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Ipial "fitte ] ttAÍ CENTRAL RATLRQAÜ, i'assengei traiiis uo-.v leave I'etroil and the severa -t.atioiíb ín thibOuuntv .aB follows : ÜOINU W K S T . Leave. Mail. N. Y. Ex. .lack.Ac. NTight K iptroit. 7.20A.M. 10 a.m. 5,15 P. M 9.30 P. M. Vpsilanti, 900 " 1' .25 " 6.10 " 1 '.fO ' innArbor, 9 20 " 11.46 " 7 0Ï " 1110 " Ieter. 9.S0 " 12.10 F M 7 35 " l'.3í ■' Uhelea, DIO ' 13 ;0 8.Ü0 " 11.55 ' Ar. Chicago, 10.30 " 1U.05 A. M , The mail train goes only to Michigan City. U O I N ü ÏJST. Leave. Ni?htEx. Jack. Ac. N. Y. Ex. Huil. 'Meneo, 6 45 P. M. 6.S0i. M Cheto, 6.55a h. 5.rop M. , exter,' M " 5 4.. Aiin Arhor 5,5l M. 7 25 ' 3 45 r. K. B.15 '■ Vpsilniiti, 5.35 " T-.TO " 4.115 " 6.40 " Ar. Detroit, fi.45 " 9.2.1 " 6 l'i "' 8.09 " Tpe muil train i-tarts frcm Micliiíap Cify. Trainí ilo not stop at sUüodh whvrc figures are ornit - ted in the bable. S-T-1860-X. DSAKE'3 PLANTATION BITTERS. They purify, strenthen and invigorate. Jklhi-'y crea'e a be&lth; appetite. the; areao antidote to change of wi'.tor and diet. Thay 'iv riínme etleits of disaipatfon aud late boora. They atrengtben the Bystem an i enlíven the mind. Tbey prevent raiasmatic and iatermittent fevers. Thy iirifv thebreatb na acMity öf thestomach. Tlipy dyspepuia and Constipa tion . T!,ey cure Diarrhea, r;biera ani Cholera Morbas. They cure Liver Complaint and Ñervo -.s He; dachfl. They are te be-i bitters i;i w rlr. Tnoy m:kt the rt'taJ-. niha-Ktiong, aud are exliau-ted naturas grca resiore . Tin y are mide of pureSt. ('roix Rum, thoelflbnited CsHsft a líark, routa and lierba, and are taken with tLe .plfanureof a beverage, without retrar i to ape or t me 1 !ay. Particularly recummen led to delicate nrsi.iirt requirine a geutíe htimuidnt. .Sold by all Gíp oers, tlruggi-ta, Hotels tod Salouss. P. H. Prake&Co. 20: IíroadwHj New York. 6mHH LY0N'3 KATHAIR0N. Kathftiron U frnm the Oretk vord, "Kaíhro," or 1 Ivathairo,'1 ignifying to cÏPJtnsp, rejuvinate and reriture. TUhí .iTticte ís wh-C its o nirf iuibea. Korpreservinjt, resloriug and bf tutiiyíng tbe human faair it íb tita nao1 n i&arkable prf paratim in the world. It iLiga'n nwBi'd anü put up by the original proprietor, and - n i-.v n:nie -ith rhe same eare, f-kül and attentioD which gave it a sale uf over ne milJíon bottle per an ti una Tt s a most dftlígbtful IT.ñr Dressing. H eracicates scurf anl dandruir. Il kt tps liead cicl and clean. It maki-s Oto haír rich, unit and losi-r It prevenís the hair frm feUuhreffaB turnin'gray Jt i estuios hair upi n h! i heads. Any Iftdy nr pentloman who values a beautiful henl of hair shouM u í.yon's Katharion. Tt i Lnjwn snd ttiwd thr()Ltghoi iüe civiliied worid. Pold by all re specMb'o dealers. 6m8t4 VEMA? S. BARXES & CO.J'rop'ni, N. Y. HEIMSTRF.ET'S ínlinitxihle Hair Ketoratíve. IT IS NOT A DYE, But restores cray hair to its orig'nil color, by supply ing tlie c.ipíllary tubs with Datura) suntenance, im paired by age or ñ sense A!! instarían eous dyes an enmposed { !uvar rausfic. dstroyin the vitality un bt-auty oftie tiair, and a!Trd "f themelves tu die;H ing. H-íira-itrftñfs Inim tableCtíloring Dot only restores ([ir to its natural color by an easy procesü, but gives the hair a Lnxnrlnnt Ben.nty, pri-motea its rnwtli. prevent its falting oT. eradicates ni drnff, and iinpans healtb and pleasantncss to the nead. It hasstood tlie test of tWne, bein tho origina! Hair Cotoring, íind is constantlv incroasing íq favor. boihfcentleman aim ladies. It i.i pold by all respectóle daleri, or can be procurad by them of the commercial ig nts, D . S. Barnes te Co. LO-i Hromlway, New-Yurk. Two sízm, 50 cents and l. 6m89i The Great French EeineSy! MADAM BOIVIN'3 CELEBRATED SILVER-COATED FEMALE PILLS. The only certain and Safe Remedy for all Uteríne Obstructions, Monthly DifTiculties, Irregulurities, nr.d all the other diseaen t'J which the Woman, Wlft and Mothur is peculiirly liable. These Pilh contaín no de'.eterlonB ingredipntí=, bnt ítre safe and certain ia their actii n. They wi 1 bo'found to exert the happiest effect n all rases of Prolapsus Uteri, ín Lucorrhea, or the Whits , they wül be found the eastestanl raost cortain Cure that can be found. It Ís on ftccouní ftf this certrinty they ahould not be taken by Pregnant F .-malea {during tke jir?t tkree month, as miácarriasfe U certain,) to be brought on, but at other puriu J ■ tueir use is peifectly saíe. N . B. - Ono Dollar enclosed to any authnrized Agent, will ensure package of Pilis by return of mail. C. CRO-BY, General Agent, Fort Kiie, C. W.t Buffftlo,N. Y. Caution.- Beware of OiunterfeitB, the penuine have the sign:iturecf CROSBY, on the outside wrapper. For sale by all reápecíable Druggists. Iyeow887 BjT TOBACCO- Tou can buy the best gradea of FINE CHEWiNG TOBACCO at frnm 50 cen s lo One Dollar SMOKING from fourteen to twenty cents at M. UEVANT'S TOBACCO ATD CIGAH STORE Sign - RcJ Indiaa. South side Hurón strcct, a few doors from Cook's Hotel. M DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Dcc. 11, 1862. 883tf A GOOD TREE IS KNOWN BY jt ITS FRUIT. tío ib a gooil Phjbieian by his uccesslul Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYOKS, TOE GREAT AN1' TKI-KBRaTED PHYPICIAN OF THE TUKOAT,LUNGá AND CHEïiT, Known all ovpr thp countr; as tho Celebra ted INDIAN IIERB DOCTOR! Frora outh America, will beat riin rooms, RÜaSEiL HOUSE, LETROIT, OnthelSih and 19ih Innt. .on the same dale of and every subsequent month durirg )S' and 18Ö3, A NK T PAMPHLET Of the life, study and evtemtive 'ravelfi of Pr. Lrons ■an b' procured by all whodcHiroone, freO of cha.r.9. Dr. L will visit Aan Arbor, Jackson. and Adrián, i Mtch., as lollows : .Ann Afbftr, Monitor [ïnut COih. Jackson. Uibbard Hcupc. 21t Adrián, Brackett Hi u?e,3d and 23J. Mode of ExAMi.vATroN- Doctor discerns discanes bftkeeyes, Be, tkfLorf,ftS)tfl no quetion? nor re q 'íre patienti ti expíala symptoms. AlUicied, come andhaio your smptoras and ihe Jucutiou of yjur titaeaBe explaioed fre of charge. j Ayer's Cherry Pectoral IMPORTANT FEMA1XS THEnEALTII AND UFEOFWOMAN Iscnntiniially in pcrilif whe. iJ ma'l coougli tonoglect or raaltreat tboae wxual irregularltlc to whfch two tliiriis of In-M' Bex afi mort' ot lesfl subject. DK. ClIKKSKMAN'V l'll.t.-. pmptfN.1 from the same Formula whieli t!ie inventor. ''ORXELIUS L. CHïESEM AN, W. ï,n! N'cw-fork, ttí8 for twentv yars urpi! -tuccessful'v aan extended priv;iírprictice - imtntídíatelv reliwvf. withmit tain, all ñiatarbftttcra of the periódica) lisehiirere. whíithor anuing frora reiaxation or suppres■tion. They ct Ülie h clmrm in removing the pams thai iccc.inpnny 'lifïicuh or iinmodorate me struation, and ire the only t;fe!inrt rcliahl3 remtdy fnr F1ohe, ick IIenlache.Pjiii, ïnthe Loin0. Rok and Sldes, Palpitation tf the Ho art Nrrüjin Tr''Tn')r, ilysterioR, SpAUXlfl, H roken slp anuí otner unplcasnnt and dantrrntif1 ftffectP ff nn unnatural corflitloo of the sptur! functions In tlie wnrst easesof Fluor Albus or Whites, theyííect a -peedy cure Xo WIVES and TkTATROKTP. Dr:.ruEKKMvX'i I TI I.Snre"ffc"ed na tlie oniy aafp neana of n-ncwing-lnterrnpteil mpnstruatïon, bul. lidies sii'st BKAtt r MINO Tkrrr in ovr rovditimi ttf the fp.mnle. ayatem ín whirli lln PUI ravvot l,c lal-ev irrlwut product, PECÜIJAli RESULT. Th' ciftdi'lmircfrrred to PHEGX ANCY- hi rrfjilt, MISCMIHhlGE. Sur.h i (íí irretUiibli mdeney iJ tlie mediente ttrrgtorf tile nci uní fwetiont f" i normal C'in 'it'ni'i , llint even the reproductive powei f tinture rnvliot resi' il. directiou stntin e wh en , a ti d when theit ahonlri int hr. HKrd. with 8 m'i !i'x, - ihe Vrie.t Out Dollar eac.h nirrn.mtaitniig 60 PÜU. A valnahle ': nphlet r lo hafl fre of the Apentp. 'ills sent bij mail prompHy, by tMie'.osini? prict' La unv Acent. ï-old byDrujpsiV'iMi.-riil y. R.B. HüTOIIlN'G?. I'rojirlptnr o Cedar-St., New York. For Pair by MAYNARD STLD1JIN & WII.SON , and ÏREN'VII.I-K !fe 1UU.KR. A CARD TO THE L ADÍES. DR. BUPOIICO'3 GOLDEN PILLSFOR FILIALES. nlalKble ín, regulfttinfc üüH removfag all ob structiou.1, trnm whatever c;iu-e. and alwuys succesaful au a preceptivo The combi natío n o' ingrediënt s in Dr. Pupón co';iolden Pilis Por Females are perfe-lly harmltsp. They. íive been used inthe prívate pracüce of Dr, Puponcn )ver Oyears,and thousai-U of ladtes can testify tn their great and never failing suecess in almost ever.v case n corrocting irrej-ularitíes, reliovin? paínful and listresaina menstruation, particularly n t the Cbange 1 ife. Krnm fívc to ten pills will curo that common _vct irpadful cnttiplaínt, tbi Whites Kearíy ovtry femalc n tne land suffers Tn m tbSfl complaint. The above Pili has permanpntly cnreil thousand?, anfl hrv will cure yon if you uae tViem. Thy cftnnot harm you; on the coDirary. they remove all ohatmetióüí, re store nature to itfl iroper chanr-l, nnl invigorntt tlie whole svntcm. Ladies trhóae honlth will vnA permit au ncrease of f;imíly, will finí these pills a successful provcntive Ladies ppculimly situatd. or thnse supposing themelve o, ihoui 1 nnt u-o these Piüs durinp: he first three mnntlis, as tbév aro certain to proluce miscarríasrí . ''nfter which admonitinn'' the projnetur assiimcs no reBponsibility, altLough their mild íess wil! prevent an injury t' health. The ingredients ■omposing the above í'iIIh are iiade bnown to ovcry gf nt, and they will teil you they re safe and will per'■rni all claimed íor thero. Prlee $1 per box íold ín VXN ARROR, by STEBBIN WILPON. PrttggistB, U. a. HUVT, DrtíK?iflt. Ladies livíDg at a (listone? by pnding thrm $1.0 ; hrough tbe Ano Arbor Postoffice , can h.ive the Pilis sent (confiilfntially) bij mail, tu any part of th counry free of pof tage. ' N, B. - Beware of a base counteeit of theftñ Pili. - You can buy tlie coanterf ut article al b ny pricefrom .5 o 76 cents a box (dosrat t aj. LAriififi your liviano u'altn are of ton much ralue fi bo triíitd with, besWfta einti ílüposed iipuu witb a worthlesi" art ele. ThVreforp, any ove offerifig you rtirae Pilis for 1-" íl a box, avoid thein as you would polson, Tbey a re boïufl. Nne aregeiiuiue anlens tbe name of s. n. [jowi: is -n every box whifh has rectly beB í,ddedot) accuunt of tbr 'iIIh beingcouterleilfil'. SnUl algo, bv K NNK& PMTT1T, Ypilunli. HLTSS KKBEJafkson, indby onedrugfíwt ín evprv village and cïty n the United Mate, andby KARRAjíB,8UÉSlEYíi; CO..Géneial Btáte Agents, Detroit. S. D IIOWE, HolePropnctor. 8C7yrs2 New Yokk. ' The Great Living HUtory.' THE REBELLÏÖN RECORD ! A I IARY ÜF AMERICAN' EVENT3 Editea by FRANK MOORB. Publieh ng in parta, at f,0 cents, cacti part illui-trated with t-u ï'ortraiis eogravpd uu ttcel. F ÜK 7OLÜME3 are dot ready ataziuexcd pnce) untü April 1 , 1863: Cl.ith, 3 75 a volume Sheep, 40J " Hall Cilf, or half .Miir.-cco, 5 00 " THE ItEBEtLIDN BFCURD [3 INDISPENSABLE Til KVKRV PUBLIC ANU PRIVATE l.UiKAHY. The four volumes coatain : t A FD1.I. AN'D CONCHE niARY OF F.VFNTS, from the Meitinijot' the iintli Carolm t Couventii.n in Dtc . 1S00, to the capture of Na.v Oi'.eaDi, iucludive. II. Oer OXE TFtOUSANT) OFFICIAL REPOHTS and VAR RATIVEíí ul all the liittles aud rikumishea that have '4 cccurred (laring the war. m. Over FIVK HUNTRED SO-V'JS AND BALLaDS, botk luyal aud rebel IV. FORTY-SF.VEN PORTRAITS, enpraved on steel, of the ni'jbt celebiated men ul' the linaü, aad Twenty-six Maps aud l'laas ot liattles. v. Over TUREETilOUSAYl) Inci'lcnta and Anecdotcs of jier&onal 'lariugand bravery. "As a vork fti cuuslatu rclerence it is eminently to be relied on " G. P. PDTNAM, Publisher, 5 - Bradwdy. CHAS. T. KVANá, en Agt. ■ 448 lïroadway. SPEOÍAL NOTICIv On airiafterApril 1-t, the priM of 'Tiie Rebel Hoc Record" wfll be advascbd KIF tY ( Ti A VÜI.l'Mi; - From thai dat-, tiie sale of l'acts Irum Sus. 1 to 24. will be discuLt.uued. IUck pBTa uf llie"iïebcl]i. n Kecord" will bc b ld r.nly in volumes f'urcbaer8 and Bilbscriberu who havt put compieted the lour vnls, must at oHCf do bo. Th wi,rk wnl cout nae to b1 1 ullislied in p;irts, at 50 cents - eacli part iNutrnted with two por raí ts on r-U'l. Volume V. wi'l comprise seveu parts. B'ackwood's Magazine AND THE British Reviews. PBICEsrHE.P As KVER, TO THOS'C WEIO PAT TRO ÍPTLY IM AHVANCE. Notvitbstanding ilic coaI of Reprintlug these PprlodUls bas more than doubled in conseqnence of the enurmous in ttie price of l'ppr nd oi' a gneral advance m all ot her and notwithfltand;Dg nther publish1 rs aro reducing the siz or increHsincr the prtce of tbeir ptiblication, we whall continue, for the year !Pfi3, to furnish ours compUic} aa heretolore, at the old rates, viz. :- THE L0XDON QUARTFRI.V (ConasrTative). n THEEDINBURGH REVIEW (Wliig) 3 THENORTH BRITI-íl RBV1EW (Kree Church). THE WESTMINSTER BEVTÉW (Libera!) BLACKWOOD'S EDINBÜRGH MAGAZIN'E (Tory). Per ann Foranr ntof io fur líevioww, - - - $rí 00 For 'itiy two o! the Tour Reviewn. - - 5 f)1 For anv thieo of 1 he our Reviews, - . 7 (O Forrtli ffur of th Retfews, r qo i'orltlackwood b JI igazine, - - , . 3 q i Ffiï H'itck vvf,(nl 1 1 1 Hc-vicw, ... 5 O'l For (ïlackwiififi find two l'evipws. . . . 7 00 For lilacIiwoodHn ■! ihre Review, . 9 00 For Black wood aud the four Reviews, - . 10 00 Thcsp wlll be Anr nricflfl to U who pny prior fo tbe 1 ut of April. To t'icip who defer ppying t UI after ttiat timp, the prlcefl wil] b Increaftrl to nuéh Mt4nt s the incrcasiid öont of {Lopriiit m.ty demand - Iherefcre, SEN'D IN T0CR ORPi:R3 AND HAVE YOUR MONET. LEON'ARO 8Q0TT A CO., PoblifWrii No. 8 Walker Street, New York. FOR SALE. Q ACtiTS of excellfnt timberpd fhp U of tonCoiinty. [t is in a Kn1 neighborho,,ri, nbout four mi esfrom reV.'itt and ten f rum LansiD-í. F r terma Influiré at or addreás.


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Michigan Argus