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I peííirt fprcs. BA8 CEN'TIIAL 8AÍLB0AD, Passender traína now Esave Detroit and tho severa Stations íu thisOounty .as follüwa : G O I N G WEST. Leavc. Mail. N. Y. Ex. .lack.Ac. N'ight Ex Detroit 7.S0A.M. 10 A.M. 6,15 p. M 9.30 P. M. Ypsilanti, 9.00 " 11.25 " 6.20 " lu.50 ' Aun Arbor, 9 20 " 11.45 " 7 05 1110 " Dexter, ' 9.50 ': 12.10 P. M. 7 36 " 11.35 ' Cheluea, 10.10 " 13.30 ' 8.00 " 11.55 " Ar. Chicago, 10. DO " 10.05 A. M i The mail train goos only to Michigan City. G O I X (i E A T . Leave. Night Ex. Jack. Ac. X. Y. Ex. Mail. Cbiwgo, 6 45 p. M. 6.301.51 Chelsea. 6.55 A M. 5.20 P. JÍ. Dexter,' 6.50 " 5.45 " AnD Arl)or, 5.P5 A. M. 7 25 " .1 45 P. M. Ul '■ Ypilauti, 5.25 " 7-50 " 4,05 " 6.40 " Ar. Detroit, 6.45 " 9.20 " 5 15 " 8.09 " The mail train starts Trom Michiírau City. Traint lo tint stop at stations where figures are omitted [o the table. Ths Great French Eemedy! MADA5I BOmA'S CELEBBATED SILVEU-COATED FEliALK mj.ï. The oaly certain anl Safe Rcmerly í r all Uterino Obstructions, Monthly Diöiculties, lrreguUrities, and all the other difleases to which the Woman, Wift aml Mother is peculi.uly liilble. Tlie?e I'iUs contalD I)q ih'ieteriouH ngredients, buí ero safe and certain m their acticn. They w'ul boíbundto 6X4rt the bftppifist t'ílVct fï all cases of Trola jjsus Utcri., in Leucorrhea, or the Whites ; they wül be founrt Ihe easiest an 1 most certain Cure tliat can be lound. It is on account of thi certrinty tbey should not be taken by Pregnant Females (dwing the firat three month, as mhcarriage is ca-tain,) to be brought on, but at other pGrfodñ their use is peifeetly sale. N. B. - One Dollar enclosed to any authorized Agent, will eusure p&ckage of Pilis by return of mail. (.'. CRO5BY, General Agent, Port Eiie, C. W., Buffalo, N. Y. Cautio.v,- lïeware of Cjunterft-its, the genuine have the signature of CROSBY, ftn the oatfride wrapper. For i!e by all respectable Druggists. Iyeov887 D" TOBACCO- You can buy the best grades of FINE CHEW1NG TOBACCO at fmm 50 cenis to One Dollar SMOKING frorn fuurLeoa to twenty cents at M. DEVANY'S TOBACCO AKD CIGAH STORE Sign - Rei] Indino. South side Hurou etreet, a few doors frorn Cook's Hotel. 11. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Doe. 11, 1?C2. 883tf AGOOD TREE IS KNOWN I3Y ITS KRUIT. So is a gooi) Phyriefao by hi.s uecessfnl Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THE GREAT ANi) CÉLEBÍIATÍD PHYSJtlAN OF THE THROAT, IX'XGS AXD CHffiST, Koowd all over tlie eountr; as the CVlebrated I N I) I A N HERB DOCTOR! Krom üuth Aineric.i, will be at bis rooms, BUbSSLX UOÓSE, DETROIT, Onthelíth and l[fn iist,,on tho same dafe of and every subsequeDt monfh during i& (2 and 18i33, A NE IT VAMl'IH.KT Of the life, stu'ly and etiMive travftU of Pr, L)-ons i an bf procured by all who desire onè, free of charge. Dr. I. rill viiit Ann Arbor, Jackson. and Adrián, Mtcll. , as : .Ann Arbor, Monitor lïouse. 'i0:h. Jackson. liibbard llnuse. 21st Adrián, Braokett }l uae, ild and C'.'ü Mone or Examinatjon. - The Doctor discerní Afaeuefl bytkeeyrs. He, thrfifore T asKfl no qiietiuns nor re i 'ires p.iU-nts f oxplain s mpti , ABliiHed, eoine and have your and the location of yuur disease eitplained irce of charge. Alouey to Lend. JCAN FüRXISIl MOXF.Y n rfiuonable terms and long time ongood I-anr. seuurity. C. W. MOHGAN. Ann Aricr, Julj 12, 188J Kfc'ti IMPORTANT" FEMALES THE HEALTH AND LIFEOFWOMAN Isoonttaaally w psrll lf ke is marl enonfjli to ncglcct or tïiose mxual iriefrularltics to which twothirds of hersex are moro or lesa subject. DR. CHEESEMAN'SPILLS, prepar! f rom the ame formula wliich the inventor. Í'ORNELIUS L. CHEESEMAN, M. D.,of fnrk, has tor twenty years useu successfuüv ín an extended prfvuteprscttoe - imm'.li;ii el y relieve iritboüt pain, all disturbuncea of the periódica! dUch&TftB.whether&riSiiig from rel;ixation m auppression. They act lllu a charm inremovin tlie pains that accc.mpn.ny diffioult orimmöderatö me -struation, and the only safe iintl reliable remetly for FluiUien, sirl Headache. Paiui in the Lolas, B&ofc and Sidet, Palpitation of tlie Heart Xcrvcus Tremors, Ilysterics, Ppasms, Broken Slep and other unpleasantand dangrerous effects nf an unnatural enndition of tlie s(-xual functions In the vorst caaeB of Fluor Albns or Whites, they elïect a speedy cure To VIVïCS aiad MATBOKS. Dli. CHEEKMAX'S PILLÍ are nfTevert as the only safe nicans of renewingintormpted menstruation, bul. LAD1ES MUST BEAR IX MliVIJ There ie one condkiov of thefcmale. ttystem iii which tht Pilis mnnotbe taken without producwg a PECULIAR RESULT. Thecomlüion referrtd to is PREGNANCY- the rcsult, MISCA RRIAGB. Such is the irresistible trndmey of the medicine to restar 8 the serual fnuctions to n voririal' enndition, that even the reprod active power of nature cavüot reeist it, directions stating w hen, andwhen they skould ■nol be uaed. with each Box,- the Price Oue Dollar each Box, aèntaiving 50 Pilis. A valuable l'a iiphlet, to be hftd free of the Apents. Pilis snit by mail promptly, by enclosing pnce to any Agent. Sotdby Druggisis general y. R. B. HUTCKINGP. Proprietor. '20 Cedar-St., New York. Por Sale by MAYNARD STËBBINa & WILSON , and CRENVILI.K & I-UIJ.ER. A CARD TO THE LA DIES. DR. IiUPONÖÖ'S GOLDEN riLLSFOR FEMALES. Iniallible n correctlng, regulating and removiug all ob structions, Vm whatever c;iuse. aud alwaya aucoessfal as a prevcntive. The conibination of ingredients in Dr. Duponco's Golden Pilis for Females are perfectly harmkss. They have been used in the private practice of Dr. Duponco over 30 ycars, and thousnndn of Indies can testify to their great and never failing success in almost every case neorrecting irreularities, relicving painful uud ïiBtrossing roenstruat'on, particularly at the changa of Ufe. From fivp to ten pills will cure that commnn yet ■Ireadful coroplaint, the WhitM early cvery female in the land suffers fr m tliid complaint. The above Pili has permanently cured thou?ands, and they will cure jou if yoa use them. They can not harm you ; ou the cnnirary, they remove all obstructions, re store nature to its proper channel, and invigoratè the whole sy.-steni. Ladlftfl whose health will not permit an ncrease of family, will iind these pills a successful preventive Ladies peculiarly situated, or tiróse supposing themselvess fo, should not u?e these Vills during the first three mtmth?, as they aro certain to produce miacarriagt, iLafter which admonition" the proprieior tmumra no responsibility, aHhough iheir mildness will prevent an injury to faeftlth. The ingredients composing the above Pilla are inade known to every Agont, and they will teil you they are safe anï will perEona all claimed for tUem. Price SI per box dold in ANN AlïBOR, by STFP.P.1N - WTLSON. BrHggista, W, A. iïtJNT, Drugyist. Ladies living at a dist:ince by sending them $1.0!) through th Ann Arbor Postoffice, can have the Pilis acnt (confiilenlially) bff mail, to any part of the country f ree of postage. N. U. - fteware of a base couvterfeit of these Pilis. - You eau buy the coulïteffeit article at any jirice from '25 t'j 7H cents i bo (dearut th;ii). L.aoiks your Iives and healtti are of tuo much valué to be tritled with, besides being imposed upon with a wTirtbless art cle, Therefore, any 006 offeringyou these Plllafor less than $1 i box, avniil them aayonwoüld potson, They are bogas. None aregeimine uniess the name of 9. f'. HOWK is on every boa whieli has receBtly twen added, on account of the PiUsbüiflgeouterfeited. 8od alac, bv K XNK & -MTTH, Vpsilanü. liLISS k BEEBEiackson, andby one drugfist ín every vilUge and city in the Uoited States, añd by KAHRÁND, tíllfvK-í KY & CO. . Genera) State Agenta, Detroit. S. D IIOWE, SokProprietor, 8C7yr.s2 SkW Yokk. ' The Qreat Living Ilisiory.' THE REBELLION RECORD ! A DIARY OF AMICUICAN KVKXT3 Edited by FHANK MOORS. Pabliah Dg in parts, at i,0 oenta, eaohpart illustrated with two Portraitfl engraved od íteel. FOUR VOLUMES are now ready at annexed priees, untü April 1 , 1S63: Cl.)th(. $3 75 a volume Sheep, 4 00 " Half Calf, or half Morncco, 5 00 " TÏI3E UKBELL.ION RKCOitö IS INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY PUüUC AND PRÍVATE LIBRARY. The four volumes coutair. : A FULL ASD CONCI-E DIARY OF EVENTS, from the Meeting of the Soutii Carolina ConTíntíon in I)ec , 18üO, to the capture of New Orluans, inclusive, ii. Over ONE THOUSANI") OFFICIAL REPORTS nnd XARRATIVES of all the Battlas auJ SkirmUhea that hava occurred during the war, ui. Over FIVE HUNDRED SOWQS AND BALLaDS, both loyal aud rebel IV. FORTY-SEVEN PORTRAITS, enra ved on steel, of the most celebrated men of the time, and Twi.-ntysix U&ps and Plans ot' iiatücs. v. Otw THREE T30ÜSA??D lncidenta and Anecdotes of pereoual Aringand bravery. "Asa vork ioi cunstant rdference itis emiuently to be relied on " G. P. PÜTNA1I, Pnblisher, b'Yl Broadway. CHAS.T. EVANS, Gen Agt. I 448 Broadway. SPECIAL NOTICEOn an'larter April 1-t, t:" pnce of liThe Rebellion Record" will be advaxckí) FIÍTY ( Tö. A VOLUME.- From ihat date, the sale of l'iirts. from N'os. 1 to 24. will be discontinued. Back &RT8 of the "Rebellion Record" will be s Jd only La volumes Purchaers and subscfibei's who have ijtfC complcted the futir vols, must at ornee do so. The srork wil] continue to be publishcd in parts, at 50 cents- each part illustrated with two por. raits on Bteel. Volume V. wi'i oomprise neven parts. Blackvyood's Magazine AND THE Brilish Reviews. PRICESCHBAP AS CVER, TÜ Tilosa WHO PAY PRO.ÍPTLY IX ADVANCE. NotwithstandinK the cost of Repriuting PeriodicaU liaa more than doublod in oooeequenoe of the cnormons riso in the prico of Paper ana of gjneral ailvance in all other expenses- and BOtwithotaudag utber pubüsh' i-k are reducing tho size or inerc-aaing the price of their publieation, we sball oontitHie, for t'ie year 1 8(T3, to furnish our.s com pitte } as heictoiore, at the oíd ratos, vis. : - 1 THE LON'DOX QUARTERLV (Cons;rvative), o TOE EDINBURGH K:-.VI1V (Vlii(r) TIIENOltTII BRITI-H RKVIEW (Fioc Cliurch). THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal) ISLACKWOOD'S EDIXBURGH MAGAZINE (ïory). ÏËRMS, Per ann. For any one of the four Reviews' - - - $:i 00 For inytwo oí' t He fottr Re tewa, - - - 5 01 For any three of the oitT Roviewa, - - - 7 00 For .ill four of the Beviews, 8 00 For Iïlackwood s Mgaïinê, - - - . - 3 0 For iüacï'. wond ind ne Revicwj - - - 5 00 For niaekwoofi nml Iwö Ileviewá. - - - 7 0J For lïbckwouibiii'l three F- iew, - f) 00 For Black wood and tiie LpurRoviowa, - . 10 00 Tlicst will be our prlces to all who pay prior to t,he Ist of April. To thoae whn rtefor psying till after that time, tlio pricos wiil be 1nciPased to such exlcnt as the inercasüd costof Reprint niay dt-uiacd - thei'öfcre, SESD INT YOÜR ORDERS AKD 0AVË YOÜR MONEY. LEOKARDSCOTT .'■ C0.t PublUhem. Xo. C8 Walker Street, New York. FOR SALE. Qi ACRES of xneltmi timberod Hip kof O ' N W. ,i4 of Sec. 2. Towa 5 N K tne 3 W. , CVm tonOounty. [ttiinagood neigliborhnod, :ibout four mi es from DeWitt aud ten fm Lauttinrf. For ter ma ioqufre at or addi'ess, ÁBGVB OFFICE. Jjn 2ett),lfiC-3, gii?, f


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