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From Washington

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Special Dispatcl) to the Detroit Free Press. Washington, Marub 17. Secrctary pbtóe lias ïssued proposils to-day for designs tor nw treaaury notes of deiiotniatioiis of 5, $10, $20, $50 SlOÜ, S500, and Sl.UUO. Designs vyill be received till Marcl) 28th. Tl'iov must be uatioual in charaoter, aud especial attentiou given to points wbich will kad to tlio prevention of connterfeitiDg. Proposais will also by received fur furüishiug dies a accoidance ritli designs. A lot of' citizons of Fair fax (Jounty, who have been acting as rebel videttes, wen brouglit iu to-dity and coinmitted to prison, while anotlier lot of llicbmoiid refa;."jes alio oame througli the Imes to this ( i Í v . A regular coinniission, ssuei] by Gen. Stuart, ut the rebol anny. lias beien fouuc ou thé pe;soi. of Mias Ford, of Fairfwt hu is cliarged vvitli betravin tíeu. Stoughtoii iiito the hands uf the enomy h:to Iliohmoüd papers reoeived hera speak of our gunbouts haviuy gono up Tennessee river Hgaiu as far as Florence, Ala., and haring done sonie damage. The new small note cuircnoy, authorized by the lust finalice law, wül soon be issued. It wiíl be a little louger than the present postago curreney, but totally different. Oen. Stoughton, on li is an-ival in Richmond, was firet taken to the liallard Hotel, but bef'ore niöraing was rsoorted to prison, wliere be is elo;-ely ennfined. Rebel papera give a list of Nretityeigbt persons captured with Stongliton. Since the commeneeinent of the war fifteen thoasand ipplicatioiis b:ive been received for widows' pensions, and nine thousand for invalidtt' pensions Tho Surgeon OeDera! has soht the fol lowuin; to all Surgeons in charge of hospitáis: " You will tak all necessary mensures to causo the transfer to tho General Hospitals nearcst to their homes of all sick aud woundud soldiers who have been sick for three niouths snd upward, und are in a fit btate to bear such transportatiou." John Hay, the President's Seoretary, has returncd from his trip to Gou. Huntei 's staiF, having beun takeu sick on the way thero.


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