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From Washington

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Special Dispateh to the Detroit Frep Press. Washington, Feb. 10. THIa inorning ari important eaucus of republiS&n Senators was lield n tin Señale Chuinber before tlio meeting o thut body for the daya session. After lbo orgamzation the .--ulijec.t matter dia cussed was Iheoourse whicli the tienate should take on the revelatiori of Secre tary Sewivrd'n pretend, tl correnpon daoee with M. Mereier, tho Freneh MinUter on bis departure for Richinond lust smr.mer. Sorno of the Senators wefe for iho most radical measure - even iba remrlnttoq introduced yesterday. by Mr. Grimes, making the ' charge direct - bul, alter detiate, inore conserv;iiivü counsols prevuilcd, itnd it WM finally deterniined that tlio io!lowing resohitioi), whioh was subae quently adoptud in the Senate, would elicit the informatión required by the Senate : " Resolved, That tho President of the United States be requested, if not ia his jucigment incompatible with the public interest, to lay liefara the Senate any eorrespondenco vvbich bas taken place between this governmont and the government of France on tho subjecL ot rnediation, arbitratiori, ör other mea-urea lóoking to the terrnination ol the exjsiing civil war.' The radicáis, if successful in subhtantiiiting the alli'ged f'ao'.s by tho answer from the President to this renolutiiui, ieel confident that they wíl] secure the removal ol' Seeretary tieward Irom the CaliiuBt. The Secretary of War sent a letter to-day to the Military Oornmittee, urging the pussagaof the bill iiitrodut-ed motile time tince for the iinmediate erection of an arsenal and depot lor ordnnncüa at Weehawken, neur New York The Senate Military Committee aré averae to the House bill for a submarino telegraph cable coaslw'se to Ñew Orlen ris The Senate passed te day a engthy postal bill, draun up by the Postrnaster General, remodeling the entire postal syfetem of iht) country. It provides for the appointment of' all Potitinasters receiving a alary of over Si, 000 per year by the Pos tm aster General, and divides them ioto live classes, as folio ws: First, to havtj not more ttran S-t.000 nor loss than $3,000; feecond not morethan 3,000 nor le.-s rhtio S'2.000; third, not noore than $2,000 nor less than $1,000; iburth, not uion; than Si, 000 uur 1l-ss than $100; and, fifth, all íeys than $100. All petquiMtes are abolished; drop letters are to be charged two cents, and carriers to bo paid SI ,000 per year from the revenue instead of eoliocting a cent on eaeb letter. Newspaper.s may be deliveied to subscribers in the city, by postmnsters, ea contract, and branch depowitariès eatablished. Ln other important respecta it uhaogas tho present system. An irnportant meeting of New England, New 5T)rk, and Western publish ers was held to-day, to tako nieasnres to secure the redncüon of iho dutv on paper. A ruíoluti n, asking that it may be fixtd at 5 per cent., was adopl'.'d It is ascertainèd that no printing paper has been mported under the present tarifl tne small revenue alluded to in the late letter of Secretary Chase urising from in.portations of wtill and h rïting paper. The foliowing bil] was offered by the Military CoinmUtee" of tho Sonate loday: That, in addition to four Major Generáis and nina Brigadier Generáis for the regular army, and fortv Major Generala aml twenty Brigadier Cienerals for the voluiilcer torces, authorized bv eXistiog lain, there mav be appointed thirty Major Generáis and seventy Biigudier Geneeals of volun teers. It is said on good authority that the Etnperor of the French in actuallv from Ak-xandiia, Egvpt, to Mexico, some thousand Nubian troops, for whosu services in bis armies he has bargained with their inaster, the Pasha. They are conscripts, as black as t.-ie ace of spades, and, having oriinallv been Inreed inlo the Pasha's service, are agam being forced intii that of Napoleon III. on this continent. The Preident has nominated Gen. Pheips, of negro pr clamation fam, to be a Major General, vicc Gover nor JMorgan, oi Now York, resigned, and dating his comtnission s that he will rank all volunteer Major G. nerals in the service except Generala Dix, Butler, and Banks. Bispatclies to tho Associated Press. Washington, Feb. 10. A portion of Col. Uaker's detectives seized 188 cases of boots and shoes, in tiansit ncnissthe Potomao, from Leonard, Md., designed for the South. The goods and smuglers wore bent to Washington under guard. From what is sáid hero. in well infonned circles, C:if)t. Worden's object in proceoding to Fort MoAllister with the Montauk was merely to tost the effect of the shot upon the turret of bis vesscl, and upon which !he rebel steolpotnted hot had no injurioas effect. - His proeeeding to that qnarter to domoli?h tho rebel works, &c, was not Bpeeified in the original programme.


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