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ltcul estatö in and aroundourcity gpapidlj changing hands, uot at groatly advauced prices, bu", at terms thut speak well for the grovrth of our city, and also ïüuke kuown tho desiro of capitalista to iuvest n real propertv. Citj houses and lots are being songlit b ïneu of fLiinilits, who 1 icate liero for the purposu of oduoating their sons uid daughters, and farms in tho vicinity by men who wish to fix their homes in proximi'v to a ñourishiug town. NothwithBtanding the present hiffh priee of build ing material of' all kinds, arrangements are boing made for the ercetiou this eea8on of a number of first class dwel liügs, and the work upon theiu will begin' as soon as the frost is out of the ground. And we have need for more dwellings; for new corners are daily being turned away for want of houses to rent, and owners are pven prohibited froru selling bee:iuse they can iiot find comfortable ■quarters while building anew. Ana Arbor is bound toga ahead, that's ao. L-C" We havo luid the pleasura of visiling the studio of Mi.s.-i Jhnison who is ïnslruuting a number of Lidies of our city in pai riting. Miss J. is quito an enthuwiust ui the art, umi har paiu'ings give evidence of a ekillful oye and trained hand, and if both eye ind hand being under the ontrol of good tante. Sho hu9 in her rooms copies of Cole's Voyage of Life. The Village Blackamith, The Madonna, &c., the eoloriog of whicfa - being enlarged f rom engruvinga- mark her a genuine artist. - They are really fine paintmgs. A ri u 1 1 1 - ber of her cliiss are copyiog thene paintings, and promise a succeSH that will refli-ct crodit both upnn themelves and tlieir instructor. Mis J. is dso painting portraits of ome of our citizena, and is miceeeding adinirably. - The tovers of art in our city would do themüclves a favor by visiting her roim and il is not ton late Jor pupila to enrol thetnselvo-" in her claFg. JCS" Over 850,000 has been eubaeribod 'o ihe stuck of a Bank in tbio city, wl.ich will soon go inlo pperation under the Unitf-d Stutes Banking Law. The. firet ipstallment has been paid in, od the arrangements are being per feeied as faut as possible. We presume it will he called "The Ann Ai hor Citv Bank," and predict thut it will be a safe institutiun. XyS M. GniEMUN, of the firm of Güiterman & Co., of tliis city, ha8 taken up hú abode in New York, leaving the busiuess of th; house here in cliarge of bis partner, S. Sondiieim, and in good hands, it is, too. Sondheim is a No I cutter, and wilh good makers and gentlemanly ealesmen will keep the machine in complete running order. XST Those wlio wish to purcbaae eitj lots, liouses and lots, or farms, are referred to the ailvertisement of W S. Maïnard, in the appropriate column Mr Mayxard does not huid his lots for higher prices, hut offers them to persone wishing to build at a slight advance on old rates, looking to the improvements to be made to enhaneo the valuo of remaining lots and put woney u bis pocket. Give Mr M. a cali. JC3T" "é have the Jauuary numbei of the Weüminster Reci iv, with papers M follows : Engltsb Convicta, wliat hould be doi;e with them; The Literature of Bohemia ; Bishop Colenso on the Pentateucli; Los Miserables, by Viotor Hugo; Indino Aimesations; J3ritish Treatment of Nativo Princes; Tho Mieroscope aud its Revelations; Greece nd the Greeks ; M. Rattazi and liis Admistration ; Contcmporury Literature. L. Scütt & Co , N. Y., American Publishers, whose advertiseraent see in nother column. $rïL" Tho January number nf t!:e Loniay Qnarterly h;is tho followinff papers : I'uru, Institutes for Working Men, Constitutional Government in Russia, New Testament, The Ticket of Leave 8ystem. Life of John Wüson, The Stanliops Miscellanies, and Four Years of a Reforming Assiciation. For terms of this and other Amerioan re-print; gee dvartiseraent of Lkoxard Scott & Cc. L2" The Continental for March has readable 114 of papers Among tbem &re: The Century of lorentioái, by haa. G. Luland ; Earopean Opinión by ' Hon. F. P. Stanton ; The Hugenot, by Hon. G. P Iisosway; and the Union by IIon.R. J. Walker. $3 a year ; two eopies $o. Address Jon.v F. Trow, L0 Gresne Street, New Yorlr.


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