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peur Jmfeemente. Office or the Sheriff of Washtexaw Co., Aim Arhor, March3, 1803. To the Electora of Wasbtenaw County : You are liereby notifïed, that at the next General Klectiofl, to be held on tlie first Monday of April ,iext, in the State of Michig.-in, the followirijr oiiicors are to be electd, viz: - One ASMjciate Justice of the Suprrme Court; Eight Regeuts of the State University; and a Circuit Judge tor the Fourth Judicial Circuit, of this State, to which this County il attached. PHILIP WINEOAR. Sherül of Wash Co. Estáte oí Laura Ida Todtl, Minor. OTA IK ÜK MICHIGAN, Tuunty of Waclitenaw.M - l' At a aession of the Probate i'uurt for tbe County of Wigfotenaw, holden át thé Probate Office, in the City of ann Arbor, n Frlday, tbe bixth day of Marca iu tw yeai ne thoasa&d eight hundred and rtj-three. Pre-ontriinm-us Nimle, Judge of Probate. Iu tlie matter oftlic bstaie of Laura Itia 'iodd, roinor. On r'ad.n; and fi .ing the petition. (uly verified, oí Thomad M Cboïey, Guallan oí said Minor, juavhig tbat lie m:iy be licensed to iell ceriaio real enlaté of sai-I niiuor tir tlie support f iaid minop. Tbereupon it is Ordered. Tliat Momiay, the sixth day of April oext, at ten o'clock io the furenoon, be aanlirnea f rthe h-ariog ot said je;ition, anti t ha t th next of kin of saiI minor, an I til other persoüs inU'ie led n -aid estáte are requin d to appear at a se s ion ni" said Oourt, then to be holden at the i 'rebate Office, la tiie City of Asa Arbur. in sai County. aod show oaase, tf anj tbere be, why tíie prater of th rigtiiifmei" sbould not be (rrarned . Aodit is íurtber OrderU, Ibat aid petíticner gif notioe to the persons intefrsted in said c'staíe, i th n tndéncy of said petition, ;ind the heiring thereof, by onuaing a eopy of ihis order 10 be publifhed iu th Michigan A-gus, ;t newspaper printtd and circulating in Raid County. of H'usIiUm]; w, tbree succct-eive weeki previous to said day of hearing. (A íruccn,y.) THOMAS NTXDK. Judge of Proba tí. $7000,00 WA INT E I)! On oo "S"oi- Tina.O RY THE COUNTY OF WASKTENÁ W For whieli boncis of t'.O) encli wi]l be ïasued, drawinj 7 por. coiit. payuük' uunuiUly. Seal1'! p-np. iríais aie invite'! nnfil tte lst of April, 1863, at the Uounty Treaaurer'S Office at Ann Arbor. IKiRACE CARPENTER, 3w8P5 Trensun r of Washtenaw t'ounty. City Lots. n A VING d#termined tn iell suchlotRRsnre vantíd ta btiil-1 on, al ij u a srnll nd vanee on furintr price, notwithfltanding ibe eertaintj of i rnpkl and great rie, wilh iiicrea-eil iiiMnin 1, beí'Te n flumracr. I will b al liume very .lay exeept Tueidaya nml Thursilaji, un:i' tb e flrst "f May ..ptí, whfn I tïxpect to ba absent fura H6KSOD, afler which I inteml t bkl wh:it rpmain unsold ;it trom fifty to one huut1rel per cent aboT preiïnt p rices. I have a few dwflHug hnuses of mj owd aaiï uthera for iale, lao a ftw farras; and I adri all whn net'd for tlieir owd use to buy at once, for irhetber the wp i contlnutod nr pcace i; proctïiimed, the pnce of rcii eatate in Ann Arbor and ricinity ia to rifte rapiiïly. Üy borsea ao? carriaze wilt be kopt in rpadinpBn to carry any strjt..grs wiahiüjfto lncait in uur beautifuï city, ' the town, anl I shnll t;ke plens ure in li.ming tliem my DWil orany prpprty hfM for sale. W . MAYNARD. Mcreb 2rt,l363. 4wwö4 Notïce. T7TTETÍES, ray wifp, Mary Ovrrsmitb bas lef t mr VV bed and board and beoiidej without any proTocation frorn ine, I herebj forbid any litsod f rom har buring r trusting htr on my account, as I will y&j n debía of lier cuntractingaftcr lliis dftTc. CHRI3TIAN ()VERiMITH. Sharon,Feb.':r, 1S6Ï. 4wf94 NOTICE OF D1TCU SALE. TRK UNDERIGNED íll offer for sale tothelowent biddtr.nt Ilowiil's olö stand, fVmr milesweRt oí tbe villageof beitei.oöTuftBdaj , Marcli 2íth, A. P., 18ti at il o'cl'ick, A . M. , the muhing ol five milen and ij rods of ditah - known hr i'exter l"tch No 1, in arcorilanco with the Rtiputationx, suxvey, ad tahle o.t cutR. Baid dilp.h i.-rt be one fot wide op the bot m and of a dopth a-1 markd oc each station stake set in tlie hn oí 8a id di ch, and Ihe b.iuks i o fl'-pe one foot for eTery foot in doiith. J. II. STARK, JOS. I'HAY, J .!. PARSBUtk Drainage CommiRf-inerJ for the Couniy at Wathtt


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Michigan Argus