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P1UNÏING OF ALL KINDS Heatly Executed: AT THE AEGÜS OFFICE. VE ARE PREPARED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IN THE LINE OF P R I N T I N G AT THE MOST EEASONABLE SATES. We have recently purchased & ETTO-GLES ROTARY CARD PRESS, ♦■ and have added the lntst styles of Cnrd Type, whioh enablea us to print INVITAT1ON CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, V1SITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. in the neatest Ktyles, and as oheap as any other house in the State. We are also prepared to print POSTERS, HANDBILLS, BLANKS, L1LL HEADS, CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS &e, TKCL3 AEGUS BOOK BINDERY is in charge of FIRST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufacturad n best sttis at New York PrJcea, Feriodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Ee-Bound. All Work warranted to give entire satisfaction. E. B. POND, Prop'r. Office and Bindery, cor. Main & Hurón Sts. J. "W. IKUXTIGKEiT., Agent for the Phoenix Insurance Company OF HARTFORD CT., AND THE CONWAY INS. COMPANY, OF BOSTON MASS. Losbh Honorably afljustecl anil promptly p.aid at tlils Agcncy. Office Corner Main and ïluiun Slreet, over the Store of Bach & Í'iicrso.v, Aun Arbor. Ann Arbor, ?ept. 19, 1862. FOR SALE ! TWO of the moHtdesirablo buildinglots in tbo City of vVnti Arbor, containing cacb. one acre and a quaitcr efgrouod. TUeyare Mtuatedon State títreet, nenr tbc Soutli west corner of the UniverRity Square. For Xnnnr &o..,inquir afcthw ARíU'd OFFTCF. Xv.T4 1P61Í. Sl' B00K sT0RElii i Ka .(j. m,..,i..i,. . i... . i t'KO.i i i i-i.l--Ht.lts I AN'l' .Maiiui'iicturMfijii Ni.nv aii'l Compk-ty stock of LAVV & MEDICAL liOOKiS, School Buoks, Misccllaneous Books, Blank Books, dan statioueiiy: Wullaud Window l';iper, Drawing and MatliBmaticaHngtruments. Music, Juvenile Libnuio, Ëuvelopes, [nks aud Caids. f$V ■ ' '' '■'■■' :i-__ GOLD íwd a ;'? kíZí o Pens and Pencils U'iu.low Cornice, öhaüès and Ffzture, POCKET CUTLEliY! Audevi'ytlii:';; nertaining t the', nul more to "viiiulithuy wuuld invite the ittentiun oí tb.6 country. Inconductingour bi.sii.CMS, we shall d" all Umi can bedone,su that ao rcasouaulu man, womag or duld shall 6nd any . We nossess faoililiee whicu will enable ua to supply our.sUmieis Jit the Lowest Possible Figures. Wc propose tosell for RK.iY PAT, ata sinall advance. We ex peet n profit on uur ooils, but Cash Saloswill Admit of Low EIGUBES. The líMHBSBoQB.STQ]íE,')ia initiuifd by a s;ood 'crew,1 nd ihey will nluv.ys bc föumj wo üie "quiirtfr deck," ready and willing to attendto all witli pleaure, who wil] favor C3icm with a c;t!l. Uemeinber the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WE7ÍSTER & Co Arm Albor, May, 1800. 74f Great Reduction in the Price of SINGER & CO.'S Standard Machines . Wett known to be the Best for ilsnufacturirtg l'urpcsc. No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, for merly sold at 90, reduced to 70. No. 2, of same kind of Machine, for merly so!d at 100, reduced to $75. STNGEE'S LETTER A MACHINE Is the best Machine in the worlil fur Family Pewir.g and Liglit Manufacturing Purposes : (with, Hcmvter,) aud beautifully oniamenlttl $60. The Nos. 1 anrl 2 Macliines are of great capaeit v and apppcation fur manufacturiuif parposes. OurNo. 'i Macliiiifri are Bapeci&Uy atuijited "ín all kinds of light and heavy Leatber Vork, in Carriae Triioming, Boot and Shoe Mak ing, Harneas Makinic,etc, etc. They are of extra size, and with ;:ii arm Jong enough to take under it and stitch the largest .sizo dashes. Tliere is scarcely any part o f a Trimmers' BÍltchíag that cannot be better done with tbera than by batid ; fio,too(the saving oí time and labor ia vey great. Thetableof these machines is 24 lachee long, and thö shuttle will hold six times the usual quantity'ut' tincad. The largo machine nrorks as fa-tas email oues. We would atik fox our Letter A Machines, the speLcíalattention of Vet Makers and Dresa Makers, and all rthdse wlio vraat ICachinea for ïtghtmanufaeturingpurI poses. They embody the pridciples of the standard machines, staking likfl them tbeinterlocked sitcfa, and are destined to be as celebra ted for Family Snwóra ard light manufacturing putpeffea asjóar standard machines are tor manut'acturmtr in general. We have alwayson band, hbuxikG GAüOKStSiLKTVisT I.1NKN ANI COTTÜ.VTIIKKAD, ON SPOOLS, BEST MACHINE OILÍB bottles, etc, etc. We manufacture our own Needies, aad would wam all peraons using our machines nottobuv anyothCTs. We know that Uier are Deeaïes .:)lil f the most inferior quality at higher rices than we charg s for the best. The needies sold byus are manufattuiod nptfcially fftr our ma hiñes. A badneeálemay render tht bsit machine almost usflesg. Our customers nay rest asnred Ih.ita!. 'ur li ranch Offices are furnislj c- witli thfl '; ütiiuiue aetijij " In case of sinall pa rebanea j the muney may Xe sent in postatre stampa, or bank notes. Correspondí' nts will pieaae write their names distiuctly. It is all mpnrifuit we should, ineaciicase, know the Pust Utffioe, Cüunty, md Staie. j6Cg" AU persona rt?quiring iul'nnuation ahout Sewmg Machines thei" siiej prices, pporking capacities, and CKe best methods of purehasing. c&aebtain it by wending to us, or any of our BranchOfllccsfor acopy of I. m. Slnger & Co. 'f Gazette, Which is a beautiful Piciorial 1'ü.per eiltirely devotedto the subject - It will besentgratis. We have made the above REDUCTION IN PRICES with the two-fuld view of beoefiting the public and our selves. The public have been awindïed b BpuriouB machines made in iraitation of ours. T;.e metal ín theni, from the iron casting to the araallest peiee, isoi poor qudlit'. Their makers Imve uot themeMta to do fclaair WOTK weil. They are Im-1 a wiy in secret places, where it would be impossible to have at thiHr foimnainl tfee pi"perinechaincal Apptianoes. It is only by a gieat business, and ba ving extensive manufacniring establishments, that erood machines can be made at muderatpriceK. Tlie betdesigaed machines, BA DL Y HADE, are always hable to eet out of order, and artrre to eost considerable troubie and money t') kceii tliem in repnire The qualities to be Lookedfor in a Machine are : ■!- tainty of correct action at all ratea 6l speed , símylroity of construction, great durabi'.iiv, andiapiditj oJ operation, withthp least labor. Macliinosto ctíibiiie these eSHBtial qualities, nusi be made of the best me;al &ad fiuishtd to perftction. We have theway and meaus,oo a, grand scale, to de tkls, Tlie purchasers of maohines, whoaedftïïj bread it may concern, wil] flnd that tiunie bayiogthe aboTequalittea not only work wel! at rapid ftfl well as slnwratescf speed ,but last longer in tbr ftnest pooslble working order. Our macliines, as made by at), will earn more moncy with less labor thanaiiy othera whdther in Imitntion of ours or not. In fact, they are cheaodr i han any other machinesas agift. I. M. SÍNGER k CO., 458 Broadway New York. JBSf Detroit Office, 58 Woodward Avenue, (Merrill Block.) Slltf M. H. GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. NEW FALL GOODS ! BAGH & PIERSON Uiive just opoued a Clioico Stock of WOOL, COTTON& S1LK f 01' Ladies' and Gentlemens Wear, also a stock of Best Family Grocerie?, vvhich will bo acid CHEAP FOR CASH. Gold, received at 1G per cent. prem. Silvcr, " " 14 " " " Canada, " " 14 " " " Old demand Treasury notop, at 10 per cent. prein. BACH&PIERSOIi. Ánn Albor, Scpt, 22, lf 62. II ü RACE WATERS, AGENT 3 3 3 I! r o a il w a j , N v, w Y o r k 1'ubIUher of Mu&lc atwl Music ISooUh AM) DKALKl, IN Piaiws, Melodeons, Alexnndre Organa Organ Accordeonn, Martin's celubratcd undother Guitars, Violins, Tenor Viols, Vioiiiwellus, Accordeons, Fhitinas, Flüitea, Fifee, Triangles, Clari "ïnettp, Timing Foi ks, Pi-pos and 1 [;"unmers, Violin Bows, best itnlian Strins, Baes Instruments for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, and all kinds of' Musical Instruments. S J. o o TML xx S i o, i-nmi ;ill Uie pubhahers in the t. S., Bertrat'a ilimiiii's, nni Modern Schooï, and all kinds of rnetrnction Books i'or the above mstrunn'nts; C'hunh Music Booka; Muic elegantly bouud; Muaig paper, and all kinds of lusic Mei chondtm, A t t heLowest Prices. New Pianos, At $175, $200, $225, $250, and up to $800. Secoud Hand Pianos bou S-5 up to JlfiO: New Melodeoaa, $45,' $00, $76,9100, and up to $200; Pecond Hand Melodeons from $o0 to $80; VlexandreOrgans, whh Bvesto&s. $100, ninestopa, $185 and $22&; thirteenBtonu, $250, $276 and $300: fifteen BtopB,$SSQ and $876; A liberal discount to Ctergymen, ' biureb, Sabbatíj Schools. Seminaries ichers. The Traüe supplied at the 'usual trado diacouDtfl Testimoniáis of tbc Hornee Waters Planos 11 II t' ílt'llttlt'CtiM. John Hewett, of Carthagp, New York, who has had om1 of the HorácoWaters l'innos, writesas Collo wa:- (A frtend of mine me i pinciiitsc i piano 'ctt her. She likes the .one ypu soid me in December, 180$. My piano is becomlng popular ia thjg place, and ï tliink I can iníroduce oxifi ox two moro; fchey wiü be inore popular 1 1 ia n iiiiy utlier raafce." "We have two of Waters' Pianos in use in ourSeminary, one of whicfi has been severt-ly teated for Ihree ycars. and we can teBÜTy to their good quality and durability." - Wood & (.reiíory, Monn Carrott, lll. "II, Water-;, Esq. - ÜKAR ?ik: Hatïög uséd onoof your Piano Forlea for two years past. I havo fonud H a ver y superior Instrument. Alonzo Gray, Principal Brookïyn fíeights Sr.mmary. "The Pinno I reoeiT6d from yon continúes to ffive Batisfactiun. 1 regard il as one of flie beal instrumenta in the place." MireaL, Clarkf-, rharltston, Va. "The KelodeoQ lias safviy añived. I feel obligedto yon fory ouï liberal di.cüunt.n Kev. J. II. llcCoiiiuck, YarquesmlhS. C. "The piano wS duly received. ItoaottA in excellent condition, and ïs very much admired hy my numero ut t&vtitj. Accept niv thrin!;?; for yur promptuess. M - ïtoBiSKT COOPKB, IVdrrenham, Bradjocd Co. Pa. 'Your ii)un pateases us well. It is the bost one in our county.", - Tnoaias A. I.atham, Camphdltov, Ga. "A'e are very rnucli obliced to you for haring sent 8nch a fine instrument for $-50." - IÏ}lv.vk,Held & Co., Buffala Democrat. '"'The Horaoe Waters Pianos art' knoivn asiimonr thfi very best We aro en;ibled to wpc;tk of tliese insirutnents witb confidence. from pemonal knowledge of thcir excellent tone and dutabla quality." - N. Y. Evangelist. 'We eau ri[H'::k of the merite of the Hora.ce Waters pfanos from personal knowledge, aa baing the rery flneni quaüty." - Christian IntetHgcncer. 'The Horaoe Waters piaooa are ouilt of the best and most ihorouíílilr neaeoiiea material. We haTe no doubt thal buyefs cao do as wclln-rhaps het ter, at t bist ban at auy otherhoune in the Union." - Advocate aidJournal. Waters' pianos and melodoona challenge comparlson witb tb üuet made anywhere in the country." - Flome Journal "Horace Waters' Piano Fortes are of fulT, rich and even tone.andpowerful- N. Y. ftisiral Revitw. "Our friendswill flndatMr. Waters' sime the very beet 'i-sortment of Music and of to be found in the Umted Suites, and we urge oür Rwitbern and Western friêods to -jrive hiro a cali whenever they go to New York. ' ' - Grahanïs Magazine. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. SabbathSchool Bell. 100,000 Isscert In ten Montns. Tlie unprecelented sale of thisbook bas induced the pubHaher tO a3d BOme ' neW tune.andhymiis toits present Bize, Without ftxtrtt charge, ersoept os the cheap edition Among themauy beautiful tunos andliymns added may be found: - "1 öught to hve nv mother;'1 "O I'll be a good cïiiM, indeed 1 will." These and eight othe-r.s from the Bell, were ung at'the Soaday School Aanfrer sary of the M. ÍS. Churcb at the Academy of Music, wiih great applaase The Belloortains neariy 200 iones aüd bymns,and is one of the best colleetions ever ssned. Price 13c; $10 per hundred,poatage 4c Klcgantly bonnd, embossed gilt, 25c, $20 per 10$) It has been ntroduced into many of the Public Pc' dis. The o is publisheörn imall numbers entitled Anniversary and Soorday School MueicBooks, Noa. 1,2, 3, it 4, in order to aceommodfcte the million; ]rice ?2 & $3 per liuadre No. 5 wiilsoonbe isueil- commencemeut of another book. .Also, Sevival Masic Books, No, 1 h % pricR $1 h $2 per 100, pOstage lc. More thaai 300,000 copies of the abovt' booti have been issned the past ei"hteen months, and tb e demand israpidly increasing Published bv HORACE WATEBS, Agent, 333 llruadway,N. V. Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 BroatUvay, ew York. Vocal "Kind Wordscan neverdie;" "Tr.e Angeís told me so;" "Wilds of the W-st;;' "Thoughts of God;1' 'GlvemebftCB my Mountain Home;" "Day Preams;" íDandv CucljRobin;" "i'm witn thee tïll : ''Pet namen;" "Xhera'soo dariln like mine;" "Saiah .) me Lee;" "Kv. er of thee;" uI'm leaving thee in Sdrrow;" "Bird-of Beauty;" "Home of our birth;" "Orave ,f Uucabel' and 'Wake, latí v. wíike.,' price '25c eacb. ' INSTBUMKOTAI, - ' 'Palace Garden, or inïng Bird Polka," 40c; "Swinging Schottische;" "Mirabel Schottisch;" "fhomaa Baker's chottische;" "PiccoloTnini Polka, 35 cents each. The above pie eed have beautif ui Vignettee "Webnor Polka;" "Arabiitn Wai cry March," the very last; "Vassovianna boniells Mazurka; "Real: ing Polka;" "Crinoline Walt.,'1 and "l-tmcei ' Qua drille," 25c each. "The Empire of Reieh's Quadrille;" a new dance, anrl "The Hibernian Quadiille," 3ñceach. Many of these piecs are played by B&kef's uelebruted fobVv,t ra with great &pphtt86.49te Maiíed free. A largelot of Foreign Music at hatf price. Pianos, Melorieons and Organs. The Horace Waters Pianos and Melodeons, for deptb, purity of tone and durability, are unsurpassed. Prices very low ieoond Hand Pianos ;iw Melodeons from $'J5 to $150. Mu-iic üDdMunicf 1 Inst ru;-tinns of aïl kiniLs, at the lowest prices. HORACK WATERS, Agent, Ho. 333 Broadwiy.N. Y. Tkstimoxutb; - "The HoTftee Waters Planos are known as among the very best.' - FvansreH&t. "Wc can speak of their merite firo personal knowledge." - Christian Intelugc.ncer. "Xothingat the Fair displaved greater excellence -" - Churrhman. Waters' Pianos and Meloueons challengecomparison witb the ftnest made anywherein the coun+ry." - Home JoarnsL 719tf SCHOFF .U M I LL EB 4 RE STILL ON II AND at tbeir üld Stand , A No. 2, Franklin Block, with themost complete assortment of Books and Stationery, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, 8HADES, EOLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNTCES, 0URTÁINS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEEEOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in this Market ! and tLey would suggest tothosein pursuït (.f aoyfhingin SANTA CL A US' LINE that they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchasing from tbis stock, as ennh purchaser geti an addittonal present of Jewelry , &c. , RangiBg invalue trom 50 ets. to $50. fHOP Theytrust that their long experience tnselectlng goode foxthia mai-ket and .stiict attenhon to the wants of CustomeiH, may entitle tbem to a liberal. share o l'atrojii'ge. Ann Aibor, Dpc. 5. 18G0 777tf Demand Treasury Notes For whlch wc pay M. GUITERMAN & Co, Aon Art- Ortoljpr 3, 1862, GREAÏ.C-KEATER GREATEST BAIíGAlKS EVER OFFEREÜ 1859, jëQV Lu thisCity, are uovf beiüg offered at the CUEAF.CLOCK.WATCH, & jG-wrtslry StoreÏ!K Pttbscribor wouldsay tfl thf citizftnpof Ann Ar bor.i ' particular, nd the ol Vnebtpnnw Onuntv in central, thst hnhasjust ÏMPOIU'KD PIRKC'I'LY [rom KUIIOPK.s Tieniendous Stock of Watchrs! Ali of whic-h hn bindshimseirtrecll CHE A PER than CBn bt bottgbl wpsi of Kpw York City. Open Fncn Cyliiirtér Wntches Irom f to $]0 do do Lever do do 8 to 21 Ilunting Tuso do do do 14 to 35 do do Oylinder do do 9 to 2fr Gotd Wstehej ffoii 20 to 150 t have altjo ttie CELE Bil AT KI) AMETl'CAN W AT CHES, wMch I wlil sen ttr 35. Fvery Watch warrantbd to perform well, or the money rehtnded. Clocks, .ÏRwelry, Pinted Wnri, Fnncy Gooda Gold Pens, MusicalIaBtruments and Strïnga, Cutlery, &c, and in fnct n varirty of ever y ' hip ir]] y kppt jy Jew el er s can be bnughtfor ' he next ninety dayB at vur O W N i'RICES! Persons buyïntr iiythinir nt this wrll known establifltime ut pan rHy upon jetting god exact'y fis rcjrrsentfl, orthpnmnfy refunded. Tallearly mid secure thn bfsi burcains ever offered in 'ity One word in regard to Rcpairing : We are prrpared lomnkeany rennirs onfine or common Walchps, cvph t o mkinec er the entfre watch, if iiecesBary. RrpHirine: erf Clocks and .Ipwelry as usual. A]po tHe munofacturine oí RING5. BROOrH? or dfsired, from California Gold onebnrtnotice. Encravipir in aliits hrancheeexnected witïi neat neds and dispatcb, J C W4TTB. Anu Arbor, Jftri. 2Pth1R59. ' 7f4w Important National Works, I'ubli.slied by D. APPLETON & CO., 346 AND 343 BROADWáT NEW YORK The folktwfDg works are seutto Subscribers in any part of th ; coiintiy, (ii]K)U receipt of retail pricc,) by mail or expregB, prepaid: THE SKW AMF.RIAN cyCT.OPEDÏA; A Popular ] :i( tii.!i:nv of tieners l Knowleile. Kditeil by GïO. Repley and CüARtBS a. J', ajded bj a numeróos select corps of wriler.s in all branches of Sciences, Art and Literature. This work is being pub-lisbotlin about 15 large octavo v ol unies. ca cli contafniog TÖOtwo-column pages Vuls. I-, ir., III., IV. V., VI., VIL, VIII., k X. are now ready , each containiu near 2.500orijrina] ft] oles. An ;ií-!itii)iial vutume will be published once in about three monilis. Pfiee,iflGloth, S3; Sheep, $3.50; Half Russia, S4.50 each. Tlic Npw American Cyelopiedia s popular without tíeiii'j superfléial, ttfarned witfioöt benig pedantle, oompre hfi&Mvi but eufficiently detailed, fröBrom personal pique mil partj prejudice, fresli and yet accurate. H is a complete statement of al) that is fcnown apon everyïmportant topic wHhn the scope of human intellígence. - Kverv Lmportaaii article init bas been speciully written for its pag$s by men who are autfeörities npon the tojiic on which they speak. They are requireil to brin? the subject up tn tlie presont moment; to st:itt jit how it ntsndfl unís. AU tlie stiitisiical iuformatiini is from the lateM report; the geographical accounts keep pace witli tbc latesi explorations ; bistorical mattera inelude the freeïiesi jusi viewsj tlie biographical uotices ods ak nnt only of Üiedead but also of the living. It is a library oí tself, A ERlDGEMElfT OF TFIE DEBATES OF CONGIÏESS lïeing a Political History of the Uniteil States, Trom tljo organization of the flrst Federal Con gress i:i 1T8'1 to 1856. Kilitedau-l compiled by Hon. Tlio. Haat BKNTON,from the Official Records of Congress. 1 work wiü becoïnpltted in 15 royal octavo volume.1of 750 pages each, 11 of wbich are noiv ready. An additional volume vrül be publiahed once in threemontbs. ' Cloth, $3; Law Sheep, Half Mor., $4; Halt C .' L.50 eaeh. A WAV OB 1'KOCURïXG THE CVCLOP.'EDIA OR DEBATAS Fonn a club of four, and remit tlie price of four books, and Üve copies will be isent at the remitter's expense for carriage; or for ten subscriber.s, eleven copies will b sent at our expense for carriage. To Affci ts. No other work will so liberully reward the exertions of ygents. As AéfRXT wa.vtkd is this pOÜHTT ïerms madekuown on application to the Publishers. Atin Arbor, Marcb. 1859. 6902amt -ti Bev Tifas. Wriuht, agent at Kinne ü Smiths Booli Store, Ypsilantï. 1862. NEW 1862 WINTER COODS! o MACK & SCÏÏMID are now receivirg a Large & Attractive Stock of ï-'taple anf) Fancy Dry Goods, L ADI ES' DKESS GOUDS, FÜUS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS,. in great variety of the most desirab'o Btylse and (u:iiiües, A good assortment of RIBBONS, T1ÏIMMINGS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, &c Also a choice stouk of goods for Mens' Wear, Ladies' and Children's Shoes. HATS -A.3STID CAFS, Fresla Grooeries. V ROCKER Y, &c, efe?., which will all be sold at the LoAvest Cash !Pilces. MACK & SCHMID. Ann Arbor, Nov. 7, 18G2. 878tf tlifíe F actor y! Beutier & Traver, [Succossorfl to A. J Su1herl:mO,] Slaiiufaeturers of and Dealers in Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Fasks, Poshes Game Bags, and Everj other artille in that Line. AU kinds uf RBPAIRIWG dons at tlii' shm-tc-st ootice, llttd in Uw bost manner. a ful] assortment always kept on hand and order. ttft,, Shopon Uiiruii slrcet. Ann Arbor, uct. 8, 1562. 873tf Oval Picture Praines LI SI.E?, STYI.EE and I'RICES just receivcd and Aiotc'HOFF&MILLER'S. 1860.IVc.56, UW TUE OLD CORNER RENEWED! witk iñte-w stock, NEW GOODS, &C. FARMERS' IEW CM11 SÏORE (At the old stand of Thompson & Milieu.) 1 am uow opening a carefully SELECTED STOCK OF STAPLE DRY GOODS C0NS1STIKQ OP DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, BROWN & BLEACHED 3HEETINGS, CASSIMERES, FLANNELS, &o. and ever) thing that is keptin a Doiaiestic Uoxise, also a fine assortment of BOOTS $c SHOES! AND YANKEE JVOT1ONS, A full stock of TxEOCEEJES constantly on hand. FARMUR'S PRODUCE! JBouglit and Sold. Thankful to old friends and customers foi piist favors, I hope to merit a share of their patronage, by dealing justly with all. C. B. THOMPSON, (formerly with C. H. Millen & Co. Ann Arbor, Oct. 1, 1862. 872tf CIT1T COÖPUR SHOP. '' and, O C. SPAPFORD Would respectfully acnounca to tbe citizens of Ann Arbur a in! vicniity, tlmt he is uow iranufacturing anil bespa oouataili ly on hend a Large Assortment of Cooper Work ! such as Pork and o'ldcr Kar reis, Kcgs, Firkins, Churns, Well Buckets, &c5 Which will besold cheap for cash. CTJSTOM WOIKI Made to order on hhort notico, Kepairing done with neuLness a.ud diapatch, 1 would cali particular attention to Mercbants in want üt' Butter fïrkïns I am manufac turing tbe Kt vv T'o U State Flrltln, whicli isa bitter rirkin ttian !i;isi-vr before been of fered in tais markct. I would invite all whu want tirkins to Cali and cxanine for tliemselves beOre purclia-iinp: elsewhre, add I 'ill convlnce you tliat you havo oftlled at the right place. 1 wouM idsocall the atteution of Brewers in want of 15 KEU -KEGS, I am DOW prepareil to manufacture Eights, Quartersand half Ebls. in large or smal! lots, and of a Setter Quality tlian c;n b had in Hctroit or elat'where. g' All work warranted to give entire satis 'action. Thankful for p st favors and by a strict attention to business, I hope to meril a contiuued liberal supply of tbe public patronage, 03, Do not íorget to cali at tbe City Cooper Shop. O. C. 8PAFFORD. Detroit St. nn Arbor, MSlh . 888yl L uctioiieers Notice. BYRON GREEN1 lüivini applted for a Hcense, now bolds himselt in readiness to altend to all calis - Iluviniïhaiiexpoii'Mic.i', beis positive he can give good satisfaction. AU calle promptly attended to. Chaiges ïeasonable. Apply t tbe Franklm House. BYRON GREEN. Anti Arbor, Oct. 24, 1862. 875tf 1862, 1862. NEW FALL GOODS! Now opening, a spiendid stock of New Goods Tor the FallTi-a.leat C. H. MXXXBN'S Ann Arbor September 15, 1862 STOtf All Losses promptly ndjusfed MERCHANTSHÑSURANCE CO,, OF HAKTFORD, CONN. Cash Capital, $200,000. Total Assets,Jan. Is1 , 1802, $237,387 05 I.iabilitics, - ■ l;.834.(.9 MARK HOWARD, President. E. Tuos. Lobdell, Secy. Tlie imiierslgco .1 bas twen appcinted Afrent for tbe aoove reliable Compats.v, :uul will eltect nsurance .gaijst losses by at easonab'.orates. .g Ann Aibn,.Tnn, 'J.18S. 86Stf Shcriff's Sale. BY TÏrtue of an execution ssued out of find undrir the scül of tbe Circuit Cnurt íor the County of Wat-h te na w aod State 1 Michigan, bí-aimg dylc sb 27tfc 1m of ciit(-ii;1)(.-i-) 1K9, and tii me directed nit& i-flivi red, ntr;iinst tlie góotaand ehaitels, and tor want tiit-K f ianils a mi ten menta üf James Arnold, delend-ant therein nained, I did on tlie ü7th day of September,, 1659. ]y ujftm and se.ze alt lue right, litle nd nteiest of the said James Arnold, u and to tlie tullowing' describedland atd premlsés towit: ?itualed in. tb Tuwnslnp of Yphiiai](i, Countj of WaKbtenaw, diL of Uiohigfta, commeneingata stake oo the wvk4 bank of the Iluron Itivifi", at the south-east corner of" Fi'ench claim six hundred and eighty, aad fchence ruit ntOg wi'sterly RfoBg tlie south line oi HaJii' alaiia tt tk. centre of the highway conimonly oilled the MoitrueKoad, thence northerly along the ctnter of id, ïioidi tn n point iwelve fV-_-t Bouth and Utree roda vest ot a certain white itk tree bout twelve inchcs through, and near ;i sapd hole; tbenee easierly parallel witli the houtk linu oí Raid el:;im u h stake on the west bank of h&'hH river ; tin nee sonlberlv along the west bank of aidt i i ver to ih e place of beglnninjr, tont fófng ont hua'Jj L and frigfet more ir lesa, ami bmiiidt-d on the soajfrh by lai ui s o (' i ;■(' Mooi mans, on wet-1 by t-aid road on nortli bv Ianl öf Jdhn W. Vancleve, and n Hi eaal l.y tala nver, in thp cuuniy ui U'ahiinaw and State of Michigan, all of whicli [ir miseá 1 .-hall expns for'sale at juiblic aactidi, as the uw lí i tel , at th SVoiit 'tur til the Cour! lh-uM , in 1 lic City of Ar. Arborb tfiat bei nu: iht; place for holding the CiicuiV Coupt for the C'Min'y W Wafihtflnw, on n(urcay the lSth dajr of April next, ateU'vcn o'clock in the U r non of iaid dav. THOMAS F. LEONABi), Lat tb riffBftted, March 4. l&i. f-94tj Chancury Noti-. e. OTATE OF HfïCHïGAN 8ait pending in the Circuit Court fr the Countj of Wachten w, in thancery,. Bef ure Hun E. L:iwrence. Circuit Juiige, at chamberí. Clara J. (Iwï.v, Complainant,Y MavyïzisA. Owet, Defen&ani .j It satisfacinrily appeaxing to tbc undersignei by affidavit t!.at the delentlant in tliïs cause residen out of ihia. ctatt', on mution of L. D. Wirris, solicitor for the comelaïnat; It is nrdered that the baid dríi ndant cauK htF appearandi in this cause to b- eutered within ture months Irom ihe date of thin order. And it is furthceordered that, wtthfn twe-nty days. tlie Cumplainfciit cause this order t be pabHt-hed in th M)CHia.AH Akgi's, a nertiajier published in said county, and that such publicación be eontmued, at lehst ouce in each, for ix week in succession, or that she ca ase a cope of tb is order to be personally servad on sai'i cefendant, at least twen t y daya before the time prescribed for his spprau anee K. LAWlïI X(K. Circuit Judgc. I,. D. Norbk, Solicitnr for CoraplaiuaQt. Dated, Feb. 23. 1863. 893w5 Mortgage Sale DEFAULT having been made d the erndition of a certain iii'k-nture of oiortgage. execi.ted by Jame. McCailliy and Margartt McCaithy his Wïfe of the Citj of Ann Árbor, County of Washtenaw aad tate of Mit-hian, to Neison Cole uf the same place, hearing dute the firt day of Mar, In the year of our Lord ooe thousand eight hundred and tifty-six, and reconled in tlift Office uf the Elegiftter of Deeds in and for said Ctiucty of Washtenaw, -n lbo fifi li Ü&JQÏ .Mny.A. D.lir5ti,in Líber No. '22 of Mortgnges on jage bL, whlch ïnid indenturr oi Mir'gaiie was duly :is.-igned b the aid Neison Cole tq fcdward Kyan, of Pïttsfield, in nifl Cuuuty , by hifi tssign inent undiT hls hand and seal, beamifp date the s xteenih day of lect mber, A. I. 1SG'. aud recorded in the uflic1 of said Regístt r of I eeds on the iwemv six'.h day of 1 ecomber, Ai). 1S62, ii I.i ter No üü ot Mortgages on page 153, by whjch default tb; power of sale contained iti B&tD mortgage beciune oprative and the ainouin claimed lv be due pn eaid iinlenture of Moitgage. at the date o t this notice, fiv hundred and u.iTy eiolii '.t:l].ar in; tlurty cent and nu Buít üir nroceeding haring been instituíed at Uw, er in cliaiicery, to recover the debt now remainining due and sec u red by said mortgage or any part thereof ; Notice is thcrelore herebv given . Ihat on batvrday the Jour', lnhiy of April, A. l). lvS63.Jit ten of the cloek m thti itTCUotin of tliat day, at tlie south door of the Court House', in the City of Ann Arbor, in said Cuirhiy of Waahtenaw and State of Michigan, (.aid Court llousebcing the place for holding the Circuit Court for eaid CountyJ Ishallsellor cauf-e to Se sold al public auction in loreclouie of said mortgage to the highest bidder, the premises described therein, or so nuitli thereof as shall bo necessary to B&tfefy Ihe amoónt riuc frn aid; iuuentuie of Mortgage, with interest and all the reasonable enstü, disbursemeut and expenses of all" proceedings reïativeto the foreclosure of the same irclu. ding reason'able chargts for attorneys' serTices. as iro vided in naid indenture of morigage; that is tftJ,ftU those certain tracts or pareéis of land situated in thesaid city of Ann Arbor, known, bounded and desciibed as fullo'ws, viz: Being lot? numbered one (l),two (2 three. (3), and four (4), in block nu mber two (2) . sou'h in range aumbfr ten (10) east, in the said city of Ain Arbor, County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan Oated Deecïnbei 31st,1862. EDWAP.D RYAN, A. yEi.cii, Assignee of MortgugL Attoiuey for Assignee. 8S5td L am Bound for M. GUITERMAN CO'S ! Dispute the fact if you can, It takes theTAILOLl after alltogive appearance to the outer man. If jou wish to appear well You must accordiugly Dress Well. Go to SI. Gu'terman & Co's., There you will firid things exactly SO. SONDHEIM al ways ready to take yonr mensure, ÜÜITERMAN will sell you Goods with great pleoBur, At figures L0WER ihan you will find in he State, Take heed - oall early, else vou are too LATE. The ixDUCE.viiNTS are novv greater than ever, Our Clekks you will find obliging aDd clüver. We wül show you sood CLOTHING of our onn obtting up, Filling our Stote from Bottom to top. STÜDENTS eepecially wil.1 find it to THKÍU ADVANTAGE, For it takes but L1TTLE MONEY to repleuish. 1500 0VERC3AT8 of Cloth, Beaver, ütid Besir, Wunauted for alinost ever to vear. COATSof Cloth and Cassimere of our (IIVII IMPORT AT1ON. Forwarded through our New York relations. From Enghind, Belgium, Gerrnany and Fianue, Such is you can stand up in, or wear, at the dance. Pants ! Paut ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fanoy C4SSIMERES and DOESKIN of evcry gmde, We sell them froni ONE DOLLAR up lO K1GI1T. VEPTS, &C, of every description, You will find it so without fiction, Furnishin apparels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This is all -we say now, Xherefore we make our bow. Vours truiy, ever so, M. GUIÏERMiN. ás Co., DVEIiLIÍIG FOR. SAME I TF YOU wisli to buy a good two-story brick kwelling, i. convenient to the business part of tlie City, with Kround? and yards well stocked with Fruit or all kinds, Apples. Pearfl, Peaebes riums, RaspbiMA, Or oameotal troe, Mlirubberj, ie.,kc, inquire nttlie Nov. 14, 1862. ARÜUS OFFICE. Ayer's Sarsaparilla.


Old News
Michigan Argus