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HO 11 AC E WATERS, AGENT 3 3 3 Broadwaj-, N e w Y o v k Publlslier of Dlualc mxl flluslt' Books AND D&ALRB UI Pianos, Molodeons, Alexandro Orgar.s Organ Accordeons, Martin's celebrated and other Guitars, Violius, Tenor Ytols, Violincellus, Accordeons, Flutinas, Flutcs, Files, TrianglesClari-iiivlt.-:, Timing Forks.Pipes airlUainmers, Violin I3ows, best Italian Strings, Biiss Instruments for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. J3 ta. o o t M ia. S i o, ! fromlïthepnbli8hera In the U. P., linimi's Jlnnim's, il;ill kinds of'Instrnotion Booka ibove instrumenta; Church Siüsic Books; Uusio elegantly iiound; Mu.-ic paper, and all kinds of llusic ,.lisc, A t t ii e JL o w e s t Prices. New Pianos, t $175 Í200, $225, $250, an.l av to S?00. Secoml Hand l'innus From ï'-5 up to 100; Naw Melodeoas, Ï46,1 $00 75,1OO. and up to 2l tena $80tot80; MexandreOrgans, witn flvesto] thirtecn stops, 250, 275 and 320 and $375; A liberal discount .... SabbatU Sol Is, Sei i&iarii and Teachers. Ine Trade sjwpaed t the usual trad an+a Tcatliuonlal of tlic llórate Waters Planos anti Mclodcoiis. JolmlTcwott.of Carthar,New Tfork, irho has-had oneof the BoraecWatera Pianos, ipriteeasfollowB: - A frierid of mlnë wishesme tapurehasea piano for her. he likes the one you sold me in DeoembeF'r1866. :, cornil) iivpular in tln.s place, and X think I luce one ur two more; thoy will be more popii. lar than any other maUo." "We have two of WateTs' Pianoa ib use m ourScmi. nary, one of which bas boon sevtiicly tdflted lor tlircc ri ara aiül we can tetify to thair .ï"1 qulitr and dnrability."- Wood 4 Qregory, Mouni Carroll, III. "II, Waters, Esq. - DHAR Sm: Having uned oneof your Piano Fortea for twoyeaw past. I havo fonnd it a veiv superior Instrument. Aloxzo Geat, Principal BraoWyn He'fkls Seminary. "ThG Tiano I received from yon ontianes to give atïsfaction. iei;ardit aa one of the best instrumente in the 1 iLCtARKü, Ckmann, Va. irritod. I foei obllgedto you ; f,iy our liberal diecount." Kev. J. M. McCormk-1;, YarijuavillcS, C. '■The piano was iluly recoived. Itcamo in excellent condition, and ia vi-rv' mucli admired by my numero ut family. Accept mv t'hank.s for your promptness."- ROBSBS CoOPB&i Wdrrmham, Sratljoed Co. Pa. "Your piano pleaüos ns well. It is t!ie bet une in our ' county."-Tno::iS A. I,ati;am, CamphslUon, Cm. "We are much obliged to you for liaving sent BHCli a ñne instrument forJ$260." - Bka.k,IIi:i.d & Co., Buifalo Democrat. "The Horace Waters piano? are knonm as aiaonf tne very best V.'e aro enabled to 8p e natruments Witb cuníi. lenco, IVom personal knowledge of their excellent tone nd durable quality." - JT, Y. BvangtUtt. "We can sl.ealí of the raerits of (ha Horace Wal; is anos f rom personal nnowienga, as uui% u,u ) " qualitj."- Chruiíar, IntcWgcncer. ...... v , , "TI. o Iloraee V. ,;ters pianos are o.udt of the best and most [ImrouRlilv easonea material. We have no doabl thalnivnrs an do as wolUperlmps better, at fnisthan at anv otííerhouse m tlif i.', i.i,.."- Advocate aid Journal. ' Waters' pianos and me'.oileor.s challenge unapariaon with tho liuest minio anj-wlicre iu the country."- Komi "Horace TVaters' Piano FoirUs are of ful!, noh and eren tone, and powerfal-iV. Y. Musical Revcw "Our friendi will ftnd at Mr. Waters' store the rei-y bcst assortaent of Music and of Pianos to be found ín the üntted States.and we urge onr soutnern and wertern Wonis to ffive liim a cali -Klienever tliey go to New y0 rk . i t-Graham's Magazine. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. SabbathSchool Bell, 100,000 issued in ten Montlis. Tlie unprecederted salo of thisborit has imluced the nuSlisher to aa some 30 new tuneeattd hymn to its ptesent stee, without extra charge, except on the oheap edi,j„r Amongth. ! n ; HuHimes and hymns added mar be fouhd:- "I ""ïht to lovc my mother; "O 1 11 be a irood chiM.hiaeeil mil." T1h-.'u,m1 Mit otters from the Bell, wire ung at ttarBundr School AnoiTCr. jarv of the M. E. Church at the Aeulemy of Muaic, wrth preit applausê. The BeU ooutains nearly 200 tuMS ffld hvtnn.-.'md is one C tbe best ooUeetron. ovi,1(... Frice e; S10 por hundre, postje 4c öegantly bound. LOO it luis boca ntroduced intomnny of the Public Sc' ols. . u is imbüshedinr.mall numhera ontitled AnniïMsaryana Buoáay School tueic Books, Nos 1, 2 3, & ■' in order toceommodate the milllon: pnce ti s J per h'undred No 5 will soonbe ssued- commencement of another book. Al, evival Hule Books, No, I í. 1 -ice SI í- ",2 per 100 postare le. More tha.i 00,000 01 Im of the above boÓVs líate been issueil the nasi eighteen montlis, and the demand is rapidly incrcasing. PabtoM br uoRAci, WATEB8i Asent; ■u Broadvray, N. V. Publised by Horaco Waters Ko. 33 3 Broadway, Tfew York. Vocal "Kind Worda can never tlie;" "Tl.e Angels told me so-''1 "Wllds of the West;" "Thoughts oi God;' '■Gn-ame back rny Mountain Homo;" "l'ny preiuns; 'l'-.i .!!■,- Cöck Robin;" "I'm vrith thee tiJlj'Tei i "There'sno darflng Uke mine;" "Saiab Jane Lee; 'Et. er pf thee:'! "I'm leaTJngthee in Sorn.-.v;" "Birtl of Beauty;" ''Home of our birthj" "Cvave cf Rosabel' ana 'Wake. lady, wake,.' prioe 2$ceacn. LNSIEDMKXTAI.- "Palace (urden, or P.nging B.rrt Polka,' 40c; "Siftaging Schottische;" "Mirabel Schot;" Thomas Baker'a Schottisehe;" "Piocolomin: Poft 35 cent eacli. The abovo [..eers have beau Mul Visnt'ttee " Welraer Polka ;" "Arabian Wai oryMarch, the verylant1 "VaBsovinnna Doniells Mazurka; "Reali ini Polka" '"Crinoline Waltz," and "Lancera' Qaa ilrHlo " 35f' rach "ïhé Empire nf Reich's Quadrille;" a new daice, and "The Hibernian ftuadiiUe " SSceach Manv.l théae piece are played by Baker's eetobrated Ofehest ra with great Mailed free. A largelot of Foreign Music at half pno. Piano?, Sleloílec'is ad Organs. Tlic Horace Watsrs Pianos and Meloaeona.fl deptli, purity nf ti. iic nn.l Surabilitj, are unsarpasaad. Pnces vorv low i-coiirt Hand l'i:in.s :.:] Melodeóns from S',5 to S150 MasicandMuBical rnntruction "f ;!1 kinds, atlhe I, Avoit tices. HOB ;:-AslvlfV r No, 838 Broadway.N. V. Testimon'UIS; "The Horace Watera l'iauos ave knowi asamongtlieTsrybeít.' - Evangelist. .-lïrtn siienli of their merite from personn knowl eiïge." - CkristUax InleUrgcncer. "Nothingat the Fair displuyeJ greater excellence -"- Churchman. , 1'h.r.os and SIeloaeona challenge oompariao vrlth tho made anywhercin the country ."-" SCHOFF & MIL LEtt , RBSTILLONHAND at tiiirold Stand, A No. 2, Franklin Elock, wltjl themostrap!otc assortmout of Books and Stationery, PERFUMEE! ES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, KOLLEES, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNIOES, CURTAINS, IIOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in tliis Márket ! ana they woulil suggest tothose In puvsuit t,f anythingin SANTA CLAUS' LINE that thcy can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purehanlng from this slock, as eoih purcliaser gets an additional present oE Jeifelry, to. , Eanging invalue irom 50 ets. to $50. Tiicvtrust that tlicirlons o-)pri(iiice lawlecttiig goorts forthis market.and triot attantion to the wants fCutomerB,my entitle thero to a liberal share o, Patronage. "T-tr AnnArbor.Deo. 6. 1860 'nU Demand Treasury Notes For which w p.y M. OUITERMAN & Co , Ann Arbor OctoljiT 3, 18B2, GREAÏ.GREATER GREATEST BAüGálNS EVER OFEEREÜ 1859. Ji859. In tbisCity, are now being offered at the CIIEAP,CLOCK,WATCn, & jewelry Store 111! E Stibscribr r wnuldeny to tbc citizonsol Arn Ar boi' in particular, and the rc.t ut Wustucnnw Countvinceneral, tliat hehasjual lMPOliTED DIRECTLÏ trom EUROFE.a Tremendous Stock of Watcbcs! AU of which in binrtsbünselfto Mil CHEAPEH tban on be bought wef of Haw Vork City. Open Face Cylinder Wutches Irom 80 to SlO do do Lever dn do 8 to 21 Ilumine Cu,do do 14 to 35 do do Cyünder do dü 9 to 28 Gold Watehes from 20 to 150 I have alao tne CELEBRATED AMERICAN WAT CHES, which I wlll seil ttr .J35. EvaryVvatch warranted to Derform wcll, ortho monoy retunded. Clociis, Jewelry, Piated Wnre, FancyGood. Gold Pens, MusicallñstrumentB aud rttrings, Cutlcry, 4rc, and in Tact a varifty of cvtu y tiii. UdUally kept jy Jewelerscan be bought forthe next ninety days at yur OWN TRICES! Persons bnyingr nuything ñt thU wcll known cstablíshme ntcan rly upon getting goocl exact'y ns reprccent'd, ortheinony refundid. Oailearly and secure the beat bnrgains fer oítered Ín thif City One word in regard to Rcpairing : We are prepared to malte any ropaira onfine or comíTion Watchcs.flvcn to mnkinüc or the en ti re watcli, If necesaary, Tírpniring of Clocks and Jewelry as usual. A]so the man nfac tarín C ni RINGS, JiROOCíIS, or auythiníí dea tred, from California Goïd on short notice. Eojrraflra in allits branchesesceuLed withneat.e...nddl.p.teh. i „ WATT8 Anu Arbor, Jsn. 26thlf59. 7í4w Important Katiocal Wcrka, Publishcd bv D. Al'H.ETON ir TO., 346 AND 343 BROADWA.YNEW YORK The following works are sentto Subscribcrs in any part f th; country, (upon receipt of retaiiprice,) by mail nTÍíÍi'v a'mf.riaw cyct.opdia: a 'opular Dicli'n;irv of t ncr; l Knowïertge. iMited by , ■. . , ■■ a íí es a. Da.v., aiilcd by a numerous ïeleci corps of writers in all branches cf Sciences, Art ni'l Uterature. Thia worfc is being publishea in about octavo volumes, eah containing TSOtwo-coiumn papes" Votó. I., IL, UI-, IV' V., VI., Vil., VIlï.,,v IX. xrt iio'.v ready, each containing near 2.500original arti -les. An additioaal volume wiil be pu'.lished unce in ibout three monthR. Price,ia Cloth, Ö; Sheep, $3.60; Half r.ussia, S4.50 euch; 6 The New Anaerican ('vclnpxdia ia popular without benp uperöeiflL, learoed witkout beiug peda at ie, compreLciently detaíjed, frefrom personal pique n- partj prejudicè, f;-'is)i and yet accurate. It is a complete 'slrtipinwit offtll that is knOirb apon everyiinportant topic withjn the scope of human iníelligeuce. - i;%-v--v importan! article in it has been apeeially wntten for ts pages by men who are au thoritfes pon thïtopic on whiclithey speak. Tbey are re quireO to brraif th Kiiri]ect np to the present moment; to statejust huw it stamls nnw. All the statiatioftlinfonnatioii is fromthe lateet report; the geographical acconnta keep pace wlth the latest explorationi hfstorteal matteta inolude the , ■ w; tho blographical notices ada ak not on!y of the dead but alsö of the living. It is a hbrary uf taelf AiïIUDGEIHEiïT OF THE DEBATES OF COSGRKSS Being a FolÜical History of the United Sities, fxota tlui organization of the. first Federal Coni:"to 1856. Eflitedaní compilo! by Hun. Tuo. ■ sxTONjfroin the Oflleial Records of Congress. Thejrorkwul becompïted ia 15 royalootavo volume? f 700 pageseach, 11 of whieh are now r.eady. An adtlonal volume will be publisht-rl once in threemontlis. Cloth,' $3; aw Sheep, Half Mor., $4; Half t!f. Í4.50 euch. V:.T ÓF PROCURTNG THE CYCLOP.EPIA ORDEBATKS Form a club of foar, and remit theprice of four books, nd five copies wíU be sent at the remitter's oxpenrtefor arriage; ot for ten aubscribers eteven copias will b ent at our expense for carriage. To AgrnfS. N"o otherwork will so liberlïy rewnnUhe excHions f ygents. An Aoest vastkb i thb Cocnty Tams made known on appÜtation to the l'ublishers. Ann Arbor, March. 1859. 6902amt Bev. THOS. Wmuur, agent at Kinne & Smiths Book Store, Ypsilanli. L am 3ound for IGÜIMlfüCO'S! Dispute tlie fact if yon can, It takes the TAILOll after all to give appearance to the outcr man. If jou wish to appear wcll Yim must accordlngly Dres3 Wel!. Go to Bi. Giüterman & Co's,, There you will find tbings exaotly SO. SOND tl EI2T iiWüys ready to taKe yonr mensure, GÜITERMAN will scll you Goods with grent plaasnre, At figures L0WER than yod will find in ihe State, Tuke heed - oall eaui.y, else you are too LATE. The inducements are now greater than ever, Our Clerks you will find obliging and clever. We will show you ffood CLOTIIING oí our own cetting up, Filling our Store from Bottom to rop. STUDENTS especially will find it to TH Kilt ADVANTAdi:, For it takes bat LITTLE MONEY to replenitih. 1500 0VERG3AT8 of Clotb, Beavor, and Bear, Warranted for alniost ever to wear. COATS of Clotli and Cassimere of our OVVIl nlPORTATlON. Forwarded through our New York rolatiope. From Englnud, Belgium, Germany and France, Such as you oan stand up ix. or wear, at the dance. Fants ! Pants ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fancy GASSIMERBS and DOESKIN oí every grade, We sel) tliem irom ONE DOLLAR up tO EIGIIT. VESTS, &C, of every description, You will fina it so without fietion, FnrDiehing appakelr From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This is all we sav now, Therefore we make our bow. Yours truly, ever so, M. GÜITERMA.N. & Co.,


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