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The Michigan Argus

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Published evcry Friday morning,in thethird storj (i jhe brick bíock, coruerot' Main and Hurón Ms.. ASH R.HOK, Mich. Kntrunceon Hurun otreet, ono.-iie tin fraaklin. jjXIflU B. POND, Editor and Publisher. Tenus, $1.5O a Year In Ad vanee Adrertlslng-One square (12 lines or less), one ■eet, 50 cents; and 25 eebto for every iuaertion therefter, lens tlia.n three montlis. One square 3 mos $3.00 Quarier col. 1 yoar $C0 Oao KJtare 6 moa 5.00 Half column 6 mos 18 One sqaara 1 yoar 8 0) Halfcolumn 1 vear 35 TiVO.sti'res fi mos 8 t0 f'ni; column d mu. 36 Two sq'res 1 year 12,00 One column 1 year 60 %-& ulvcrtist-inents unaccunujanieil bj wiitten or vífb.iMirectinu will be nubhshed until ordered out, mi -i cliarjíi accurdingly, UgAi a'lveitisfin'-uts, first inserlion, 50 cents ppr folio, 25 cent per falto tor enclt Rub.-iequeiit ii serlio WiiBj potttpcnement isadded to an a'ivertisement the Thyle ill be charged tbosüme as for fir&tinsertion. Job Prlnlliig-Pamplilets, Hand Bills, Circulara, Cards, íí.ill Tickets, Labels Blankn, Bill Heads, and othcr variutius of Pluinaii'l Pancj Job Trinting, execu{id "th proitipiness, and in lh be t style Card- Wc h&vea HuggloR Ro'ary Card PreBs,and a la'rTanoty -f th-Utest styles of Card type whïch enableaus to j.rïnt Canls of nll kinds In the neatest pofliiblestyie and che%per tlian anj other house in the city. Business ard for mi n of allavocations and pro f(ioDflvBaU, Wedding ndd ViaÜing Curda, printed on ihortnotice. Cali and sce samples. BOOK BI'DIG- Connededwith theOÍTice isa Boot Hin lery m chargi of two competent vfurkmen.-Coiintr Records, Ledgcrs, Journal, and all Biank Books made Et order, and of the best stock. Pamphleta nnd Prio'liculs bound in a noal :m'l durable mannor, at Petroit prices. En trance to lïitdery ibrough tbe Argus Office.


Old News
Michigan Argus