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University Exercises

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- Thü annual exhibition of the Junior Olass of the University in to take place on Tuesday evening next, The Medical Commencement will lake place on Wedneaday forenoon nest, and the LaW Commencement on Wedneaday afternoon, It is contemplntcd holding the Law Cornmencernent in the new Law building, f it can be made ready for the ooeanioi). Wo do not know vvhero the other exercises are to bo held. JÏ3Ê" The Legislatura has passed a oint resol ution authorizing the Superntendentof Public Instruotion to pubteh in his ouxt report suituble school uouse plana, cuompanied with spucifications. We aro confidont that the Mana solocted will bu practical in every sense, and that the re-uilt. will be a sa vingto thepaople of the State of tíve times the annoally, and besides hat we shall aee going up in evorv quarter not more exp?nsve b;it moro coinmodioii.s school buildii)gs. L57" The Ñews is braying about ' Copperheads" and endeavoring t befool ita readers vvith thu idea tha boro aro two kínd.s of demócrata in his county, and that the rospeotabk eind vvill support tho repnb'ican tickoi We oan't seo it in that light, and would dvise onr neighbar not to be too sanguine. The democracy are not to bj frightened by hard natnes, and vvill do their duty ut the polls. %y3gr Inspectors of tlio coming eleclion wili romomber that it will be necossary to provuie two boxes, ono f'or the reception of ballot3 for Judges and liogents, aQd another for ballots for Townsljip officers. The canvass and return of the ballots for Judges and Regenta will take place the same as at genoral clection, and the Inspectors should appjuit one of their number to attend the County canvass. C3E" The State News reminds t!ie republicans that they ought t and can eleot all bnt eeven or eight of the Supervisors n tliis county, and Ihat they shoulii give Judga Lawrence four bundrod mojority They can do thia if they can get votes enough. Sholl they hava thern ? What 9aj our demoorato friends ? I I E The Cbunty Ganvans for the coming election for Jodgea and LV gents will bu hu!d on the seeond Tuesday Bticeeeding the ulecíion. We reme mber that at tha luat eleotion for Judgo some of the canvussers carne n on the Tuoaday fol!rw ing the eleotion, ' and were obliged to come a second ;ir:e. &-2ST The Bemoerats of the First Judicial Circuit have nominatod as their candidato for Judgc,' Hon. C. A. SiAcr of Tecumseli. Busides being a sterling )emocrat Judge Stacï1 is an abla lawjer nd an lionüst man. If eleoted, as he ertainiy onght to be. he will be au acuisition to the Bcnch of the dtate. ty Tiie office ot the Jrffersonian at Richmondj Ind., was dostroyed by mob oí paroïed soldior.s, on Monda) nifjht his-t. Was that i damocratic mob? Can some horrified ropublican teil us ? S The Legislntur'e has nppropria ted $1,500 a special Geológica! Sur vey of aportion of thfl State - tho salt portion. It provides for an accurate account of all ealt boring.s made.


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