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The severul Ward Boards of Registratiun will meet on Saturday, April 4th, at tbc following places : 1st Ward - at Sorg's Puint Sbop. 2d " " Cook's iïotel. 3d " " the office of N. B. Nye. 4th " " Firemen's Hall. 5tU " " the Washtenaw House. Tho Rcssions will commenee at 8 o'clock, A. M., aud close at 8 o'clock, P. M. If you hare moved nto tho city since the last electioD, see that your Dame ia registered in tbe Ward ia which you reside. If yon have moved from one Ward into nnother since the last election see tliat your name is registered. If you have become of age since the last clection soe that your name is regis tored. If you have " deelared your inten tions " since the last electioa Boe thal your name ia registered. Cp The Directora of the Ann Arbor City Bank have elected Chas. II. Riciimond Onshicr, and J. W. Knigiit Assistant. Mr. Riciimond hns, we understand, had considerable experience in the banking line, atd Mr. Knigiit is known as one of out inost competent and correct business men. Wo uuderstsnd that tho bank is to open business in the store in Hangsterfer's Bloek occupied by Dean & Co., that firm having rented tho corner store uow occurjied ' by Ilangsterfer. Mr II. removes his uoufectioiiory rooinup stairs. D'"2T There are a great many rumors from Vicksburg, but really nothing defi nite. The Yazoo expediiion is progressing, and promises to trouble the enemy ; water is running íd the Lake Provideuce canal ; a portion óf Com. Farragut's fleet has passed Port Hudson, and we may look for startling newi - when we get it. Let it be good, and soon. Ly A portion of the Ninth Army Corps has broken camp at Nowport News, aud is reported en route to join the new command of Gen. Blrnside, and have probably already arrived at Cincinnati. We supposo that the riecond, Eightb, Seventeenth and Twentieth Michigan regiinents are among the number. JpX" Maj Gen. E. V. Sdmner died at Syracnse, N. Y., on Saturday rnorning last, oí congestión of thelunga. - Gen. 8. had juut been appointed toRiicceed Gen. Curtís in command of the departraent of the West. He was a bravo, aceomplished, and patriotic officer. gZSr Tbe Irish exile John Mitchell dow edita the Richmond Enquirer - Ho in the only Irishman of note who adhoros to the lortunbs oí the Confederacy. L" The bill wh ch finally pasged the Leigisliiture regulating the eleclion of Regenta of the Urnveríitv dropped the district system - frorn compulriion. The eight candidatea having tha highest number of votes will be eleoted, do matter where they live. ISC Capt. James B. Fry, ol Ger, McDowïll's staff, ha been appointed Provost-Marshal General, under the conscription lavr, with rank of Colonol. Dis headquartera are to be at Washington. t i - i I - i mi L3F Rev. Georqe Taylor has refigned the ehaplincy of the Eighth Michigan lnfantry, and returned to his reaidence io thia city. 111 heakh cornpellud bim to tbis course. E Hon. A. W. Buell, meniber of the Housa from Oakland county, died at Lansing on the 21at inst. Goinq Down. - Gold dropped on Tuesday to $1,45, and on Weduesday to $1,40. Will goods, &c. &c, follow suit ?


Old News
Michigan Argus