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The City Schools

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The Winter term of tho public schools of this city doses to-day. Exatnfnations commenoed yestarday nH clope this nftcrnoon, and we presume that tba teachers woultl !e gad tu ee in attecdanco a largo Bumber of pn rents. Onr citisseDfl must visit the schools if they vvould know whsit thly are doing. An exhibition of the High School takes place thi- evening, and t is hoped that there will lx; a hirge atten danco of párente :md frijndH o( the pnpilg. Admission 10 cents, the proceeds to be appfopriatwd to ihe inciense of the library of the school We believe it is desigiird to purobase Appletoj's New Cyclopsedm, a work very muoh needed by the advanced classes for daily ponaultatioo, The nest term of the schools will open on Mondav, Maroh 23d. f3?" Georob Frangís Teain', of " London train raihvav notoriety, is to leoture ia Ilangaterfer'i Hall on Monday evening next, and our oitiz.uis m-iy expect a rich tteat. Tralns speeches in London have beea univcr-ally road, aijd we need not say a word as to their raat ter or manner. [lis subject wili be ■ The Engllsh People and English Man cers," aml wo expoot a Trainutypo ot John Buil. Gire him a hearing. L3g" The stocklinlders of the Ann A"bor City BunK íiavo effected an organizatiou by e'.ecting tlie following Di rectors: Volney Clmpin, Dr. E. Wells, C. II. ilillen, I'. lhich, Jas. Clemcnts, T. Heuning, Hir.-iin Artiold, V McCreery, aud R. S. Smith. The Direolors have elected Volney Chapin, President, snd E. Wells, Vice President. Other officers not yet selected I3P We hiivo a letter from " Com misary" too late fr thia i-suo. Von the Army. - Í s'iall start for Newport News to visit the 9th A.rmT Corps about the 27th inst. All paokages for that Department w il l receive inv uudirided attention if left at the store o( Stebbins & Wilson prior to thut timo. J. P. CLEMENTS. Ann Albor, March 10, 1863. L=3C" The Mareh term of the Cir cuit Gourt will optj i on T;ie-day next, Ht 10 o'clfiek, A. M Wii havo alreuuy publifhed the jiiry list JG5T -Dr. Tappan dulivered an nddresg ou eduou' matte r, in the hall of ihe Ilou-e, L -in-injy, nn Tnesd ly evening lust, by invkatio'i of the House. We are confidont thut if the iriembers of thn Fenute nd House listeneil curefully and candidly, they got some ideas ol onr educationnl nyrtteni umi in-itittilïons whicis will enable them to leciwlate more intelliííently than fomo of them have seemed disposed to do. L" We h.ave 111 ibiindaficf1 of nimors, but no news of nny real transactions either in the Southwest, Soütbast, or any where ele. Wu hnve confidence that eomething is brewing, and tberefore wait putit-ntlv. p The Preident has issued a proclamntion CHllinpr npon 11 desertor? to return to iluty by the firnt of. April. L2T Peterson's Magazine for April comes enrly, with prin fachion?, and a readable lisf of ajücfea. S2 a vear; three copies $ó. Address Chas J. Pb tbbson, 306 Oheetnut t , Philadelphia. ïrJST Wö nilVfi reoeivtid the Spring nuraber of Mme. Demnrest's Mirrornf Faihinn, etnphatic:tllv Ihe fashion journal of the day. A lady yrhó reads it will bo sure to dress with rood taste. The plates and pattern sheets are nu merou. $1 a year, in qu;irterly nunibers. Aadresa Mmb. Dkmorest, 473 Broadway, N. Y.


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