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The Progress Of The War

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Tdthe Editor of the Argus : Our nation has of late yoars bad so little cxporience in war, and is so little aoeustonied to its vieissitudcs and ts interminable dclays, and witbal so impationt, that it is not surprising to find au impression prevailing that the progress of tho war thus far has been trifling, and by no mearía such as to indícate a succcssful result. Without stopping for a moment to diseuss the quostion whether so ïnuch h:s been ancomplished as inight and shoul 1 have been within the same period, I propose to examine briefly what has been dono, and I think it then capable of demonstraron tliat the history of modern times affords few examples of a war of such giaut proportions uarried on with such genera! suecess, and nccomplishing so much witliin the samo period, and against such enormnns obstacles, as' this groat War for the Union. It s uow leas than two years sinco the rebel government opened the war by the bombardment of Sumpter. Our whole army then was littte larger than the torce that Washtenaw county has since sent to the field. We had almost no raunitions of war. We had but an in significant navy. A large portion of our experienced Generáis were gone to the rebels. Our General-in-Cliief was superannuated - Mngruder and Buchanan were in oom mand of tho artillery and the navy yard at Washington, and both were watching an opportunity to desert and betray us to the enemy. Every offieer of Southern birth was under suspicion - some justly, and soroe unjustly - and no ovo knew when a military order was given, wlictlier it was to be executed in the intere-t of' tbo Union or of the rubellion. Tliere were spies in the departmeuts at Washington, who saem to have retained their places mainly with a view to aid the enemy. The rebels oounted in great confidence on foreign intervention, and tliey had, as subsequent events proved, the unquestionabla sympathy of both France and Englaud, and the indirect aid of the wealthy olassos of tho bitter country. - Saving froia two fortresse.s tho national forces were driven frora the whole South, and when our army bogan to gatlier at Washington, it could neithcr pass the Potomac nor the Ohio without entering hos tile territory. The cali to the field had soarcely been sounded before Maryland flcw to artus, and interposed a hostile barrier betweon the governmunt and the people, that threatened to throw both the Capítol and the national officials into the hands of the insurgcnts A brief review of the present condition of things, will show how vastly it differs from that whea tho first soventy -five thousand men were rushing to the Cipitol. Manjland, Uien ia tho hands of a disloyal mob, s now so thoroughly changod that we may safely say, thore Í8 do state more true and loyal in the whole nation. The rebela have been driveu frora hor )orders. Loyal men have taken upon tbemselves thu adruinistration of aff.iirs. By larga majoritios tliey have chosen re able officers, and sent true raen to the ntional Sena te. No man hopos any (inger to induce Maryland to sworve 'rom her allagianoe, and tho de-peradoes who adhered to the c:use of disuuion. are now fugrtivss from the Stat-e wheueo, on ths 19th of April, 18G1, thoy expelled he soldiers of the Union. Thus one State is snatohed frora tho firc of sece3 ion, redeetnod and renovatej. Missouri, at the breaking out of the war was tó all intents and purposes a disloyal State. Trap, tho fe;irles3 onergy of Gen, Lyon had gathered a small foroe tügether at St. Louis, but tho State was in the hands of seoessiomste, tho State officials wera traitors, and wero plannint and laboring day and niglit to cnish out whatever of Union sentimont naight stil] exist. Even in St Louis the qational armory was not regsrded os safe, and ■ jts contonts were removed by night, lest tiiey should full into the hands of tho enemy. Sinoe that tima almosfc evory foot of land in Missouri lus been fought over and over again, with varying saeoess, nutil to day evory portion of it acknowlodges the national governmont, and what are left of its disloyal population are, like those of Maryland, in exilo, with no rcasonablo hope of ever recraining tho ground they have lost. Thus, a second State is oonquered from the rebellion and saved to the Union. Ifentucty, it would be unjust to 3ay was ever íq rebellion, but its loyalty was so exceed'mgly doubtful and unroliabl", that the most its patriotio eitizons venturod upori doing was the niajatainanee of neutrality between 'tho govornment and itetiemies. Tliis neutrality the rebels did not respect, but established at Columbus, within the Iimits of the State, one of tliuir most formidable strongholds. ïhey have been driven 'rom this, and from every other post in he State, and tlumgh oooaslonally thoy eturn for a raid of destruction and )lunder, they liuve never beea ablo since he evaouation of Oolumbus, to obtain a 'onthold in the State, and tho loyally of íentuoky is no longer doubtful, ind the oil no longer debatable tcrritory. Of Virginia, it may be safely said that ne ha'f is in the hands of the national 'orces. The whole sea coast of North Carolina held against the rebel governmeut. A firin fooliiold i.s obtained on tlie coast of Sonih Carolina and Georgia, from whence preparations are now making to strike a heavy blow iu that part of tlie Confederaey. Of Florida, at least two' thirdi is in our hands, and the romainder might be oeeupied any day if it were importaut io a military point of view, to tale possession of it. Of Louisiana, all that is valuablo, lias floating over it tlio Stars and Stripcs. - Iu New Orleans, thcy lost their only important commercial city, together wíth tho control of the Musissippi, and the intercourse betwoen the eastern and western portions of the Coufederacy has ever siuce been precarious and liable to 'constant interruption. Nearly half of Arkansas is in oar finnds, and tbc rebel armies in that región are thoroulily broken up. Morfi than half of Tennessee, owns lorious oíd Anby Johnson as its Governor, and tlio reoiainder is that portion which lias alwaya required a rebel forcé to prevent its returuing to ils proper allegiauee. Tlius great has been tlie advance of the Union annies in the secoded States. From tlie unorgauized territones the rebels have been driven altogother. Yet it is but a little wiile since they had Arizona and the Indian Territory in their hands, and had defeated the Uoion anny iu New Mexico. It is not a littlo reranrkable, that though tha Union forcea during this period have suffered maiiy ■ mortifying defeats, the rebels have never reaped any essential advantage from one of them, and can scarcely be said to have dislodged us from a single position of importance which has once fatleú irito our hands. Defeats tiave beou soon retrieved, and even those who think the national progress has buen slow, must still admit, as t!iO3 look the grouad over, a general and a large advance. Nor is the advance of our cause abroad loss uoticeable than at home. We have oeasod to havo occasion to fear foreign intervention. The sympathy of ihe great majority of the ' Brit ah pooplo is now evidently with us, and they submit vfith great patienco to the losses and .-uiferings wliieh spring from the want of our great staple. Foreign nations have settled the queation of interventioa in our favor, and we have no longer occasion to allow the fear of foreign to witlnlraw our attentioo from the oontest at homo If these results aro not all that our irnpatieiice deniandcd during the time the has boen raging, I think it ensily demonstrable that they are all bistorv would warrant us in expeoting, and I propose hereafter to cali attontion to some historical paralle's whicb are fall of hope and redound greatly to tlie glory of our country. JSS" Dr. R J. Ltos is to be at the Monitor to-day, whoro lie wiil be giad to seo hia patienls and the affl:oted generally. See lila eard. &L" Gold closed in New York on Weunesday at 54 a 53 3-1. It hasfiuctuated considerably during the past week.


Old News
Michigan Argus