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RIS DON & HEi DERSOJN Havo tSa.o 13 XJ O JESL E2 Y 315 GRAIN DRILL and G-rass Seed Sower, Manufuctured at Springfield, Obio. rpHE VERt Í.ATEST IMPROVEMENT, and betier tha X all otbers; a4apted to sowing Wliuat, Eve, Out. üarleyanüGrassStea. 1. as a Roidry Feeder. 2d. Will sow all kinds ff Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. Wever lunches the Grain Ulu Never Ireahs the G-min. 5th. Sovjs Grass Seed Iroadcast leMndtlie Drill. CfJi. Has lúgli wlieeh and long IToes. 1l7t. lias long and loide steel poinls. Sth. It has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and single rank drills. lOth. It Aas a self ad Justina shut o f slide: It is neatly and substantially made. "FIRST PliFMIUlíS." Ther are abooi as Imllscriroinntely bestoiveí! as the fltle ? jL.V ,, 'ï'V0'1, 'f "nU"ie applied to tLe litZrk. hmalack:' Thy i" to convoy tl.e Th I) Drill han be,:íi on Exhibitlon nt quite a number o StaleandConat, K:,irS, ,nd ithout oel ir,. ÍSlai? 0-1BHÍM reeeiv.a ,4 TESTIMOKIAUS : We glve the follomnpt Dames of a few Farmers fñ th'í T.cmity M have bought and used the JBucU-ve Drill ■ Godfrej Miller, Scio Jacob l'olherauj " tfacob ïremper, ' ■r'.oma, Nurtlifield. John ;Jl-okaw, ChriKtian Kapp 'i Edward liovtcn, Webster. James Treadwell, AnnArbor. Daniel O'Hiira, " " JobnG.Cook Iid(. O. A. Marshall, " L. Ivlmoii 's, Saline. Georgo Crojxoy, Green Oak, Liy. Co. We are alio Agonts for the Ohio Reaper & Mcwer, icl-nowledged tr bo the vcry bent In uso. We are just in recent of 100 Grain Oradles Wlikli vc wil! sen Cheap, AIso alargeassortraent o G-rass Scythes. Anil the largest and best selected stock of BENT STUFF FOR CABRIA6E9w befnre oiTeic] in thls markot. We aiso keo[) a I.irge and fu 11 NAILS, QLAS8, ITïTY, TAINT, and I.IN?EED OU.. A eoznplte aasortmnt of STOVES, TINWALE, Aiiorteucie0UCIIi:aI''V"-V!; " Iland aml put ur Etthe Act! Arbor, Juno ítli .lPíi-1. ,,;,,;,■ _r'-"""'-í-- - " ■'''- - ■■■-■-■.;-. ■■■_ iV.rj-í-rí"--.'. WoilM this ro"tlioil if infurmln lila olí frienús (iliíl i!iti-.s uj.l all otliprs wiio ma; furor hlm witli th(li-atf,n:,;,..tíi( liehaa greatly eaiargea h atocle na Assorí ment! imd baring1 adopted tíia CASO SYSTEM BOTÍÍ IN BÜYIK6 & PKLL1SG a preparefl lo cll Gooila n! ir . „,o Ö KKHMJÍ AND OTHEE WÈk-, lÍM TheCelebrated fcaiiL$ÉÊSLiï beth THOMAS ULOCKS! Fine Jewelry ïetts GOLD CriAIX?, T,PLE AKD POCKET CÜTLÉRY ! BOGKRS.PLATÉDWABE, th, tel h, m„, Goid Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAPER .-.nú i::yu.cvi:ï, Musical Instruments, Strings SrLnrd$ f„r butnCnfmti SPECTa. Ü "íi S ■ fio.'.-, Sííjr, ,1... anrf p;,,;„ ,r;,A PEiMSCOPIGGLASS, a si;iiu or tr:ic!e roraoR haviag rüffioult watcl-.ej toBtwIHi r-ln.. rió'té? acc"n')lUU"1. " W topU ... hirp, „f om ! S. Purtlcular attenllon to tli 3PtE3Ja.xara.3:rcc3r ofa!! kinds offino Watclios, s„cli es Makiüg an,] Setting new Jewels. Phiinit, Smjfs, cnl Clndn-t 4;, &&?v' 0r BLISS. Ann ibov,Xnv. 'Ij, 15(2 KKtt srr FAIRBAIÍKS' sa GSt (f1 R E?" i" s "vT'TJ5fc # a Un om S? ni : " "" "-Mi "'id-iknaM lïudt, Kier Prtmx, f,-. Fnüvauks? GrecuJcaí' & Co., J.'2 L.tXc Ctreot, ('Lirnffii. i:r.iu:v Pvrí[■n &iikxv. SöfBo crfu ta hny rnh J DR. RADWAY'S 1 I Ju Ij S MEWLY BISCOVERED PHINCIPLES IN PURGATION IR. RAIW.T'3 PILLS ATÏKTJIE CRSTTUnSATIV'. ; the Wdilii. mi il 1U0 ooljr Vegotablo aubathuta lot ('a omei or Mer nry ''ver discovrrO'l. nurpooid Bf Vegetable IxirnctsofCnmi, PlnnU, Iliiln, ltoot ni;l Flowers. T'jpy l'urgc- i.'loan-( - l'nriiy- Heul - ; n the-ruim- s-j-.Mit!ioji - Invigoatc - :unl Kogatate tho sston. Ï.V S Ut9 Ei JS'JT A TTCKS OF INFLAMMATION OP THE B0VVEI6 BILIOÜS CHOLIO. BiLIOUS FKVKIt. EEYBIPELA8, GOXQKSTIVE FEVKE y.UALL I'OX, MEASLÍS. KCAltLKT FEVEE, SIS TO EICÍHT FZI.Z.3 U'ill purgo tbc disci c from tho system Is SIX HOURS. Tf sdZ"' rt!i ellí ]■ of V.v a nv.iii-nil tlsea'9 let ix ur uiLht uf Dr. ]:.i i'Il.l.S bo t.i!en ;rt oncj. TAs imjlt rfase will carry tho pitiont out of daogsr. ITieir cunti mei usc, in sin il!ef Uosoi( will worlc a cjro. COATBD WÏTH GUM, riic.y iirn p'easni-to take. They operato pleasantly, nalir.lly, and thamufkty E.'ery (l(Me Lhat i; tikon t'wparU strengül to tho eufëebled -vsioin. üeiitg perfect purgativa tliey do nut .eavc tho towcii costive or the p:iticut weac. OIIE 03 TWO OF Dit. SAICWAY'S PItLá Will secure a good appoito and licalthy dijeslioi], TO THUSE WHO TAKE PITLS, IR. RADWAT'S riI.LSwillhof'm'HlHuiniprovr-nn-iiton iü pui-g itivo or catbartlc pilla in ue. O ie or two pilU ■vil! bc füimd pndicicut t koop ihe bowela refiuUr ; and il cai os wiicrc a brlsk dperatloa h dedired,SiX 10 KIüHT Vill ín six hours thoroughly purge. ONE TO SIX BDXE3 WILL CURE OSTIVENESS, DYSPEr.SU, ONSTIPATION, MEASLES. ONGESTION, MELANCIIOLt, IEART DISEAPE9, HVSTERIOS, ISEASES OF KIDNEY aMENOHRÜCEA, AND ULADDEU, FAINTING, ISEASES OF LIVER, DIZZÍNESS, ILIOUSN'ESS, RUSH OF BLOOD TO TFHLS FEVER, THE IIEADj Ilrr FEVEIl, OBSTRUCllON'S, MAL1ONANT FEVER, KETENTION OF URINE LOSS OF APPETIT13, DRorSY, INDIGESTIÓN, ACUTE ERYSIPELAS, INFLAT.IMATIO, HEADiOHÈ, PALFITATIONS, HAD BEEATH, CAKLET FEVEP., INFLAMMATION OF niLIOUS FEVER, THE IXTESTINES, .MUNDICE, AFOFLEXY, CONGESTIVE FEVEIÍ., ENLARGEJIENT OP SLEEFLESSNESS, THE SPEEN, GENERAL DEBILITY, BCURVT, DIM.NE5S OF S1GHT, WHOOPIHO COUGH, FITS, WOR.MS, LOWNESS OF SPÏRllS, BAD DREAM8, QU.NSEY, FLi:UEISY. Afl .ilso íill Compiniuts of AVomcn, sucti as Hystfrla, LeacjirHcea or Whlíes, Wenken i í$ DbHjhltrgef, CUhiro ts, JrrrsmiftrHIes, Muppressloii of tlie Mmss, Inilaminatloii of Uic Womii ■ B:i!ritMvOlJncuit .llenátritaíiotijari'] a 1 otlíer Ms'eadea tñ'Oo típtalnta procFaCed hy cossive di-eh-iriío-s or ffttpprösewii of the Menees. lAiJes whn riestre to avoid i'io gnÁbrings and incon. renitíDces f th'sc lrregntarHles, nr nr.uiic dbstructions, sh'uid nrit. omit to regúlate thcir pytema by taeani ofoneoH twoWRA0WAYd rtlJiS.oncoor twica a wüeic, !inl thu ti ■ freo frnm t!io miny find preat lütuuvftiioucei to which lames are gcneruüy subject. WEIGH FACTS. DOCTOR RADWAY invites the aUentlon of the intelligent realer to the f act here preseoted, showtog tho Miperíority of liiá PILIS, d purgatives, over all uther piils or purgativo medicines la use. THEIR GREAT COMBIXATIOXS. They are Ap-írient, Tonta, Lix ,tvo. A't rative, Stimjlaut, Counter Irntaut, Sudonfic. AS EVACUANTE, Tlieyaro moro rertau anl thorou-h than tlie Dratla Pilis ot' Abe--, or Crotón an 1 Harletn Oil, ur Liaterium ; and moro soothiag and licnllng thau Senu.i, or Kbubarb, or Tamariudá, or Castor 0l. AS AI.TKRATIVrS, They exercise a more povrerfiil influence orcr the liver and ts secretions than calomel, morcury, blucpill.henoo their impoi tance in ci=05 ofl.iver Complaints and Spleoa Difflcaltie-i, J lundice, Dyspe'psi i, Bilious Attacks, Headaclic, &c. In the treatmeat of Kevers, eit'jr Bilioa Yollow,Typhoid, and othr radiici g Fever-t, they are Buperlor to qnmitie. Tlieir InOuenee eïtends ovor th onti-o syst8m,control]ing. strengtüeniag, aod bracmí up the relaxed and wasting onejíi.js, nnd regiilatlng alf the secretion;-; to the Dntiirttl performnnce oí' lülít datíes, cleaastDg and piuifying Ure blood.anij purglog froji tü eystcm all dirfüuáod deposita ;:u.l impuro hum ra. the catjse (Mr rzi,T:s. A large dose f t'io Draatlo Pilla w;, hy Ipritating tlia' mu(;ons membrane, pro luce a vfilent expulsi m of tho comeuts in the bnveis, but :n s itoing otliar secreÉiouj ure BUápeuded. I;i Buch cisoí. thu siools wil be found tobelight-cqlore'iandwatery,andtto)dodwirticramsy griptDgpaiQS, nuu-ea, Bickness. lly t is increased udnatural actidj) of the b iwola. tho n-oretions of tho kidneys and pancreas aredtninlahed.follon-eil byaffactioo nCthekidnoyi, bladder, mvilini. p:ii-. tesesmiu, general profittratton, oouiiveueiM, sflü íúiuáUíu. Why Hadway's Filis Care Email Fox. In tmall Poi, So-trlet Kever Krysipela, Vellftw.Ty. plioid and othcr reduHng Fevers, pitküatotv is hikly HSSm'ial. Rut to adminitL'r a d"-n ni Dcasnr Piits tba irritation thoy would iv.uitico nud tlm n-lixalion aud depletion that would fillow, vroniil be Mkcly tu prove I'atJil. If physiciafi, in thesi1 Caffe4,.wniild 'g've RADWaY'S PILIS, they would alwiy-i rare their patlents. in these diseaaes a mild, -tnothing, henllug nmi (rontly stimulatins laxuive is reuil. red, wuicü js aaeored bv JíDW'AY'S I'ILLS. Why Imperfect PiJ3s Gripe. The cálice of g; ipinp, nun-ica, Picknrs-, tenRmus an-t deb hty, that is luduced by n duneofdrasttc pil:s,Howinii Kuhfir Imporfeet operation If w tli üu facet, the diseased humors, le&ctrculatiug in the Rystem, were expellci by tliose pilla, ihore woulit it" but littlo pain ur gripinp. It h the ahdeno of the btte mui other hiiremrs which tho Imperfect pilla Hú t- jmrge out of the slera that occ isíoüs tfio p:iiu. liy examining rhe sttubln cvacuated after sevcre griping they will be f imd t!iin aud watery. THE T-RXTE PILIiG TO TAEE The on'y safe pilU to t:iko arr f)r. fl i'!w,iy'-, bne.iim they ure the only pilis thátseuiire purtrati n without depletion, and ttxpvl diseased luiniors fWm tí system CAS2 OV DY3PFP:iA C"1ED. For rrnny ypars I have been atflldci wlth nr nníional ooraplaint, cilio i Iy8pep3l i--rav suffcrtiiK-i hava b;en a consUnt BnccessHn t liornas. I hive BimH tl musa mis of dulTir-ï wilh tip hopo oí rmlising fe imitv oomfort and tr mquilliry. Al top ihmii raile t m relicvo mfi, untii I oommonced tn dei i '" t1"1 u licto'w a-Vvico you gave me en i!io 6th nïApru 1?RH. ' And r, nfu-r usina your l'ills, l feel lifca :t hw raan. u.íhí i ph ya and máy thi lettör Iniluoe otheT siitlprínrr victima to ttila accuriid niaiaiJy r to tvy the Biim ■ m ■ in Yoiir.-; feryentiy, W CARPKXTOR. CATTPEiTBlTttW, - J.,Jïrfl Ifltb, JHessrs. hadway L Co. , A'. F. ■ ity. Letter from Dr. Galmtn Sklaoior Xkw Vokk, J muary, L890; tuvii, l'irn:)i p-t- '"ir j?, nd yoir rmitAdiejftiid li iv i irn imeaitfiU thfm M othtírs i - üi :,r CoMPLAi.vfR, 1 vnioRsii , i ■,-■■■ . I concite. the Kea'ly Kelief juni U(L'iil;iti'ij.r Pil' ld tnioquaiec) llic Rpj ulatiiiK Til is art) mil 1 in thi-ir operati)i] aul thiu'ouuljlv fffcctivo. r The Ürstï)uM I larjife io-nrli t ■ pnppntf or flve, uni pacli Bticcèssive ii' lw ■ imini iwA ui, pi 1, untii réAaeed i-i one', au i t.u'M ronwite i pv ;lv i4y (br a week or ten davs, A perrauwin cu e w.ji Nufeiy follow. YniTTs, ftc, PTi f. s::txxki;. jny Ir. ITnfTVrïT's ftfllft mv fn 1 fy - ffTsts nnrt Tti-cpors In ;-itf!is.. Eaeh Hox rouinln ÏO rïlls. I'rloe 25 ut, ter Jiox. For Palo by STËBBÏ&9 & WILSON DWBtXlfíG FOR. SALE ! TFYOtTwirt to fcuj n gnort two-atory briclt ílwpWnir, x oonVpnipnt fi t lio huMnoss jiart of t)i" City, witt and yard well stocked ivitli chnice FniitofaiJ kini's, pplos. J'cnrs, Peaches Pluma, RimpTjerrieí, Ornampntal tr"fs, Slirubberj, -c. , tVc. ÍTKiutr1 nt thft ov. 14. ÍSfi-3. ARGÜS OFFICE. Ayer's Sarsaparíilak


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