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All Is Well That Ends Well

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Thus exclaim many thousand after tryitig the ceïebrated Chemical Saleraius of DeLand & Co. Thcy say it works like a oharm, and thoy ahva3's havo nice light bread, biscuit, cakes, &o. It, nevér fuils. jL5C" We have rcocived the March miruber of Godei's Lady's Booi, elegant ly illustrated and with a readable tablo of contents, " The expecteci Letter " is fiue, and the fashion plates are the ad miration of the ladies. Godey holds to the old terms. 83 a year; two elites $5. Address L A. Godey, 323 Chestnut Street, Philadelpliia. - Godey and the Argus for $3,50. S'STSee oard of Joseph Black, from the popular Optioal establishment of Louis Black, Detroit, The glasses he sells are of the best kind. L2Lr" The net prooeeds of tho Supper given by the Ladies of the Congregatioual Churcli on Friday evening laet, were about $150. L3T The k-cturo of Dr. Palmbr, giveu in the M. E. Church, on Wednesday evening, by invitatiou of the Medical "Class, was largely attended. The lecture is spoken of aa an able one. As the class liberally pay nll the expendes the Soldieis' Aid Society to whom the proeeeds are douated, wiil realize a handsomo sum. j n, The Sjnatc luis killed a proposition to eonnest the Agricultural College with the ünivereity. Well, kt the State notiriib t'je "sicï ealfft a Hule longr. JS2ST" ''1U Adoertiser and Tribune, and some other llepublicnn journals, are raaking a desperate effort to convince tlieir readers tliat tlie late Democratie State Gonvention arrayed itself against the University, and that the democrats are opposod to edueation, &e., &e. - These journals had botter examine the record, and theu teil the people in whicb party the best friends of the University have atwaya been found, and to whicb the institution ig indcbted -for the legistiou that haigiven it its prominonee. L2T Prof. VVinchell of this city addressed the Legislature, ir. the hall of the House, on Thursday eveuing last, on the Geology of the State. The lecture was well received, and oreated considerable interest in favor of further piosecution of the Survey. We hope that an appropriation may bo made and Prof. W. set to work. Z'ST Tlio bill unendatory of the militia law whieh lias passtd the Michigan Sonate provides a State bounty of $50 for volunteers. L5L The Hous?, on Tuesday, by a vote of 92 to 44 adniitted Messrs Fi.andeus and Haiin, of Louisiaua, to seats. Anothcr cleotion farce.


Old News
Michigan Argus