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NEW BOOT & SHOE WT. B. OOLE, (Succossor to Moore & Loomis ) lias opeiu-d a store in X FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, Kaïn atreet, Ann Arbor, aud has on baad ft lare asBOOTS, SFOES & RUBBERS, mamif:iotuvel rom Ihc bost material nnd warrant tía to jjive 'itis!;u 'ion, OOnslSttt)g nt MJiKTS KIP, CALF AND TElCK BOOTS, DülliLE SOLKI), ilif BUI' FALO OVÈRSHOES, of uil descript iosS. LADIES GA.ITEES, Norocco Boolees, Balmorals, Feit. OttTshoei, and Rubbers. Also, Boy's Kip, Calf & Thïck Boots, together ïvilh a vjirietv of CIIIIDKEN & YOUTH'S SIIOES. I nm nlso Jïnitiifactut ï::g WAERANTED BOOTS & SIIOES. Meu'FIiw Prendí Calf JJoois Peg-gf cl and Scwed. nfvc m1 n e.ill beforë purehavlnj olHcivhore. I will sell my tiOod-s eliea] for ca.;h. REPAIKiNG NEATLY DONE AND ON SHORT KOTIOE. N.K.COLE. Anti Arbov..Tnn. lgth,.18A3. SWlf A LECTURE TO MEN! Just Pttblishzd, in a Sc-iíed Envelope. Friet Six Cents. A Lectura on the Nature, Ireaiment p.nd Radical Ciro nf Spermvtorrhcra or Seminal Wonlctincfl, Tnvolutitary, I.niisirns. pf-xual IVbUity, nnd Irnpc'jinirnts to .Vu v.-c -_:( n ri'.Üy . N'-rvonsiifsp , ('i naomptton, r lilj) sy ;iü'.l Pit ; S en tal átfd I'hyslcal IncapacHy, íesníting from .-clf-Abusf, ftc -By ROBT. -f. Cl'LVEHWI-.LL, M. 1., Autlu r rif the Grrcn Book. t-,r,. The wprld rt-n ynd authftr, iutïiis admirable Lf-ctm-o clearly roves Ir: m lii ; mni exprrirnce thflt the awfjjl conscq ,- !Sol1 t.bsp may te etfcct Hiilly renioTed wifhodï ' norïioiiïe. and wifheut dangerous suvcrical opcratlonf, bougies, instnuncnt-i, ringa or crüiüls, pointir out ii mode ui' cure nt once eert tin vn efffetiiii!, bj whieh evt ?y suFferor, no nmltiT what his cundítiön rn:y be, may ci:ru liinelf clu-nply, prïvatrly, and radica I ly - Tíiií Lbctuíe will piiove a boon i u tÜocsaSím AND THOtPANDS. Sent rn lor st?:il, 't o any ;i(ldrc.- . in a p'íuii envelepp, on íle receiftof six cents, or lvo postftgt stamp8,ljy addresaiïjg CFJAS..T. O. KI-IKFrCO.i 127 Bowery, New York, Past O'Ticc BgX,458C THE PESPEOTION OP MECIIANI8M! THE ÏÏ16IC TISE OBSERVE, BEING A IlrNTTN'G JM) Ol'KN F-CF, OK LADY'S OR 'Jr.XTI.F.MAN'.s WaTCH Co.MBl.NKI), W1TH PaTI-NT iKLPWJMHIVC lMP'jVMR[ff. TheNsw föK Illustbaíed Krvi, Ihe lea 3 ing pictorial piiïiw óf tlièUoïttfd Ötfltcs, in its Usue of Jan. 10 li. i o, m page 1 '7 , voluntarily aya : (i We havi been shoArn n most pjeaaitig novolty, of wlttcfa thé HüBfiAKD Bios,, if tliis city. ftr' the sole Importéis It is called tne ' .Mcic Timf Or-íi.rvkh,1 :tnil is r }itint nx n nel nipt n-f'üco waAh comïjii'C'l. Tisis is one of the prettíesf, most convenient, uil dwöidadiy tho best and chcapefit time piece'orgenerul and reliable upc, ever áffercd. It has wfthin it nd connicled with itK mae'rnery, its winding attachment, renderitiï a itiyTsntirefy íiniíecefsary. The cases of this W&toh art' comppsed of tw.o meta'Sj tho outer one fine 16caratgold. Rhastb'e impioved ruby actiën Uv-t m c ment, mi! i wárran'eJ ;i'i Aftmrate tintépiece " Price, sunerbly eograved, yv-r cnfre of a hall dozen, S-01 ( o Riunple Wateres, m neat morocc boxea, for thone ] r iposlng t büy t whoífealé,í35, sont ly ex[)resp., wftli bïüpayabfe on delívi-iy Soí.ülm-s must't psjittcftt in, as we cann'jt collfct irom these in the Army. Address, IIUBBAKD BEO5. S: C O., poi.E Importebs, Gw88 Pntrm Cor. Nassau Si John' Hts. . Nw Yotk . WOInDERFUL SUCCEifS. The attent ion and research of tho most d-stífiguisheá Chemista aod Haysicians for years hnTe been devoted to th produciimi of a reioedy Be mo-tilistris-' g niiibi-lies NïtJitAtGiA and BhbüKAT SM, After long stu 'y an t m.iny experimenta, a npe.r.tjic preparatiov has boen d sewervd. Wa'isoN'S NTouralgia iiïïifr, an lutsrwii rtewrdy, is euring tiousaJlds of csities whea-e all ottwr remediea hare atterly fa i k-d. We are issured llmt it i no mere ' ANOÍYNJ&," rebeving for the idi mei t wljilo crvuKO remaini, bul ts q peifeci Sl'KCIHCand OÜRIá fnr tho.-e pslnful diaeBBes. Tlie va.t number of Lfftlments, 1 mhroc;iii n;;n! Extern il Medicines, wbiob act a i Bffmuliiö! s of the Burfaee rnly, are merelv tempt raí y in the: efFecfB and -f doabtíuí virtuc. Th MUUAUUA KIXG reaefcex the source of aU rrouble, und effoetually bauishes the dlSftftBd from sjr?tpm, Tncu-t uo Dollar per Botilé. Pwpared by C. R. WAIJCKR, 1S87 BufTalo. N. Y., ana Fort Kne, C. W. ï ani bouiid for the TT ri ifflriifiMiiiMrT ""LjfflCJl. .nin.ii - " " " O 3E3C 3SHiBE jö SHOEING SHOP! J . O. SUUTHER & E. A. JOHNSON, Blackermths. Wil! lo TI rso :ill kin Is of J'ihlin i their line at the !:nr.rst p&sible nniicc Aïso Cnrriige au I Wagon Wurl: doa'c Lu order, und s&tisfacttöu given or no puy. CHHI.SE.i , Wuslitonaiv Co. , Micii ., Fub. 2. '63, mS90 Tebacco! Tobacco! I .Vi XKI.LlNr, GOUD FINE CUT CHEWING TO15ACC0 At f rom, Fifi y cents to $1 per povnd. SMOKING TOBACCO, Fron 1 I ceñís (o 20 cents per pound at rutad. M. DEVANY. Ann Artor, MISB. Du .17, 1S32. 883tf ATTEiT3N! THE CHEAPEST JEWELI1Y HOUSE IK THE WORLD !! 4 318 PIECK3 p] AiiOjJIBB JKWK'.RÏ FOB S5D A COMPLETE tist .f ln ■ Í.Ylcl, rintoi nnd ürcirlo i. JevTtlrj'. tent ,'r.o. Aiii'.rr, J. A. S.ALISIIURY. Ar.FVT. 6ivPSS I'auviSKNCS, H. I. Pensions, Bounty Money, Back Pay, &c, &c, Due SolïMerSj tbcir widowa, childreií, or other heirs can bij ohtinn.'fl by :i'i)tyin.r to FRAXKUV L, PAK. KKK. authotized agent, or to TRACY W. ROUT. Knor ."; !'.i;m;k aitcirl aluo lo coUocting, conveyanc n an 1 furaiiihtBB fttsutractR of laad titler, having owitst'ully prepa?fd hooks nnd plats nhawiog tho eondltion til tii le of uil laodfi in Wusbtenaw Counly ; poyiug taxtn, aml nvestigaiinl i;i and other Icnd tillen in nny part of the tute or üirted Sta tea. llave ako Parma and unroiprote I ;m ls for Bale or Fxdisng. And are m pti f-r tlif AtJíintic l'in' Löfiuranctj f 'ompaay af New Vork Cil v, Ofiico oppütfite the fr.iukliii Iibaiic, Ana Albo iCltf Dissoïntloii jVotie. riMIf:CD.p..l:-;;TKrfí!íMv(i.,rMi1-.('.xistiu-T1,)flrrf.e I tïrm ..ï I.onuii.-i Ai Tripp ifa tliie day dSsoheU by WJ!. L .LO UU3, CHAr rpJw iJttAfBor, Feb 2,1163. r lo3 TES HËBELLION ON HIGH PRICES FOR CLOTHING. HAS COMMENCED AT THE OLO & RELIABLE CLOTHINC EMPOEIUM ! No. 3 PHCENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. ÍAKnow opening abirge and varied assortmentof Sfruagand SuinmerUoüd, and in view of the rebel 1 iou n highpricr.s generally, will offer tltcm toniy friendo and custorm ra at the very lowest figures for Cnsïi. - Thfwe in want of a superior article of Cloths, Ca=sinu-reu. or Beady-Made Olothing, -will cali onWIW. WACIMER, who has just rcturtipd from the East, with a large idsor tinent of SPRING & SU MM ER GOODS ivbieh have been purchaaed atthelate LOW PEICES! nnl can offer thpm at a lower figure than ever before. AniODgmy Assortment :nay be found BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMERES, D0E8KTN8, VEST1NGS of jill deflefiptinns, tnffQthpf 'víth a superior aasortment ui Rcaily-Jl„ttc Clothlng, IMËJJja CMBREÏ.LAS, and iHxBlioníIcmcn's Ftirnishiiis OOODS, jrltb nutnplone oihor articles usually found ín similor establishment?. As an EMPORTUM OF FASHION, the subiwrïber flfttterfl hfiöselï, that bis long exporience : ü'l 'ici; ral Hucceris, will him to give the greatest Fatisfacrtloii toali whomay trust him in the way ol 13? Manufacturing Garments to order. WM. WAGN'ER. AtmArbor, Ap!ü 9th 1S62. 848tf HTHE ROOTS AND THE LE AVES JL WILL be fot the Healii.g of the Nution. Bib'.e. Prof. n. ar. TL,voisr&, THE GKEAT AND CFXEURATEO 1'HY.SICIAN of the THROAT,1.UNGS, SEART, AND THE CLOOD, Known all over the country as the CKT.EIÏRATED IIT:ET.A.ÏT ÜE-RB DOCTOB I Of 82 Superior Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Will visit the following places, viz A?rO!VTMi:XTSFOK 1862, 1863 and 1S64. Prof R. J. Lvon-i can be consulted at the fnllowing places every inonth, viz: lifirnit, Hussel House, each month, 18th and 19th. Ann Atbfir. lonitor House, each month, 20th. Jacbsóli, llibbard House, each month, 'Í. Adrián, Brncket Houpe, each menth ''M and 23d. Toledo Ohio, Colhns House, each mouth, 24th, 25th, andSlitii. Hillsdale, llich. , Hilis.lale House, each month, 27th Coldwatcr, lich., Souttiera Michigan House, each month, 28th. Klkhart. Klkhnrt nouse, each month, 29th. South Bend, Ind., St. Jo. Hotel, each month, SO. Lapnrïp, Ijid-, Tee Gardi-n House, each roootii 3!st. Wooftter, Uhiü, Crandell Kxchange, each month, 7th nndSth. Mansfitld, üliio, Wiler House, each month, 9th and lOth. Mt. Veinon, Kenyon House, each month, lllh and 1-Jth. Newark, ühio, Holton House, eacli mtnth 13th and lllli. Paincsville, Ohio, Cowles House, each month, 4th CLKVK1.ANU, OHICI. RK.llfNSF AN ' OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STIiEET. East of the public square, opposfte the Postoffict1. Office liv.s eacb month. lst; ad, 4ih, 5tb,, löth.- Office liuurs from 9 A. M. to 12 M, and fmm 2 I'. M. tn '1 1'. M, UuMinlay trom J to lo A. M.,ind 1 to 2 P. M. XPMaxims strictly adhercd to - ] erivy siK-h ba!m as have no strife, Wiih nature or the la8 af Üfe. With blöod my feanda I uevtr slalbj Xor poison men toeaao tfaefr patn. He is a 2h i.i' ian indeed, ivko Cura. Tlm Doctor, K. J, LYOSS, cures the fol luwtnü: compiaints in the most obstinate stages of their existnce, viz: J Jijeases ui' tii'! TJiroat, Lungs, Heart, I.iver, Sitomach, Droffty in the Cliest, KhenmatÍHin,"N.-íiralgÍa, Kits, or FalIiníicknp.s,s,:Lndall other nervus 'leviingt-ments. Also ill diseasi1-; of thö blood, sucli ft Scroiula, Erysiptlas, Cancer.s, Pover riores, Leprosy, and all other comIjüialci' chï'oiiic complaints AU fbrtóa of Ft malí difficulties atieöded to with the hippies resulta. lt is hopod that no one will despair of a eire until they have ïiveu the Indian Hcrb Dootor's Medicines a faii iind faitliful trial. S@,l)uring tiie Doctor': travels in Kurope, West ladies, Suuth America, and the United States, he has been che instrument in God'a hanl. lo retitore to health and vigor thousands who were ffiven ab ;in l pronmmeed incurable by ihe most oniiiu-nt oíd HChool physicians; nay, mort, thouands who were on tlie verge of the grave, are now living nior.umnts tn tl.p llrb's Doctor's Rkill aii'1 SQCOMftful treatment, andaré dnily exclaiming: "lï'eBned beih-flay wlnn fii-st wc eaw and partoufc of the Indian Herb Üoctor's medicine." ;atisfactory rcferencesof cures will be gladly and clieerfully given henever required. ÏIip Uoctnr piedles his word and honnr, that ho will iu i-o wise,din-(;tiy or indirectly, induce or caupe any ".valid to takt' his medicine vithout the strongest probabiiity of a cure. jaT" Mode of examination, which is entircly differrnt frons the iaculiy. lir. Lyon professes to discern diseRaen by the eye. ïle therefore asks noquestions, nor doeshe reqnire patiënte to exjilain symptoms. Cá II one and i II, ind liave thesymptoms and location of your difease explainyd free of charge. J-Thp pooTtmll be liberally considercd. SSrpQfitoíñce addresR, box 2663. R. J. LTONS, M r. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 25, 1862. lyP80 Triases ! TJÜFTÜRE CAN BR CCRED RY A TUUSS of the lï nglit kind, if properly fiited and duly attended to. Tha ba b in nbandantly demonstrated in DDumern blf instancos by the ue of tb o Multlprclnl Trnsn of Dr. Rtgs, durms; the lastfcw years. This Trusa being covcied with Hard Knbber, is perfecily waterproof, naiiy be usotï in bathing, and is alwaya clean ly as wcll ;m In icstniiilibliï by ordinary asage. ]f not satisfactory afier a fair tri il of nixty dayp, it ni;iy be pf turned. lt ehaUeng conipari:;on with any truss known. Dr KIGCS1 uflice, No. 2 HARCLAY Ötrfeet, NewYork. bS5tf 1862. 1362. EÜEW.FALL GOODS! Now opening, a ppirndid stock of Xcw Goods 'for the Kall Trade at O. H. MILLBEPS mm m$ mm Atin Albor PejAmljor lö, 1öfi2 870tf All Losses prompt ly acljustecl MERCHATS'TÑSURANCE CO,, OF HAETFOED, COKN. Cash Capita], $200,000. TotM Assots,Jan. ls(, 1812, $237,887 05 Liiibilitiet, - 1; 8-49 MAIÍK HQVVARD, Pieeident. ïi. TüOS. LOBDELL, Ptrv. The un(ler';'ne.I hns Wn apirlnte(1 Agent for the rtfM've reliablo Companj, apd will effect insuraoce ngaijst losb-es by ;it rea'sonable raten . .1. W. KMOIJT. Ann Arbrr,,Iuno 2, 1SH2. 8í5tf -A-ttention Company ! rjpïIËErm of Moore & Looipis, are now cloeiug nut l their bilHtfcsl in t js c,ty. „nd all tbosn iniltbted t. the linn, oither by no.o or book account, arñ retu et fully invited to cali iind settle thn same ramo-lint) lv oncl save cost. ( W After tile lOth, inst.. the link' nd accounts of sakl ürni will be left wifh Mr. N. B. Cola. riDe flunr north o) MensrB. Scboff tt lllller'p BonkJiuio, Krnnklio Biock, ho ib duly autüorized to sottle the faame. ïrdOF.E Ê TOOMIS Ana Artrr, 7i2 "th lf-"3. ttftt


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Michigan Argus