ÍN Pianos, Molodeons, Alexandre Organs Organ Accordeons, Murtirrs celebrated and other Guitars, Violins,. Tenor Viols, VioliiKielloe, Accordeons, Flutinas, Fliites, Pifes, TrianglesClarijnetts, Tuning Forks, Pipes andllammers, Violin Bows, bestltalian Strings, Bass Instruments for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. JS la. o o t 3VI w S i o. e rom all the pubhshers n tlie U. S. , Bertini's Huntin's, tnd Modern Scboul, and ill kinds of Instrnction BookB t'nr the above in.strumeuts; Cliurch Music Books: Music elegantly bounJ; Alusic p;ipt.T, aml all kiuds uf Music Mercliamlisc, Att hcLowest P rices. New Pianos, ■U $175, $200, (226, Í250, and up to $800. Secoud Hand Planos from S'25 n " S"'O; New MelmJeons, $45 ■ S60, $76,$10O, umi "I1 ' i-'UO; Secontl Band Melodeoqs from (30 to (80; VloxandreOrgna, ivith Svestop, $160, . i, üSÍ) osd S--5; ihirtííentítupH, $-J50, S'275 and $300; fifteen stops, SSSOod $375; A liberal dinoount to ClergymeD, ('hurchcs, Sabbath SchoolH, Seminnries and ']''-:ichers. The Trade su]iilied at the usual trade diacouuts Testimoniáis of tile Horacc Waters Planos and Mclucleon. John Hewett, of Cavtliage, New York, wlio has liad f hip of thfl Hoia-cc Waters 1'u.nos, writeeas foüws:- "A fj'iiiud of mine wishes roe to parchase piano Tor her. ohe ükefl the one yo ftold me in December, 1856. My piano is bAeoming popular in this place, a ml I tliink I can introduce one or two more; they will bc more popular tliuo auy othor make." "We have two of Waters Pianos in nae in ourPeminary, one of which has V-en stivcreiy. tested for three years. and we can tentify to.their good quality and otarability." - Wood & Qrégorj, Mount Carrollf lih 'JI, Waters, Eaq. - Dkab Sir: Having used oneof your Piano Fortes for two years past. I have fonad Ha Very superior Instrument. Alomo Ge-ay, Principal Brooklyn Heights Seminaïy. "Tlie Piano I roceived froin you continúes to givo satinfaction. 1 regard it as one oí 'the b-st instruaumts ia the pJce." Jmbs L, Ci.ap.kk, Charleston, Va. Thfl Melodeon bas safoly arrived. I feel obliged be you fory our liberal dtecount." Kev. J. M. McCouyick, YarquesvilleS, C "The piano vas duly receíred. Itcame in excellent ooodition, and ia vury much admired by my uumerouj farnilyi Accept my thanks for your promptnese." Rdbxke Coopsb, Wárrenhamy Bradjoed Co. Pa. "Your piano pleases ua well. It i.s the best one in our county.",- THOMas A. Latham, Campbellton, Ga. "We are very inuch obKged to yoa for liaving sent sacli a floe iustrumeut for $250." - BiíamíjUjíld & Co., Bájalo Democrat. "The Hornee Waters Pianos are knenvn asamon the very beat We aro enabled to peak of tliese in.strunif -nis with confidence, fvom personal knowlode of their excellent tone and rlnmhU' uality." - N. Y. Evangelist. 'We can. speak of tb merite of the Hornee Waters pianofjrom personal knnuieiiije, as boing the very flnest qtiality."- GMrtetVi'n Intctlig meer : "The HoracO WMN98 pianos are ouilt of the best and moal thoroughly seaone mateiiitl. We hste nodyubt ♦liatbuyers can do as wcll,perhaps better, at thisthan at auy ot.;iíírüuse in the Union." - Advocate and Journal. Waters' pianO 'An& melodeons challenge cempartson wtth the finest made mywhere in the country."- Home Journ al' "Hornee Waters' Piano FortöR are of fulT, rich and even tone, and poworful - N. Y. Musical Review. "Our nriends wili find at Mr. Waters' store the very bost ftfisortment of Mu.sic and of Pianos to be found in the United States, and we urge our southern and weatern friends to aive him a cali whenever they go to New York." - GroJium's Magazine. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. SabbathSchool Bel], 100,000 issued in ten Months. The unprecedented sale of thiwbook has induced the publisher to add snme 30 new tuneaand hyrons to its present ftize, without ftxtrfl churre, except on the choap edi tion Among tlie raany beautiful tunes and hymiis addei may l)e found: - ilI ought te love my mother;" "OI'l be a good child, indeed I wúL" These and eight others frnm the Bell , were sung at the Sunday School Anniver sary of the M. K. Church at theAcadsmy of Music, wtti great applau&e. The Bell contains nearïy 200 tunes am hymDB, atid is une of the best collections ever issued l'rice lïJe; $10 per hundred, postage 4c Elegantly bound embossed gilt, 2öc, 8'20 per 100 It h&a b'jen introducen Into many-of the Public Set ols. The ";e. is published in nmall numbers entitled Anni versary and Sandny School Music BooIír, Nos. 1,2, 3, & 4, in orèter to accommodate the million; price $2 & $3 per lmr.dved No. 5 willsoonbe issued- commen cement of another book. Also, Revival Muslo Books, No, 1 & ' plica $1 & %'Z per 100, postale lc. More tha.i 300,000 copies of the above books have been issued the past eighteen raoüths, and the demaud israpiclly iucreasing. Publiühed by horack Haters, Agent, 333 Broíidway, N. V. Publised by Horace "Waters No. 333 Broadway, New York. Vocal, "Kind Word s can neverdie;" "The Angels told me so;" "Wilds of the Wrst;" "Thoughts of God;" "Giva me back my Mountain Home;'' lil)ay Dreams;" "Dandy CockRobin;" "I'm wi+h thee still; "I'etnamea;" "There'sno darilng like mine;" "Saiah Jane Lee;""Ever of thee;" "I'ra leavingthce in Sorrow;" "Bird of Beauty;" "Home of our birth;" '.'Grave of llosabel,'' and 'Wake, lady, wake,,' price 2óc each. 1 Inhtrumk.vtai., - ' 'Palace Garden, or Singing Bird Polka," 40c; "Swinging;" "Mirabel Schottisch;" Thomas fiaker's Sohottiacbe;" "Piccolomini Polkn, 35 cents each. The above pieceshave beautiful Vignettee. "Wclmer Polka;" "Arabian Wai ery Marcb," the rery last; "Vassovianna Doníells Mazurka; "Rea-l: ing Polka " "Crinoline Waltz," and "Iincers Qua drille," 25c eaefc. "The Empire of Reicli's Quadrille;" a new dance, and "The Hibernian Quadrille," 35ceach. Matiy of these pieces are played by Baker'E oelebrated arohest ra with great applrusc. j$3Tk Mailed free. A largelot of Foreign Music at half price. pianos, Afelodeoits ad Organs. The JJnraee Waters Pianos and MelorleonB, for depth, purity of tone and durabitity, are unsurpaased. Priees very low deoonQ Hand Pianon and Melodeons from $25 to S150. Music and Musical Instructinns of all kinds, atthe lowest priees. HOKACK WATERS, Agent, No. 333 Broadway, N. Y. Tkstiitoxui.s; - "The lïoracB Waters Pianos are knuwn as among the very best.' - Evangelist. "We can apeale of tlioir merits from personal knowlBdge." - Chriatian InteUigcncer. "Nothingat the Fair displayed greater excellence -" - Churchman. Watera' Píanos and Melodeons chaÜongeoompwrisoB with the ftnest made anywherein the country." - Home Journal. Ï19tf SCHOFF & MILLEK A RESIILL OXIIAND at tueirold Stand, A No. 2, Franklin Block, with the most complete aRsortment of Books and Stationery, PERFUMERIES, ■ FANCY GOODS, WALL aND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS. CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNIOES, CURTAINS, IIOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever oiFerod in this Market ! anil tbey would suggest tothose in pursuitcfanythmgin SANTA CLA US' LINE that they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! iy purebasing from this slock, as eacli purchaser gets in additiüual present of Jewelry , &c. , Ranging invalue irom 50 ets. to $50. t$3r Theytrust that thefrlong experionce In selectïng foods fuitliis iiiarki't, and sirit nttenhtm ttí tíie wantw l' Cuf-'toinei's, uiay entitle tbem to a liberal liare o Patronage. Ann Arbor.Dec.5. 1860 Ï77tf Demand Treasury Notes For which we pay M. GUITERMAN" & Co., Ann Arboi Óctober 0, 1862, GftSAÏ.GÏiEATEIt GREATEST BARGA.1KS EVER OFFERED 1859. .1859. In tlii 3 City, are uow beiug ofFered at the CHEAP,CLOCK,WATCH, & Jewelry Stox-oTHE Subscribe r would eay to the citizensof Ann Ar particular, and the vest oí WmhteriHw Cnuntv in ffonernl, that hehasjust ÏMPOKI'ED DÍ RECTLY truin EUROPE.a Tremendous Stock of Watchcs! All ofwhichhe binde himsolf to se]] CHEAfEB than can be boUgfat wesl of' New York City. Open Face Cfimdnr VVdtches trom 6 'to 8lO do do Lfver do do S to 21 Hunting Caso do do do 14 to 35 do do Cylinder do do 9 to 28 Gold Wntehes t'rutn go to 150 I have also the CELËBUATED AMERICAN WAT CHES, which I wlll sen ttr S35. Every Vvatch warrantod to perform well, or the monoy s-etunded Clccks, Jowelry, PiHted Ware, Fanoy Goode. Gold Peni, Husicallnstrumeuts aud Stringa Cutlery, &c, and mfartavRricfy of overythini; uaually kopt by Jew elors can be boughtforthc oext ninety days at V'JUf O W N l'RIOES! Pereoii biijiiog anything at this well known eatabÜ8brae ut can rely upon iretting goods exactly RS representad, orthemonRy relundcd. Oallearly and secure tho best bargaitis ever ofl'üred in thif City. One word iu regard to Repairing : We are prepared to imita any repairs onfine or cominon Watches.even to makineo er the entire vratch f' necessary. Repairing of Clocks and Jewelry kb' nsunl. Also the manufacMring of RINGS, BROOCHS or auything destred, f rom California Gold on shortnotice. Enitraving in allits branches exeeated witlmeat. ness hjU diepatch. J C. WATTS. Anu Arbor, Jan. 28thl859. 7f4w Important National Works, Publisheü by D-APPLETOX & CO., 346 AND 348 BROADWAY NEW YORK The folio-mug ivorks are sontto Subscríbeos in any part f the country, (uptm receipt of retuil price,) by mail or expresa, prepaid: THE MEWAMERIAN CYCLOPDU; A Popular Dictionary of (enera.1 Knowledge. Edited by Geo. Kií'LKY and Chaklks a. DiKA, aided by a nnmerous select corps oí tvrik'vs in all branches of Scieneea Art and I.iterature. This work is bi'iu published in about 15 large octavo volumes, eacfa eontaining 750two-oOlumn pages VoISj I-, II-, III. , IV. V., VI., VII., VIII., L are aowreaffy, each eontaining near 2.60Oorígina] arti des. An additional volume wttl bc published once in about three montbs. Price,in Cloth,; Sheep, SC. 50; Half Russia. Í4.50 each. 'l'lif Ne Amerlean CyclopeMüa is popular without benfj superñeijil, learoed without beiug pedantic, compreheniiive but sufflciently detailed, fi-eefrom personal pique and party prejudice, firesh and yet accurate. It is a complote statement of all that is known upon evory important topic uithin the scope of bmnan intelligente. Kvery important article init bas been specially wntten for its pagesby uien whoaveanthmiiicP upon tbo topic on whion tho.v speak. They are re (uired to bnng the subject up to tho present moment; to state just Iioav it stands now. AU tlie statistical information'iN from tlie latest report fl; thegoographical accounts keep pace with the latest expluriitions; historicfil matters include the fY(shi1 just viev.'s; the biographieal notices gdtí ak not only of thedead but itltio of the living. It Is a librarv of tself AUR1DGEMENT OF THE DEBATES OF CONGRESS Bing a Political History of the United otates, from the organimtmn of the first Federal Congrëssin 178 to 1856. Editedand compiled by Hon. Tuo. íJLaiít IiiiNTüN',from the Official Records of Congress. ÏJic work will be completed in 15 royal octavo volumes of 750 pages each, 11 of which "are now ready. An adAitional volume will be publi-shed once in three inontbs Cloth,?S3; Law Sheop, Half lor., Half Calf, $4.50 eaefc. A WAY OF riïOCÜRTNG THE CYCLOPEDIA OR DEBATÍ Form a club of four, aud remit the price of fourbooks, ind íive copies will be sent at theremitter's expensefor ;arriage; or for ten subtscribers,. eleven copies will bp seiit at Gur expeaa&fór carriage, To Agoirts. NTo other work will so liberally reward the exertions ){ ygents. Ajv Agk.vt wantkd in this Couxty Terms uadi'known on application to the Publishers. Arm Arbor, Marcb. 1859. 6902amt Bft Bev. THOS. Wbight, agent at Kinue & Smiths 3ook Store, Ypsilanti. 1862. NEW 1862. WINTER GOODS! MACK & SCHMID are now receïving a Large & Attractive Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, LADIES'DKESS GOODS, FUKS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, &c. in great variety of the most desirable styles and quaüties. A good assortment of RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, &c, Also a choice stook of goods for Mens' Wear, Ladies' and Children's Shoes. :rar_A.o?s .viñtid caps, Presli Grooeries. ü ROCKER Y, c&c, dba., which wiil all bo sold at the Lowest Cash. 3?ricesMACK & SCHMID. Ann Arbor, Nov. 7, 1862. 878tf Hifi e F actor y! Bentier & Traver, [Suceessors to A. J Sutherlanrt,] Manufacturera of and Dealers in Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Ponches Game Bags, and Evci'jothcr artiele in tbatLine. AU kinds of hbpaihiktg doue at the shortest ootioe, and tn the best niíiinier. a full assortment always kept on ha ml and maile order. 'gÉ, Shop on tlurou stroet. Laö Aibor,Üct. 8, 1362. 873tf Oval Picture Frames AttSlZï, STTLES au d TRICES just received and forsale cheapat OHOFF & MILLER'S. 180.Dce.25, 78Otf TUK OLD CORKER RENEWED! witlï ISTE-V7" STOCZ, NEW GOODS, &C. FARMERS' IW CMIÍ STORE (At the old stand of Thompson & Millen.) I am now opening a carefully SELECTED STOCK OF STAPLE DRY GOODS CONS1STING OF DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, BROWN" & BLEACHED 3HEETINGS, CASSIMERE8, FLANNELS, &e. and everjthing that is kept in a Doxnestio House, also a fine assortment of BOOTS SHOES! AND YANKEE IÏOT1ONS, A full stooic of Í1EOCEEIES eonstantly on hand. FAKMER'S PRODUCE ! Bouglit and Sold. Thankful to old friends and eustomers foi past favors, I hope to merit a share of their patronage, by dealing justly with all. C. B. THOMPSON, (formerly with C. H. Millen & Co. Ann Arbor, Oct. 1, 1862. 872tf LOOMIS Lc TRÏFF, Sacceásops tö Chapiö fc LoomisndChapin, Tripp & Loomis rilHE above firm of Loomis & Tripp haring purchaset X the entire interest of the former corapanies vrïL continue the business at the old .stands, where they wil! bft ready, on theshortest notice, to fill all orders in thí line oí Castings and Machinery, m the most workmanlike manner, aml on as libera terms as any other shop in the State. Among "the vari ons articlesmauufacturcü by us, we would enumérate STEAMENGINES of all kinds; Mili Gearing and Fix tures, wroughtand cast; all the various Qaatings fur ma&ng and repairing IlorsePowers &Tiireshing Machines such as are at present, or have forcnorly been in kw m this part of the State, as wcll as vil the various kinds of castings and machine work called for by farmers and niecliauics in this section of the couniry. of all the vanous patterns, up ia Bizesandprioes, will he kept constan tly on hand, gol the most modern and improved styles. Thankfal for former patronage to the old firms . we would solicit a coutinuance from old frienda,anil a trial by all wishiug foranything in our lineof business. LOOJIIS & TRIPP. AnnArbor,May 18th, 1859. 69ïtf "Provide for Yo r Family." KNICKEBBOCKER LIFE INSURANCE CQMPANY. Western office jKingsburyBIockj Iíandolph St., Chicago. Assets Jan. lst, 1862, $276,223.44. Policies are issued upon the Uves of debtors, and for all business purposes, either for life or for a term of years-, on as favorable terms as by any other Company. JMarried ladies mav insure the lives of their husbands, according to a law of tlie State, fiecuring thftamouni of the insurance to themselves or their children, freo from the claims of their husbands' credit,ors ; also, married ladies can insure their own lives for che beneíit of theïr cbikh-en or trustees. Policies on lives are issued for any srnn not exeecdin"$10,000. By the terms of the charter, thirCompany sprohibïted pjiying more than 7 per cent. énnually in dividenda on i-tss eapitaï to stockholders ; anl it receives that eum in interest for tbe use of i.ts capii;il, the surplus being divided among the Mutual Insurers ; henee it wil] appear th%t it combines the advantages of a Mutual with the security of a Stock Company. When the premium amoonts to $40 or over a note mft-y be given for four tenths of the ainount. Eates as low as any olhergood ejimpany. Now is the time ff secure a cnmpetency for youi family should deitth Huc! your homestead uncuinbered and business involved. ERASTUSI.YMAN, President. Geo. F.&BOTBN.Sery. B. F. Johnson, Vice President, and ilanager of Wu4ern Branch office, Chicago. E. B. POND, Agent. WÜ. LEWITT, M. D-, Medical Kxaminer. 1862. 1862. NEW FALL GOGÖS ! Xow opening, a Bpieodid stoel; of New Goods for the Fallïradeat O. H. MILLBN'S Ana Ariior Scjitcmbor 1Í., 1Sfi2 8"0tf Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Estáte oí Joseph Kelsey. STATE 01'" MICHIGAN, Couy of Wihtenaw, - At a sttMÍon of the l't obate Court for the County o$ Waubteoaw, holden it the 1'robate Uflice, in the Citje Of Aun Arbirr, on ,Innd:iy , tWétltt day o$ .! .'i , ■ , ha the year one thousalïd eíght httsdred an$ sixty-thvee. Present, Thoaia.i Niftde, iJudgc of l'mbate.. In tiie matter of the Estáte of Joseph Kefeey, deceased tí readingand (ilin tlie pöttttóa, duly vciííí.mí, o Jamea M. Kclscy, praying ailininisiration on uld estáte. luay be gtfanted tu Öenrj Rearriék or sume olfier suitb i person, Tlierenpnu it is Ordered, That Ifonday, the ninth. ilay of Peoruary next, at ten o'cloct in the forenoon. In' Eteaigned tor the hwtring of aaid petitioD,a&dthft tlie licirs at law öf said ilecased, an.t uil other ])ersons interested in said estáte are requircd to appear at a nessionof said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, ín the City of Ann Arbor, in s;iw County, and show QausBj.ll anj there be, wljy the piajer of tlii potttioner should nyt be sranred . is tur Ui er Órdar.ed, that said petttionftr give n'otice to the persona intereated in said etat, 1 the pemdenefot said petition, and the hearij)? thereof b ea.uBing a copy uf this order to be publithed in th Michigan Argus, ;i neWspápeí printed and circulating iiitsaid CoLinty ol W;L]itfti;nv, three succensive weeks previ ons to said day of hearing . (A triia copy.) THOMAS NIXDK, Judge of Probate. Attachment Notice. NOTTCK in beeeby given that on the 24th day oL November, A D., eighteen humhed and sixty-twn, a wrlt of attachment waa issued out o. the Circuit Court for the ('ounty pf Washteuaw, iu favor (f Thoniiis Morgan, plaidtiff , agatost thé goods, chattèls, laud, teiii-ments, muneys and ëffeota of Peter 8chafér and VYilliain Scbwitzor defendants, for the snm of two hundred and slxty sis dollars and iifty-two cents, uliiih said writ was returnable on Tuesday the fecond day of December, , D,ighteea handréd and f-ixty-two, and that it appears by the returns of the proper ulïicer to said writ that property haa been attaehed thereon, that neither of said dcieudantfi coultl be found. THOMAS MORGAN, PlaïntiiT. IJ! J. Beakeí), Attorney for Plaintillltateil, Ann Arbor, December 24, 1&62. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made iü the condition of a certain indenture of Euergage, exAcuted bv James McCarlhy and Ma-rgaret VfcCarthy h!a wifè, of the City of Anu Arbor, County of Wanhtenaw and State of Michigan, to ís'elson t.'ole of the same, hearing ilute the ürstday of May, in the year of our Lord one tbousand eight hundredand Gfty-six, and recordad n the Oilicfc oï the Register erf Jteuds in and for said County of Washtenaw, on the iifth tlay of May. A. D. 1856, In Liber Ho. 22 of Alortgageá on page ÖS2, which said indenture of Mortgage was duly assigned by the said Nelson Oole tg lwird Byan.of Pittsfield, in Kaid County, by nis assigtimcnt under hia Jiand and seal, beanng dle the BixtetnUi di y of JJccember, A. V. ]862, and rocorded iu tlie ofiice of said Register of Deeda on the twtntysixth day of Pecember, A. D. 1862, in Líber No, 30 of Mortgftges uu page 15Ü, by which defauít th& power uf saté containcd in said mortgage became operative and the amount claimed to be due on said indenture of Mortgage, at the date of this notice, being five Jiundred and ioriy-éight dollars and thirty-eighi cents ftudno sit or proceeding havtng bfen institated ai Uw, or in cUancery, to recover the debt now remainining due and secured by said mortgage or any part tliereof i Notice is therefore hereby given. that on Saturday, the (ourlhday of April, A. I). 1SG3, at ten of the clotk in :he forenoon oí' that day, at t!ie south door of the Conrt House, In the City of Ann Asftor. in said Cuunty of Washteuaw and SLateof Michigan, (said Court House X'ingthe place for holding the Circuit Court for said Sounty ) I shiiil aeU ax cause to be eold at public auc;ion in foreclóaure of said mortgage to the highest bidIer, thj ]reniiies describd! thereiu, . ir so much theref i Bhaïl be neccs.sary to Bfttísfy the amount due on said identuie of Mortgage, wieh interest and all the reartmable eosts, dlsbarsements and expenses of all profutlintrs volative to the foreclosirt-o of the same incluunable charges for attorneys' serrices. as pro iiU'd iii Baid indftature of mortgage; that i.s to sav, nll hose certain tracts or pareéis of land situated iñ the aidciry of Arm Arbor, known, bounded and described a followSj viz: Beiog Iota uumbered one (l),two ('2)f liree, (3), and fuur (4), in blocknumber fwo (2), south .. q range numbf r ten (10) eaat, in the sajd city of Aun trbor, County nf ';ishtrn;uvf and State of Michigan'Dated, Deecmber 31-st, 1S6Ü. EDWARP RYAN, A. Fjbï-OB, Assigoee of Mortgags. Attorney for Assignee. 885td I am Bcund for M. GUÍTERMAN CO'S i Q Dispnte the fact if yon can, It tafees the TAILOll after all to give appearance to the outer man. If jou wish to appear well You must accordiiigly Dres3 Well Go to 31. Guitermaa & Co's,, There you will find things esactly S0SONDHEIM always ready to tak vour mensure, GtriTERMAN will sell you Goodswith great pleasure, At figuros LOWER than you will find in ihe State, 'J'ake lieed - call eakly, else vou ar too LATE. The inducements aro now greater thaa ever, Our Clekks you wil] find obliging and clever. We wil] show you good CLOTIIING of our own oetting ui, Filling our Store from Bottom to ropj STUDENTS especially will find it to THEIR ADVANTAGE, For it takes but LIÏTLE MONEY to replenish. 1500 OVERC0ATS of Oloth, Beater, and Bear, Warranted for almost ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our OW11 IMPORTAT1ON. Forwarded through our New York relations. From England, Belgium, Germany and Fiance, Such as you can stand üp in, or wear, at the danoe. Panfs ! Pants ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fancy CASSIMEEES and DOESKIN oí everv grade, We sell them froïn ONE DOLLAR up tO EIOIIT. VSSTS, &C, of every deserrption, You will rjnd it so without fietion, Furnidhing atparels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. Tbis is all we say now, Therefore we make our bow. Yours truly, over so, M. GÜITERMAN. A Cb.,. Fruit and Ornamental TREES, A.T LO-W PRICES. rïlHK SUBSCRIBERS arenov prepatèd to rerpive orI deráforall Einds of Fruit and Ornamentad Trees, ShrubS, Planta, Klowers and Vmes of evcry dcscription ;imi ai-it'ty, for the Fall pf 182 and Spring of 18ÜÜ. - Wo have a Inte ICock ihiw trrowing, aud intend to. mako lftrge importaiions f rom time totfaxu ft-8 thfl M'.'intíi of tin country deiniui'l. We Invite' the peopleto mitke themaelves acquainted with our facUátibfl for doingbusinesB, before purclmsing eIaPewhré, We warrant all variaties to be true to name, and to be vigorous and In;iltliv spfcimena . Al] otóimi'nicaÜonawi!] be prompt ly responded o. Our oilice is in Jlogeis' AgriculturaÈ Store, Detroit st., Anfi Aroor, licli. DüBOTS, CARE & CO. Ann Albur, June 24,1862. 858tf A.yer's Cherry PectoraL


Old News
Michigan Argus