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[Kxtiact frum a I.otter oa the Battle Fiold .] This battle (Antjetam) has been the most sanguinary of the war, and the oniy one fought with visible design and upon military prinoiples. ïhe arrangcments of our corps- the seuding into .iction the right and the left divisions- the closiiig up of the center, and final succcss - excites bewildenng adiniration, and carries the mind to the great field of Austerlitz and Wagranl, fought by Napoleon. Of all this have I spoken. The heart history of such a conflict, purchased by the life and blood of twenty thousand men, must be fouud in the hospitals. War bas its glories but it bas ten thousand demons in these human tortures, tliat make the eye-balls achO, the heart bleed- the lips palsy, and the brain real. The sight is at first positively unendurable. The life-blood of some is still trlckling away in silent calmness - while the dissevered limbs and maniac brain of others give rise to sounds God grant I may not again witness. But ye mothers who Seré soek a son - or wives a husband- or sisters a brother or sons a father- know and be consoled tliat even herethe hand of mercy is watchful, andbetter care is bestowed upon your loved ones than might at first seem possible. It was in the hospital, where rested the gallant Hooker, that I learned the history of those mythical words so often seen and so little understood, ■ 'S T.- 1860- X." Anything alleviating the sufferings and saving the lives of our soldiers, is a natioual blessing. I witnessed some astonishing resnlts froin this avticle. It is vrell knowB the effect of burnt gunpowder and exciteraent is tliirst, which added to the loss of blood in the wounded, creatos the-necessity of a reviving stimulant. In this particular hospital, the physicians were allowtag their patients to drink Plantation Bitters, othenvise called S. T.- 18G0- X, and although the wounded are most numerous herc - this división Having opened the fl;ht at 5 in the moming - the men were mostly composed, and there was rery little fainting The article acts upon the stomach and nerves in a most incomprehensible planner, superior to brandy, and without subsequent stupefying reaction. It originatod in the AVest Indies, composed of the celebrated Calisay Bark Roots, Herbs, &c. ; all preserved in St. Oroix Rum- the S. T.- 1860- X being a secret ingrediënt, not vet reveille:! to the public. It is generallv recommended for want of appotite, disordered liver, intermittent fevers stomachic difficulties, &c. I understand it was soruewhat known in the Southern States previous to the war, and it appears an agent of Jefferson Davis recently applied to the proprietors for the privilege to make it for hospital purposes during the war, to which they made the following reply : Nbw-Yoek, Jan. ICth. 18C2. Mr. Aqent of, tic. : Dear Sir, - In reply to yonr communication, otfering us " Fifty thousand dollars ior the recipe and right tö make the Plantation Bitters for your hospital purposes durin" the war," we "bejf to say, your price is a liberal one, considering it would cost us nothing to comply, and tliat otherwise we can derive no revemie from the Southern States ; but _ sir, our duties to our Government and our idea of consistenry would not allow us to entertain it, although it might please us to assuage the sufferins'of your misguided followers. We remain, Verv respectfnlly youis, P. II. DRAKE, & CO. These gentlemen gire the history of certain ngrëdlents of their artielê for over two hundred years - showing that through all changes of the medical profession and its practitioners, strength, composure, and cheerfulness have been derived from these sources. Dr. Woods in the Washington Hospitals informed me that one patiënt was fast sinking and crazy, and had not slept an hour for two weeks, until the Plantation Bitters carne to his knowledge, when one day's trial gave him a night's rest, and he was now fast recovering. I in) surprised our Government has not eqnaled Jcii'erson Davis in energy, and adopted this invaluable article in all onr hpspitals. Tlie weak soldiers cling to it like a brother. As a lay member, I can bear witness it is " goiwl to take," and affords more energy and life than anylhing I eycr tried. Succoss to the Plantation Bitters. But I have digressed. In my next I shall speak of gathering in the wounded, burying the dead. &c. NICODEMÜS.


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Michigan Argus