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The Late Riot In Detroit

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A disgriteiful riot oceurred in Detroit on Friday last, growing out of ttie arrest, tr:a!, a ti ti oanvietion oi a negro named Faulkher, for the oormniision of tlie crime ol rape upon Mary Brown, a white girl :ged about ten years. We liave no spaoe for the details, but rnay sum up as follows: Afler tho eonviciion and enienco of Faulkner to Statu Prison for life, a larj;e erovvd followed hirn froin the City . Hall to tlie jiil, ivith the evident design oí taking Win out of the hands of t'ie officer--, iiiid punlshing him with dealh. The officers of thej law, aiderl by the Pi'ovost Gaard f"om the barrack1, uoceeded in getting him safelj to the jail, when unable to disperse the mob ns speedily as they de-irei), the Provost Guard, nnwisc'y we think, lired into tho crowd, kiiling one man ind wotinding Btiveral "thers. Thi.s irtaddened the mub, who vented their rage nut upon thu Guard, hut tipon innocent pnrties, assaulting, knoekipg dowtj, ftoning, and briiitting eyePV negro found ín the 8:reet,giittiiig and buniiug th ir Mouíu's, and breaking thuir furnituru to pieeof. Thu rasalt; of this ftttefnpi to interfere with the COtirse of the luw is the Uilling B respectalile citizen,ChiH. Lingf-r; the serions wounding ol severa! white men and negroos; the destrtiction of a lar ge amoinit of honsehold property; the burningof íihou t thirty-five buildings ; tht' turning upon the worJd, homeless, h large number of men, women, md childreb, innaoent of anv complicitj with the orime of Fauikuer; and the iniliction of a dark stain upon the fair fa irle oí Detroit, Lynch law is ditngprous ]avv, greater injuries upon tho public than it Beeks to reiredy, and should never be I rusuiHed to ufllégs it is known the eseouuva offiuers of thu luw are conniving to let a criminal escupe, md it inay eren then bu botter td let him escape than to resort to a mot. Wbere thero are establirihed öommiinities, with lawa nnd eourts, ihe law shou-ld be purmitted to take its coursa. Esciled, unroasoning rnobs, componed larifolv of nol most law-abiding oitizens, are bad aduiinistrators of justice, and in this case there is no palliation of their deids. We mny algosay, in this connection, that it is á disíjraeo even to a low and viciuun mob to infliet injuriad upon innocent negroea beca use ono of iheir race has oomtnitted in outrageous crime. A trito maxirn says. " Iet overy tul) stand en its own bottom," and it appliea in point to jiist suoh cases as the ono under notice. White men have coniinittt;d rape in our oivn city, and what mob vvoiild vontnro a geneial destruction ol thu )ropurty and life of our cilizens for the crimo of une wretoh connected with them liy blood and color? Whyweek to puokfa al! Yunkoas for the crimes oí ono Yankee? nll lrishmen hocatise one Irishtnen has lorgotten his duty ? all GennaQs boca use thi-y are connected by the tias of taco uilh Koine V'olator of la? or any other class or race for the crimes of individuals? To do ihis is certainly to eslablish a ])riiiciplo thatsap the foundation of society, and anythinjj looking to it phould lio condemned by every lover of good orde'. - Wo oaiittcd to say, in tho proper paragpiptk thut the tuthoiiljeii callad t ' tlit'ir lid the 27th Infuntry, Irorn Ypsilanti, nnd thut Bve eompaoies weiit in on special train Friduy evening, under Col. Fox, rul assisted in restoriog and maintaininpf ordur.


Michigan Argus
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