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liïfifill ciiïfiAL RAllffi Passenger trains le;ive Detroit and the severa Stations id thisCounty .as follows : ü O 1 X Ci WEST. I.we. Mail. V.Y. Ex. Jnok.Ac. NriKlit Kx 'N'troit. T.20A.M. 10 A.M. 5, 15 p.m 930 p. ,M. YpsiUntl, n 00 " H. Í5 " 6.U0 " 1 .50 ' Ann Albor, 9 20 " 11.45 ': 7 05 " ! ] 10 " Ilexter, 9.S0 " 12.11 r 7 35 " UM ■' Chelaea, 1 1 10 " lá.JO " 8.00 " 11.55 " Ar. Chicago, 1U.ÍI0 " 10.65 i. sr Tbe mail train gons onlto Michigan City. G O I N G RAST. I.eavc. icclitEx. Jack. Ac. N. Y. Ka, Mail. Tliicatro, 0 45 P.M. (Ï.30 A.M L'lielsca. 6.CiA jr. 5.J0 P M. l'exter,' Bftfl " 6.45 " Ann Arb'ir, 5.05a m. 725 " 3 45 p. x. R.15 ' V[.il:n,1i, 5.-5 " 7-50 " 4.05 " 6.40 " Ar. Ilctruit, .-15 " 8.20 " 5 15 " 8.09 " Tlit? m;iiltrain starts Trom Michierap Cify. Traini do not stop at statioDS wln-re figures are omiteilin the table. S-T-1860-X. DRAKE'S PLANTATIOÏï BITTEHS. Tbey punfy, trenthen and iovigorate. They iTf.i'e ;i beul tb j appntite. They au antidote to cbange of water nl diet. Tbey overeóme pffects of dissipation aad late boura. The streiijftlifn tlte system bq i ealiven tbc mimi. They prerBnt miasntatfo and intermittent Teven. Tlif.v purifythe brcdth ana acidíty of the stomach. Thpy ccre dyspep.sia and Constipatinn. They cure Diarraea, Cholera :inl Cholera Slorbna. They cure Iiíer Cmiplaint and Nervous Hcndnche. Thcy are tbe bet biiters in tïic worlr'. They makt the wmkman tiong, and are exhauted nftture'a jreat restore . They are tnnde of purp St. Croix Hum, the cetebrátedC&Utfava Bark, roots aod lierbs, nndarv uken wilh ; lie p lea su re of a be ve rage. wil lio ut refirar 1 la ge or time n! lay. Particutarly recommen-ied to delicate peraooa requirin a preutle stimuiaot. Seld by all ;rnoera, Draggits, Koters and Saloons. P. H. Drakc&Co. 201 Broadway Ka York 6lH94 LYON'S KATHAIROÜT. Kathaimn is frim the Gretk word, "Kathro," or 1 Kat li airo," r-iguifying to cleaiisc, rejuvinate aod restoib, This ..rticie is what its n meMgnifies. Fnrprenerving. restoring and besutifyiog tbe human hair itis the moHt rnnarkable prep&r&tioo in tlie worhl. It is agam o woed and put up by the original proptietor, and is n.iw matlü with the same care, skiU and attentioa whicli gave it a faleof over one million buttien per anDiira It is a most delightfal ITair Dressing. It erjicicte8 scurf aml tlanrlruir. It keeps head cool (.n-i clean. It mikes tlie hair ricli, soit and clnssr It prevpnts the hair from falling off and turnin gray It n'-tOies hair upon bald lieads. Any lady nr Sfntlfman who valaea a bcantífiil head nt hair shoulq use Lyon'fl Katharion. Tt is known and awdthxoughcmt Üie civilized wurld. fiold by all respecfctbte dealer, 6m8il4 DKIIAP S. BARNES & CO.trrop'rs, X. Y. HEIMSTRF.ETS Iiiimiíisbie Hstir ttestorative. IT ís ot a DYE, Bot ve-toros gray hair to its original color, by snpplying the rapillury tubs with natural sustenance', impaired by afre or disease A1I infitaulatieptuí dyes are enmposed of lunar cauttic, desttoying tiio vitality an i In-.iuly .iltho hair, arc.i .liv.r-.l .,f' tln-m-clvea no dresinr. HcinistriH'fs InimitableColoririíí Dat only restores linir ti) it natural colnr by an easy procesa, but gives the hair a Luxitriant Bcnuty, prumotea its jrowth, prevenís its fallinj off, eradicates airlrijll, anl Imparta healtb and pleasantness to the íead. II has stood the test of time, bemg the original Hair Coloring, and is constantly mcreasing In favor. U ed bi bothecenMeman n.i ladies. It ia sold by all ■■espectable dplteri, or can be pronured lv them of the comojí-roial agent, D.S. líarnes S Co. -.02 Broadway, Vew-Viuk. iivo sizes, 50 cents and $1. 6m894 O-TlVEXTT-OIiE YEARS AOO..O Mu. 0. C. liiiiTor. a disöagoished Clicmist and Drogist of thé ci' y of Buflaln, N'. Y., invented and imniifactured a cnmpoimd known as BRISTOL'S BALS AJÍ OK HOARIIOUND. whieh a perfect j-TECinc for oecoBB, cotns, or any Br.oMHm. or tusa BirrtcULTJEs aris-.og from damp, c.ild, nr ímJ.lcn cljango of tlie woatlicr. I'vtv person nho lia" ever taken nl'.I.STOL'S BALSA1I OF IIOARIIOUXI), pronounecs it the ixnt nrticle ever nvented ; and so justly celebrated lias it become, tliat themarket salreaily ful! of im'tations, coiinterfeits, and most danerous eompoun 1, un Ier the name of Ralsaro of Ildarhotiml. 'llicrefore, alwíjl be c:reful to cali for Bri.stoi's Iïalsim, and Kee that bis WÍUTTEN sijínaturL' is on tbc oulüMe labelo! Ibststthi j. IUbk.- Thla nvalui'.ble .NJedicrne lins been now some twcnty one j-ears befme the public, an-1 Itliout any efíurt on tbe part of tbc proprietor, its sle has bceume very extensive, and is da:Iy increasing. The low rncc it wbioh Ihe Medicino !s sold (JS CF.NR) enables AI.L to prtrtake of itx bealing qualitie. C. CROSI!V,HUFFAI.O, N.V. Solé minufacturer, to ivhoin all m-ders shoulil bí i'Mressed. For sale byall respeclable draggbte. ij'eowSSR O" TOBACCO-You can boy the best grades of FINE CHEWING TOBACCO I fmm 50 cenis to One Dollar SMOKING from fourteen to twenty cents ■ t M. DEVANY'S TOBACCO AKD CIGAK STORE Slgn- ReJ Iníli.-in. South side Hurón street, fcw doors from Cook's Hotel. M DE VAN Y. Ann Arbor, Dec. 11, 18G2. 883tf A GOOD TREE IS KNOWN 3Y So is a Rood I'hv-ician Jjj lus Successie Works PROFESSOR [{. J, LYOKS, THEGREAT AND CK1.KBRATEH Ijl VACIAN OF THF TIIKOAT. l.l'XGS AM) ('III. -1', Knmvn all pver the countr; as the Olebrated INDIAN HERI5 DOCTOR! From .uth America , ivilt be ut iiin rooms, RUaSELL HOUSK, JIETKOII', OnthclSlh aD119tl, rist. . on the sü.ne '!alo of and etety sabMqaDt inonth during 1882 and 1S63, A SF. AT I'AMI'HI.KT Of tiio. llfp, sturly an.l extensive travel of nr r.yons a" 11J I'iucurcii l,y all he dssira une. free of We Dr. L will vUU Ann Arbc.r, Jacksou. and Aj.ian Mtcli-, as foilows : ' Aun Arbor, .Monitor ffaaw, 20íh. .I.-iclisou. Hibbord Iiou 21st Ai'i;m), Hracktt nie, 21') and 23.1 Mom of Kxamimtion.-TIh Doctor ásc.rn dseas brtfceeyw. Jl,., iu, r..f„r,.. ,,s,..s „o ,,„„,„„,,„ ') ■). patisnts to eij.lain lymptom.. Afflicled come Ayer's Cherry Pectoral MPORTAH i To LMALt ü THE HEALTH AND L[FE OF WOMAN Iscontinually inperilif she is mad enougli to neglect or maltreAt those sexual inegularitie.. to which twothirds of horsox are more or lpss subject. DR. CHEESEMAlf 3 l'ILl.S, preparel from the ine formula which the inventor. ''ORXEMUS L. CHEESEBCAN; M. I.,of förl;, bas for twenty years used successfuüv in. in extended priratopr(!ticeimmeiliatel.v relinve witliout pain, all of the periortical lischarjïP. wliether ansin from relaxation or suppression. They net like fl cliarm inremovinp tlip pains tliat acermpnny 'lilücult or iinmorlerate nu' ■ siruahon, and are the only safe anii reliabls remedy for Klushes, Sick Headsohe. Palim in the L'iius, Rack aiiil Sido, I'alpitatinn of the ll'';i'-( XcrviMis Tremors, HyfltaTlfiB, Hpjisin-,-, Broken le"p and other unpleasant and danfferoun eflecls of an ooaditioD of the sexual functions In the worst cases of Fluor Albnt or Whiles, they Heet a speedy cure CTo "VÏVltlS and MTROISTS. Dtt.CHEESEMAN'SHLLSarftoffereaas tle oüly safo ruonnsol' rt'npwinsrintcí'í-uptfd mi-i]slru;tt;oi]( but" T.ADIKS KIUST BRAÍÍ I MTríD Tkcre is ave cnvdinoit of thcfemaU tytttm Ui tíhich tht Pih ra ttvotbe taken iPÏ'fioiit n. PËCtJLTAIi ItESULT. Tkrr.nvdifon refe.rred to is PItMQNANCY- the repuit, M1SCMIF1AGE . Suckit the irresistible trndeney of the mediciné tnre.ciors the semal ftmetions 'o a normal canditixm, that even the reproductivt power of nature cnifnnt renht ir. Explir.ü directions stnting when, and whr.n they should not be ue,d, xW oacb '.k, - the Price Oue Dollar each Box,o,&nlalning 60 Pilis. A valnable Pa npiilet. tf be had freí of the Agents. Pilis se.nt by mail prompthj, by enclostng pnce to any 4gent. Sold by Druggisiü jenewil y. Il, U. ULCinXOP. Trnprletor. '2.0 Cetlar-St., New York. . ?or Palé hy MAYXARD STLTJDíX & WII.SON, and J ÏRKN'VJLLE & IULLER. A CARD TO TUS LA.DIES. DR. DüPONOO'S GOLDEN PULS FOK FEMALES. Infallible n correctln, reg&tettag and retnoving all ob struetioDR, frnni wbatever onuft&, snd alw&ya suceesKful as a prevenlivt' The combinattnn of Ingrediente in Dr. Duponco's Goldeu Pilis for Females are perfectly harmlfss. They have hoen nsed in the private praetice of Dr. Duponco over SOyears,and tfaouRanda of ladies can testify to tlicir great and never failin-success in every case Ín corvecting irreïularities, reüevinc: painful and iÜKires;iiiii menstruatioa, particularly at the change of life, Frora livf to tea pills will cure that comraon yet divadful complaint, the Whitea N'carly every female n the land Ruffera fr m tb fa complaint. Tiie above Pillhas permanently cured thousands, and tliry wil] cure 3 ou ifyou use tliem. They can not harrn you; on the conirary. they remove alt obstmctioris, re store naii'i-o to its proper channel, and invigorate the whok system. Ladtee wbose haltb will not permit an acre&se, of fjtmily, will fiod these pills a successful preventive T.:ilies ppculiarly situated, or those suppnsinp; themselreft so, should not u?o these Filis durinij the first threo ninnlhs, as Ihey are certain to produce miscarríagt, "after which adinonition'1 tile proprietor assunirs no responsibility, although tlioir mildness will prevent an njury to heültn. The ingredients composing the aboye Pilis are .nade bnoWB to eyery Agent, and tbey will teil you they are safe and will perform all claimed lor them. Priee ti 'per box Sold in AXX ARBOK, by 8TEBBINS ,v WJISON. Druggit W. A. Hü'XT, nniKïist. Lidies livinp; nt a distance by sending thern $1.00 tlirough theAnn Arbor Postoffice. oan have the Pilta sent (contidentially) by mail, to any parí oí the country free of poctage. N. B. - Bacere of a base cotmlerfeit of thrse Pilla. You can bny the counteríut article a', any pr Ice f rom 25 toTfieentsa box (dcar At tliat). Ladihs yoör lhéñ and health are of too much vulue to be crifled with, beeidea being impoaed upou with a werthlesfl art ele. Therefnrp, any one ofTt-riní you Ibnse Pillsfor lesa thttn SI i box' avoidthem as y.m would poison. Theyare bogas. None' areironume uniess tfo nATDe of S. 1). Hnwií is on everv hnx which bas recently been nddwl, on account of the Pills being couterftited. Sold siso, bv K (ÍNE -MITH, Ynsiliinti. BLIAS & HKKBKJackson, andby one rlrugtist in every village and city in the Unite.l Mates, an.lby FAK[!ÁNI),M1EKI ia' Jt CO. .General State Agents, Detroir. S. D HOWE, 8olePropr!etor. 86Tys2 skw York. ' The Great Living IJistoiy.' THE REELÜÖN RECORD ! A HIAHY Of AMERICAN EVTEVTS Editea by FRAtfK MOORE. I'ubllihng in parts, at EO cents, f ch part Hustrafed with two l'ortrait.s engrared on stoeL F008 VOLUMEN are nw ready at aunexed pnces, until April 1 , ÏSC!; CKth 83-73 volóme Mifep, 4 o.) HalfCülf, or lialf Jlorncco, 500 " THE RKBELLIill RECORD IS DTMSPEN8ABLE Tl) EVERY PUBLIC ANU l'ÜIVATF UBBARY. The four volumes contain : A FÜLL AND fONPlE DIART OF ETENTS, frnm the Meeting of the Mouth Carolina ConTention in Dec , 18ti0, to the capuire of New Orieaos, inclusive. Over ON'E TKOTJSANO OFFICIAL REPOHTS and WRKAÏIVES of all the Battlea and Skii ini-Kcs that have occum-d during the war. in. Over FIVR Huif DRED BONT9S AND BALLaDS hoth Joyai and rebel IV. FORTY-SEVEK PORTI? AHV, engrared on siesl, of the most oelebrated men of tlio tima, and Twentysix Mapa ad Píaos of Batties. v. Orer THREE THOÜSAVD Incident and Anecdntes of personal dartngand bravory. "As a ork for constant relerence it in emlnently tO b e relied on " C. P. PETNAM, Publish, 532 Broadway CHA?. T. E7ANS, Con Agt. " 418 Cruiidivay. SPECIA L NOTICE. On md af'U'r April 1U , trio pnce of "The Hebeliion B rd" will be hdvükcbd Kltfï'Y ( Tó. A 'o:,i'M,:_ Frnm tliat date, the sale of Parta, (rom Nos. lto.21 wil! be discontinned. Back Brw of the"EebelIion Kccord" will bs s ld ouljr in olumeü Parshaners and subscriben) who liavf Dot eömpleted th fonr toU. mu-.t at iHCe do so. Th work wil] eotitnue to b l u1'luhedin parta, ítSOcejrt- each part iliusiratod with two por'ruiU on steel. Volume V. will comprime mi - en larts. íííackwood's Magazine AND THE Briíish Reviews. 'RirRsrlíi as EVER, TO TÍIOS'Í WIK) Hé y PUO .II'TI.Y IN' AIH'ANCK. X.itivitlislamJicit tbe cost of Bejjrhjtiog these Porlodicala bsa roere titan doufcled In conneqnence of the f.vormous rise in the price of Baper mqíj of a general aclrance in ül other Kii.l nitwithtandDK iitbcr publtnb ra ars rertneing lbo ljs or Incrousiog t]i? prleeof tbir puWleations, e aba] I continu, for lbo year 1863, to furnisli oiira complot, as hetofor, at tJio olO late-1, viz. : - 1 TUE U)NI)O.V QÜABTERLY (CoimtUt), TIIF.KDLN'ÜURGH EEVJEW (Wlilg) THE N0RT1I nnmSH Rl'.VIEW (Fice ri.urcli). THE WESTMIXSTF.H REVIEW (Liberal) BLACKWOOD'S EMNBÜRQH MACAZIXK (Tnry). TER MS. Fm-anynnoof the four Ri-vioivs, - . - ;■; , For iny two of the four Re view, - . - "5 01 Km' üii.v tliri-c f iiic cmrUeviaws, ■ - - 700 Forall four of tlif Rovieiv.s, 3 q FoHlIacku-ood s Ungnsine, - . . , - 3o!' Por Blackvood aiid one Revirw, - - - 500 ForBlackwo Dd two Reriewit. - - . '700 FrBlckvoodnd three Peviews, . . 900 ForBlackwoodandthe fourReviaws, - . ]()00 TIn no v.iü l,e onr iirii'cs to nll wlio pnv prior 1o tlie lst (rf ApHl. T.i wlin ietet payin'ï 1 II tl,;, t time, the prleea will be Inerenieil to noch nxtraj as tho incri'asL'il cost of Reprint niny tUercfi re, SEND IN YOUR ORDERS AND SAVE Vorii MIl.VEY. LEOXARDSCOIT i COPuWlther No. 38 Walfilr Street, New Y.,ri.-. FOR SALE. Q. ACRES nf excellent timboreil fiic B. % of O" N W. Jiof Sec.ü.TownaN Ri)re 3 v.,Clin tonCounty. 11 is ina pm.i acighfcorriood, abotrt fou. ml es fronn DeWitt anti ten from Lausiö. Foï ternsfl inquire at or address, ARül"S OFFICE. n . iHh I80B. gjsff


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