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BOOT SHOE W. B. COLE, (Successor to Sloore & Loomis ) haa openi'd a store in 'e FItANKLIN BUILDINGS, Main street, Ann Arbor, and has on band a large asBOOTS, SH0E3 & EUEBERS, manufaotured frora t!ip Vest material anil ivarranted to fïivc siitisrwction, eoDBlstiag t Mh.WS.KIP, CALF AND THICK BOOTS, DdUHLE SOL.KD_ 8 BUI' FALO OVERSUOES, of all desenptionf?. LADIES GAITEES, Morocco Boolees, Balmorals, Feil. Overshoei, and Rubbers. Also, Boj 's Kip, Calf ófcTIiicfe Boots, together witli n váilety nf CIIILDKEN & YOTJTH'S SHOES. I htn nlüo IVÏniiufnctiiiIng WARRANÏED EOOTS & SHOES. Men's Fine FrencJi Calf Boots Peigert stnrt Sewed. Gira nio a cali before purcliasin elsewlierp. I wil] =ifll my KOnds chip tor ca h. KiirAIRING NEATLY OONE AND ON SHORT NOTICE. N.B.COT.E. Ann Arbnr, Jan. 13tb, t863. 887tf TO TiUNG MEN! Just Publiahsd, in o Setled Envelope. Prict Six Cents tí Lecture on the Nature, Treatment siid Radical Car nf Spematorrhoea or Seminal Weakosss, Involuntary, Emissions Pexual Pebllity, and Impedimenta to Bfarríage general, NervouAnfBB,Co!uumption, Epilep ty and Fiis ; Mental and Pbyxical (neapaoity, isultng from Self.AbuBP, kc - Hv ROflT. .(. Cü'LVEliWKLL M. I)., Aathor r.f the Green Booh frc. The world rraownrd author, inthia admirablpLeetnr olearly provcs ir. m hi i OTpefience thai the awful conseij u erices oí Belt-abase íiiny leeiToctimllv removed wittiotit medicine, and withcút dangerous Bargical operatiunf, bougies, instruments, ringt or cordial, pointing out a mode of cure ;tt once certain and elífctua I, bj Indi eve'y Bufferer, no nmltcr what hls confii tioTí nuiy be, may cure hiinseH clieaply. privatelv, and radicnlly. TiiisI.ecituk wili. peovea di'kix iothousa.vIis AND TH0UBAXD8, Sent nnderseal, to any addreag, o a plain envelope, ob th receiptof bJx ci-nts,or tn-o postage stmps,by a;idressing, CITAS .1. C. KLINE&CO., 127 Dowevy.Xew Vork. Poet Office Bol , MiR THS PEBFECÏÏON OF MECHAIfISM ! THE ÏÏAGIC TIÏE OBSERVBR, BEING A ]Il NTING AND Oï'KN FaCK, Oli f .APY'S OR (KVTl.KM Vs WaTCH GOMBIXED, WITH PATEMT ÖBLF windixo Imi'rovemrnt. ThhNkw Yobk Ii.llstbatiod Xews. the leadme pic toriü] i:uipr of the l'nittd States, in lts issue of Jan. 10; (i. 18 o, on page UT , voïiintftriïj ttKyg ; ' We háva been gfauwn a motil pltasiny mvelty, of whicb the Hubbaro Bhop., of thfa city, are tlie sole Importere It is called the ' Uaqh 'fiha Observeb,' uní íb n linntn,' and open-faoe wntcli eotsbioed. Thïs is one (if the prettiefi , most convenient, nn decídedi; the best aml chwipfRi time pfece fr general and peliable use, ever offer ed. It hut witbiri it mui conoected with its maehmefy, its mi-n winding attacfairuent, reu dering i' key entirely imiweessftr;. fhe caasa of this Watch ai-e composed of two metal, tl e outer ooe bein , fine 1( caral iold.' Ithaè the improved ru'oy :irtinn lever moveinent, nni i würran ci ;m aeoprats tnni'piece " l'rice, superbly eiraved., pt case of a li;i)f dozen, $■.04 (;0 Sample W&tehes, m np;it morocc bnc, for thofle proposing t- buy al vchoíesaíe, &.;ió, sent, by exHfs, t bilí payabfe on di'livcry, oldiers must remit pa y ment tn iidvancc. as wc eanaofc éollect iroai those m the Anny. AddreHji, HtJBARD HRfB. k O,, PotE Importi-rs. fi"8JS orxii Cor. N'assat & JOHS PT8.,Nbw YOTR V 'M :' -O'5 WOSDERFUL HÜCCEbS. LL&- Tbe aj,tention !nl roscnrch of the most dstínguisbed Chemists and l'hyuicfana for yen ra have beenderoted tathé productinn oí a remedy for th se moni dial feeaiDg maladies Natfiutou and Rheumat i . Aiier long stn _v and manv exijerimenta, a zpeajir, prpparat'.an luis hoen discovered. W'Alsnjj 'S Neuralgia King,an Internat ïïemrdy, is curinp; thousauds ui' caws where ;i ! Óthêr reiaedios !i:n e utterlj failed. Wo ure asfured that it in no mere ;J ANOUYiNK," rüliorinp; fr the momer.t whilethp cauwe remains, hut is a perfecT, sPECIFICaad OURE fr tfao e Jni il disea&es. Tbe vast number of Lintraents, I riïbrocaii. and External medicines, wliích actas stfmulantH of tbe sürface '-nlv, aremerely temporal y in their effects and of doubtrul virtue. The XhiRAU-IA KIN'G reachec the flonrce of all trouble, and effectuallj baaiehes ths di&ease frow tÍK-SVStt-m. Frice-l'se Dollar per üottle. Prppared by C. R. WALKER, Ij88ï BufTulo, N T-, and Fort Erie, C. W. ï am bcmi-d for ihe O X3C 33 X S3 jE3 -A. SHOEliyc SHOP! J. C. SUUTHER & R. A. JOIIXSON, Blaoksmiths. JVill dn II irse Shnemgand all klnTn of Jóbbing m thoir linp ;it the tihjorteftt ppsBible ootice. Also Carriftgfi ui 1 Tagon W'iirü ioiie to orfler, ac I satiSfaction eiren or no paf. CHEI.8EA, VTathteiww Co., Mtch., Feb. 2. '68, StuSOO Teba eco I Tobacco I I AU sf;,t.:n(; GOOD FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Atfrom Fifi y cents tn 1 per pound. SMOKÍNG TOBACCO, From H cenia to 20 cení 's per pound at rc.taxL. M. DEVANY. Ann Atlxir, Micli ., Dh .17, 1SG2. 8831f Pensions, Bouniy Mönej, Back Pay, &c, &c, Rue ftoUiprs, ihcir ividriwn, chitaron, nr ottier licirs c;iiï W obtamwl by anDlying td F!;.ilI,i' [,. PARliKli, ïulhuHzi'.! agent, or to TE CÏ V. KOUT. R.k.t .V l'.iKhKK uiuii'i al,.., to collecting, ooiiveyanotng anrl ruriiisliiug abstrdct of land tltle, liavlnj; cJuefullr prepared bcok and pUts nhowing the eónüitton of tltle i! 'all litii'ls in C"Ulitv ; anyiag taxi's and nveatigating tax und other lcnd UUbs In nny part of the state or Un'ted Ptates. Hav al80Frmnd unimproved Inmlii fot Rak or excliadfc. Andarents (oc tin' Atljin'.ic Fire [naurance Compaoy of NerYorh City Ollice oppüBte the Krunkliu llousi;, Ann Arbor. fcOltf Dissokstion JVoiiee. 1'HE CO-PARTNEKSHIP uu MOfnM c-mVüvc lüidov i!,p lirm of I.oumia & ïripji ia thia day dissoln mutual Ciiii.s ,t VI. I. U3OMI3, )iA:-.n;il'i Aun Arbor, Feb. 2, 1SG3. M)lm3 Harvard Goiïegc, 1863. Ï"O TERMS of nmoíc.n peks eacb, comowncln ' íRCH!DanddSl'TEMI!ER7in For Catalogue and Círeuiar addi-eflfl jdk!, Parker. Roya. rnf,. THE REBELLIOH ON HIGH PRICES FOR CLOTHING, HAS COMMENCED AT THE OLO & RELIABLE CLOTHING EMPORITJM ! No.3 PIIGENIX BLOCK, MAIN St. rAM now opening a large anrl variel assorimontof SprmgandSuunólet'Gooas, anï ín view oí' the rebellon on high prlces generalij, will offer them tomy frien8 anti customers at the vefy lowest figures for Casli. TboBë in want of a superior article oí Clotba, Casfiimeres. or Beady-Madc Olothing, -will cali onWW. WACNER, who lias just returned Trom the East, with a largo Msortmeot of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS wliich liavebten pnrehaeed at the late LOW PRICES! ind canofTer them at a lower figure than ever before. Aniongmy A.s.sortment muy be fuuud BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMERES, DOE8KTN8, VESTINGS of all iVscriptiona, (OMihef with i. supeíior assnrtment of Itcady-Made C'lolhlirg, msrTWTRtJXKS' CARI'ET BAGS, TH.' ■ríTSS UMBRELLAS, and aíilBlJtíniIempn's Furnisinng G-OODS, vith mimciirus otlirr .artille usimlly found in similat stablislmiouts. .san EMPORIUM 01? FASHION, liesubsoriiicr SafterB liimspir , big liog oxperlencc ná general suceess, wül fnab[e hiin tö 'ie grcatt-'st atisfRotioc t all rhoroajrtriMt hiin utlieway CÍ JSi Manufacturing Garmonts to order. WM.WAOVER. AnnArbor, Aplil 9tli 1S62. 848tf THE ROOTS AND THE LEAVES WUX be foí the Healji.g of tlie Nations. BibU. TUK GREAT AND CELÉBRATE l IMIVSlCi N of the ÏHKOAT,1.UNGS, HliART, LIV1-.R AND THE B1.0O1', Known all over tliecountry as the CEI.ElilïATFI) INDIAN HEZRB DOGTOB I of ÜS2 Superior titreet, Cleveland, Ohio. Will visit the foilowing place, viz APPOINTHENTS ÏOR 1862, 1863and 1SC4. rof R. J. L.vons can be consulteil at the fnjlowinc aees erety month, viz; Detroit, Bussel Hou, inch monlh, ISth and 19th ■ Anti Arbcif , Monit.if House, oacli month, 20lh JacbSQB, Hibbnrd Huse, tach month, 21. Adriaa, iirncket House, each luolith 2'2i and23d T,"il'11''' 0Lio' CuUlt" House, cach month, 24th, S5th, Hillidale, Mich. , Hillsrtale House, eacli month 27th Coldwator, Mich., Soutnorn Michigan House' ca"h onth, 38th. Klkliart, Elkh.irt House, e.icli monfh, C9(h Bouth Bend, Ind., St. Jo. Hotel, each month 30 J..-'I"r;o, Ind.j Tee Garden House, each month 3ist ind8"hter'J1""'C''i"lt''''''KXChil"ee' eaCl' munth' 7'th MansHtld, ü, Wiler House, each month, Sth and Mt. Vernon, Kenyon Ilouse, each monlli, llth and NewarJc, Ohio, Holton House, each faottth, 13th and i'ainesville, Ohio, Cowles House, each month 4th rU.VU.AN!, OHIO, RKfllllENOK AN ! OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STI.ÏEET. East : of the public square, oppott tho I'ostofllc O.llce days onch monlh. l,t. 3.1. 4rh, gtli (ith lötli - I Offlce lloara from 9 4. tl. to IJ M. and from 8 )' M 'to ie. M OniJimlayfroiD9toM4.M..andlto3i.'M KOrMwim strictly ailhered to- ' ,' 1 ffivp sucb tsalmae have no etrife Wii li nature the lawa of Kfe, WiUi bloed my hands I nevc-r stain Norpoiaun mea to ease their pala lie is a phyndan indeed, who Care The Induin Her. Doctor, R. J. LYONS, cares the fol loumg comimint.s in the most' obstinate swes nf thi-iexistí nce, v7: Disease of the Throai, Lnngs, Hesrt, Lirer stomaoh, DropT in tb Chert, Rheumatism, Neurale! Fits or_FaIlmS.'cknem .iBdBothernefTnusderangements: AU,, altdiseaseiof the hlood rhcIi as Scroiulaf Frvsin elas.Cancers, Fever Sores Upxosj, and all other com. plieated cl.rouic complaintK. Aüfornmof female dilllculties atiended to with the happiei-t resolta. It U hopeil 1 int noonowill ilespair of a eire until thpj hare giTCn the Indiao Herb Uootoi's Medicines a '""■. """' failhfiil trial. aca.l)urin(r the Doetor't travel ia Europp, West IndiM, South America, an.l the United staies, lie lias been the instrument ir, God'a ham), lorentoro to beilth and iigor thoilaands wbo are gironap an.l pronounoed incurable bv ihe most eminent old school physiciansj iniy. more thousands howereonthe verge of the grave, are novf litine rñomments tp the Indisn Herb's Dóotor's skill snd Buccessfnl treatment, andaré daily exclaimine: "B'ea si'd i.i. il, -day u-hen liist f saw and partout of tbo ludían Herb Doctor's medicine." .-atisfctory rcl'ercnrps of curea win bo eladlf ní olieerfully BTenihenevfT requlred !"r ll!''(i "■■-■ : -1 hi.n 'T, tlmt he rü.l i nnowiw direetlyorinrtireotly,fndnc or causo any invahd to tako his medicine vitliout Ih6tronires1 nrob ability of a cure. a ' , 's"1Ml'10 "f mlnatloB, whicli la entirely different rrom thefaonlty. Dr. [,y..n profe&iea to discern di','"';' bythoey. He therefore ask noquestions nor doeBhereqnlrepatientstoexpIainnTmptoo.!.. Palione , and ,-.H, ind hare thesrmpt,.m and looation of your ' filseaae explalned free of charge FrTl„. pp..i-t-liall beliberally consMcrwi L'1 ostolllce addreSB, box 261 3. Cleveland, Ohio, Not. !B. 1862. lytgo ' Trasges ! ■nurTtJRE CAN BK CUHED BT A TRlVs „f iba IV rigbt kind, f properly flitml and dulj attendcd to rhishasb'enBbuodantly .U-m.nmn.ici in innúmera ble instanccs by theuseofthe Multlpcflnl Trdss of Dr. mK;;;s, fliirm.; tlie Uwt fow rnn Thfs Trns beingoDTMid witti Har Rubber, ia prfectlv waterproof, mny bc aed in batliinir, aod is nlwavs eleanlv .is wellaaiitlestructiWe b.T otíliiMH'jr nnago sitis faotory fier a fair trial of sity day,, ,t may b'e rt . í"ow'L U cl"lllt'"ii's "omparison ivith any tra I Dr RKGS' uDícp, No. 2 BABOLAT Strest -A.t tention Company! rpHEBrm of Honre A Loomi, are now clotóng nn( 1 their buninosa n t is city. and al] Ihoso indi bted lo tlie arm, st ■ oy nota or bmilriid nt, roreMtui y inylted to calUnd Bettlo th sume immoaútely and save oost. ;; Af;,T the lOih, inat.. tho boolts andaccounte of sald ürm wil] be left wifh !llr n (..lo, ,.„e door nnrth oi MedRr. s(.,„!r ie j'bUm'iI iook.oro, FranMln Bloek, irho is duiv aathorlzed to Bcttl tne sanio. ... . moo::f. & LOOMrs, Ann Arimr, J,in. 7(li, 1893, ÍS9K Fruit asnd Ornamental TREES, .rr :lo"a7 peioes. mnE SLTJSCRIBERS afe no preparad to rrwivc m' deriforall kinds of Fruit anrt Ornamental Trees. Slirubs, IMunt, Flouers anti Vmos of cvhv dpscrilitioii an,l vaii.t.v. for the Fall of I8J2nnd Spring of 1868.- We ]inv a sio.i; how irr„-!nK, nuil ntcnii to niKke large importatlons fn.m time t timen the want m the country demand. We iu vit e the tieoplc to make thcmselrw ac (tunintcd wlthour faojlitiwfordoingliusiBeM.boforepuroliasiniteUeirhcre. We irwniii all vn. netej to be trun to name, and to l,p viroi-ouh and hraltliy sp.'cimena. AUcouunonicalioinwlllbppri iriptrmnde4to. Oar office Ü. In BogMs1 Agrlcuïtural Store, De trott t., Ann ArW.MIoli. DuBOTS, CAER & CO. Ann Arbor, Jane B4,tfilg, P."8tf Moucy fo Leiiil. F OAM FDRNiaH MONEY ,,„ „..oble lcr,„s abi I long time onLoodFkrm seenrity. Ann Arbor, Jul.y 22, 1SH2. g. (;(f' fiH-XTYri.BKi:s()mrF, 1 Ax.v AKR'iii, Keb. M ÍS6S ƒ T0II1, cüv ,.,n,l town.ln-,, Clerkofthe ,-„rtv of WaBtenw,,a-,eh-eïof m,lifi,,i that the irei! mx I, .-„„„mI i:,.,,„rt of tho Boperlnfndsnt ,f J'ullTê Instraotioo of th nat of Michigan. Aaa h,6n . ceived at . thi. nflloo, and is read? f,,r dwtpiWi! i Ui LC i " m % dieit.


Old News
Michigan Argus